// // // protected void DoAck(TreeLbItem ti) { if (MessageBoxResult.OK != MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to acknowledge message?\n\n(press Back to Cancel)")) { return; } if (m_sUserIDlast.Length == 0) { return; } string sPath = AppLogic.csSecretsFolder + "\\" + m_sUserIDlast; RscStore store = new RscStore(); sPath += "\\Threads"; if (!store.FolderExists(sPath)) { return; } MyThread2 th = new MyThread2(); th = store.ReadXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + ti.sID + "\\" + ti.sHistoryID + ".xml", th); if (th.ID.Length == 0) { return; //FAIL!!! } th.DateAcked = DateTime.Now; store.WriteXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + ti.sID + "\\" + ti.sHistoryID + ".xml", th, true); ti.BtnCustom1Visibility = Rsc.Collapsed; ti.DetailsOfTitle = TreeLbItemThread.DecorateSnippet(th); ti.ClearCustomBackColor(); int iCount_NonAckAll = 0; iCount_NonAckAll = store.ReadXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + "Count_NonAck" + ".xml", iCount_NonAckAll); iCount_NonAckAll = Math.Max(0, iCount_NonAckAll - 1); store.WriteXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + "Count_NonAck" + ".xml", iCount_NonAckAll, true); int iCountAll = 0; iCountAll = store.ReadXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + "Count" + ".xml", iCountAll); UpdateSumItem(iCount_NonAckAll, iCountAll); m_AppFrame.StatusText = ""; //To refresh mem info... }
public static void SaveAuthResult(RscGoogleAuthResult auth) { Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { RscStore store = new RscStore(); store.CreateFolderPath(AppLogic.csSecretsFolder); store.WriteXmlDataFile(AppLogic.csSecretsFolder + "\\" + "AUTH.xml", auth, true); }); }
private void SaveAuthResult(RscGoogleAuthResult auth) { Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { //ATT: Logged ON!!! m_btnLogOut.Visibility = Rsc.Visible; RscStore store = new RscStore(); store.CreateFolderPath(csSecretsFolder); store.WriteXmlDataFile(csSecretsFolder + "\\" + "AUTH.xml", auth, true); }); }
public static int SaveThreadData(bool bCalledByAgent, string sPath, RscJSonItem jsonThreads) { RscJSonItem json = jsonThreads.GetChildByName("threads"); if (json == null) { return(-200); } RscStore store = new RscStore(); bool bFirstRun = false; sPath += "\\Threads"; if (!store.FolderExists(sPath)) { bFirstRun = true; store.CreateFolderPath(sPath); store.WriteTextFile(sPath + "\\" + "Version.txt", ciCurrentVersion.ToString(), true); } string sThreadIdOrder_OLD = ""; sThreadIdOrder_OLD = store.ReadTextFile(sPath + "\\" + "IdOrder" + ".txt", sThreadIdOrder_OLD); sThreadIdOrder_OLD += "|"; //ATTENTION!!! 1 of 2 string sThreadIdOrder_NEW = ""; int iJustAdded = 0; int iThCnt = json.ChildCount; for (int iTh = 0; iTh < iThCnt; iTh++) { RscJSonItem jsonTh = json.GetChild(iTh); string sID = jsonTh.GetPropertyValue("id"); string sHistoryID = jsonTh.GetPropertyValue("historyId"); string sSnippet = jsonTh.GetPropertyValue("snippet"); //, true ); if (sID.Length == 0 || sHistoryID.Length == 0 || sSnippet.Length == 0) { continue; } store.CreateFolderPath(sPath + "\\" + sID); if (store.FileExists(sPath + "\\" + sID + "\\" + sHistoryID + ".xml")) { //Threads arrives in reverse order, so... break; } else { sThreadIdOrder_OLD = sThreadIdOrder_OLD.Replace(sID + "|", ""); //Removing ID if (sThreadIdOrder_NEW.Length > 0) { sThreadIdOrder_NEW += "|"; } sThreadIdOrder_NEW += sID; //Adding ID string sIdOrder = ""; sIdOrder = store.ReadTextFile(sPath + "\\" + sID + "\\" + "IdOrder" + ".txt", ""); iJustAdded++; MyThread2 th = new MyThread2(); th.ID = sID; th.HistoryID = sHistoryID; th.Snippet = sSnippet; if (bFirstRun) { th.DateAcked = DateTime.Now; } store.WriteXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + sID + "\\" + sHistoryID + ".xml", th, true); if (sIdOrder.Length > 0) { sIdOrder = "|" + sIdOrder; } sIdOrder = sHistoryID + sIdOrder; store.WriteTextFile(sPath + "\\" + sID + "\\" + "IdOrder" + ".txt", sIdOrder, true); } } if (sThreadIdOrder_OLD.Length > 0) { //ATTENTION!!! 2 of 2 sThreadIdOrder_OLD = sThreadIdOrder_OLD.Substring(0, sThreadIdOrder_OLD.Length - 1); } if (sThreadIdOrder_NEW.Length > 0 && sThreadIdOrder_OLD.Length > 0) { sThreadIdOrder_NEW += "|"; } sThreadIdOrder_NEW += sThreadIdOrder_OLD; store.WriteTextFile(sPath + "\\" + "IdOrder" + ".txt", sThreadIdOrder_NEW, true); int iCountAll = 0; iCountAll = store.ReadXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + "Count" + ".xml", iCountAll); iCountAll += iJustAdded; store.WriteXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + "Count" + ".xml", iCountAll, true); int iCount_NonAckAll = 0; iCount_NonAckAll = store.ReadXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + "Count_NonAck" + ".xml", iCount_NonAckAll); if (!bFirstRun) { iCount_NonAckAll += iJustAdded; } store.WriteXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + "Count_NonAck" + ".xml", iCount_NonAckAll, true); int iCount_NEW = 0; iCount_NEW = store.ReadXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + "Count_NEW" + ".xml", iCount_NEW); if (bCalledByAgent) { iCount_NEW += iJustAdded; } else if (bFirstRun) { iCount_NEW = 0; } else { iCount_NEW = 0; } store.WriteXmlDataFile(sPath + "\\" + "Count_NEW" + ".xml", iCount_NEW, true); return(iJustAdded); }