Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// sets the character's active rotation.
        /// Print the help located in the specific rotation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rb">an instance of the rotationbase</param>
        private void SetActiveRotation(RotationBase rb)
            CLULogger.Log(" Greetings, level {0} user!", Me.Level);
            CLULogger.Log(" I am CLU.");
            CLULogger.Log(" I will create the perfect system for you.");
            CLULogger.Log(" I suggest we use the " + rb.Name + " rotation. Revision: " + rb.Revision);
            CLULogger.Log(" as I know you have " + rb.KeySpell);
            CLULogger.Log(" BotBase: {0}  ({1})", BotManager.Current.Name, BotChecker.SupportedBotBase() ? "Supported" : "Currently Not Supported");
            CLULogger.Log(" You can Access CLU's Settings by clicking the CLASS CONFIG button");
            CLULogger.Log(" Let's execute the plan!");

            this._rotationBase = rb;

            this.PulseEvent  = null;
            this.PulseEvent += rb.OnPulse;

            // Check for Instancebuddy and warn user that healing is not supported.
            if (BotChecker.BotBaseInUse("Instancebuddy") && this.ActiveRotation.GetType().BaseType == typeof(HealerRotationBase))
                CLULogger.Log(" [BotChecker] Instancebuddy Detected. *UNABLE TO HEAL WITH CLU*");
                StopBot("You cannot use CLU with InstanceBuddy as Healer");

            if (this.ActiveRotation.GetType().BaseType == typeof(HealerRotationBase))
                CLULogger.TroubleshootLog(" [HealingChecker] HealerRotationBase Detected. *Activating Automatic HealableUnit refresh*");
                IsHealerRotationActive = true;
Пример #2
        public bool CreateBehaviors()
            CLULogger.TroubleshootLog("CreateBehaviors called.");

            // let behaviors be notified if context changes.
            if (OnLocationContextChanged != null)
                OnLocationContextChanged(this, new LocationContextEventArg(LocationContext, LastLocationContext));

            //Caching the context to not recreate same behaviors repeatedly.
            LastLocationContext = LocationContext;

            _rotationBase = null;

            if (_combatBehavior != null)
                this._combatBehavior = new Decorator(ret => AllowPulse, new LockSelector(this.Rotation));

            if (_combatBuffBehavior != null)
                this._combatBuffBehavior = new Decorator(ret => AllowPulse, new LockSelector(this.Medic));

            if (_preCombatBuffBehavior != null)
                this._preCombatBuffBehavior = new Decorator(ret => AllowPulse, new LockSelector(this.PreCombat));

            if (_restBehavior != null)
                this._restBehavior = new Decorator(ret => !(CLUSettings.Instance.NeverDismount && IsMounted) && !Me.IsFlying, new LockSelector(this.Resting));

            if (_pullBehavior != null)
                this._pullBehavior = new Decorator(ret => AllowPulse, new LockSelector(this.Pulling));

Пример #3
        /// <summary>This will: loop assemblies,
        /// loop types,
        /// filter types that are a subclass of RotationBase and not the abstract,
        /// create an instance of a RotationBase subclass so we can interigate KeySpell within the RotationBase subclass,
        /// Check if the character has the Keyspell,
        /// Set the active rotation to the matching RotationBase subclass.</summary>
        private void QueryClassTree()
                Type type = typeof(RotationBase);

                //no need to get ALL Assemblies, need only the executed ones
                IEnumerable <Type> types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(p => p.IsSubclassOf(type));

                //_rotations.AddRange(new TypeLoader<RotationBase>(null));

                this._rotations = new List <RotationBase>();
                foreach (Type x in types)
                    ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = x.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
                    if (constructorInfo != null)
                        var rb = constructorInfo.Invoke(new object[] { }) as RotationBase;
                        if (rb != null && SpellManager.HasSpell(rb.KeySpellId))
                            CLULogger.TroubleshootLog(" Using " + rb.Name + " rotation. Character has " + rb.KeySpell);
                            if (rb != null)
                                //TroubleshootLog(" Skipping " + rb.Name + " rotation. Character is missing " + rb.KeySpell);

                // If there is more than one rotation then display the selector for the user, otherwise just load the one and only.

                if (this._rotations.Count > 1)
                    string value = "null";
                    if (
                            ("[CLU] " + Version + " Rotation Selector", this._rotations,
                            "Please select your prefered rotation:", ref value) == DialogResult.OK)
                        this.SetActiveRotation(this._rotations.First(x => value != null && x.Name == value));
                    if (this._rotations.Count == 0)
                        CLULogger.Log("Couldn't finde a rotation for you, Contact us!");
                        StopBot("Unable to find Active Rotation");
                        RotationBase r = this._rotations.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (r != null)
                            CLULogger.Log("Found rotation: " + r.Name);
            catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (Exception exSub in ex.LoaderExceptions)
                    if (exSub is FileNotFoundException)
                        var exFileNotFound = exSub as FileNotFoundException;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exFileNotFound.FusionLog))
                            sb.AppendLine("CLU Log:");
                string errorMessage = sb.ToString();
                CLULogger.Log(" Woops, we could not set the rotation.");
                StopBot(" Unable to find Active Rotation: " + ex);