public void UpdateOverlay() { //Set round type and timer. roundType.text = rounds.getRound().ToString(); roundTimer.text = System.String.Format("{0}:{1}", (int)rounds.roundTimer / 60, ((int)rounds.roundTimer % 60).ToString("D2")); roundCounter.text = "Round " + RoundManager.roundCounter; totalTimer.text = System.String.Format("{0}:{1}", (int)rounds.totalTime / 60, ((int)rounds.totalTime % 60).ToString("D2")); if (rounds.alternateRound) { alternateRound.text = "ALTERNATE ROUND ACTIVE"; affix1.text = rounds.affixOne.ToString(); affix2.text = rounds.affixTwo.ToString(); affix3.text = rounds.affixThree.ToString(); } else { alternateRound.text = ""; affix1.text = ""; affix2.text = ""; affix3.text = ""; } if (rounds.paused && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) { rounds.ExitGame(); } if (rounds.paused && rounds.gameInProgress) { overlayPause = true; pauseText.gameObject.SetActive(true); pauseSubtext.gameObject.SetActive(true); } if (!rounds.paused && overlayPause) { overlayPause = false; pauseText.gameObject.SetActive(false); pauseSubtext.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (!rounds.gameInProgress) { gameOverText.gameObject.SetActive(true); gameOverSubtext.gameObject.SetActive(true); GameObject[] uiPieces = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("HUD"); foreach (GameObject ui in uiPieces) { ui.SetActive(false); } if (endTimer > 0) { endTimer -= Time.deltaTime; gameOverSubtext.text = System.String.Format("This is the endgame!\nYou held out for as long as you could!\nHold on\n{0}...", (int)endTimer); } } if (endTimer <= 0) { gameOverSubtext.text = "Press any key to return to the main menu"; if (Input.anyKeyDown) { rounds.ExitGame(); } } }