Пример #1
        /**m* SpringCardApplication/RtdVCard.GetContentEx
         * SYNOPSIS
         *   public RtdVCard GetContentEx()
         * DESCRIPTION
         *   Constructs a RtdVCard object, using the values of the different fields in the form
         *   and returns this object
        public RtdVCard GetContentEx()
            RtdVCard nfcVCard = new RtdVCard();

            if (image != null)
                pic = ImageToBase64(image, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            foreach (Control c in pContact.Controls)
                if (c is TextBox)
                    nfcVCard.set_input_texts(c.Name, c.Text);

            foreach (Control c in pBusiness.Controls)
                if (c is TextBox)
                    nfcVCard.set_input_texts(c.Name, c.Text);

            foreach (Control c in pPrivate.Controls)
                if (c is TextBox)
                    nfcVCard.set_input_texts(c.Name, c.Text);

Пример #2
        /**m* SpringCardApplication/RtdVCardControl.SetContent
         * SYNOPSIS
         *   public void SetContent(RtdVCard NFCcard)
         * DESCRIPTION
         *   Only called by the "public override void SetContent(Ndef ndef)" method, if the ndef is an RtdVCard object.
         *   It prints on the form the content of the RtdVCard object passed as a parameter.
        public void SetContent(RtdVCard NFCcard)
            First_name.Text  = NFCcard.First_name;
            Family_name.Text = NFCcard.Family_name;
            Nickname.Text    = NFCcard.Nickname;

            Business_phone.Text    = NFCcard.Business_phone;
            Home_phone.Text        = NFCcard.Home_phone;
            Pager.Text             = NFCcard.Pager;
            Fax.Text               = NFCcard.Fax;
            Cell_phone.Text        = NFCcard.Cell_phone;
            Email.Text             = NFCcard.Email;
            Email_alternative.Text = NFCcard.Email_alternative;

            Address1.Text     = NFCcard.Address1;
            Address2.Text     = NFCcard.Address2;
            Town.Text         = NFCcard.Town;
            Region_State.Text = NFCcard.Region_State;
            Post_Code.Text    = NFCcard.Post_Code;
            Country.Text      = NFCcard.Country;

            Pro_Address1.Text     = NFCcard.Pro_Address1;
            Pro_Address2.Text     = NFCcard.Pro_Address2;
            Pro_Town.Text         = NFCcard.Pro_Town;
            Pro_Region_State.Text = NFCcard.Pro_Region_State;
            Pro_Post_Code.Text    = NFCcard.Pro_Post_Code;
            Pro_Country.Text      = NFCcard.Pro_Country;

            Title.Text   = NFCcard.Title;
            Role.Text    = NFCcard.Role;
            Company.Text = NFCcard.Company;

            if (!NFCcard.get_photo().Equals(""))
                PictureBox pb          = new PictureBox();
                Image      loadedImage = Base64ToImage(NFCcard.get_photo());

                if (loadedImage != null)
                    /* Re-dimension before the image to go on the screen : 90*90	*/
                    float WidthPercent  = (float)loadedImage.Width / 90;
                    float HeigthPercent = (float)loadedImage.Height / 90;
                    float newWidth;
                    float newHeigth;
                    if (WidthPercent < HeigthPercent)
                        newWidth  = loadedImage.Width / HeigthPercent;
                        newHeigth = loadedImage.Height / HeigthPercent;
                        newWidth  = loadedImage.Width / WidthPercent;
                        newHeigth = loadedImage.Height / WidthPercent;

                    Image NewLoadedImage = new Bitmap(loadedImage, new Size((int)newWidth, (int)newHeigth));
                    pb.Size     = new System.Drawing.Size(90, 90);
                    pb.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
                    pb.Image    = NewLoadedImage;

                    image = NewLoadedImage;
                    bRemovePicture.Enabled = true;

                    lPSize.Text = NFCcard.get_photo().Length + " bytes";

            string birth = NFCcard.Birthday;
            int    year  = 0;
            int    month = 0;
            int    day   = 0;

            if (birth.Length == 8)
                    /* Format: yyyymmdd	*/
                    year  = Int32.Parse(birth.Substring(0, 4));
                    month = Int32.Parse(birth.Substring(4, 2));
                    day   = Int32.Parse(birth.Substring(6, 2));

                    DateTime dateBirthday = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                    Birthday.Text = dateBirthday.ToShortDateString();
                    Birthday.Text = NFCcard.Birthday;
            if ((birth.Length == 6) && (birth.Substring(0, 2).Equals("--")))
                    /* Format: --mmdd		*/
                    month = Int32.Parse(birth.Substring(2, 2));
                    day   = Int32.Parse(birth.Substring(4, 2));
                    DateTime dateBirthday = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                    Birthday.Text = dateBirthday.ToShortDateString();
                } catch
                    Birthday.Text = NFCcard.Birthday;
                Birthday.Text = NFCcard.Birthday;