Пример #1
        public ClientSessionContext(
			ITransportReceiveHandler transportReceiveHandler,
			RpcClientOptions options,
			RpcSocketAsyncEventArgs socketContext
            if ( transportReceiveHandler == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "transportReceiveHandler" );

            if ( options == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "options" );

            if ( socketContext == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "socketContext" );


            this._transportReceiveHandler = transportReceiveHandler;
            this._options = options;
            this._socketContext = socketContext;
 public static RpcClientOptions AddConsoleLogger(this RpcClientOptions options)
     options.Extensions.Add(new RpcClientExtension
         PreSendRequestAction = y =>
             Console.WriteLine($"Request: {y.Id}");
             Console.WriteLine($"POST {y.BaseAddress}/{y.MethodName}");
             var json = y.Arguments != null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(y.Arguments) : null;
             if (json != null)
                 Console.WriteLine($"Args: {json}");
         PostReceiveResponseAction = y =>
             Console.WriteLine($"Response: {y.Id}");
             Console.WriteLine($"POST {y.BaseAddress}/{y.MethodName}");
             var json = y.Arguments != null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(y.Arguments) : null;
             if (json != null)
                 Console.WriteLine($"Args: {json}");
             var j2 = y.Result != null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(y.Result) : null;
             if (j2 != null)
                 Console.WriteLine($"Result: {j2}");
Пример #3
 private static void AssertOptions(RpcClientOptions options, ImmutableRpcClientOptions actualOptions)
     Assert.AreEqual(options.CallTimeout, actualOptions.CallTimeout);
     Assert.AreEqual(options.ReceiveMaxMessageSize, actualOptions.ReceiveMaxMessageSize);
     Assert.AreEqual(options.SendMaxMessageSize, actualOptions.SendMaxMessageSize);
     Assert.AreEqual(options.StreamingCallTimeout, actualOptions.StreamingCallTimeout);
     Assert.AreEqual(options.Serializer, actualOptions.Serializer);
Пример #4
 public GrpcFullStackTests(IRpcSerializer serializer)
     this.options = new RpcServerOptions {
         Serializer = serializer
     this.clientOptions = new RpcClientOptions {
         Serializer = serializer
Пример #5
        public TcpClientTransport( EndPoint remoteEndPoint, RpcTransportProtocol protocol, ClientEventLoop eventLoop, RpcClientOptions options )
            : base(remoteEndPoint, protocol, eventLoop, options)
            if ( protocol.ProtocolType != ProtocolType.Tcp )
                throw new ArgumentException( "socket must be connected TCP socket.", "protocol" );

 public override ResponseMessageSerializer Create( RpcTransportProtocol protocol, RpcClientOptions options )
         new ResponseMessageSerializer(
             options == null ? _defaultResponseQuota : options.MaximumRequestQuota ?? _defaultResponseQuota
        public PollingClientEventLoop( Func<ClientSessionContext, RpcClient> sessionFactory, RpcClientOptions options, EventHandler<RpcTransportErrorEventArgs> errorHandler )
            : base(sessionFactory, options, errorHandler)
            this._cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            int connectingConcurrency =
                options == null
                ? Environment.ProcessorCount / 5 + 1
                : ( options.ConnectingConcurrency ?? Environment.ProcessorCount / 5 + 1 );
            int sendingConcurrency =
                options == null
                ? ( Environment.ProcessorCount / 5 + 1 ) * 2
                : ( options.SendingConcurrency ?? ( Environment.ProcessorCount / 5 + 1 ) * 2 );
            int receivingConcurrency =
                options == null
                ? ( Environment.ProcessorCount / 5 + 1 ) * 2
                : ( options.ReceivingConcurrency ?? ( Environment.ProcessorCount / 5 + 1 ) * 2 );

            this._connectingQueue =
                new NotifiableBlockingCollection<ClientSocketAsyncEventArgs>(
                    new ConcurrentQueue<ClientSocketAsyncEventArgs>(),
                    options == null
                    ? connectingConcurrency * 4
                    : ( options.ConnectingQueueLength ?? connectingConcurrency * 4 )
            this._sendingQueue =
                new NotifiableBlockingCollection<ClientSocketAsyncEventArgs>(
                    new ConcurrentQueue<ClientSocketAsyncEventArgs>(),
                    options == null
                    ? sendingConcurrency * 4
                    : ( options.SendingQueueLength ?? sendingConcurrency * 4 )

            for ( int i = 0; i < connectingConcurrency; i++ )

            for ( int i = 0; i < sendingConcurrency; i++ )

            this._inBoundPollingThread = new Thread( this.PollInBound );
            this._inBoundPollingThread.IsBackground = true;
            this._inBoundPollingThread.Name =
                String.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}({1}).InBoundPollingThread", this.GetType().Name, this.GetHashCode() );
            this._inBoundPollingThread.Start( this._cancellationTokenSource.Token );
Пример #8
        protected ClientTransport( RpcTransportProtocol protocol, ClientEventLoop eventLoop, RpcClientOptions options )
            if ( eventLoop == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "eventLoop" );


            this._eventLoop = eventLoop;
            this._requestSerializer = ClientServices.RequestSerializerFactory.Create( protocol, options );
            this._responseSerializer = ClientServices.ResponseDeserializerFactory.Create( protocol, options );
            this._drainTimeout = options == null ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 3 ) : options.DrainTimeout ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 3 );
            this._options = options ?? new RpcClientOptions();
Пример #9
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var options = new RpcClientOptions
                BaseAddress = "https://localhost:44318/",
                //Serializer = new ProtobufSerializer()

            var client = RpcClient <IDemoService> .Create(options);

            //RpcClient.SetAuthorization(client, "Bearer", "xyz...");

            Console.WriteLine("RPC Demo Client is waiting - Press any key to begin.");

            await client.DoNothing();

            Console.WriteLine(client.GetAge("Rush", 37));
            Console.WriteLine(client.GetPersonAge(new Person {
                Id = 1, FirstName = "Rush", LastName = "Frisby"
            }, 37));

            var echo2 = client.Echo("hello world");

            Console.WriteLine($"Echo: {echo2}");

            var echo = await client.EchoAsync("test");


            var now = client.GetDateTime();

            Console.WriteLine($"Now: {now}");

            //var userName = client.GetUserName();
            //Console.WriteLine($"User Name: {userName}");

            var person = client.EchoPerson(new Person {
                Id = 1, FirstName = "Rush", LastName = "Frisby"

            Console.WriteLine($"Person: Id={person.Id}, FName={person.FirstName}, LName={person.LastName}");

            Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to exit.");
        protected ConnectionOrientedClientTransport( EndPoint remoteEndPoint, RpcTransportProtocol protocol, ClientEventLoop eventLoop, RpcClientOptions options )
            : base(protocol, eventLoop, options)
            if ( remoteEndPoint == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "remoteEndPoint" );

            this._connectionPool =
                new ConnectionPool(
                    options == null ? _defaultMinimumConnectionCount : ( options.MinimumConnectionCount ?? _defaultMinimumConnectionCount ),
                    options == null ? _defaultMaximumConnectionCount : ( options.MaximumConnectionCount ?? _defaultMaximumConnectionCount )
            this._connectTimeout =
                options == null
                ? _defaultConnectTimeout
                : ( options.ConnectTimeout ?? _defaultConnectTimeout );
Пример #11
        public UdpClientTransport( RpcSocket socket, EndPoint remoteEndPoint, ClientEventLoop eventLoop, RpcClientOptions options )
            : base(socket == null ? RpcTransportProtocol.UdpIp : socket.Protocol, eventLoop, options)
            if ( socket == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "socket" );

            if ( socket.Protocol.ProtocolType != ProtocolType.Udp )
                throw new ArgumentException( "socket must be connected TCP socket.", "socket" );

            if ( remoteEndPoint == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "remoteEndPoint" );


            this._socket = socket;
            this._remoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
 /// <summary>
 ///		Create <see cref="RequestMessageSerializer"/> for specified protocol and configuration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="protocol">Target protocol.</param>
 /// <param name="options">Option settings. This parameter can be null.</param>
 /// <returns><see cref="RequestMessageSerializer"/> for specified protocol and configuration.</returns>
 public abstract ResponseMessageSerializer Create( RpcTransportProtocol protocol, RpcClientOptions options );
 /// <summary>
 ///		Create <see cref="ClientEventLoop"/> with specified options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">Client side RPC options. This value may be null.</param>
 /// <param name="errorHandler">Aggreated error handler which will be associated to creating event loop. This value may be null.</param>
 /// <param name="cancellationTokenSource"><see cref="CancellationTokenSource"/> to cancel asynchronous operation. This value may be null.</param>
 /// <returns><see cref="ClientEventLoop"/>, which is specific to concrete factory class.</returns>
 protected abstract ClientEventLoop CreateCore( RpcClientOptions options, EventHandler<RpcTransportErrorEventArgs> errorHandler, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource );
Пример #14
        private static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var sslOptions = TestCertificates.SslClientOptions;

            string?token = null;

            var options = new RpcClientOptions();

            options.Interceptors.Add(metadata =>
                if (token != null)
                    metadata.AddHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}");


            var connection = new NetGrpcConnection(Address, options);
            var client     = connection.GetServiceSingleton <ITicketerServiceClient>();

            Console.WriteLine("gRPC Ticketer");
            Console.WriteLine("Press a key:");
            Console.WriteLine("1: Get available tickets");
            Console.WriteLine("2: Purchase ticket (requires authorization)");
            Console.WriteLine("3: Track ticket purchases (requires authentication)");
            Console.WriteLine("4: Stop tracking ticket purchases (requires authentication)");
            Console.WriteLine("5: Authenticate");
            Console.WriteLine("6: Exit");

            EventHandler <TicketPurchaseEventArgs> purchasedHandler = (s, e) =>
                                                                      Console.WriteLine($"User '{e.User}' purchased '{e.TicketCount}' ticket(s).");

            var exiting = false;

            while (!exiting)
                var consoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey(intercept: true);
                switch (consoleKeyInfo.KeyChar)
                case '1':
                    await GetAvailableTickets(client);


                case '2':
                    await PurchaseTicket(client, token);


                case '3':
                        Console.WriteLine("Starting ticket purchase tracking...");
                        client.TicketsPurchased += purchasedHandler;
                        await client.WaitForPendingEventHandlersAsync();

                        Console.WriteLine("Successfully started ticket purchase tracking.");
                    catch (Exception x)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error tracking ticket purchases." + Environment.NewLine + x.ToString());

                case '4':
                        Console.WriteLine("Stopping ticket purchase tracking...");
                        client.TicketsPurchased -= purchasedHandler;
                        await client.WaitForPendingEventHandlersAsync();

                        Console.WriteLine("Successfully stopped ticket purchase tracking.");
                    catch (Exception x)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error stopping ticket purchases tracking." + Environment.NewLine + x.ToString());

                case '5':
                    token = await Authenticate();


                case '6':
                    exiting = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// TODO: Use factories instead of using this.connnectionType.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceDefinitionsProvider"></param>
        /// <param name="proxyDefinitionsProvider"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected (IRpcServerHost, IRpcChannel) CreateServerAndConnection(
            IRpcServiceDefinitionsProvider serviceDefinitionsProvider = null,
            Action <RpcServerOptions> configServerOptions             = null,
            Action <RpcClientOptions> configClientOptions             = null,
            Action <IServiceCollection> configureServices             = null)
            var rpcServerId = RpcServerId.NewId();

            var serverOptions = new RpcServerOptions {
                Serializer = this.serializer
            var clientOptions = new RpcClientOptions {
                Serializer = this.serializer


            IServiceProvider services = GetServiceProvider(configureServices);

            switch (this.ConnectionType)
            case RpcConnectionType.LightweightTcp:
            case RpcConnectionType.LightweightSslTcp:
                var host = new LightweightRpcServer(rpcServerId, serviceDefinitionsProvider, services, serverOptions, this.LightweightOptions,
                                                    loggerFactory: services.GetService <ILoggerFactory>());

                SslServerOptions sslServerOptions = null;
                if (this.ConnectionType == RpcConnectionType.LightweightSslTcp)
                    sslServerOptions = new SslServerOptions(new X509Certificate2(TestCertificates.ServerPFXPath, "1111"));

                host.AddEndPoint(new TcpRpcEndPoint("", TcpTestPort, false, sslServerOptions));

                SslClientOptions sslClientOptions = null;
                if (this.ConnectionType == RpcConnectionType.LightweightSslTcp)
                    sslClientOptions = new SslClientOptions {
                        RemoteCertificateValidationCallback = this.ValidateTestCertificate
                var connection = new TcpRpcConnection(
                    new RpcConnectionInfo("TCP", new Uri($"lightweight.tcp://{TcpTestPort}"), rpcServerId),

                return(host, connection);

            case RpcConnectionType.LightweightNamedPipe:
                var server = new LightweightRpcServer(rpcServerId, serviceDefinitionsProvider, services, serverOptions, this.LightweightOptions,
                                                      loggerFactory: services.GetService <ILoggerFactory>());
                server.AddEndPoint(new NamedPipeRpcEndPoint("testpipe"));

                var connection = new NamedPipeRpcConnection(
                    new RpcConnectionInfo(new Uri("lightweight.pipe://./testpipe")),

                return(server, connection);

            case RpcConnectionType.LightweightInproc:
                Pipe requestPipe  = new Pipe(new PipeOptions(readerScheduler: PipeScheduler.ThreadPool));
                Pipe responsePipe = new Pipe(new PipeOptions(readerScheduler: PipeScheduler.Inline));

                var host = new LightweightRpcServer(rpcServerId, serviceDefinitionsProvider, services, serverOptions,
                                                    loggerFactory: services.GetService <ILoggerFactory>());
                host.AddEndPoint(new InprocRpcEndPoint(new DirectDuplexPipe(requestPipe.Reader, responsePipe.Writer)));

                var connection = new InprocRpcConnection(new RpcConnectionInfo("Direct", new Uri("direct:localhost"), rpcServerId),
                                                         new DirectDuplexPipe(responsePipe.Reader, requestPipe.Writer), clientOptions.AsImmutable());
                return(host, connection);

            case RpcConnectionType.Grpc:
                var host = new GrpcServer(rpcServerId, serviceDefinitionsProvider, services, serverOptions);

                var connection = new GrpcConnection(
                    new RpcConnectionInfo("TCP", new Uri($"grpc://localhost:{GrpcCoreFullStackTestsBase.GrpcTestPort}"), rpcServerId),
                    TestCertificates.GrpcSslCredentials, clientOptions.AsImmutable());
                return(host, connection);

            case RpcConnectionType.NetGrpc:
                var server = CreateNetGrpcServer(serviceDefinitionsProvider, rpcServerId, serverOptions, configureServices);
                //var host = new GrpcServer(rpcServerId, serviceDefinitionsBuilder, null, options);

                var handler = new System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler();
                handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback =
                    (httpRequestMessage, cert, cetChain, policyErrors) =>
                var channelOptions = new GrpcNet.Client.GrpcChannelOptions()
                    HttpClient        = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(handler),
                    DisposeHttpClient = true

                var connection = new NetGrpcConnection(
                    new RpcConnectionInfo("net-grpc", new Uri($"grpc://localhost:{GrpcCoreFullStackTestsBase.GrpcTestPort}"), rpcServerId),
                    clientOptions.AsImmutable(), channelOptions);
                return(server, connection);

            throw new NotSupportedException();
 /// <summary>
 ///		Create <see cref="ClientEventLoop"/> with specified options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">Client side RPC options. This value can be null.</param>
 /// <param name="errorHandler">Aggreated error handler which will be associated to creating event loop. This value can be null.</param>
 /// <param name="cancellationTokenSource"><see cref="CancellationTokenSource"/> to cancel asynchronous operation. This value can be null.</param>
 /// <returns><see cref="ClientEventLoop"/>, which is specific to concrete factory class.</returns>
 public ClientEventLoop Create( RpcClientOptions options, EventHandler<RpcTransportErrorEventArgs> errorHandler, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource )
     return this.CreateCore( options, errorHandler, cancellationTokenSource );
 protected override sealed ClientEventLoop CreateCore( RpcClientOptions options, EventHandler<RpcTransportErrorEventArgs> errorHandler, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource )
     return new IOCompletionPortClientEventLoop( options, errorHandler, cancellationTokenSource );
 public IOCompletionPortClientEventLoop( RpcClientOptions options, EventHandler<RpcTransportErrorEventArgs> errorHandler, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource )
     : base(options, errorHandler, cancellationTokenSource)
Пример #19
        public void TestTcpSend()
            using ( var server = ServerMock.CreateTcp( 57129, 8192 ) )
            using ( var serverDone = new ManualResetEventSlim() )
                Exception exceptionOnServer = null;
                int? requestId = null;
                server.Received +=
                    ( sender, e ) =>
                            var request = e.GetRequest();
                            requestId = request.MessageId;
                            Assert.AreEqual( MessageType.Request, request.MessageType );
                            Assert.AreEqual( "Test", request.Method );
                            Assert.AreEqual( 3, request.Arguments.Count, "Invalid argument count." );
                            Assert.AreEqual( true, request.Arguments[ 0 ].AsBoolean() );
                            Assert.AreEqual( "Test", request.Arguments[ 1 ].AsString() );
                            Assert.IsTrue( request.Arguments[ 2 ].IsArray );
                            var argments = request.Arguments[ 2 ].AsList();
                            Assert.AreEqual( 1, argments[ 0 ].AsInt32() );
                            Assert.AreEqual( 2, argments[ 1 ].AsInt32() );
                            Assert.AreEqual( 3, argments[ 2 ].AsInt32() );
                            e.Reply( requestId, new MessagePackObject( "Hello, world!" ) );
                        catch ( SocketException ex )
                            if ( ex.SocketErrorCode != SocketError.OperationAborted )
                                Console.Error.WriteLine( "{0}:{1}", ex.SocketErrorCode, ex );
                                exceptionOnServer = ex;
                        catch ( Exception ex )
                            Console.Error.WriteLine( ex );
                            exceptionOnServer = ex;
                var options = new RpcClientOptions();
                options.ForceIPv4 = true;
                RpcErrorMessage? error = null;
                using ( var eventLoop = new IOCompletionPortClientEventLoop( options, ( sender, e ) => error = e.RpcError, null ) )
                    RpcClient client = RpcClient.CreateTcp( new IPEndPoint( IPAddress.Loopback, 57129 ), eventLoop, options );
                    var ar = client.BeginCall( "Test", new object[] { true, "Test", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 } }, null, null );


                    if ( exceptionOnServer != null )
                        throw new AssertionException( "Server error.", exceptionOnServer );

                    var result = client.EndCall( ar );

                    if ( error != null )
                        Assert.Fail( error.Value.ToString() );

                    Assert.AreEqual( "Hello, world!", result.AsString() );