private I2PIdentHash GetRandomRouter( RouletteSelection <I2PRouterInfo, I2PIdentHash> r, ConcurrentBag <I2PIdentHash> exclude, bool exploratory) { I2PIdentHash result; var me = RouterContext.Inst.MyRouterIdentity.IdentHash; if (exploratory) { var subset = RouterInfos .Where(k => !exclude.Contains(k.Key)); do { result = subset .Random() .Key; } while (result == me); return(result); } var retries = 0; bool tryagain; do { result = r.GetWeightedRandom(r.Wheel.Count() < 300 ? null : exclude); tryagain = result == me; } while (tryagain && ++retries < 20); //Logging.LogInformation( $"GetRandomRouter selected {result}: {exclude.Any( k2 => k2 == result )}" ); return(result); }
private void IsFirewalledUpdate() { var fw = RouterInfos.Where(ri => ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.Options.Any(o => o.Key.ToString() == "ihost0"))); foreach (var ri in fw) { Statistics.IsFirewalledUpdate(ri.Key, true); } }
private void RemoveOldRouterInfos() { var inactive = Statistics.GetInactive(); var old = RouterInfos.Where(ri => (DateTime.Now - (DateTime)ri.Value.Router.PublishedDate).TotalDays > 1) .Select(p => p.Key); inactive.UnionWith(old); if (RouterInfos.Count - inactive.Count < 400) { inactive = new HashSet <I2PIdentHash>( inactive .Where(k => RouterInfos.ContainsKey(k)) .OrderBy(k => (DateTime)RouterInfos[k].Router.PublishedDate) .Take(RouterInfos.Count - 400)); } RemoveRouterInfo(inactive); }
void Load() { using (var s = GetStore()) { var sw2 = new Stopwatch(); sw2.Start(); var ix = 0; while (s != null && (ix = s.Next(ix)) > 0) { var reader = new BufRefLen(s.Read(ix)); var recordtype = (StoreRecordId)reader.Read32(); try { switch (recordtype) { case StoreRecordId.StoreIdRouterInfo: var one = new I2PRouterInfo(reader, false); if (!ValidateRI(one)) { s.Delete(ix); RouterInfos.TryRemove(one.Identity.IdentHash, out _); FloodfillInfos.TryRemove(one.Identity.IdentHash, out _); Statistics.DestinationInformationFaulty(one.Identity.IdentHash); continue; } if (!RouterContext.Inst.UseIpV6) { if (!one.Adresses.Any(a => a.Options.ValueContains("host", "."))) { Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: RouterInfo have no IPV4 address: {one.Identity.IdentHash.Id32}"); s.Delete(ix); continue; } } var re = new RouterEntry( one, new RouterInfoMeta(ix)); RouterInfos[one.Identity.IdentHash] = re; if (re.IsFloodfill) { FloodfillInfos[one.Identity.IdentHash] = re; } break; case StoreRecordId.StoreIdConfig: AccessConfig(delegate(Dictionary <I2PString, I2PString> settings) { var key = new I2PString(reader); settings[key] = new I2PString(reader); }); break; default: s.Delete(ix); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: Load: Store exception, ix [{ix}] removed. {ex}"); s.Delete(ix); } } sw2.Stop(); Logging.Log($"Store: {sw2.Elapsed}"); } ImportNetDbFiles(); if (RouterInfos.Count < 20) { Logging.LogWarning($"WARNING: NetDB database contains " + $"{RouterInfos.Count} routers. Add router files to {NetDbPath}."); DoBootstrap(); } Statistics.Load(); IsFirewalledUpdate(); #if DEBUG ShowDebugDatabaseInfo(); #endif UpdateSelectionProbabilities(); Save(true); }
void Save(bool onlyupdated) { var created = 0; var updated = 0; var deleted = 0; var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); RemoveOldRouterInfos(); using (var s = GetStore()) { foreach (var one in RouterInfos.ToArray()) { try { if (one.Value.Meta.Deleted) { if (one.Value.Meta.StoreIx > 0) { s.Delete(one.Value.Meta.StoreIx); } RouterInfos.TryRemove(one.Key, out _); FloodfillInfos.TryRemove(one.Key, out _); ++deleted; continue; } if (!onlyupdated || (onlyupdated && one.Value.Meta.Updated)) { var rec = new BufLen[] { BufUtils.To32BL((int)StoreRecordId.StoreIdRouterInfo), new BufLen(one.Value.Router.ToByteArray()) }; if (one.Value.Meta.StoreIx > 0) { s.Write(rec, one.Value.Meta.StoreIx); ++updated; } else { one.Value.Meta.StoreIx = s.Write(rec); ++created; } one.Value.Meta.Updated = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.LogDebug("NetDb: Save: Store exception: " + ex.ToString()); one.Value.Meta.StoreIx = -1; } } SaveConfig(s); } Logging.Log($"NetDb.Save( {( onlyupdated ? "updated" : "all" )} ): " + $"{created} created, {updated} updated, {deleted} deleted."); Statistics.RemoveOldStatistics(); UpdateSelectionProbabilities(); sw.Stop(); Logging.Log($"NetDB: Save: {sw.Elapsed}"); }
private void ShowDebugDatabaseInfo() { Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: Router count: {RouterInfos.Count}"); var nohost = RouterInfos .Where(ri => !ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.Options.TryGet("host") != null)); Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: No host: {nohost.Count()}"); var ipv4 = RouterInfos .Where(ri => ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.Options.TryGet("host")?.ToString().Contains(".") ?? false)); Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: IPV4: {ipv4.Count()}"); var ipv6 = RouterInfos .Where(ri => ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.Options.TryGet("host")?.ToString().Contains(":") ?? false)); Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: IPV6: {ipv6.Count()}"); var onlyipv4 = RouterInfos .Where(ri => ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.Options.TryGet("host")?.ToString().Contains(".") ?? false) && !ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.Options.TryGet("host")?.ToString().Contains(":") ?? false)); Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: Only IPV4: {onlyipv4.Count()}"); var onlyipv6 = RouterInfos .Where(ri => ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.Options.TryGet("host")?.ToString().Contains(":") ?? false) && !ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.Options.TryGet("host")?.ToString().Contains(".") ?? false)); Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: Only IPV6: {onlyipv6.Count()}"); var ntcp = RouterInfos .Where(ri => ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.TransportStyle == "NTCP")); Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: NTCP: {ntcp.Count()}"); var ssu = RouterInfos .Where(ri => ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.TransportStyle == "SSU")); Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: SSU: {ssu.Count()}"); var onlyntcp = RouterInfos .Where(ri => ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.TransportStyle == "NTCP") && !ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.TransportStyle == "SSU")); Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: Only NTCP: {onlyntcp.Count()}"); var onlyssu = RouterInfos .Where(ri => ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.TransportStyle == "SSU") && !ri.Value.Router.Adresses.Any(a => a.TransportStyle == "NTCP")); Logging.LogDebug($"NetDb: Only SSU: {onlyssu.Count()}"); }