void CordovaBrowser_LoadCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { string[] autoloadPlugs = this.configHandler.AutoloadPlugins; foreach (string plugName in autoloadPlugs) { // nativeExecution.ProcessCommand(commandCallParams); } string nativeReady = "(function(){ cordova.require('cordova/channel').onNativeReady.fire()})();"; try { CordovaBrowser.InvokeScript("execScript", new string[] { nativeReady }); } catch (Exception /*ex*/) { Debug.WriteLine("Error calling js to fire nativeReady event. Did you include cordova-x.x.x.js in your html script tag?"); } if (this.CordovaBrowser.Opacity < 1) { this.CordovaBrowser.Opacity = 1; RotateIn.Begin(); } }
void GapBrowser_LoadCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { string nativeReady = "(function(){ cordova.require('cordova/channel').onNativeReady.fire()})();"; try { CordovaBrowser.InvokeScript("execScript", new string[] { nativeReady }); } catch (Exception /*ex*/) { Debug.WriteLine("Error calling js to fire nativeReady event. Did you include cordova-x.x.x.js in your html script tag?"); } if (this.CordovaBrowser.Opacity < 1) { this.CordovaBrowser.Opacity = 1; RotateIn.Begin(); } }