Пример #1
        public void TestFirst()
            RuleBasedBreakIterator rbbi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(".;");

            // Tests when "if (fText == null)" is true
            assertEquals("RuleBasedBreakIterator.First()", BreakIterator.Done, rbbi.First());

            assertEquals("RuleBasedBreakIterator.First()", 0, rbbi.First());
            assertEquals("RuleBasedBreakIterator.Next()", 1, rbbi.Next());
Пример #2
        public void TestHashCode()
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetCharacterInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi3 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetCharacterInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi2 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetWordInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            Logln("Testing hashCode()");
            bi1.SetText("Hash code");
            bi2.SetText("Hash code");
            bi3.SetText("Hash code");
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi1clone = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)bi1.Clone();
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi2clone = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)bi2.Clone();

            if (bi1.GetHashCode() != bi1clone.GetHashCode() ||
                bi1.GetHashCode() != bi3.GetHashCode() ||
                bi1clone.GetHashCode() != bi3.GetHashCode() ||
                bi2.GetHashCode() != bi2clone.GetHashCode())
                Errln("ERROR: identical objects have different hashcodes");

            if (bi1.GetHashCode() == bi2.GetHashCode() ||
                bi2.GetHashCode() == bi3.GetHashCode() ||
                bi1clone.GetHashCode() == bi2clone.GetHashCode() ||
                bi1clone.GetHashCode() == bi2.GetHashCode())
                Errln("ERROR: different objects have same hashcodes");
Пример #3
        public void TestBreakAllChars()
            // Make a "word" from each code point, separated by spaces.
            // For dictionary based breaking, runs the start-of-range
            // logic with all possible dictionary characters.
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int c = 0; c < 0x110000; ++c)
                sb.Append(' ');
            String s = sb.ToString();

            for (int breakKind = BreakIterator.KIND_CHARACTER; breakKind <= BreakIterator.KIND_TITLE; ++breakKind)
                RuleBasedBreakIterator bi =
                    (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetBreakInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH, breakKind);
                int lastb = -1;
                for (int b = bi.First(); b != BreakIterator.Done; b = bi.Next())
                    assertTrue("(lastb < b) : (" + lastb + " < " + b + ")", lastb < b);
Пример #4
 public void SetText(char[] text, int start, int length)
     this.text  = text;
     this.start = start;
     textIterator.SetText(text, start, length);
     status = RuleBasedBreakIterator.WordNone;
Пример #5
        public void TestBug12797()
            String rules = "!!chain; !!forward; $v=b c; a b; $v; !!reverse; .*;";
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(rules);

            assertEquals("Rule chaining test", 3, bi.Next());
Пример #6
 public IEnumerable <string> Split(BreakIterator.UBreakIteratorType type, string locale,
                                   string text)
     using (var breakIterator = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(type, locale))
Пример #7
        public void TestCurrent()
            RuleBasedBreakIterator rbbi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(".;");

            // Tests when "(fText != null) ? fText.getIndex() : BreakIterator.Done" is true and false
            if (rbbi.Current != BreakIterator.Done)
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.Current was suppose to return "
                      + "BreakIterator.Done when the object has a fText of null.");
            if (rbbi.Current != 0)
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.Current was suppose to return "
                      + "0 when the object has a fText of dummy.");
Пример #8
        public void TestGetSetText()
            Logln("Testing getText setText ");
            String str1 = "first string.";
            String str2 = "Second string.";
            //RuleBasedBreakIterator charIter1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator) BreakIterator.getCharacterInstance(Locale.getDefault());
            RuleBasedBreakIterator wordIter1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetWordInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            CharacterIterator      text1     = new StringCharacterIterator(str1);

            //CharacterIterator text1Clone = (CharacterIterator) text1.Clone();
            //CharacterIterator text2 = new StringCharacterIterator(str2);
            if (!wordIter1.Text.Equals(text1))
                Errln("ERROR:1 error in setText or getText ");
            if (wordIter1.Current != 0)
                Errln("ERROR:1 setText did not set the iteration position to the beginning of the text, it is"
                      + wordIter1.Current + "\n");
            if (wordIter1.Current != 0)
                Errln("ERROR:2 setText did not reset the iteration position to the beginning of the text, it is"
                      + wordIter1.Current + "\n");

            // Test the CharSequence overload of setText() for a simple case.
            BreakIterator lineIter = BreakIterator.GetLineInstance(new CultureInfo("en"));
            ICharSequence csText   = "Hello, World. ".ToCharSequence();
            // Expected Line Brks  ^      ^      ^
            //                     0123456789012345
            List <int> expected = new List <int>();

            expected.Add(0); expected.Add(7); expected.Add(14);
            for (int pos = lineIter.First(); pos != BreakIterator.Done; pos = lineIter.Next())
                assertTrue("", expected.Contains(pos));
            assertEquals("", csText.Length, lineIter.Current);
Пример #9
        public void TestPreceding()
            RuleBasedBreakIterator rbbi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(".;");

            // Tests when "if (fText == null || offset > fText.getEndIndex())" is true
            if (rbbi.Preceding(-1) != BreakIterator.Done)
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.Preceding(-1) was suppose to return "
                      + "0 when the object has a fText of null.");

            // Tests when "else if (offset < fText.getBeginIndex())" is true
            if (rbbi.Preceding(-1) != 0)
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.Preceding(-1) was suppose to return "
                      + "0 when the object has a fText of dummy.");
Пример #10
        public void TestFollowing()
            RuleBasedBreakIterator rbbi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(".;");

            // Tests when "else if (offset < fText.getBeginIndex())" is true
            if (rbbi.Following(-1) != 0)
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.following(-1) was suppose to return "
                      + "0 when the object has a fText of dummy.");
Пример #11
        public void TestLast()
            RuleBasedBreakIterator rbbi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(".;");

            // Tests when "if (fText == null)" is true
            if (rbbi.Last() != BreakIterator.Done)
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.Last() was supposed to return "
                      + "BreakIterator.Done when the object has a null fText.");
Пример #12
        public void TestCloneEquals()
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi1     = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetCharacterInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            RuleBasedBreakIterator biequal = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetCharacterInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi3     = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetCharacterInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi2     = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetWordInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            string testString = "Testing word break iterators's clone() and equals()";


            Logln("Testing equals()");
            Logln("Testing == and !=");
            if (!bi1.Equals(biequal) || bi1.Equals(bi2) || bi1.Equals(bi3))
                Errln("ERROR:1 RBBI's == and !- operator failed.");
            if (bi2.Equals(biequal) || bi2.Equals(bi1) || biequal.Equals(bi3))
                Errln("ERROR:2 RBBI's == and != operator  failed.");
            Logln("Testing clone()");
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi1clone = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)bi1.Clone();
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi2clone = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)bi2.Clone();

            if (!bi1clone.Equals(bi1) ||
                !bi1clone.Equals(biequal) ||
                bi1clone.Equals(bi3) ||
                Errln("ERROR:1 RBBI's clone() method failed");

            if (bi2clone.Equals(bi1) ||
                bi2clone.Equals(biequal) ||
                bi2clone.Equals(bi3) ||
                Errln("ERROR:2 RBBI's clone() method failed");

            if (!bi1.Text.Equals(bi1clone.Text) ||
                !bi2clone.Text.Equals(bi2.Text) ||
                Errln("ERROR: RBBI's clone() method failed");
Пример #13
        public void TestIsBoundary()
            String testString1 = "Write here. \u092d\u0301\u0930\u0924 \u0938\u0941\u0902\u0926\u0930 a\u0301u";
            RuleBasedBreakIterator charIter1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetCharacterInstance(new CultureInfo("en"));

            int[] bounds1 = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 };
            doBoundaryTest(charIter1, testString1, bounds1);
            RuleBasedBreakIterator wordIter2 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetWordInstance(new CultureInfo("en"));

            int[] bounds2 = { 0, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26 };
            doBoundaryTest(wordIter2, testString1, bounds2);
Пример #14
        public List <string> GetEnumerator(BreakIterator.UBreakIteratorType type)
            using (var breakIterator = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(type, "en-US"))
                breakIterator.SetText("Aa bb. Cc 3.5 x? Y?x! Z");
                var result = new List <string>();
                foreach (var s in breakIterator)

Пример #15
        public void TestToString()
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetCharacterInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi2 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetWordInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            Logln("Testing toString()");
            bi1.SetText("Hello there");
            RuleBasedBreakIterator bi3 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)bi1.Clone();
            String temp  = bi1.ToString();
            String temp2 = bi2.ToString();
            String temp3 = bi3.ToString();

            if (temp2.Equals(temp3) || temp.Equals(temp2) || !temp.Equals(temp3))
                Errln("ERROR: error in toString() method");
Пример #16
        public void TestClone()
            RuleBasedBreakIterator rbbi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(".;");

                if (((RuleBasedBreakIterator)rbbi.Clone()).Text != null)
                    Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.clone() was suppose to return "
                          + "the same object because fText is set to null.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.clone() was not suppose to return " + "an exception.");
Пример #17
 public override void Run()
         RuleBasedBreakIterator localBI = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)bi.Clone();
         for (int loop = 0; loop < 100; loop++)
             int nextExpectedBreak = 0;
             for (int actualBreak = localBI.First(); actualBreak != BreakIterator.Done;
                  actualBreak = localBI.Next(), nextExpectedBreak += 4)
                 assertEquals("", nextExpectedBreak, actualBreak);
             assertEquals("", dataToBreak.Length + 4, nextExpectedBreak);
     catch (AssertionException e)
         assertErr[0] = e;
Пример #18
        public void TestEquals()
            RuleBasedBreakIterator rbbi  = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(".;");
            RuleBasedBreakIterator rbbi1 = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(".;");

            // TODO: Tests when "if (fRData != other.fRData && (fRData == null || other.fRData == null))" is true

            // Tests when "if (fText == null || other.fText == null)" is true
            if (rbbi.Equals(rbbi1))
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.equals(Object) was not suppose to return "
                      + "true when the other object has a null fText.");

            // Tests when "if (fText == null && other.fText == null)" is true
            if (!rbbi.Equals(rbbi1))
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.equals(Object) was not suppose to return "
                      + "false when both objects has a null fText.");

            // Tests when an exception occurs
            if (rbbi.Equals(0))
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.equals(Object) was suppose to return " + "false when comparing to integer 0.");
            if (rbbi.Equals(0.0))
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.equals(Object) was suppose to return " + "false when comparing to float 0.0.");
            if (rbbi.Equals("0"))
                Errln("RuleBasedBreakIterator.equals(Object) was suppose to return "
                      + "false when comparing to string '0'.");
Пример #19
 public override void SetText(CharacterIterator text)
Пример #20
        public void TestLastPreviousPreceding()
            int    p, q;
            String testString = "This is a word break. Isn't it? 2.25 dollars";

            Logln("Testing last(),previous(), preceding() with custom rules");
            Logln("testing word iteration for string \"" + testString + "\"");
            RuleBasedBreakIterator wordIter1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetWordInstance(new CultureInfo("en"));

            p = wordIter1.Last();
            if (p != testString.Length)
                Errln("ERROR: last() returned" + p + "instead of" + testString.Length);
            q = wordIter1.Previous();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 37, "dollars");
            p = q;
            q = wordIter1.Previous();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 36, " ");
            q = wordIter1.Preceding(25);
            doTest(testString, 25, q, 22, "Isn");
            p = q;
            q = wordIter1.Previous();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 21, " ");
            q = wordIter1.Preceding(20);
            doTest(testString, 20, q, 15, "break");
            p = wordIter1.Preceding(wordIter1.First());
            if (p != BreakIterator.Done)
                Errln("ERROR: preceding()  at starting position returned #" + p + " instead of 0");
            testString = "Hello! how are you? I'am fine. Thankyou. How are you doing? This  costs $20,00,000.";
            Logln("testing sentence iter - String:- \"" + testString + "\"");
            RuleBasedBreakIterator sentIter1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetSentenceInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            p = sentIter1.Last();
            if (p != testString.Length)
                Errln("ERROR: last() returned" + p + "instead of " + testString.Length);
            q = sentIter1.Previous();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 60, "This  costs $20,00,000.");
            p = q;
            q = sentIter1.Previous();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 41, "How are you doing? ");
            q = sentIter1.Preceding(40);
            doTest(testString, 40, q, 31, "Thankyou.");
            q = sentIter1.Preceding(25);
            doTest(testString, 25, q, 20, "I'am ");
            p = sentIter1.Previous();
            q = sentIter1.Preceding(sentIter1.First());
            if (p != BreakIterator.Done || q != BreakIterator.Done)
                Errln("ERROR: previous()/preceding() at starting position returned #"
                      + p + " and " + q + " instead of 0\n");
            testString = "Hello! how are you? I'am fine. Thankyou. How are you doing? This\n costs $20,00,000.";
            Logln("testing line iter - String:- \"" + testString + "\"");
            RuleBasedBreakIterator lineIter1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetLineInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            p = lineIter1.Last();
            if (p != testString.Length)
                Errln("ERROR: last() returned" + p + "instead of " + testString.Length);
            q = lineIter1.Previous();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 72, "$20,00,000.");
            p = q;
            q = lineIter1.Previous();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 66, "costs ");
            q = lineIter1.Preceding(40);
            doTest(testString, 40, q, 31, "Thankyou.");
            q = lineIter1.Preceding(25);
            doTest(testString, 25, q, 20, "I'am ");
            p = lineIter1.Previous();
            q = lineIter1.Preceding(sentIter1.First());
            if (p != BreakIterator.Done || q != BreakIterator.Done)
                Errln("ERROR: previous()/preceding() at starting position returned #"
                      + p + " and " + q + " instead of 0\n");
Пример #21
        public void TestFirstNextFollowing()
            int    p, q;
            String testString = "This is a word break. Isn't it? 2.25";

            Logln("Testing first() and next(), following() with custom rules");
            Logln("testing word iterator - string :- \"" + testString + "\"\n");
            RuleBasedBreakIterator wordIter1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetWordInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            p = wordIter1.First();
            if (p != 0)
                Errln("ERROR: first() returned" + p + "instead of 0");
            q = wordIter1.Next(9);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 20, "This is a word break");
            p = q;
            q = wordIter1.Next();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 21, ".");
            p = q;
            q = wordIter1.Next(3);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 28, " Isn't ");
            p = q;
            q = wordIter1.Next(2);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 31, "it?");
            q = wordIter1.Following(2);
            doTest(testString, 2, q, 4, "is");
            q = wordIter1.Following(22);
            doTest(testString, 22, q, 27, "Isn't");
            p = wordIter1.Next();
            q = wordIter1.Following(wordIter1.Last());
            if (p != BreakIterator.Done || q != BreakIterator.Done)
                Errln("ERROR: next()/following() at last position returned #"
                      + p + " and " + q + " instead of" + testString.Length + "\n");
            RuleBasedBreakIterator charIter1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetCharacterInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            testString = "Write hindi here. ";
            Logln("testing char iter - string:- \"" + testString + "\"");
            p = charIter1.First();
            if (p != 0)
                Errln("ERROR: first() returned" + p + "instead of 0");
            q = charIter1.Next();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 1, "W");
            p = q;
            q = charIter1.Next(4);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 5, "rite");
            p = q;
            q = charIter1.Next(12);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 17, " hindi here.");
            p = q;
            q = charIter1.Next(-6);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 11, " here.");
            p = q;
            q = charIter1.Next(6);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 17, " here.");
            p = charIter1.Following(charIter1.Last());
            q = charIter1.Next(charIter1.Last());
            if (p != BreakIterator.Done || q != BreakIterator.Done)
                Errln("ERROR: following()/next() at last position returned #"
                      + p + " and " + q + " instead of" + testString.Length);
            testString = "Hello! how are you? I'am fine. Thankyou. How are you doing? This  costs $20,00,000.";
            RuleBasedBreakIterator sentIter1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetSentenceInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            Logln("testing sentence iter - String:- \"" + testString + "\"");
            p = sentIter1.First();
            if (p != 0)
                Errln("ERROR: first() returned" + p + "instead of 0");
            q = sentIter1.Next();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 7, "Hello! ");
            p = q;
            q = sentIter1.Next(2);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 31, "how are you? I'am fine. ");
            p = q;
            q = sentIter1.Next(-2);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 7, "how are you? I'am fine. ");
            p = q;
            q = sentIter1.Next(4);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 60, "how are you? I'am fine. Thankyou. How are you doing? ");
            p = q;
            q = sentIter1.Next();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 83, "This  costs $20,00,000.");
            q = sentIter1.Following(1);
            doTest(testString, 1, q, 7, "ello! ");
            q = sentIter1.Following(10);
            doTest(testString, 10, q, 20, " are you? ");
            q = sentIter1.Following(20);
            doTest(testString, 20, q, 31, "I'am fine. ");
            p = sentIter1.Following(sentIter1.Last());
            q = sentIter1.Next(sentIter1.Last());
            if (p != BreakIterator.Done || q != BreakIterator.Done)
                Errln("ERROR: following()/next() at last position returned #"
                      + p + " and " + q + " instead of" + testString.Length);
            testString = "Hello! how\r\n (are)\r you? I'am fine- Thankyou. foo\u00a0bar How, are, you? This, costs $20,00,000.";
            Logln("(UnicodeString)testing line iter - String:- \"" + testString + "\"");
            RuleBasedBreakIterator lineIter1 = (RuleBasedBreakIterator)BreakIterator.GetLineInstance(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            p = lineIter1.First();
            if (p != 0)
                Errln("ERROR: first() returned" + p + "instead of 0");
            q = lineIter1.Next();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 7, "Hello! ");
            p = q;
            p = q;
            q = lineIter1.Next(4);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 20, "how\r\n (are)\r ");
            p = q;
            q = lineIter1.Next(-4);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 7, "how\r\n (are)\r ");
            p = q;
            q = lineIter1.Next(6);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 30, "how\r\n (are)\r you? I'am ");
            p = q;
            q = lineIter1.Next();
            doTest(testString, p, q, 36, "fine- ");
            p = q;
            q = lineIter1.Next(2);
            doTest(testString, p, q, 54, "Thankyou. foo\u00a0bar ");
            q = lineIter1.Following(60);
            doTest(testString, 60, q, 64, "re, ");
            q = lineIter1.Following(1);
            doTest(testString, 1, q, 7, "ello! ");
            q = lineIter1.Following(10);
            doTest(testString, 10, q, 12, "\r\n");
            q = lineIter1.Following(20);
            doTest(testString, 20, q, 25, "you? ");
            p = lineIter1.Following(lineIter1.Last());
            q = lineIter1.Next(lineIter1.Last());
            if (p != BreakIterator.Done || q != BreakIterator.Done)
                Errln("ERROR: following()/next() at last position returned #"
                      + p + " and " + q + " instead of" + testString.Length);