public async Task <IEnumerable <FeedItem> > UpdateFeedAsync(Feed feed) { var list = new List <FeedItem>(); switch (feed.FeedType) { case FeedType.Rss: var rss = RssFeed.Create(new Uri(feed.Address)); foreach (var item in rss.Channel.Items) { list.Add(new FeedItem(item)); } break; case FeedType.Atom: var atom = AtomFeed.Create(new Uri(feed.Address)); foreach (var entry in atom.Entries) { list.Add(new FeedItem(entry)); } break; default: var unknown = GenericSyndicationFeed.Create(new Uri(feed.Address)); foreach (var item in unknown.Items) { list.Add(new FeedItem(item)); } break; } return(list); }
/// <summary> /// Provides example code for the FeedHistorySyndicationExtension class. /// </summary> public static void ClassExample() { // Framework auto-discovers supported extensions based on XML namespace attributes (xmlns) defined on root of resource RssFeed feed = RssFeed.Create(new Uri("")); // Extensible framework entities provide properties/methods to determine if entity is extended and predicate based seaching against available extensions if (feed.Channel.HasExtensions) { FeedHistorySyndicationExtension channelExtension = feed.Channel.FindExtension(FeedHistorySyndicationExtension.MatchByType) as FeedHistorySyndicationExtension; if (channelExtension != null) { // Process channel extension } } foreach (RssItem item in feed.Channel.Items) { if (item.HasExtensions) { FeedHistorySyndicationExtension itemExtension = item.FindExtension(FeedHistorySyndicationExtension.MatchByType) as FeedHistorySyndicationExtension; if (itemExtension != null) { // Process extension for current item } } } // By default the framework will automatically determine what XML namespace attributes (xmlns) to write // on the root of the resource based on the extensions applied to extensible parent and child entities using (FileStream stream = new FileStream("Feed.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { feed.Save(stream); } }
/// <summary> /// Provides example code for the RssFeed.Create(Uri) method /// </summary> public static void CreateExample() { RssFeed feed = RssFeed.Create(new Uri("")); foreach (RssItem item in feed.Channel.Items) { if (item.PublicationDate >= DateTime.Today.Subtract(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0))) { // Process channel items published in the last week } } }
public Feed GetFeed(Feed feed) { switch (feed.FeedType) { case FeedType.Rss: var rss = RssFeed.Create(new Uri(feed.Address)); return(new Feed(rss)); case FeedType.Atom: var atom = AtomFeed.Create(new Uri(feed.Address)); return(new Feed(atom)); default: var unknown = GenericSyndicationFeed.Create(new Uri(feed.Address)); return(new Feed(unknown)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { RssFeed feed = RssFeed.Create(new Uri("")); var nItems = feed.Channel.Items.Count(); foreach (RssItem item in feed.Channel.Items) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", item.Title, item.Description); } Console.ReadLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Provides example code for the SyndicationDiscoveryUtility.LocateDiscoverableSyndicationEndpoints(Uri) method /// </summary> public static void LocateDiscoverableSyndicationEndpointsExample() { Uri source = new Uri(""); Collection <DiscoverableSyndicationEndpoint> endpoints; endpoints = SyndicationDiscoveryUtility.LocateDiscoverableSyndicationEndpoints(source); foreach (DiscoverableSyndicationEndpoint endpoint in endpoints) { if (endpoint.ContentFormat == SyndicationContentFormat.Rss) { RssFeed feed = RssFeed.Create(endpoint.Source); if (feed.Channel.HasExtensions) { // Process feed extensions } } } }
public static IEnumerable <TitleAndUrl> BuildTitleAndUrls(Opml opml) { var titleAndUrls = new List <TitleAndUrl>(); foreach (var opmlOutline in opml.Outlines) { var titleAndUrl = new TitleAndUrl(); titleAndUrls.Add(titleAndUrl); titleAndUrl.Podcasts = new List <Podcast>(); if (opmlOutline.Attributes.ContainsKey(TitleAttribute)) { titleAndUrl.Title = opmlOutline.Attributes[TitleAttribute]; } if (!opmlOutline.Attributes.ContainsKey(XmlUrlAttribute)) { continue; } titleAndUrl.Url = new Uri(opmlOutline.Attributes[XmlUrlAttribute]); if (titleAndUrl.Title != null) { continue; } var settings = new SyndicationResourceLoadSettings(); var feed = RssFeed.Create(titleAndUrl.Url, settings); foreach (var item in feed.Channel.Items) { var podcast = new Podcast(); podcast.Title = item.Title; podcast.Url = item.Link; titleAndUrl.Podcasts.Add(podcast); } } return(titleAndUrls); }
private void LoadListView() { var feed = RssFeed.Create(new Uri(@"")); foreach (RssItem post in feed.Channel.Items) { var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(post.Description); var imageUrl = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//img").First().Attributes["src"].Value; var image = LoadImage(imageUrl); //image = ResizeImage(image, 64, 64, true); _images.Images.Add(post.Link.AbsoluteUri, image); var item = new ListViewItem(post.Title) { Tag = post, ImageKey = post.Link.AbsoluteUri }; listView1.Items.Add(item); } }
private void RetrieveItems(int feedId) { using (var context = DataContext) { var item = context.Feeds.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == feedId); var feed = RssFeed.Create(new Uri(item.RssUrl)); foreach (var feedItem in feed.Channel.Items.Where(m => m.PublicationDate > item.LastRetrievedOn)) { var newItem = new Item() { FeedId = feedId, Description = feedItem.Description, Author = feedItem.Author, Categories = string.Join(";", feedItem.Categories.Select(m => m.Value).ToArray <string>()), Comments = feedItem.Comments.ToString(), GuidValue = feedItem.Guid.Value, Link = feedItem.Link.ToString(), PublicationDate = feedItem.PublicationDate, SourceTitle = feedItem.Source.Title, SourceUrl = feedItem.Source.Url.ToString(), Title = feedItem.Title }; context.Items.Add(newItem); } item.Title = feed.Channel.Title; item.Format = feed.Format.ToString(); item.Version = feed.Version.ToString(); item.Webmaster = feed.Channel.Webmaster; item.Description = feed.Channel.Description; item.Copyright = feed.Channel.Copyright; item.LastRetrievedOn = DateTime.Now; context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void GetRss() { try { var ccDal = new DataAccess.Data(); var feeds = ccDal.GetActiveFeeds(); foreach (var feedrow in feeds) { if (!feedrow.FeedActive) { continue; } var feed = RssFeed.Create(new Uri(feedrow.FeedRssLink)); if (feed.Channel.HasExtensions) { feed.Channel.FindExtension(DublinCoreElementSetSyndicationExtension.MatchByType); } foreach (var item in feed.Channel.Items) { if (item.HasExtensions) { var dcExt = item.FindExtension(DublinCoreElementSetSyndicationExtension.MatchByType) as DublinCoreElementSetSyndicationExtension; if (dcExt != null) { ccDal.InsertRawData(dcExt.Context.Date.ToLocalTime(), item.Link.AbsoluteUri, WebUtility.HtmlDecode(item.Title), WebUtility.HtmlDecode(item.Description), feedrow.Id); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } }
private static IEnumerable <ItemDownload> ProcurarEpisodiosNosFeeds() { var lstEpisodiosParaBaixar = new List <ItemDownload>(); var feedsService = App.Container.Resolve <FeedsService>(); var qualidadeDownloadService = App.Container.Resolve <QualidadeDownloadService>(); IEnumerable <Feed> lstFeeds = feedsService.GetLista() .Where(x => !x.bIsFeedPesquisa && (x.nIdTipoConteudo == Enums.TipoConteudo.Série || x.nIdTipoConteudo == Enums.TipoConteudo.Anime)) .OrderBy(x => x.nNrPrioridade); IEnumerable <QualidadeDownload> lstQualidadeDownloads = qualidadeDownloadService.GetLista().OrderBy(x => x.nPrioridade); var rgxQualidade = new Regex($".*?({string.Join("|", lstQualidadeDownloads.Select(x => x.sIdentificadoresQualidade))})"); foreach (Feed item in lstFeeds) { RssFeed rss; try { rss = RssFeed.Create(new Uri(item.sLkFeed)); } catch (Exception ex) { new MediaManagerException(ex).TratarException(string.Format(Mensagens.Ocorreu_um_erro_ao_abrir_o_feed_0_URL_1_, item.sDsFeed, item.sLkFeed)); continue; } foreach (RssItem objRssItem in rss.Channel.Items) { try { var episodio = new Episodio { sDsFilepath = objRssItem.Title }; string extensao = Path.GetExtension(Helper.RetirarCaracteresInvalidos(objRssItem.Title)); if (!episodio.IdentificarEpisodio() || episodio.nIdTipoConteudo != item.nIdTipoConteudo || episodio.nIdEstadoEpisodio != Enums.EstadoEpisodio.Desejado || episodio.oSerie.bIsParado || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(extensao) && !Settings.Default.ExtensoesRenomeioPermitidas.Contains(extensao))) { continue; } string strIdentificador = rgxQualidade.Match(objRssItem.Title).Groups[1].Value; // Verifica se é vazio/null para atribuir a qualidade "Desconhecido". QualidadeDownload objQualidadeDownload = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strIdentificador) ? lstQualidadeDownloads.FirstOrDefault(x => x.sIdentificadoresQualidade.Split('|').Any(y => y == strIdentificador)) : lstQualidadeDownloads.First(x => x.nCdQualidadeDownload == 1); if (lstEpisodiosParaBaixar.Any(x => x.ObjEpisodio.nCdEpisodioAPI == episodio.nCdEpisodioAPI)) { lstEpisodiosParaBaixar.First(x => x.ObjEpisodio.nCdEpisodioAPI == episodio.nCdEpisodioAPI).LstObjRssItem.Add(objRssItem, objQualidadeDownload); } else { lstEpisodiosParaBaixar.Add(new ItemDownload { ObjEpisodio = episodio, LstObjRssItem = new Dictionary <RssItem, QualidadeDownload> { { objRssItem, objQualidadeDownload } } }); } } catch (Exception e) { new MediaManagerException(e).TratarException(string.Format(Mensagens.Ocorreu_um_erro_ao_procurar_o_item_0_do_feed_RSS_1_, objRssItem.Title, item.sDsFeed)); } } } return(lstEpisodiosParaBaixar); }