void SendSignUpSMS(String WebId, String MobileNo) { SmsServer SmsObj = new RoyalWebApp.SmsServer(); string Msg = null; Msg = "Your holiness " + WebId.ToString() + "," + " Thank you for enrolling with the Royal council," + "redeem a world of exclusivity! Your activation details will be delivered soon."; SmsObj.SendSMS_Sender(MobileNo, Msg, "KOD"); }
void SendTopUpSMS(String WebId, String MobileNo, String transId, String TransAmt) { SmsServer SmsObj = new RoyalWebApp.SmsServer(); string Msg = null; Msg = "Your holiness " + WebId.ToString() + "," + " Your account is successfully credited with Rs. " + TransAmt.ToString() + " /- with transaction id " + transId.ToString() + "," + " Thank you for being a part of Kingdom"; SmsObj.SendSMS_Sender(MobileNo, Msg, "KOD"); }
void SendTopUpSMS(String WebId, String MobileNo,String transId, String TransAmt) { SmsServer SmsObj = new RoyalWebApp.SmsServer(); string Msg = null; Msg = "Your holiness " + WebId.ToString() + "," + " Your account is successfully credited with Rs. " + TransAmt.ToString() + " /- with transaction id " + transId.ToString() +","+ " Thank you for being a part of Kingdom"; SmsObj.SendSMS_Sender(MobileNo, Msg, "KOD"); }