public ActionResult Index() { ViewBag.msgSuccess = TempData["msgSuccess"]; ViewBag.msgError = TempData["msgError"]; List <SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO> res = new List <SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO>(); if (!(bool)Session["IsSuperAdmin"]) { res = repo.GetGaleryByUserId((int)Session["Id"]); } else { res = repo.GridBind(); } List <SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO> resNew = new List <SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO>(); if (res.Count > 0) { var arry = res.Select(i => new { createdBy = i.CREATED_BY, eventTitle = i.SBH_TM_NEWS.TITLE }) .Distinct().OrderByDescending(s => s).ToArray(); foreach (var item in arry) { SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO glr = new SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO(); glr.CREATED_BY = item.createdBy; glr.DESCRIPTION = item.eventTitle; //use field description to declare event title resNew.Add(glr); } } return(View(resNew)); }
public ActionResult ActionCreate(SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO galeryView) { string a = Request.Form["storeImage"]; try { string encodedString = Server.HtmlEncode(galeryView.DESCRIPTION); galeryView.DESCRIPTION = encodedString; galeryView.USER_ID = (int)Session["Id"]; galeryView.CREATED_BY = Session["UserId"].ToString(); galeryView.CREATED_TIME = DateTime.Now; List <string> lString = CData.GetListString; rs = repo.AddAll(galeryView, lString); if (rs.IsSuccess) { rs.SetSuccessStatus("Data has been created successfully"); TempData["msgSuccess"] = rs.MessageText; CData.CleanDataString(); } else { rs.SetErrorStatus("Data failed to created"); TempData["msgError"] = rs.MessageText; } } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); rs.SetErrorStatus("Data failed to created"); TempData["msgError"] = rs.MessageText; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult ActionEdit(SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO galeryView, HttpPostedFileBase postedFile) { try { string encodedString = Server.HtmlEncode(galeryView.DESCRIPTION); galeryView.DESCRIPTION = encodedString; galeryView.LAST_MODIFIED_BY = Session["UserId"].ToString(); galeryView.LAST_MODIFIED_TIME = DateTime.Now; rs = repo.Edit(galeryView); if (rs.IsSuccess) { rs.SetSuccessStatus("Data has been edited successfully"); TempData["msgSuccess"] = rs.MessageText; } else { rs.SetErrorStatus("Data failed to edited"); TempData["msgError"] = rs.MessageText; } } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); rs.SetErrorStatus("Data failed to edited"); TempData["msgError"] = rs.MessageText; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Detail(int id) { SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO res = new SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO(); res = repo.Retrieve(id); return(PartialView(res)); }
public ResultStatus AddAll(SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO galery, List <string> listString) { using (var dbContextTransaction = _ctx.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { foreach (var item in listString) { SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO galeryNew = galery; galeryNew.PHOTO_PATH = item; _ctx.SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO.Add(galery); _ctx.SaveChanges(); } dbContextTransaction.Commit(); rs.SetSuccessStatus(); } catch (Exception ex) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); rs.SetErrorStatus(ex.Message);; } } return(rs); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO res = new SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO(); ViewBag.GetNewsList = repo.GetNewsList(); ViewBag.GetUserList = repo.GetUserList(); res = repo.Retrieve(id); return(PartialView(res)); }
public ResultStatus Add(SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO galery) { try { _ctx.SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO.Add(galery); _ctx.SaveChanges(); rs.SetSuccessStatus(); } catch (Exception ex) { rs.SetErrorStatus(ex.Message); } return(rs); }
public ResultStatus Delete(int id, string modifiedBy, DateTime modifiedTime) { try { SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO news = _ctx.SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO.Find(id); news.LAST_MODIFIED_TIME = modifiedTime; news.LAST_MODIFIED_BY = modifiedBy; news.ROW_STATUS = eStat.fg.NotActive; _ctx.Entry(news).State = EntityState.Modified; _ctx.SaveChanges(); rs.SetSuccessStatus(); } catch (Exception ex) { rs.SetErrorStatus(ex.Message); } return(rs); }
public ResultStatus Edit(SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO galery) { try { SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO galeryNew = _ctx.SBH_TM_GALERY_FOTO.Find(galery.ID); galeryNew.PHOTO_PATH = galery.PHOTO_PATH; galeryNew.DESCRIPTION = galery.DESCRIPTION; galeryNew.NEWS_ID = galery.NEWS_ID; galeryNew.USER_ID = galery.USER_ID; galeryNew.LAST_MODIFIED_TIME = galery.LAST_MODIFIED_TIME; galeryNew.LAST_MODIFIED_BY = galery.LAST_MODIFIED_BY; _ctx.Entry(galeryNew).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; _ctx.SaveChanges(); rs.SetSuccessStatus(); } catch (Exception ex) { rs.SetErrorStatus(ex.Message); } return(rs); }