/// <summary>
        /// the programs constructor. This is where you want to do all the setup for your runtime environment, preferably all your code.
        /// </summary>
            // create a dictionary mapping from a jobs name to job objects
            // the interval will get sanitized to multiples of possible programmable block update frequencies
            var jobDict = new Dictionary <string, RuntimeEnvironment.Job>()
                    "jobname",                                              // the name your job uses. used for output.
                    new RuntimeEnvironment.Job(
                        _Action: MyJobFunction,                             // the function to be called when your job is active. Needs to be "state machine compatible"
                        _RequeueInterval: 22,                               // after how many ticks function will get executed again. this gets sanatized to multiples of 1,10 or 100
                        _active: false,                                     // is your job active from the start?
                        _lazy: true,                                        // if true, your job will not switch the Environment into a fast tick mode (assuming it isnt already at updatefrequency 1)
                        _AllowToggle: true,                                 // is the user allowed to toggle your job off, using the "toggle" command?
                        _AllowFrequencyChange: true                         // is the user allowed to change the frequency of your job using the "frequency" command?

            // create a dictionary mapping from a commands name (i.e. the part before the first space, if any) to command object
            var commandDict = new Dictionary <string, RuntimeEnvironment.Command>()
                    "command",                                                          //the string that should be the first part of your command. no spaces allowed
                    new RuntimeEnvironment.Command(
                        _Action: MyCommandFunction,                                     // the function to be called when the string is encounted
                        _MinumumArguments: 0,                                           // the minimum number of arguments (apart from itself) your command expectes. 0 is the default
                        _UpdateType: UpdateType.Terminal                                // the update type your command will be run on. defaults to a user pressing the run button

            // create the Environment with a reference to the Program
            Env = new RuntimeEnvironment(
                _ThisProgram: this,                     //you need to hand over a reference to the calling program so the environment can control frequencies
                _Jobs: jobDict,                         //the dictionary you created above
                _Commands: commandDict,                 //OPTIONAL: the command dict you created above
                _EchoState: true,                       //OPTIONAL, default false: whether the enviroment should display its state in the terminal every tick
                _DisplayState: true                     //OPTIONAL, default false: whether the enviroment should display its state on the running PBs screen every tick

            //the environment can load its state from the PBs internal Storage String, assuming you did save it.