private string clientGetDescription(RoutingResult.Rootobject _route)
            if (_route == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(_route));

            if (!_route.IsValid)
                throw new ArgumentException("_route -> not valid");

            var _htmlDescription = string.Empty;

            _htmlDescription += @"<html>";
            _htmlDescription += @"<body>";
            _htmlDescription += @"<font size=2>";
            _htmlDescription += @"<p>";
            _htmlDescription += $@"<b>Ziel: </b>{_route.StoppointText}<br />";
            if (_route.Duration != null)
                _htmlDescription += $@"<b>Dauer: </b>{_route.Duration.Value.TotalMinutes.ToString("F1")} min<br />";

            if (_route.Distance != null)
                _htmlDescription += $@"<b>Strecke: </b>{(_route.Distance.Value / 1000).ToString("F1")} km<br />";

            _htmlDescription += @"</p>";
            _htmlDescription += @"</font>";
            _htmlDescription += @"<hr />";

            // Write out the instructions
            var _maneuverIndex = 1;

            foreach (var _maneuver in _route.response.route[0].leg[0].maneuver)
                _htmlDescription += @"<p>";
                _htmlDescription +=
                    $@"<b>{_maneuverIndex}.</b> {_maneuver.instruction} [{TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_maneuver.travelTime).TotalMinutes.ToString("F1")} min]<br />";
                _htmlDescription += @"</p>";

            // Close all open html tags
            _htmlDescription += @"</font>";
            _htmlDescription += @"</body>";
            _htmlDescription += @"</html>";

        private byte[] clientMapImage(RoutingResult.Rootobject _route, double _width, double _height, int _marker)
            if (_route == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(_route));

            if (!_route.IsValid)
                throw new ArgumentException("_route -> not valid");

            if (_width <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_width));

            if (_height <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_height));

            //Scale the size to be not larger than max values
            var _maxImageWidth  = 2048;
            var _maxImageHeight = 2048;

            if (_width > _maxImageWidth)
                var _widthScale = _maxImageWidth / _width;
                _width  *= _widthScale;
                _height *= _widthScale;

            if (_height > _maxImageHeight)
                var _heightScale = _maxImageHeight / _height;
                _width  *= _heightScale;
                _height *= _heightScale;

            var _client = new RestClient("");

            _client.UserAgent = "RISv" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;

            var _request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);

            _request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
            _request.Resource      = @"/mia/1.6/route";
            _request.AddParameter("app_id", here_AppId);
            _request.AddParameter("app_code", here_AppCode);
            _request.AddParameter("f", 0);       //format: png
            _request.AddParameter("h", _height); //Image height
            _request.AddParameter("w", _width);  //Image height
            _request.AddParameter("ml", "ger");  //language
            _request.AddParameter("t", "12");    //Map scheme type
            var _routeLine      = _route.Line;   //Set routing points and must limit to 8k
            var _routeLineIndex = 1;

            while (Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(string.Join(",", _routeLine)) > 6000 &&
                   _routeLineIndex < _routeLine.Count)

            _request.AddParameter("r", string.Join(",", _routeLine));                                     //line points
            _request.AddParameter("lc", "A70000");                                                        //line color
            _request.AddParameter("lw", "10");                                                            //line width
                                  $"{_route.StartpointCoordinates};{"C00000FF"};{""};{"18"};{"Start"}");  //line width
                                  $"{_route.StoppointCoordinates};{"C0A70000"};{""};{"18"};{"Einsatz"}"); //line width
            if (_route.Distance > 10000 && _route.Distance < 30000)
                _request.AddParameter("z", _route.Distance > 20000 ? "14" : "15"); //zoom (0-20)
                _request.AddParameter("ctr", _route.StoppointCoordinates);         //center point

            var _response = _client.Execute(_request);

            if (_response.ErrorException != null)
                                  "Error retrieving response: " + _response.ErrorMessage);

            if (_response.RawBytes == null || _response.RawBytes.Length <= 500)
                Logger.WriteError(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), "Error retrieving response: No Data");
