Пример #1
        // function prototype and some of the methode is like https://github.com/opennars/opennars/blob/4515f1d8e191a1f097859decc65153287d5979c5/nars_core/nars/inference/RuleTables.java#L73
        internal static void reason(
            ClassicalTaskLink taskLink,
            ClassicalTermLink beliefLink,
            DerivationContext ctx
            { // debugging
                int taskId   = taskLink.targetTask.name.term.getAtomicOrTerm;
                int beliefId = beliefLink.target.getAtomicOrTerm;

                if (taskId == 300002 && beliefId == 300004)
                    int breakpointHere2 = 1;
                else if (taskId == 300004 && beliefId == 300002)
                    int breakpointHere2 = 1;

                int breakpointHere1 = 1;

            Memory memory = ctx.memory;


            ClassicalTask     task         = ctx.currentTask;
            ClassicalSentence taskSentence = task.sentence;

            TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer taskTerm   = taskSentence.term;
            TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer beliefTerm = beliefLink.target;

            // commented because not jet translated
            //if (equalSubTermsInRespectToImageAndProduct(taskTerm, beliefTerm))
            //    return;

            ClassicalConcept beliefConcept = memory.translateTermToConcept(beliefTerm);

            ClassicalSentence belief = (beliefConcept != null) ? beliefConcept.getBelief(ctx, task) : null;

            ctx.currentBelief = belief;

            if (belief != null)
                beliefTerm = belief.term; //because interval handling that differs on conceptual level

                // too restrictive, its checked for non-deductive inference rules in derivedTask (also for single prem)
                if (Stamp.checkBaseOverlap(task.sentence.stamp, belief.stamp))
                    ctx.evidentalOverlap = true;
                    if (!task.sentence.stamp.isEternal || !belief.stamp.isEternal)
                        return; // only allow for eternal reasoning for now to prevent derived event floods
                    //return; // preparisons are made now to support this nicely
                // comment out for recursive examples, this is for the future, it generates a lot of potentially useless tasks

                //ctx.emit(Events.BeliefReason.class, belief, beliefTerm, taskTerm, nal);

                if (LocalRules.match(task, belief, ctx))    // new tasks resulted from the match, so return

            // current belief and task may have changed, so set again:
            ctx.currentBelief = belief;
            ctx.currentTask   = task;

            // HACK< derivation must be made by combining compounds >
            if (!TermUtilities.isTermCompoundTerm(taskTerm) || !TermUtilities.isTermCompoundTerm(beliefTerm))

            // derive and create new tasks for the results
                IList <TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecorationAndTruth> derivedCompoundTermsWithDecorationAndTruth = new List <TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecorationAndTruth>();
                bool insert = true;

                    out derivedCompoundTermsWithDecorationAndTruth, insert);

                // translate derivedCompoundTermsWithDecorationAndTruth to tasks and add them
                // for this we have to call DerivationContext.doublePremiseTask() to generate the tasks
                foreach (var iDerivedWithDecorationAndTruth in derivedCompoundTermsWithDecorationAndTruth)
                    TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer content = iDerivedWithDecorationAndTruth.derivedCompoundWithDecoration.termReferer;

                    bool temporalInduction = false; // TODO< decide by rule? from the deriver? >
                    bool overlapAllowed    = false; // TODO< decide by rule? from the deriver? >

                    TruthValue truth = null;
                    truth = RuleTable.calcTruthDoublePremise(task.sentence.truth, belief.truth, iDerivedWithDecorationAndTruth.truthfunction);

                    ClassicalBudgetValue budget = new ClassicalBudgetValue(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); // TODO< calculate budget by table >
