/// <summary> /// 功能描述 : 拼接数据来源查询条件 /// 创建者 : 马立军 /// 创建日期 : 2009-12-02 /// 修改者 : /// 修改日期 : /// 修改原因 : /// </summary> /// <param name="hasTable"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string QueryBTypeSql(Hashtable hasTable) { string sSourceSql = ""; if (hasTable["BType"] != null) { RuletblDictionary ruleDict = new RuletblDictionary(); sSourceSql = "fldBType='" + ruleDict.ByParentIDAndValue("生物种类", hasTable["BType"].ToString()) + "'"; } return(sSourceSql); }
//[SupportFilter] public string Delete(dynamic obj) { try { if (obj.typemodel.ToString() == "eqise") { obj.typemodel = "eqiw_r"; } RuletblDictionary dic = new RuletblDictionary(); string list = dic.ByParentIDAndValue("数据审核视图", obj.typemodel.ToString()); string listone = list.Split(',')[0].ToString().Substring(2); string listones = listone.Substring(0, listone.Length - 7); string table = ""; if (obj.typemodel.ToString() == "eqib_v") { table = "tbl_" + listones; } else if (obj.typemodel.ToString() == "eqiw_r_auto") { table = "tblEQIW_R_Basedata_Pre_Auto"; } else { table = "tbl" + listones; } List <long> lstDelID = new List <long>(); string[] fld = obj.fldAutoId.ToString().Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < fld.Length; i++) { string[] pk = fld[i].Split('_'); for (int j = 0; j < pk.Length; j++) { lstDelID.Add(Convert.ToInt64(pk[j].ToString())); } } RuletblEQIA_RPI_Basedata_Pre rule_basedata = new RuletblEQIA_RPI_Basedata_Pre(); bool isb = rule_basedata.delById(lstDelID, table); if (isb) { return("删除成功!"); } else { return("删除失败!"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("删除数据失败!"); } }
/// <summary> /// 功能描述 : 拼接数据来源查询条件 /// 创建者 : 马立军 /// 创建日期 : 2009-12-02 /// 修改者 : /// 修改日期 : /// 修改原因 : /// </summary> /// <param name="hasTable"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string QuerySourceSql(Hashtable hasTable) { string sSourceSql = ""; if (hasTable["Source"] != null) { RuletblDictionary ruleDict = new RuletblDictionary(); if (hasTable["Source"].ToString() != "1") { sSourceSql = "fldSource='" + ruleDict.ByParentIDAndValue("数据来源", "0") + "'"; } } return(sSourceSql); }
public HttpResponseMessage Subtable(string type, string fldAutoId) { string fldAutoID = fldAutoId.ToString(); string listtype = type.ToString(); fldAutoID = fldAutoID.Replace('_', ','); RuletblDictionary dic = new RuletblDictionary(); string list = dic.ByParentIDAndValue("数据审核视图", listtype); string table = list.Split(',')[1]; string execsql = "select fldItemName,fldItemCode,fldItemValue,fldComment from " + table + " where fldAutoID in (" + fldAutoID + ")"; RuletblEQI_publi pub = new RuletblEQI_publi(); DataTable dtItemInfo = pub.getdt(execsql); string json = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(dtItemInfo); #region 返回数据给前台 return(new HttpResponseMessage { Content = new StringContent(json, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/xm") }); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// 功能描述:获得二级节点 /// 创建 人:周文卿 /// 创建时间:2017/06/06 /// 修改时间: /// 修改 人: /// 修改原因: /// </summary> /// <param name="stcode">城市代码</param> /// <param name="table">表名称</param> /// <param name="field">二级字段名称</param> /// <param name="level">几级节点</param> /// <param name="year">年份</param> /// <param name="threefield">三级节点</param> /// <param name="istranslate">是否需要翻译</param> /// <param name="returnpoint">最后得到的点位是几级(2=fldSTCode.fldPCode,3=fldSTCode.fldRCode.fldRSCode)</param> /// <param name="where">筛选条件</param> /// <param name="screenflied">筛选字段</param> /// <param name="DName">字典名称</param> /// <param name="pionttype">返回的点位类型(第一级为(0是城市代码,1是区县代码))</param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetTwoLevel(string stcode, string table, string field, string level, string year, string threefield, string istranslate, string returnpoint, string where, string screenflied, string DName, string pionttype) { try { string sqlyear = year == null?DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() : year; string dname = DName == null ? "测点级别" : DName; field = screenflied == null ? field : screenflied; DataTable dt = rule.getdt("select distinct " + field + " from " + table + " where fldSTCode =" + stcode + " and fldYear=" + sqlyear + where); string label = ""; string json = "["; RuletblDictionary dic = new RuletblDictionary(); if (int.Parse(level) > 2) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (istranslate == "0") { label = dic.ByParentIDAndValue(dname, dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[0].ToString()].ToString()); } else { label = dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[1].ToString()].ToString(); } if (i == dt.Rows.Count - 1) { json += "{stcode:'" + stcode + "." + dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[0].ToString()].ToString() + "',label:'" + label + "',children:" + GetThreeLevel(stcode, table, threefield, sqlyear, field, dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[0].ToString()].ToString(), returnpoint, pionttype, dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[2].ToString()].ToString()) + "}]"; } else { json += "{stcode:'" + stcode + "." + dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[0].ToString()].ToString() + "',label:'" + label + "',children:" + GetThreeLevel(stcode, table, threefield, sqlyear, field, dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[0].ToString()].ToString(), returnpoint, pionttype, dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[2].ToString()].ToString()) + "},"; } } } else { json += "{stcode:'8',label:'无数据'}]"; } } #region 只有两级节点 else { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (istranslate == "0") { label = dic.ByParentIDAndValue("测点级别", dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[0].ToString()].ToString()); } else { label = dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[1].ToString()].ToString(); } if (i == dt.Rows.Count - 1) { json += "{stcode:'" + stcode + "." + dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[0].ToString()].ToString() + "',label:'" + label + "'}]"; } else { json += "{stcode:'" + stcode + "." + dt.Rows[i][field.Split(',')[0].ToString()].ToString() + "',label:'" + label + "'},"; } } } else { json += "{stcode:'8',label:'其他'}]"; } } #endregion return(json); } catch (Exception e) { return(e.Message); } }
// public HttpResponseMessage Geteqicom_data(string type, string wherequery, string pageshow, string cityid) { string returnjson = "[{data: "; try { string sbtype = type; #region 拼接原始条件 string defaultwhere = "";//原始条件 if (wherequery == "undefined" || wherequery == "" || wherequery == null) { wherequery = " and fldSource=0"; } if (pageshow == "1") { defaultwhere = " fldImport=1 and fldFlag=0 and fldCityID_Operate=" + cityid; } if (pageshow == "0") { defaultwhere = " fldFlag=1 "; } #endregion #region 基本数据获取 RuletblDictionary dic = new RuletblDictionary(); string list = dic.ByParentIDAndValue("数据审核视图", sbtype);//获取需要的视图名称 RuleEQIV_WaitTable_Auditing rulAud = new RuleEQIV_WaitTable_Auditing(); string ViewName = list.Split(',')[0].ToString(); string ChinesizeViewName = list.Split(',')[1].ToString(); //汉化表头需要的视图名称 wherequery = defaultwhere + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(wherequery); DataTable dt = rulAud.GetEqiv_AuditingData(ViewName, wherequery, sbtype); //需要的数据数据 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dt.Rows[i]["fldAutoID"] = dt.Rows[i]["fldAutoID"].ToString().Replace(',', '_'); } #endregion #region 数据源转化为Json格式 string json = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(dt); returnjson += json; #endregion #region 拼数据对应列名 returnjson += ",head: ["; //拼标题并汉化 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { string engname = "'" + dt.Columns[i].ColumnName + "'"; DataTable dtDesc = rule.ChinesizeTitleNamebyViewName(ChinesizeViewName, engname);//根据视图名称在字典表中查出对应字段的中文名称 if (dtDesc.Rows.Count > 0) { if (i == dt.Columns.Count - 1) { returnjson += "'" + dtDesc.Rows[0]["fldFieldDesc"].ToString() + "'"; } else { returnjson += "'" + dtDesc.Rows[0]["fldFieldDesc"].ToString() + "',"; } } } #endregion returnjson += "]}]"; #region 最后返回数据给前台 if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { returnjson = rule.JsonStr("ok", "", returnjson.ToString());//有数据 } else { returnjson = rule.JsonStr("nodata", "没有数据", returnjson.ToString());//没数据 } } catch (Exception e) { returnjson = rule.JsonStr("error", e.Message, ""); } return(new HttpResponseMessage { Content = new StringContent(returnjson, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") }); #endregion }
public HttpResponseMessage Geteqicom_data(Geteqicom_data_Info info) { string returnjson = "[{data: "; try { string sbtype = info.type; #region 拼接原始条件 string defaultwhere = "";//原始条件 if (info.wherequery == "undefined" || info.wherequery == "") { info.wherequery = " and fldSource=0"; } if (info.pageshow == "1") { defaultwhere = "fldCityID_Operate=" + info.cityid + " and fldFlag=0 and fldImport=1 "; } if (info.pageshow == "0") { defaultwhere = " fldFlag=1 "; } #endregion #region 基本数据获取 RuletblDictionary dic = new RuletblDictionary(); RuleEQICommon_Auditing rulAud = new RuleEQICommon_Auditing(); string list = dic.ByParentIDAndValue("数据审核视图", sbtype); RuletblEQI_publi exec = new RuletblEQI_publi(); string ViewName = list.Split(',')[0].ToString(); string ChinesizeViewName = list.Split(',')[1].ToString(); info.wherequery = defaultwhere + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(info.wherequery); DataTable dt = rulAud.GetAuditingDatabyBusinessType(sbtype, ViewName, info.wherequery, 0);//需要的数据数据 #endregion #region 数据源转化为Json格式 string json = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(dt); returnjson += json; #endregion #region 拼数据对应列名 returnjson += ",head: [";//标题 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { string engname = "'" + dt.Columns[i].ColumnName + "'"; DataTable dtDesc = rule.ChinesizeTitleNamebyViewName(ChinesizeViewName, engname);//根据视图名称在字典表中查出对应字段的中文名称 if (dtDesc.Rows.Count > 0) { if (i == dt.Columns.Count - 1) { returnjson += "'" + dtDesc.Rows[0]["fldFieldDesc"].ToString() + "']}]"; } else { returnjson += "'" + dtDesc.Rows[0]["fldFieldDesc"].ToString() + "',"; } } } #endregion #region 对应列填数据 #endregion #region 最后返回数据给前台 if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { returnjson = rule.JsonStr("ok", "", returnjson.ToString()); } else { returnjson = rule.JsonStr("nodata", "没有数据", returnjson.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { returnjson = rule.JsonStr("error", e.Message, ""); } return(new HttpResponseMessage { Content = new StringContent(returnjson, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") }); #endregion }
//[SupportFilter] public string DeleteAll(dynamic obj) { string isSuccess = ""; try { string table = obj.table.ToString(); string bImport = obj.bImport.ToString(); string where = obj.where.ToString(); // bImport = context.Request["bImport"]; RuletblDictionary dic = new RuletblDictionary(); string list = dic.ByParentIDAndValue("数据审核视图", table); string listone = list.Split(',')[0].ToString().Substring(2); string listones = listone.Substring(0, listone.Length - 7); if (obj.table.ToString() == "eqib_v") { table = "tbl_" + listones; } else if (obj.table.ToString() == "eqiw_r_auto") { table = "tblEQIW_R_Basedata_Pre_Auto"; } else { table = "tbl" + listones; } if (where == "undefined" || where == "") { string type = obj.table.ToString(); if (type.Substring(type.Length - 3, 3) == "_hm") { where = " fldSource=1"; } else { where = " fldSource=0"; } } else { where = " 1=1 " + where; } RuletblEQI_Auditing_COM_DeleteAll rule = new RuletblEQI_Auditing_COM_DeleteAll(); if (bImport == "1") { #region 市站登录 int cityID = int.Parse(obj.cityId.ToString()); int iresult = -1; short flag = 0; string strWhere = " fldImport=1 "; iresult = rule.DelAllData(flag, where, cityID, table); if (iresult >= 0) { isSuccess = "删除数据成功!"; } #endregion } else { try { short import = short.Parse(bImport); short flag = 1; if (obj.table.ToString() == "eqiw_r_auto") { flag = 0; } int cityID = int.Parse(obj.cityId.ToString()); int result = -1; int iresult = -1; string strWhere = " "; iresult = rule.DelAllData(flag, where, cityID, table); if (iresult > 0) { isSuccess = "数据删除成功!"; } else if (iresult == 0) { isSuccess = "删除数据失败,没有找到可删除的数据!"; } else { isSuccess = "删除数据失败,请重试!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("删除数据失败!"); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("删除数据失败!"); }; return(isSuccess); // context.Response.Write(resposne); }
public string Update(string fldAutoId, string typemodel, string userId, string userName, string cityId, string NewFlag = null) { try { userId = rule.ConductUserinfo(userId); RuletblDictionary dic = new RuletblDictionary(); if (typemodel.ToString() == "eqise") { typemodel = "eqiw_r"; } string list = dic.ByParentIDAndValue("数据审核视图", typemodel.ToString()); string listone = list.Split(',')[0].ToString().Substring(2); string listones = null; if (listone.ToLower().Contains("auto")) { listones = listone.Substring(0, listone.Length - 12); } else { listones = listone.Substring(0, listone.Length - 7); } string table = ""; if (typemodel.ToString() == "eqib_v") { table = "tbl_" + listones; } else { table = "tbl" + listones; } List <long> lstDelID = new List <long>(); string[] fld = fldAutoId.ToString().Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < fld.Length; i++) { string[] pk = fld[i].Split('_'); for (int j = 0; j < pk.Length; j++) { lstDelID.Add(Convert.ToInt64(pk[j].ToString())); } } RuletblEQIA_RPI_Basedata_Pre rule_basedata = new RuletblEQIA_RPI_Basedata_Pre(); RuleWriteOperateLog rule_wol = new RuleWriteOperateLog(); if (NewFlag == null) { NewFlag = "1"; } bool isb = rule_basedata.delBytable(lstDelID, table, NewFlag.ToString()); if (isb) { rule_wol.WriteLog(0, "提交审核选中的数据数据,进入监测数据审核状态录入这ID=" + userId.ToString(), userName.ToString(), int.Parse(userId.ToString()), int.Parse(cityId.ToString())); return("提交审核数据成功!"); } else { return("提交审核数据失败,请重试!"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("提交审核数据失败!"); } }
/// <summary> /// 功能描述:数据插入到临时表 /// 创建 人:周文卿 /// 创建时间:2017/07/11 /// 修改原因: /// 修改时间: /// 修改 人: /// </summary> /// <param name="inputdata">插入的实体类</param> /// <returns>json(是否成功)</returns> public HttpResponseMessage ItemSave(List <tbleqia_rd_table> inputdata) { string returntext = ""; try { Regex regexvalue = new Regex(@"^(\d*\.?\d+)+$"); Regex regexvalue2 = new Regex(@"^(\d*\.?\d+)?[lL]$"); List <tblEQIA_RDPI_Basedata_Pre> lstData = new List <tblEQIA_RDPI_Basedata_Pre>(); tblEQIA_RDPI_Basedata_Pre objData = new tblEQIA_RDPI_Basedata_Pre(); tblEQI_InputDate inputdate_new = new tblEQI_InputDate(); RuletblEQI_publi ruleSense = new RuletblEQI_publi(); for (int i = 0; i < inputdata.Count; i++) { List <tbaeqia_rd_value> valueall = inputdata[i].valueall; for (int j = 0; j < valueall.Count; j++) { RuletblDictionary ruleDict = new RuletblDictionary(); objData.fldSTCode = valueall[j].fldSTCode; objData.fldUserID = int.Parse(inputdata[i].fldUserID); objData.fldFlag = 0; objData.fldCityID_Operate = int.Parse(inputdata[i].fldCityID_Operate); objData.fldCityID_Submit = inputdata[i].fldCityID_Submit; objData.fldDate_Operate = DateTime.Now; decimal dValue = -1; string samphvalue = valueall[j].monitorvalue; #region 因子值的处理 if (samphvalue != "") { if (regexvalue2.IsMatch(samphvalue)) { if (samphvalue.ToLower() == "l") { string itemname = ""; itemname = ruleSense.GetSenseNameBytbl("EQIA_RD", inputdata[i].itemcode); decimal temp = Convert.ToDecimal(valueall[j].monitorvalue); if (temp <= 0) { returntext = "项目的检出限<=0,不能输入 L 作为监测值'"; } dValue = -temp; } else { dValue = -Convert.ToDecimal(samphvalue.Replace("l", "").Replace("L", "")); } if (dValue == -1) { dValue = Convert.ToDecimal(-0.99999999); } } else { dValue = Convert.ToDecimal(samphvalue); } } #endregion tblEQIA_RDPI_Basedata_Pre objTmp = objData.Clone(); objTmp.fldPCode = valueall[j].fldPCode; DateTime time = DateTime.Parse(valueall[j].fldDate.ToString()); objTmp.fldSYear = time.Year; objTmp.fldSMonth = time.Month; objTmp.fldSDay = time.Day; objTmp.fldSHour = 0; objTmp.fldSMinute = 0; objTmp.fldEYear = time.Year; objTmp.fldEMonth = time.Month; objTmp.fldEDay = time.Day; objTmp.fldEHour = 0; objTmp.fldEMinute = 0; objTmp.fldFlag = 0; objTmp.fldImport = 0; objTmp.fldItemCode = inputdata[i].itemcode; objTmp.fldItemValue = dValue; lstData.Add(objTmp); } } RuletblEQIA_RDPI_Basedata_Pre rule_basedata = new RuletblEQIA_RDPI_Basedata_Pre(); bool issave = rule_basedata.InsertAll(lstData); if (issave) { RuleWriteOperateLog rule_wol = new RuleWriteOperateLog(); rule_wol.WriteLog(0, "录入降尘数据到临时表", "", int.Parse(inputdata[0].fldUserID), int.Parse(inputdata[0].fldCityID_Operate)); returntext = rule.JsonStr("ok", "录入成功!您保存的数据,已进入“待提交审核的数据”状态", ""); } else { returntext = rule.JsonStr("error", "录入失败 !请重试!", ""); } } catch (InputException ex) { returntext = rule.JsonStr("error", ex.Message, ""); } catch (InsertException ex) { returntext = rule.JsonStr("error", ex.Message, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { returntext = rule.JsonStr("error", ex.Message, ""); } return(new HttpResponseMessage { Content = new StringContent(returntext, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") }); }