Пример #1
        public void RunReport(string report, string parameters, RunrepResultTypes resultType)
            if (_soapService == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(_sessionID))
                throw new Exception("You must start the SOAP Service session before running a report.");

                if (resultType == RunrepResultTypes.Literal)
                    // Run the query, getting the results back into a generic object for iterating.
                    object returnValue = _soapService.RunCallableRunrepRunReportLiteral(_sessionID, report, parameters);

                    // Serialize the results to the screen.
                    XmlDocument docResults = serializeToXml(returnValue);
                else if (resultType == RunrepResultTypes.String)
                    // Run the query, getting the results back into a generic object for iterating.
                    string returnValue = _soapService.RunCallableRunrepRunReportString(_sessionID, report, parameters);

                    // Write the results to the screen, and load into an XmlDocument
                    XmlDocument docResults = new XmlDocument();
                else if (resultType == RunrepResultTypes.FormattedCSV)
                    getFormattedResults(report, parameters, "csv");
                else if (resultType == RunrepResultTypes.FormattedPDF)
                    getFormattedResults(report, parameters, "pdf");
                    throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Invalid Report Result Type: {0}", resultType.ToString()));
            catch (Exception e)
                // If we encounter an error, print it to the screen.
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Error running report: {0}", report));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to run a Geneva SELECT statement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">String containing the SELECT statement to run.</param>
        /// <param name="sharedConnection">True if you want to use a shared connection, false if you want to use a persistent connection.</param>
        public void RunSQLSelect(string query, RunrepResultTypes resultType)
            if (_soapService == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(_sessionID))
                throw new Exception("You must start the SOAP Service session before running a select statement.");

                // Run the basic result type. This returns an array of results, with field/value pairs. The structure of
                // these results does not change with the query or report, the results is always in the same format.
                if (resultType == RunrepResultTypes.DataStructure)
                    // Run the query, getting the results back into a structure for iterating.
                    GenevaSOAPInterface.runrepResultsPortfolioStruct returnValue = _soapService.RunCallableRunrepRunSelect(_sessionID, query, String.Empty);

                    int recordCount = 0;

                    // Loop through the results, the records, and fields.
                    foreach (GenevaSOAPInterface.runrepResultsStruct results in returnValue.results)
                        foreach (GenevaSOAPInterface.runrepResultsRecordStruct record in results.record)
                            // Print the row number along the way.
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Row {0}", recordCount));

                            foreach (GenevaSOAPInterface.runrepResultsVectorElement field in record.field)
                                // For each field, print the field name and value to the screen.
                                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\tField Name: {0}, Value: {1}", field.name, field.value));
                else if (resultType == RunrepResultTypes.Literal)
                    // Run the query, getting the results back into a generic object for iterating.
                    object returnValue = _soapService.RunCallableRunrepRunSelectLiteral(_sessionID, query, String.Empty);

                    // Serialize the results to the screen.
                    XmlDocument docResults = serializeToXml(returnValue);

                else if (resultType == RunrepResultTypes.String)
                    // Run the query, getting the results back into a generic object for iterating.
                    string returnValue = _soapService.RunCallableRunrepRunSelectString(_sessionID, query, String.Empty);

                    // Write the results to the screen, and load into an XmlDocument
                    XmlDocument docResults = new XmlDocument();
                    throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Invalid Report Result Type: {0}", resultType.ToString()));
            catch (Exception e)
                // If we encounter an error, print it to the screen.
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Error running select statement: {0}", query));