Пример #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Session["loginModel"] == null)
        teacher.Text      = ((Model.LoginModel)Session["loginModel"]).real_name.ToString();
        teacher_time.Text = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
        kzr_time.Text     = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

        id = CommonFunc.FilterSpecialString(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request.QueryString["id"]));
        pi = CommonFunc.FilterSpecialString(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request.QueryString["pi"]));

        rotaryInformationJoinModel = new RotaryInformationJoinModel();
        rotaryInformationJoinBLL   = new RotaryInformationJoinBLL();

        rotaryInformationJoinModel = rotaryInformationJoinBLL.GetModelById(id);

        students_name.Value = rotaryInformationJoinModel.Name.ToString();

        students_real_name.Text  = rotaryInformationJoinModel.RealName.ToString();
        training_base_code.Value = rotaryInformationJoinModel.TrainingBaseCode.ToString();
        training_base_name.Value = rotaryInformationJoinModel.TrainingBaseName.ToString();
        sex.Text                     = rotaryInformationJoinModel.Sex.ToString();
        high_education.Text          = rotaryInformationJoinModel.HighEducation.ToString();
        high_education_time.Text     = rotaryInformationJoinModel.HighEducationTime.ToString();
        professional_base_code.Value = rotaryInformationJoinModel.ProfessionalBaseCode.ToString();
        professional_base_name.Text  = rotaryInformationJoinModel.ProfessionalBaseName.ToString();
        rotary_dept_code.Value       = rotaryInformationJoinModel.DeptCode.ToString();
        rotary_dept_name.Text        = rotaryInformationJoinModel.DeptName.ToString();
        rotary_begin_time.Text       = rotaryInformationJoinModel.RotaryBeginTime.ToString();
        rotary_end_time.Text         = rotaryInformationJoinModel.RotaryEndTime.ToString();
        instructor.Text              = rotaryInformationJoinModel.TeachersRealName.ToString();
        instructor_tag.Value         = rotaryInformationJoinModel.TeachersName.ToString();
Пример #2
        public List <Model.RotaryInformationJoinModel> CommonGetPagedList(string TrainingBaseCode, string ProfessionalBaseCode,
                                                                          string StudentsRealName, string Sex, string MinZu, string HighEducation, string HighSchool,
                                                                          string IdentityType, string SendUnit, string CollaborativeUnit, string TrainingTime, string PlanTrainingTime,
                                                                          string DeptName, string ProfessionalBaseName, string TeachersRealName,
                                                                          string RotaryBeginTime, string RotaryEndTime, string OutdeptStatus,
                                                                          int start, int end)
            string sql = "select * from (select row_number() over(order by TrainingTime desc,RotaryBeginTime asc) as num,* from RotaryInformationJoin where TrainingBaseCode like '%" + TrainingBaseCode + "%'";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProfessionalBaseCode))
                sql += "and ProfessionalBaseCode like '%" + ProfessionalBaseCode + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StudentsRealName))
                sql += "and RealName like '%" + StudentsRealName + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sex))
                sql += "and Sex ='" + Sex + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MinZu))
                sql += "and MinZu like '%" + MinZu + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HighEducation))
                sql += "and HighEducation like '%" + HighEducation + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HighSchool))
                sql += "and HighSchool like '%" + HighSchool + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IdentityType))
                sql += "and IdentityType like '%" + IdentityType + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SendUnit))
                sql += "and SendUnit = '" + SendUnit + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CollaborativeUnit))
                sql += "and CollaborativeUnit like '%" + CollaborativeUnit + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TrainingTime))
                sql += "and TrainingTime like '%" + TrainingTime + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlanTrainingTime))
                sql += "and PlanTrainingTime = '" + PlanTrainingTime + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProfessionalBaseName))
                sql += "and ProfessionalBaseName like '%" + ProfessionalBaseName + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DeptName))
                sql += "and DeptName like '%" + DeptName + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TeachersRealName))
                sql += "and TeachersRealName like '%" + TeachersRealName + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RotaryBeginTime))
                sql += "and RotaryBeginTime = '" + RotaryBeginTime + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RotaryEndTime))
                sql += "and RotaryEndTime = '" + RotaryEndTime + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OutdeptStatus))
                sql += "and OutdeptStatus = '" + OutdeptStatus + "'";
            sql += ")as t where t.num>=@start and t.num<=@end";

            SqlParameter[] pars =
                new SqlParameter("@start", SqlDbType.Int),
                new SqlParameter("@end",   SqlDbType.Int)
            pars[0].Value = start;
            pars[1].Value = end;
            DataTable dt = db.RunDataTable(sql, pars);
            List <RotaryInformationJoinModel> list = null;

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                list = new List <RotaryInformationJoinModel>();
                RotaryInformationJoinModel model = null;
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    model = new RotaryInformationJoinModel();
                    model = DataRowToModel(row);
Пример #3
        public List <Model.RotaryInformationJoinModel> GetPagedList(string training_base_code, string dept_code, string teachers_name,
                                                                    string name, string sex, string high_education, string identity_type, string send_unit, string collaborative_unit, string training_time, string plan_training_time, string rotary_begin_time, string rotary_end_time, string outdept_status,
                                                                    int start, int end)
            string sql = "select * from (select row_number() over(order by TrainingTime desc,RotaryBeginTime asc) as num,* from RotaryInformationJoin where  TrainingBaseCode='" + training_base_code + "' and DeptCode='" + dept_code + "' and TeachersName='" + teachers_name + "'";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                sql += "and Name = '" + name + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sex))
                sql += "and Sex = '" + sex + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(high_education))
                sql += "and HighEducation = '" + high_education + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(identity_type))
                sql += "and IdentityType = '" + identity_type + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(send_unit))
                sql += "and SendUnit like '%" + send_unit + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(collaborative_unit))
                sql += "and CollaborativeUnit like '%" + collaborative_unit + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(training_time))
                sql += "and TrainingTime like '%" + training_time + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(plan_training_time))
                sql += "and PlanTrainingTime like '%" + plan_training_time + "%'";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rotary_begin_time))
                sql += "and RotaryBeginTime = '" + rotary_begin_time + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rotary_end_time))
                sql += "and RotaryEndTime = '" + rotary_end_time + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outdept_status))
                sql += "and OutdeptStatus = '" + outdept_status + "'";

            sql += ")as t where t.num>=@start and t.num<=@end";

            SqlParameter[] pars =
                new SqlParameter("@start", SqlDbType.Int),
                new SqlParameter("@end",   SqlDbType.Int)
            pars[0].Value = start;
            pars[1].Value = end;
            DataTable dt = db.RunDataTable(sql, pars);
            List <RotaryInformationJoinModel> list = null;

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                list = new List <RotaryInformationJoinModel>();
                Model.RotaryInformationJoinModel model = null;//声明实体对象
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    model = new RotaryInformationJoinModel();
                    model = DataRowToModel(dr);
Пример #4
        public RotaryInformationJoinModel DataRowToModel(DataRow row)
            RotaryInformationJoinModel model = new RotaryInformationJoinModel();

            if (row != null)
                if (row["Id"] != null)
                    model.Id = row["Id"].ToString();
                if (row["Name"] != null)
                    model.Name = row["Name"].ToString();
                if (row["RealName"] != null)
                    model.RealName = row["RealName"].ToString();
                if (row["TrainingBaseCode"] != null)
                    model.TrainingBaseCode = row["TrainingBaseCode"].ToString();
                if (row["TrainingBaseName"] != null)
                    model.TrainingBaseName = row["TrainingBaseName"].ToString();
                if (row["ProfessionalBaseCode"] != null)
                    model.ProfessionalBaseCode = row["ProfessionalBaseCode"].ToString();
                if (row["ProfessionalBaseName"] != null)
                    model.ProfessionalBaseName = row["ProfessionalBaseName"].ToString();
                if (row["DeptCode"] != null)
                    model.DeptCode = row["DeptCode"].ToString();
                if (row["DeptName"] != null)
                    model.DeptName = row["DeptName"].ToString();
                if (row["RotaryBeginTime"] != null)
                    model.RotaryBeginTime = row["RotaryBeginTime"].ToString();
                if (row["RotaryEndTime"] != null)
                    model.RotaryEndTime = row["RotaryEndTime"].ToString();
                if (row["RotaryDays"] != null)
                    model.RotaryDays = row["RotaryDays"].ToString();
                if (row["RotaryOrder"] != null && row["RotaryOrder"].ToString() != "")
                    model.RotaryOrder = int.Parse(row["RotaryOrder"].ToString());
                if (row["TeachersName"] != null)
                    model.TeachersName = row["TeachersName"].ToString();
                if (row["TeachersRealName"] != null)
                    model.TeachersRealName = row["TeachersRealName"].ToString();
                if (row["OutdeptStatus"] != null)
                    model.OutdeptStatus = row["OutdeptStatus"].ToString();
                if (row["OutdeptApplication"] != null)
                    model.OutdeptApplication = row["OutdeptApplication"].ToString();
                if (row["QuestionnaireStatus"] != null)
                    model.QuestionnaireStatus = row["QuestionnaireStatus"].ToString();
                if (row["Tag1"] != null)
                    model.Tag1 = row["Tag1"].ToString();
                if (row["Tag2"] != null)
                    model.Tag2 = row["Tag2"].ToString();
                if (row["Tag3"] != null)
                    model.Tag3 = row["Tag3"].ToString();
                if (row["InfoName"] != null)
                    model.InfoName = row["InfoName"].ToString();
                if (row["InfoRealName"] != null)
                    model.InfoRealName = row["InfoRealName"].ToString();
                if (row["ImagePath"] != null)
                    model.ImagePath = row["ImagePath"].ToString();
                if (row["Sex"] != null)
                    model.Sex = row["Sex"].ToString();
                if (row["IdNumber"] != null)
                    model.IdNumber = row["IdNumber"].ToString();
                if (row["DateBirth"] != null)
                    model.DateBirth = row["DateBirth"].ToString();
                if (row["MinZu"] != null)
                    model.MinZu = row["MinZu"].ToString();
                if (row["Telephon"] != null)
                    model.Telephon = row["Telephon"].ToString();
                if (row["Mail"] != null)
                    model.Mail = row["Mail"].ToString();
                if (row["BkSchool"] != null)
                    model.BkSchool = row["BkSchool"].ToString();
                if (row["BkMajor"] != null)
                    model.BkMajor = row["BkMajor"].ToString();
                if (row["HighEducation"] != null)
                    model.HighEducation = row["HighEducation"].ToString();
                if (row["HighSchool"] != null)
                    model.HighSchool = row["HighSchool"].ToString();
                if (row["GraduationTime"] != null)
                    model.GraduationTime = row["GraduationTime"].ToString();
                if (row["HighMajor"] != null)
                    model.HighMajor = row["HighMajor"].ToString();
                if (row["HighEducationTime"] != null)
                    model.HighEducationTime = row["HighEducationTime"].ToString();
                if (row["IdentityType"] != null)
                    model.IdentityType = row["IdentityType"].ToString();
                if (row["SendUnit"] != null)
                    model.SendUnit = row["SendUnit"].ToString();
                if (row["InfoTrainingBaseCode"] != null)
                    model.InfoTrainingBaseCode = row["InfoTrainingBaseCode"].ToString();
                if (row["InfoTrainingBaseName"] != null)
                    model.InfoTrainingBaseName = row["InfoTrainingBaseName"].ToString();
                if (row["CollaborativeUnit"] != null)
                    model.CollaborativeUnit = row["CollaborativeUnit"].ToString();
                if (row["InfoProfessionalBaseCode"] != null)
                    model.InfoProfessionalBaseCode = row["InfoProfessionalBaseCode"].ToString();
                if (row["InfoProfessionalBaseName"] != null)
                    model.InfoProfessionalBaseName = row["InfoProfessionalBaseName"].ToString();
                if (row["TrainingTime"] != null)
                    model.TrainingTime = row["TrainingTime"].ToString();
                if (row["PlanTrainingTime"] != null)
                    model.PlanTrainingTime = row["PlanTrainingTime"].ToString();
                if (row["InfoTag1"] != null)
                    model.InfoTag1 = row["InfoTag1"].ToString();
                if (row["InfoTag2"] != null)
                    model.InfoTag2 = row["InfoTag2"].ToString();
                if (row["InfoTag3"] != null)
                    model.InfoTag3 = row["InfoTag3"].ToString();
                if (row["TrainingBaseProvinceCode"] != null)
                    model.TrainingBaseProvinceCode = row["TrainingBaseProvinceCode"].ToString();
                if (row["TrainingBaseProvinceName"] != null)
                    model.TrainingBaseProvinceName = row["TrainingBaseProvinceName"].ToString();