        //private int Convert.ToInt32(NpgsqlDataReader dr)
        //    if (dr != null)
        //    {
        //        if (dr.HasRows && dr.Read())
        //        {
        //            int id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"].ToString());
        //            dr.Close();
        //            return id;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            return 0;
        //        }

        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        return 0;
        //    }
        public int StartTest(string customerName, string suiteName, string scenarioName, string testName, string testType, string analystName, string testDesc, int ReportID = 0, int deleteFlag = 1)
            Print("", null);
            customerName = Slugify(customerName);
            CstID        = Convert.ToInt32(Call("arch.update_cst", "customer:" + customerName));
            Print("Customer ID: " + CstID.ToString() + " [ " + customerName + " ]", null);
            SuiteName = Slugify(suiteName);
            SitID     = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_sit", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "suite:" + SuiteName));
            Print("Suite ID: " + SitID.ToString() + " [ " + suiteName + " ]", null);
            ScenarioName = Slugify(scenarioName);
            ScnID        = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_scn", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "scenario:" + ScenarioName));
            Print("Scenario ID: " + ScnID.ToString() + " [ " + ScenarioName + " ]", null);
            TestName    = Slugify(testName);
            TestType    = testType;
            TestDesc    = testDesc;
            AnalystName = analystName;
            TstID       = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_tst", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "test:" + TestName, "type:" + TestType, "desc:" + TestDesc, "analyst:" + AnalystName));
            Print("Test ID: " + TstID.ToString() + " [ " + TestName + " ]", null);
            Print("", null);

            if (ReportID != 0 && deleteFlag == 1)
                Call("auto.delete_rpt", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + ReportID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString());
            if (TemConexao)
                RptID = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_rpt", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + ReportID.ToString(), "status:pendente"));
                if (RptID == 0)
                RptID = ReportID;
            Print("Report ID: " + RptID.ToString(), null);
            if (deleteFlag == 1)
                Call("auto.delete_lgs", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + RptID.ToString());
                Call("auto.delete_stp", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString());
Пример #2
 public int StartTest(string customerName, string suiteName, string scenarioName, string testName, string testType, string analystName, string testDesc, int reportID = 0, int deleteFlag = 1, string statusType = "worst")
         if (Connected == false)
             Print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------", null);
             Print("  Report Database Offline", null);
         Print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------", null);
         CustomerName = Slugify(customerName);
         CstID        = Convert.ToInt32(Call("arch.update_cst", "customer:" + CustomerName));
         Print("  Customer ID: " + CstID.ToString() + " [" + CustomerName + "]", null);
         SuiteName = Slugify(suiteName);
         SitID     = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_sit", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "suite:" + SuiteName));
         Print("     Suite ID: " + SitID.ToString() + " [" + SuiteName + "]", null);
         ScenarioName = Slugify(scenarioName);
         ScnID        = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_scn", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "scenario:" + ScenarioName));
         Print("  Scenario ID: " + ScnID.ToString() + " [" + ScenarioName + "]", null);
         TestName    = Slugify(testName);
         TestType    = testType;
         TestDesc    = testDesc;
         AnalystName = analystName;
         TstID       = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_tst", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "test:" + TestName, "type:" + TestType, "desc:" + TestDesc, "analyst:" + AnalystName, "status:" + statusType));
         Print("      Test ID: " + TstID.ToString() + " [" + TestName + "]", null);
         Print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------", null);
         if (deleteFlag == 1)
             if (ReportID != 0)
                 Call("auto.delete_rpt", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + reportID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString());
                 Call("auto.delete_lgs", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + reportID.ToString());
             Call("auto.delete_stp", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString());
         RptID = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_rpt", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + reportID.ToString(), "status:pendente"));
         Print("    Report ID: " + RptID.ToString(), null);
         Print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------", null);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception(Print("Exception at StartTest", ex));
        //public Image ByteToImage(int CstId, int RptId, int lgsID, string file_full_path)
        //    try
        //    {

        //        NpgsqlDataReader dr = Call("auto.get_image", "cst_id:" + CstId.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + RptId.ToString(), "lgs_id:" + lgsID.ToString());
        //        if (dr.HasRows && dr.Read())
        //        {
        //            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream((byte[])dr["image_data"]);
        //            Image img = Image.FromStream(ms, true);
        //            dr.Close();
        //            return img;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            dr.Close();
        //            return null;
        //        }

        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        Print("ByteToImage", ex);
        //        return null;
        //    }

        public void EndTest(int ReportID = 0, string status = "pronto", bool deleteReport = false)
                if (this.SitID == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Print("EndTest(SitID=0)", null));
                if (this.ScnID == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Print("EndTest(ScnID=0)", null));
                if (this.TstID == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Print("EndTest(TstID=0)", null));
                if (this.RptID == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Print("EndTest(RptID=0)", null));

                if (deleteReport == true || ReportID == 0)
                    Call("auto.delete_rpt", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + RptID.ToString());

                if (Conexao.ConexaoAberta())
                    Print("End Test", null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Print("EndTest", ex);
        public int StartStep(string desc, int turn = 1, string status = "executando", string logMsg = "", string paramName = "", string paramValue = "")
                if (this.CstID == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Print("StartStep(CstID=0)", null));
                if (this.SitID == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Print("StartStep(SitID=0)", null));
                if (this.ScnID == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Print("StartStep(ScnID=0)", null));
                if (this.TstID == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Print("StartStep(TstID=0)", null));
                if (this.RptID == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Print("StartStep(RptID=0)", null));

                if (status == "executando")
                    string logLine = "  Step " + GetStepNumber(desc).ToString() + "." + turn.ToString() + ": " + desc;
                    if (logMsg != "" || paramName != "")
                        logLine = logLine + " (";
                        if (logMsg != "")
                            logLine = logLine + "Obs: " + logMsg;
                            if (paramName != "")
                                logLine = logLine + " - ";
                        if (paramName != "")
                            logLine = logLine + "Parameter: " + paramName + " = " + paramValue;
                            logLine = logLine + ")";
                    Print("StartStep('')", null);
                    Print("StartStep(" + logLine + ")", null);
                return(Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_lgs", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + RptID.ToString(), "dsc:" + desc, "turn_id:" + turn.ToString(), "status:" + status, "log_msg:" + logMsg, "param_name:" + paramName, "param_value:" + paramValue)));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(Print("StartStep", ex));
 public int DoStep(string desc, string expected_result = "", string status = "active", int newStep = 1)
         if (this.CstID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("DoStep(CstID=0)", null));
         if (this.SitID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("DoStep(SitID=0)", null));
         if (this.ScnID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("DoStep(ScnID=0)", null));
         if (this.TstID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("DoStep(TstID=0)", null));
         if (this.RptID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("DoStep(RptID=0)", null));
         StepNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_stp", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "dsc:" + desc, "expected_result:" + expected_result, "status:" + status));
         if (newStep == 1)
             Call("auto.delete_lgs", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + RptID.ToString(), "description:" + desc);
         Call("auto.count_stp", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString());
         StartStep(desc, 1, status = "pendente");
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception(Print("DoStep", ex));
Пример #6
        public string PrintPageComSelenium(IWebDriver driver, bool full = false, int sleep = 0)
                if (sleep > 0)
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(sleep * 1000);

                //Create base directory and set image filename
                string printPath = GetAppPath() + "/Prints" + "/" + CustomerName + "/" + RptID.ToString() + "/" + SuiteName + "/" + ScenarioName + "/" + TestName;
                if (!Directory.Exists(printPath))
                string filename = printPath + "/" + StepNumber.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + "_" + StepTurn.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "-" + TestName.Replace("-", "_") + ".png";
                if (File.Exists(filename))

                if (full)
                     *  Dispositivo			Width	X	Heigh
                     *  Reponsive			400		X	1397
                     *  Galaxy S5			360		X	640
                     *  Pixel 2				411		X	731
                     *  Pixel 2 XL			411		X	823
                     *  iPhone 5/SE			320		X	568
                     *  iPhone 6/7/8		375		X	667
                     *  iPhone 6/7/8 Plus	414		X	736
                     *  iPhone X			375		X	812
                     *  iPad				768		X	1024
                     *  iPad Pro			1024	X	1366

                    Bitmap stitchedImage = null;

                    // First scroll to load all page components
                    ((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript(String.Format("window.scrollBy({0}, {1})", 0, -100000));
                    for (int p = 0; p < 200; p++)
                        ((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript(String.Format("window.scrollBy({0}, {1})", 0, 500));
                    ((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript(String.Format("window.scrollBy({0}, {1})", 0, -100000));

                    // Get full page size
                    long totalwidth1  = (long)((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript("return document.body.offsetWidth");//documentElement.scrollWidth");
                    long totalHeight1 = (long)((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript("return document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight");
                    int  totalWidth   = (int)totalwidth1;
                    int  totalHeight  = (int)totalHeight1;

                    // Get viewport size
                    long viewportWidth1  = (long)((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript("return document.body.clientWidth"); //documentElement.scrollWidth");
                    long viewportHeight1 = (long)((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript("return window.innerHeight");        //documentElement.scrollWidth");
                    int  viewportWidth   = (int)viewportWidth1;
                    int  viewportHeight  = (int)viewportHeight1;

                    // Split screen in multiple rectangles
                    List <Rectangle> rectangles = new List <Rectangle>();

                    // Loop until total height
                    for (int i = 0; i < totalHeight; i += viewportHeight)
                        int newHeight = viewportHeight;

                        // Fix if element height too big
                        if (i + viewportHeight > totalHeight)
                            newHeight = totalHeight - i;

                        // Loop until total width
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < totalWidth; ii += viewportWidth)
                            int newWidth = viewportWidth;

                            // Fix if element width too big
                            if (ii + viewportWidth > totalWidth)
                                newWidth = totalWidth - ii;

                            // Create and add new rectangle
                            Rectangle currRect = new Rectangle(ii, i, newWidth, newHeight);

                    // Build image
                    stitchedImage = new Bitmap(totalWidth, totalHeight);

                    // Get all screenshots together
                    Rectangle previous = Rectangle.Empty;
                    foreach (var rectangle in rectangles)
                        // Calculate needed scrolling
                        if (previous != Rectangle.Empty)
                            int xDiff = rectangle.Right - previous.Right;
                            int yDiff = rectangle.Bottom - previous.Bottom;
                            ((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript(String.Format("window.scrollBy({0}, {1})", xDiff, yDiff));

                        // Take screenshot
                        var screenshot = ((ITakesScreenshot)driver).GetScreenshot();

                        // Build an image from the screenshot
                        Image screenshotImage;
                        using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(screenshot.AsByteArray))
                            screenshotImage = Image.FromStream(memStream);

                        // Calculate source rectangle
                        Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(viewportWidth - rectangle.Width, viewportHeight - rectangle.Height, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);

                        // Copy image
                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(stitchedImage))
                            g.DrawImage(screenshotImage, rectangle, sourceRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                        // Set previous rectangle
                        previous = rectangle;

                    // Save image file
                    stitchedImage.Save(filename, ImageFormat.Png);
                    Screenshot ss = ((ITakesScreenshot)driver).GetScreenshot();
                    ss.SaveAsFile(filename, ScreenshotImageFormat.Png);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Print("Exception at PrintPageComSelenium", ex);
Пример #7
        public void GetReportURL()
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomerName))
                    throw new Exception(Print("GetReportURL [CustomerName='']", null));
                if (RptID == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Print("GetReportURL [RptID=0]", null));
                if (Connected)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReportTitle))
                        throw new Exception(Print("GetReportURL [ReportTitle='']", null));
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(AnalystName))
                        throw new Exception(Print("GetReportURL [AnalystName='']", null));
                    if (Conn.ConnOpened())
                        URLDomain = Call("auto.get_conf", "cst_name:" + CustomerName, "conf_name:" + "export_url_domain");
                        string profileParam = "";
                        if (ReportProfile != "")
                            profileParam = "&profile=" + ReportProfile;
                        string CompileURL = URLDomain + "/portal/auto/reports/update.php?customer_name=" + CustomerName + "&rpt_id=" + RptID.ToString() + "&rpt_title=" + ReportTitle + "&rpt_obs=" + ReportObs + "&rpt_analyst=" + AnalystName + profileParam;

                        HttpWebRequest  request   = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(CompileURL);
                        HttpWebResponse response  = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                        string          URLReturn = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                        if (URLReturn.Contains("[Done]"))
                            Print("  Relatório gerado com sucesso! Clique no link abaixo:", null);
                            Print("    " + URLDomain + "/portal/auto/reports/" + CustomerName + "/" + RptID.ToString(), null);
                            Print("  Relatório gerado com erro!", null);
                            Print(CompileURL, null);
                    Print("  Teste executado, porém o relatório não foi atualizado. Clique no link abaixo para acessar o último relatório disponível:", null);
                    Print("    " + URLDomain + "/portal/auto/reports/" + CustomerName + "/" + ReportID.ToString(), null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Print("Exception at GetReportURL", ex);
Пример #8
 public void EndTest(int reportID = 0, string status = "pronto", bool deleteReport = false)
         if (CstID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("EndTest [CstID=0]", null));
         if (RptID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("EndTest [RptID=0]", null));
         if (SitID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("EndTest [SitID=0]", null));
         if (ScnID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("EndTest [ScnID=0]", null));
         if (TstID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("EndTest [TstID=0]", null));
         if (deleteReport == true || reportID == 0)
             Call("auto.delete_rpt", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + RptID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString());
         Print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------", null);
         Print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------", null);
         if (Conn.ConnOpened())
     catch (Exception ex)
         Print("Exception at EndTest", ex);
Пример #9
 public int StartStep(string stepDesc, int turn = 0, string status = "executando", string logMsg = "", string paramName = "", string paramValue = "")
         if (CstID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("StartStep [CstID=0]", null));
         if (SitID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("StartStep [SitID=0]", null));
         if (ScnID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("StartStep [ScnID=0]", null));
         if (TstID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("StartStep [TstID=0]", null));
         if (RptID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("StartStep [RptID=0]", null));
         StepName = stepDesc;
         if (turn == 0)
             StepTurn = NextTurn(GetStepNumber(StepName));
             StepTurn = turn;
         if (status == "executando")
             string logLine = "  Step " + GetStepNumber(StepName).ToString() + "." + StepTurn.ToString() + ": " + StepName;
             if (logMsg != "" || paramName != "")
                 logLine = logLine + " (";
                 if (logMsg != "")
                     logLine = logLine + "Obs: " + logMsg;
                     if (paramName != "")
                         logLine = logLine + " - ";
                 if (paramName != "")
                     logLine = logLine + "Parameter: " + paramName + " = " + paramValue;
                 logLine = logLine + ")";
             Print(logLine, null);
         return(Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_lgs", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + RptID.ToString(), "dsc:" + StepName, "turn_id:" + StepTurn.ToString(), "status:" + status, "log_msg:" + logMsg, "param_name:" + paramName, "param_value:" + paramValue)));
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception(Print("Exception at StartStep", ex));
Пример #10
 public int NextTurn(int stepNumber, string mode = "add")
         if (CstID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("NextTurn [CstID=0]", null));
         if (RptID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("NextTurn [RptID=0]", null));
         if (SitID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("NextTurn [SitID=0]", null));
         if (ScnID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("NextTurn [ScnID=0]", null));
         if (TstID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("NextTurn [TstID=0]", null));
         if (Connected)
             StepTurn = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.get_trn_num", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + RptID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "step_id:" + stepNumber.ToString()));
             if (mode == "add")
                 StepTurn += 1;
             StepTurn = LocalTurn(TestName, StepName, mode);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception(Print("Exception at NextTurn", ex));
Пример #11
 public int DoStep(string stepDesc, string expectedResult = "", string status = "active", int newStep = 1)
         if (CstID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("DoStep [CstID=0]", null));
         if (SitID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("DoStep [SitID=0]", null));
         if (ScnID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("DoStep [ScnID=0]", null));
         if (TstID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("DoStep [TstID=0]", null));
         if (RptID == 0)
             throw new Exception(Print("DoStep [RptID=0]", null));
         if (Connected)
             StepNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Call("auto.update_stp", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "dsc:" + stepDesc, "expected_result:" + expectedResult, "status:" + status));
             StepNumber = LocalTurn(TestName + "_DoStep", stepDesc + "_DoStep");
         if (newStep == 1)
             Call("auto.delete_lgs", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "sit_id:" + SitID.ToString(), "scn_id:" + ScnID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString(), "rpt_id:" + RptID.ToString(), "description:" + stepDesc);
             StartStep(stepDesc, 1, status = "pendente");
         Call("auto.count_stp", "cst_id:" + CstID.ToString(), "tst_id:" + TstID.ToString());
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception(Print("Exception at DoStep", ex));