private static RssFeed read(string url, HttpWebRequest request, RssFeed oldFeed) { // ***** Marked for substantial improvement RssFeed feed = new RssFeed(); RssElement element; Stream stream = null; Uri uri = new Uri(url); feed.url = url; switch (uri.Scheme) { case "file": feed.lastModified = File.GetLastWriteTime(url); if ((oldFeed != null) && (feed.LastModified == oldFeed.LastModified)) { oldFeed.cached = true; return oldFeed; } stream = new FileStream(url, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); break; case "https": goto case "http"; case "http": if (request == null) request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(uri); if (oldFeed != null) { request.IfModifiedSince = oldFeed.LastModified; request.Headers.Add("If-None-Match", oldFeed.ETag); } try { HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse(); feed.lastModified = response.LastModified; feed.etag = response.Headers["ETag"]; try { if (response.ContentEncoding != "") feed.encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(response.ContentEncoding); } catch { } stream = response.GetResponseStream(); } catch (WebException we) { if (oldFeed != null) { oldFeed.cached = true; return oldFeed; } else throw we; // bad } break; } if (stream != null) { RssReader reader = null; try { reader = new RssReader(stream); do { element = reader.Read(); if (element is DSD.Site.UtilityClasses.RSS.NET.RssChannel.RssChannel) feed.Channels.Add((DSD.Site.UtilityClasses.RSS.NET.RssChannel.RssChannel) element); } while (element != null); feed.rssVersion = reader.Version; } finally { feed.exceptions = reader.Exceptions; reader.Close(); } } else throw new ApplicationException("Not a valid Url"); return feed; }
private static void CheckOneFeed(string readerUrl, string persistAsKey, int orgIdForTemplate) { string persistenceKey = String.Format("Pressrelease-Highwater-{0}", persistAsKey); DateTime highWaterMark = DateTime.MinValue; RssReader reader = null; try { string highWaterMarkString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(highWaterMarkString)) { //Initialize highwatermark if never used highWaterMark = DateTime.Now; Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } else { try { highWaterMark = DateTime.Parse(highWaterMarkString); } catch (Exception ex) { HeartBeater.Instance.SuggestRestart(); throw new Exception( "Triggered restart. Unable to read/parse old highwater mark from database in PressReleaseChecker.Run(), from key:" + persistenceKey + ", loaded string was '" + highWaterMarkString + "' expected format is " + DateTime.Now, ex); } } DateTime storedHighWaterMark = highWaterMark; reader = new RssReader(readerUrl); Rss rss = reader.Read(); foreach (RssChannelItem item in rss.Channel.Items) { // Ignore any items older than the highwater mark. // Also ignore if older than two days if (item.PubDate < highWaterMark || item.PubDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2)) { continue; } // This is an item we should publish. // Set highwater datetime mark. We do this first, BEFORE processing, as a defense against mail floods, // if should something go wrong and unexpected exceptions happen. // We used to add 70 minutes as a defense against mistakes on DST switch in spring and fall (yes, it has happened), but have reduced to two. if (item.PubDate > storedHighWaterMark) { Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(2).ToString(); storedHighWaterMark = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(2); // Verify that it was written correctly to database. This is defensive programming to avoid a mail flood, // in case we can't write to the database for some reason. string newStoredHighWaterString = ""; try { newStoredHighWaterString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]; DateTime temp = DateTime.Parse(newStoredHighWaterString); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception( "Unable to commit/parse new highwater mark to database in PressReleaseChecker.Run(), loaded string was '" + newStoredHighWaterString + "'", ex); } if (DateTime.Parse(Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]) < item.PubDate) { throw new Exception( "Unable to commit new highwater mark to database in PressReleaseChecker.Run()"); } } bool allReporters = false; bool international = false; MediaCategories categories = new MediaCategories(); foreach (RssCategory category in item.Categories) { if (category.Name == "Alla") { allReporters = true; } else if (category.Name == "Uncategorized") { } else { try { MediaCategory mediaCategory = MediaCategory.FromName(category.Name); categories.Add(mediaCategory); if (category.Name.StartsWith("International")) { international = true; } } catch (Exception) { ExceptionMail.Send( new Exception("Unrecognized media category in press release: " + category.Name)); } } } string mailText = Blog2Mail(item.Content); // Create recipient list of relevant reporters Reporters reporters = null; if (allReporters) { reporters = Reporters.GetAll(); } else { reporters = Reporters.FromMediaCategories(categories); } // Add officers if not int'l People officers = new People(); Dictionary <int, bool> officerLookup = new Dictionary <int, bool>(); if (!international) { int[] officerIds = Roles.GetAllDownwardRoles(1, 1); foreach (int officerId in officerIds) { officerLookup[officerId] = true; } } else { officerLookup[1] = true; } // Send press release //TODO: hardcoded geo ... using World Organization org = Organization.FromIdentity(orgIdForTemplate); Geography geo = Geography.Root; PressReleaseMail pressreleasemail = new PressReleaseMail(); pressreleasemail.pSubject = item.Title; pressreleasemail.pDate = DateTime.Now; pressreleasemail.pBodyContent = Blog2Mail(item.Content); pressreleasemail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; if (allReporters) { pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = "Alla"; // TODO: TRANSLATE } else if (international) { pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = "International/English"; // TODO: THIS IS HARDCODED } else { pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = PressReleaseMail.GetConcatenatedCategoryString(categories); } OutboundMail newMail = pressreleasemail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.PressService, OutboundMail.PriorityHighest, org, geo); int recipientCount = 0; foreach (Reporter recipient in reporters) { if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Email)) { continue; } ++recipientCount; newMail.AddRecipient(recipient); } foreach (int key in officerLookup.Keys) { Person recipient = Person.FromIdentity(key); if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Mail)) { continue; } ++recipientCount; newMail.AddRecipient(recipient, true); } newMail.SetRecipientCount(recipientCount); newMail.SetResolved(); newMail.SetReadyForPickup(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMail.Send( new Exception("PressReleaseChecker failed:" + ex.Message + "\r\nwhen checking " + readerUrl, ex)); } finally { reader.Close(); } }
private static void CheckOneFeed (string readerUrl, string persistAsKey, int orgIdForTemplate) { string persistenceKey = String.Format("Pressrelease-Highwater-{0}", persistAsKey); DateTime highWaterMark = DateTime.MinValue; RssReader reader = null; try { string highWaterMarkString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(highWaterMarkString)) { //Initialize highwatermark if never used highWaterMark = DateTime.Now; Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } else { try { highWaterMark = DateTime.Parse(highWaterMarkString); } catch (Exception ex) { HeartBeater.Instance.SuggestRestart(); throw new Exception( "Triggered restart. Unable to read/parse old highwater mark from database in PressReleaseChecker.Run(), from key:" + persistenceKey + ", loaded string was '" + highWaterMarkString + "' expected format is " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), ex); } } DateTime storedHighWaterMark = highWaterMark; reader = new RssReader(readerUrl); Rss rss = reader.Read(); foreach (RssChannelItem item in rss.Channel.Items) { // Ignore any items older than the highwater mark. // Also ignore if older than two days if (item.PubDate < highWaterMark || item.PubDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2)) { continue; } // This is an item we should publish. // Set highwater datetime mark. We do this first, BEFORE processing, as a defense against mail floods, // if should something go wrong and unexpected exceptions happen. // We used to add 70 minutes as a defense against mistakes on DST switch in spring and fall (yes, it has happened), but have reduced to two. if (item.PubDate > storedHighWaterMark) { Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(2).ToString(); storedHighWaterMark = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(2); // Verify that it was written correctly to database. This is defensive programming to avoid a mail flood, // in case we can't write to the database for some reason. string newStoredHighWaterString = ""; try { newStoredHighWaterString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]; DateTime temp = DateTime.Parse(newStoredHighWaterString); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception( "Unable to commit/parse new highwater mark to database in PressReleaseChecker.Run(), loaded string was '" + newStoredHighWaterString + "'", ex); } if (DateTime.Parse(Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]) < item.PubDate) { throw new Exception( "Unable to commit new highwater mark to database in PressReleaseChecker.Run()"); } } bool allReporters = false; bool international = false; MediaCategories categories = new MediaCategories(); foreach (RssCategory category in item.Categories) { if (category.Name == "Alla") { allReporters = true; } else if (category.Name == "Uncategorized") { continue; } else { try { MediaCategory mediaCategory = MediaCategory.FromName(category.Name); categories.Add(mediaCategory); if (category.Name.StartsWith("International")) { international = true; } } catch (Exception) { ExceptionMail.Send(new Exception("Unrecognized media category in press release: " + category.Name)); } } } string mailText = Blog2Mail(item.Content); // Create recipient list of relevant reporters Reporters reporters = null; if (allReporters) { reporters = Reporters.GetAll(); } else { reporters = Reporters.FromMediaCategories(categories); } // Add officers if not int'l People officers = new People(); Dictionary<int, bool> officerLookup = new Dictionary<int, bool>(); if (!international) { int[] officerIds = Roles.GetAllDownwardRoles(1, 1); foreach (int officerId in officerIds) { officerLookup[officerId] = true; } } else { officerLookup[1] = true; } // Send press release //TODO: hardcoded geo ... using World Organization org = Organization.FromIdentity(orgIdForTemplate); Geography geo = Geography.Root; PressReleaseMail pressreleasemail = new PressReleaseMail(); pressreleasemail.pSubject = item.Title; pressreleasemail.pDate = DateTime.Now; pressreleasemail.pBodyContent = Blog2Mail(item.Content); pressreleasemail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; if (allReporters) { pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = "Alla"; // TODO: TRANSLATE } else if (international) { pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = "International/English"; // TODO: THIS IS HARDCODED } else { pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = PressReleaseMail.GetConcatenatedCategoryString(categories); } OutboundMail newMail = pressreleasemail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.PressService, OutboundMail.PriorityHighest, org, geo); int recipientCount = 0; foreach (Reporter recipient in reporters) { if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Email)) { continue; } ++recipientCount; newMail.AddRecipient(recipient); } foreach (int key in officerLookup.Keys) { Person recipient = Person.FromIdentity(key); if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Mail)) { continue; } ++recipientCount; newMail.AddRecipient(recipient, true); } newMail.SetRecipientCount(recipientCount); newMail.SetResolved(); newMail.SetReadyForPickup(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMail.Send(new Exception("PressReleaseChecker failed:" + ex.Message + "\r\nwhen checking " + readerUrl, ex)); } finally { reader.Close(); } }
private static void CheckOneBlog(string readerFeedUrl, int personId) { try { Person sender = Person.FromIdentity(personId); string senderName = sender.Name + " (Piratpartiet)"; string senderAddress = sender.PartyEmail; if (personId == 5) { senderName = "=?utf-8?Q?Christian_Engstr=C3=B6m_(Piratpartiet)?="; // compensate for Mono bug } if (personId == 1) { senderAddress = "*****@*****.**"; } RssReader reader = new RssReader(readerFeedUrl); People recipients = null; DateTime highWaterMark = DateTime.MinValue; string persistenceKey = "Newsletter-Highwater-" + personId.ToString(); string highWaterMarkString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]; try { highWaterMark = DateTime.Parse(highWaterMarkString); } catch (FormatException) { highWaterMark = DateTime.MinValue; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ReaderException("feed:" + readerFeedUrl, e); } try { Rss rss = reader.Read(); // TODO: Read the high water mark from db foreach (RssChannelItem item in rss.Channel.Items) { // Ignore any items older than the highwater mark. if (item.PubDate < highWaterMark) { continue; } // For each item, look for the "Nyhetsbrev" category. bool publish = false; foreach (RssCategory category in item.Categories) { if (category.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "nyhetsbrev") { publish = true; } } if (publish) { // Set highwater datetime mark. We do this first as a defense against mail floods, should something go wrong. Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(5).ToString(); // Verify that it was written correctly to database. This is defensive programming to avoid a mail flood. if (DateTime.Parse(Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]) < item.PubDate) { throw new Exception( "Unable to commit new highwater mark to database in NewsletterChecker.Run()"); } bool testMode = false; if (item.Title.ToLower().Contains("test")) { // Newsletter blog entry contains "test" in title -> testmode testMode = true; } // Post to forum string forumText = Blog2Forum(item.Content); string mailText = Blog2Mail(item.Content); int forumPostId = 0; try { forumPostId = SwedishForumDatabase.GetDatabase().CreateNewPost( testMode ? ForumIdTestPost : ForumIdNewsletter, sender, "Nyhetsbrev " + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), item.Title, forumText); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { // ignore when debugging throw ex; } } // Establish people to send to, if not already done. if (recipients == null || recipients.Count == 1) { recipients = People.FromNewsletterFeed(NewsletterFeed.TypeID.ChairmanBlog); } /* * Disabled sending to activists -- this was done leading up to the election in 2009 */ // Add activists (HACK) // Should probably be better to select by organization, not geography. /* * People activists = Activists.FromGeography(Country.FromCode("SE").Geography).People; * * recipients = recipients.LogicalOr(activists);*/ // OVERRIDE: If this is a TEST newsletter, send ONLY to the originator if (testMode) { recipients = People.FromSingle(sender); item.Title += " [TEST MODE]"; } //TODO: hardcoded Org & geo ... using PP & World Organization org = Organization.PPSE; Geography geo = Geography.Root; NewsletterMail newslettermail = new NewsletterMail(); newslettermail.pSubject = item.Title; newslettermail.pDate = DateTime.Now; newslettermail.pForumPostUrl = String.Format("{0}", forumPostId); newslettermail.pBodyContent = Blog2Mail(item.Content); newslettermail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; OutboundMail newMail = newslettermail.CreateOutboundMail(sender, OutboundMail.PriorityLow, org, geo); int recipientCount = 0; foreach (Person recipient in recipients) { if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Mail) || recipient.MailUnreachable || recipient.NeverMail) { continue; } ++recipientCount; newMail.AddRecipient(recipient, false); } newMail.SetRecipientCount(recipientCount); newMail.SetResolved(); newMail.SetReadyForPickup(); } } } finally { reader.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lock (feedErrorSignaled) { if (!feedErrorSignaled.ContainsKey(readerFeedUrl) || feedErrorSignaled[readerFeedUrl].AddMinutes(60) < DateTime.Now) { feedErrorSignaled[readerFeedUrl] = DateTime.Now; throw new ReaderException("NewsletterChecker got error " + ex.Message + "\n when checking feed:" + readerFeedUrl + "\n(feed will be continually checked, bu will not signal error again for an hour)", ex); } } } }
private static void CheckOneBlog (string readerFeedUrl, int personId) { try { Person sender = Person.FromIdentity(personId); string senderName = sender.Name + " (Piratpartiet)"; string senderAddress = sender.PartyEmail; if (personId == 5) { senderName = "=?utf-8?Q?Christian_Engstr=C3=B6m_(Piratpartiet)?="; // compensate for Mono bug } if (personId == 1) { senderAddress = "*****@*****.**"; } RssReader reader = new RssReader(readerFeedUrl); People recipients = null; DateTime highWaterMark = DateTime.MinValue; string persistenceKey = "Newsletter-Highwater-" + personId.ToString(); string highWaterMarkString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]; try { highWaterMark = DateTime.Parse(highWaterMarkString); } catch (FormatException) { highWaterMark = DateTime.MinValue; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ReaderException("feed:" + readerFeedUrl, e); } try { Rss rss = reader.Read(); // TODO: Read the high water mark from db foreach (RssChannelItem item in rss.Channel.Items) { // Ignore any items older than the highwater mark. if (item.PubDate < highWaterMark) { continue; } // For each item, look for the "Nyhetsbrev" category. bool publish = false; foreach (RssCategory category in item.Categories) { if (category.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "nyhetsbrev") { publish = true; } } if (publish) { // Set highwater datetime mark. We do this first as a defense against mail floods, should something go wrong. Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(5).ToString(); // Verify that it was written correctly to database. This is defensive programming to avoid a mail flood. if (DateTime.Parse(Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]) < item.PubDate) { throw new Exception( "Unable to commit new highwater mark to database in NewsletterChecker.Run()"); } bool testMode = false; if (item.Title.ToLower().Contains("test")) { // Newsletter blog entry contains "test" in title -> testmode testMode = true; } // Post to forum string forumText = Blog2Forum(item.Content); string mailText = Blog2Mail(item.Content); int forumPostId = 0; try { forumPostId = SwedishForumDatabase.GetDatabase().CreateNewPost( testMode ? ForumIdTestPost : ForumIdNewsletter, sender, "Nyhetsbrev " + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), item.Title, forumText); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { // ignore when debugging throw ex; } } // Establish people to send to, if not already done. if (recipients == null || recipients.Count == 1) { recipients = People.FromNewsletterFeed(NewsletterFeed.TypeID.ChairmanBlog); } /* * Disabled sending to activists -- this was done leading up to the election in 2009 */ // Add activists (HACK) // Should probably be better to select by organization, not geography. /* People activists = Activists.FromGeography(Country.FromCode("SE").Geography).People; recipients = recipients.LogicalOr(activists);*/ // OVERRIDE: If this is a TEST newsletter, send ONLY to the originator if (testMode) { recipients = People.FromSingle(sender); item.Title += " [TEST MODE]"; } //TODO: hardcoded Org & geo ... using PP & World Organization org = Organization.PPSE; Geography geo = Geography.Root; NewsletterMail newslettermail = new NewsletterMail(); newslettermail.pSubject = item.Title; newslettermail.pDate = DateTime.Now; newslettermail.pForumPostUrl = String.Format("{0}", forumPostId); newslettermail.pBodyContent = Blog2Mail(item.Content); newslettermail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; OutboundMail newMail = newslettermail.CreateOutboundMail(sender, OutboundMail.PriorityLow, org, geo); int recipientCount = 0; foreach (Person recipient in recipients) { if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Mail) || recipient.MailUnreachable || recipient.NeverMail) { continue; } ++recipientCount; newMail.AddRecipient(recipient, false); } newMail.SetRecipientCount(recipientCount); newMail.SetResolved(); newMail.SetReadyForPickup(); } } } finally { reader.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lock (feedErrorSignaled) { if (!feedErrorSignaled.ContainsKey(readerFeedUrl) || feedErrorSignaled[readerFeedUrl].AddMinutes(60) < DateTime.Now) { feedErrorSignaled[readerFeedUrl] = DateTime.Now; throw new ReaderException("NewsletterChecker got error " + ex.Message + "\n when checking feed:" + readerFeedUrl + "\n(feed will be continually checked, bu will not signal error again for an hour)", ex); } } } }