public override bool solvePositionConstraints(SolverData data) { if (m_frequencyHz > 0.0d) { return(true); } Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 rA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rB = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 u = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, u.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, u.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), rB); u.set(cB).addLocal(rB).subLocal(cA).subLocal(rA); double length = u.normalize(); double C = length - m_length; C = MathUtils.clamp(C, -Settings.maxLinearCorrection, Settings.maxLinearCorrection); double impulse = -m_mass * C; double Px = impulse * u.x; double Py = impulse * u.y; cA.x -= m_invMassA * Px; cA.y -= m_invMassA * Py; aA -= m_invIA * (rA.x * Py - rA.y * Px); cB.x += m_invMassB * Px; cB.y += m_invMassB * Py; aB += m_invIB * (rB.x * Py - rB.y * Px); // data.positions[m_indexA].c.set(cA); data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA; // data.positions[m_indexB].c.set(cB); data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB; pool.pushVec2(3); pool.pushRot(2); return(MathUtils.abs(C) < Settings.linearSlop); }
public override bool solvePositionConstraints(SolverData data) { Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 u = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rB = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); // Compute the effective masses. Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), rB); u.set(cB).addLocal(rB).subLocal(cA).subLocal(rA); double length = u.normalize(); double C = length - m_maxLength; C = MathUtils.clamp(C, 0.0d, Settings.maxLinearCorrection); double impulse = -m_mass * C; double Px = impulse * u.x; double Py = impulse * u.y; cA.x -= m_invMassA * Px; cA.y -= m_invMassA * Py; aA -= m_invIA * (rA.x * Py - rA.y * Px); cB.x += m_invMassB * Px; cB.y += m_invMassB * Py; aB += m_invIB * (rB.x * Py - rB.y * Px); pool.pushRot(2); pool.pushVec2(4); // data.positions[m_indexA].c = cA; data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA; // data.positions[m_indexB].c = cB; data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB; return(length - m_maxLength < Settings.linearSlop); }
/** Set this to equal another transform. */ public Transform set(Transform xf) { p.set(xf.p); q.set(xf.q); return(this); }
/** * @see org.jbox2d.dynamics.joints.Joint#initVelocityConstraints(org.jbox2d.dynamics.TimeStep) */ public override void initVelocityConstraints(SolverData data) { m_indexA = m_bodyA.m_islandIndex; m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex; m_localCenterA.set(m_bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter); m_localCenterB.set(m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter); m_invMassA = m_bodyA.m_invMass; m_invMassB = m_bodyB.m_invMass; m_invIA = m_bodyA.m_invI; m_invIB = m_bodyB.m_invI; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v; double wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v; double wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w; Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); // Compute the effective mass matrix. Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), m_rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), m_rB); // J = [-I -r1_skew I r2_skew] // [ 0 -1 0 1] // r_skew = [-ry; rx] // Matlab // K = [ mA+r1y^2*iA+mB+r2y^2*iB, -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x, -r1y*iA-r2y*iB] // [ -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x, mA+r1x^2*iA+mB+r2x^2*iB, r1x*iA+r2x*iB] // [ -r1y*iA-r2y*iB, r1x*iA+r2x*iB, iA+iB] double mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB; double iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB; Mat22 K = pool.popMat22(); K.ex.x = mA + mB + iA * m_rA.y * m_rA.y + iB * m_rB.y * m_rB.y; K.ex.y = -iA * m_rA.x * m_rA.y - iB * m_rB.x * m_rB.y; K.ey.x = K.ex.y; K.ey.y = mA + mB + iA * m_rA.x * m_rA.x + iB * m_rB.x * m_rB.x; K.invertToOut(m_linearMass); m_angularMass = iA + iB; if (m_angularMass > 0.0d) { m_angularMass = 1.0d / m_angularMass; } if (data.step.warmStarting) { // Scale impulses to support a variable time step. m_linearImpulse.mulLocal(data.step.dtRatio); m_angularImpulse *= data.step.dtRatio; Vec2 P = pool.popVec2(); P.set(m_linearImpulse); temp.set(P).mulLocal(mA); vA.subLocal(temp); wA -= iA * (Vec2.cross(m_rA, P) + m_angularImpulse); temp.set(P).mulLocal(mB); vB.addLocal(temp); wB += iB * (Vec2.cross(m_rB, P) + m_angularImpulse); pool.pushVec2(1); } else { m_linearImpulse.setZero(); m_angularImpulse = 0.0d; } // data.velocities[m_indexA].v.set(vA); if (data.velocities[m_indexA].w != wA) { } data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA; // data.velocities[m_indexB].v.set(vB); data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB; pool.pushRot(2); pool.pushVec2(1); pool.pushMat22(1); }
public override bool solvePositionConstraints(SolverData data) { Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); double angularError = 0.0d; double positionError = 0.0d; bool fixedRotation = (m_invIA + m_invIB == 0.0d); // Solve angular limit constraint. if (m_enableLimit && m_limitState != LimitState.INACTIVE && fixedRotation == false) { double angle = aB - aA - m_referenceAngle; double limitImpulse = 0.0d; if (m_limitState == LimitState.EQUAL) { // Prevent large angular corrections double C = MathUtils.clamp(angle - m_lowerAngle, -Settings.maxAngularCorrection, Settings.maxAngularCorrection); limitImpulse = -m_motorMass * C; angularError = MathUtils.abs(C); } else if (m_limitState == LimitState.AT_LOWER) { double C = angle - m_lowerAngle; angularError = -C; // Prevent large angular corrections and allow some slop. C = MathUtils.clamp(C + Settings.angularSlop, -Settings.maxAngularCorrection, 0.0d); limitImpulse = -m_motorMass * C; } else if (m_limitState == LimitState.AT_UPPER) { double C = angle - m_upperAngle; angularError = C; // Prevent large angular corrections and allow some slop. C = MathUtils.clamp(C - Settings.angularSlop, 0.0d, Settings.maxAngularCorrection); limitImpulse = -m_motorMass * C; } aA -= m_invIA * limitImpulse; aB += m_invIB * limitImpulse; } // Solve point-to-point constraint. { qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); Vec2 rA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rB = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 C = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 impulse = pool.popVec2(); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, C.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, C.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), rB); C.set(cB).addLocal(rB).subLocal(cA).subLocal(rA); positionError = C.length(); double mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB; double iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB; Mat22 K = pool.popMat22(); K.ex.x = mA + mB + iA * rA.y * rA.y + iB * rB.y * rB.y; K.ex.y = -iA * rA.x * rA.y - iB * rB.x * rB.y; K.ey.x = K.ex.y; K.ey.y = mA + mB + iA * rA.x * rA.x + iB * rB.x * rB.x; K.solveToOut(C, impulse); impulse.negateLocal(); cA.x -= mA * impulse.x; cA.y -= mA * impulse.y; aA -= iA * Vec2.cross(rA, impulse); cB.x += mB * impulse.x; cB.y += mB * impulse.y; aB += iB * Vec2.cross(rB, impulse); pool.pushVec2(4); pool.pushMat22(1); } // data.positions[m_indexA].c.set(cA); data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA; // data.positions[m_indexB].c.set(cB); data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB; pool.pushRot(2); return(positionError <= Settings.linearSlop && angularError <= Settings.angularSlop); }
public override void initVelocityConstraints(SolverData data) { m_indexA = m_bodyA.m_islandIndex; m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex; m_localCenterA.set(m_bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter); m_localCenterB.set(m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter); m_invMassA = m_bodyA.m_invMass; m_invMassB = m_bodyB.m_invMass; m_invIA = m_bodyA.m_invI; m_invIB = m_bodyB.m_invI; // Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v; double wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w; // Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v; double wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w; Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); // Compute the effective masses. Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), m_rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), m_rB); // J = [-I -r1_skew I r2_skew] // [ 0 -1 0 1] // r_skew = [-ry; rx] // Matlab // K = [ mA+r1y^2*iA+mB+r2y^2*iB, -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x, -r1y*iA-r2y*iB] // [ -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x, mA+r1x^2*iA+mB+r2x^2*iB, r1x*iA+r2x*iB] // [ -r1y*iA-r2y*iB, r1x*iA+r2x*iB, iA+iB] double mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB; double iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB; bool fixedRotation = (iA + iB == 0.0d); m_mass.ex.x = mA + mB + m_rA.y * m_rA.y * iA + m_rB.y * m_rB.y * iB; m_mass.ey.x = -m_rA.y * m_rA.x * iA - m_rB.y * m_rB.x * iB; m_mass.ez.x = -m_rA.y * iA - m_rB.y * iB; m_mass.ex.y = m_mass.ey.x; m_mass.ey.y = mA + mB + m_rA.x * m_rA.x * iA + m_rB.x * m_rB.x * iB; m_mass.ez.y = m_rA.x * iA + m_rB.x * iB; m_mass.ex.z = m_mass.ez.x; m_mass.ey.z = m_mass.ez.y; m_mass.ez.z = iA + iB; m_motorMass = iA + iB; if (m_motorMass > 0.0d) { m_motorMass = 1.0d / m_motorMass; } if (m_enableMotor == false || fixedRotation) { m_motorImpulse = 0.0d; } if (m_enableLimit && fixedRotation == false) { double jointAngle = aB - aA - m_referenceAngle; if (MathUtils.abs(m_upperAngle - m_lowerAngle) < 2.0d * Settings.angularSlop) { m_limitState = LimitState.EQUAL; } else if (jointAngle <= m_lowerAngle) { if (m_limitState != LimitState.AT_LOWER) { m_impulse.z = 0.0d; } m_limitState = LimitState.AT_LOWER; } else if (jointAngle >= m_upperAngle) { if (m_limitState != LimitState.AT_UPPER) { m_impulse.z = 0.0d; } m_limitState = LimitState.AT_UPPER; } else { m_limitState = LimitState.INACTIVE; m_impulse.z = 0.0d; } } else { m_limitState = LimitState.INACTIVE; } if (data.step.warmStarting) { Vec2 P = pool.popVec2(); // Scale impulses to support a variable time step. m_impulse.x *= data.step.dtRatio; m_impulse.y *= data.step.dtRatio; m_motorImpulse *= data.step.dtRatio; P.x = m_impulse.x; P.y = m_impulse.y; vA.x -= mA * P.x; vA.y -= mA * P.y; wA -= iA * (Vec2.cross(m_rA, P) + m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z); vB.x += mB * P.x; vB.y += mB * P.y; wB += iB * (Vec2.cross(m_rB, P) + m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z); pool.pushVec2(1); } else { m_impulse.setZero(); m_motorImpulse = 0.0d; } // data.velocities[m_indexA].v.set(vA); data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA; // data.velocities[m_indexB].v.set(vB); data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB; pool.pushVec2(1); pool.pushRot(2); }
public override bool solvePositionConstraints(SolverData data) { Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 cC = data.positions[m_indexC].c; double aC = data.positions[m_indexC].a; Vec2 cD = data.positions[m_indexD].c; double aD = data.positions[m_indexD].a; Rot qA = pool.popRot(), qB = pool.popRot(), qC = pool.popRot(), qD = pool.popRot(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); qC.set(aC); qD.set(aD); double linearError = 0.0d; double coordinateA, coordinateB; Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 JvAC = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 JvBD = pool.popVec2(); double JwA, JwB, JwC, JwD; double mass = 0.0d; if (m_typeA == JointType.REVOLUTE) { JvAC.setZero(); JwA = 1.0d; JwC = 1.0d; mass += m_iA + m_iC; coordinateA = aA - aC - m_referenceAngleA; } else { Vec2 rC = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 pC = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 pA = pool.popVec2(); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qC, m_localAxisC, JvAC); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qC, temp.set(m_localAnchorC).subLocal(m_lcC), rC); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_lcA), rA); JwC = Vec2.cross(rC, JvAC); JwA = Vec2.cross(rA, JvAC); mass += m_mC + m_mA + m_iC * JwC * JwC + m_iA * JwA * JwA; pC.set(m_localAnchorC).subLocal(m_lcC); Rot.mulTransUnsafe(qC, temp.set(rA).addLocal(cA).subLocal(cC), pA); coordinateA =, m_localAxisC); pool.pushVec2(4); } if (m_typeB == JointType.REVOLUTE) { JvBD.setZero(); JwB = m_ratio; JwD = m_ratio; mass += m_ratio * m_ratio * (m_iB + m_iD); coordinateB = aB - aD - m_referenceAngleB; } else { Vec2 u = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rD = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rB = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 pD = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 pB = pool.popVec2(); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qD, m_localAxisD, u); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qD, temp.set(m_localAnchorD).subLocal(m_lcD), rD); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_lcB), rB); JvBD.set(u).mulLocal(m_ratio); JwD = Vec2.cross(rD, u); JwB = Vec2.cross(rB, u); mass += m_ratio * m_ratio * (m_mD + m_mB) + m_iD * JwD * JwD + m_iB * JwB * JwB; pD.set(m_localAnchorD).subLocal(m_lcD); Rot.mulTransUnsafe(qD, temp.set(rB).addLocal(cB).subLocal(cD), pB); coordinateB =, m_localAxisD); pool.pushVec2(5); } double C = (coordinateA + m_ratio * coordinateB) - m_constant; double impulse = 0.0d; if (mass > 0.0d) { impulse = -C / mass; } pool.pushVec2(3); pool.pushRot(4); cA.x += (m_mA * impulse) * JvAC.x; cA.y += (m_mA * impulse) * JvAC.y; aA += m_iA * impulse * JwA; cB.x += (m_mB * impulse) * JvBD.x; cB.y += (m_mB * impulse) * JvBD.y; aB += m_iB * impulse * JwB; cC.x -= (m_mC * impulse) * JvAC.x; cC.y -= (m_mC * impulse) * JvAC.y; aC -= m_iC * impulse * JwC; cD.x -= (m_mD * impulse) * JvBD.x; cD.y -= (m_mD * impulse) * JvBD.y; aD -= m_iD * impulse * JwD; // data.positions[m_indexA].c = cA; data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA; // data.positions[m_indexB].c = cB; data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB; // data.positions[m_indexC].c = cC; data.positions[m_indexC].a = aC; // data.positions[m_indexD].c = cD; data.positions[m_indexD].a = aD; // TODO_ERIN not implemented return(linearError < Settings.linearSlop); }
public override void initVelocityConstraints(SolverData data) { m_indexA = m_bodyA.m_islandIndex; m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex; m_localCenterA.set(m_bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter); m_localCenterB.set(m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter); m_invMassA = m_bodyA.m_invMass; m_invMassB = m_bodyB.m_invMass; m_invIA = m_bodyA.m_invI; m_invIB = m_bodyB.m_invI; Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v; double wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v; double wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w; Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); // Compute the effective masses. Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), m_rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), m_rB); m_uA.set(cA).addLocal(m_rA).subLocal(m_groundAnchorA); m_uB.set(cB).addLocal(m_rB).subLocal(m_groundAnchorB); double lengthA = m_uA.length(); double lengthB = m_uB.length(); if (lengthA > 10d * Settings.linearSlop) { m_uA.mulLocal(1.0d / lengthA); } else { m_uA.setZero(); } if (lengthB > 10d * Settings.linearSlop) { m_uB.mulLocal(1.0d / lengthB); } else { m_uB.setZero(); } // Compute effective mass. double ruA = Vec2.cross(m_rA, m_uA); double ruB = Vec2.cross(m_rB, m_uB); double mA = m_invMassA + m_invIA * ruA * ruA; double mB = m_invMassB + m_invIB * ruB * ruB; m_mass = mA + m_ratio * m_ratio * mB; if (m_mass > 0.0d) { m_mass = 1.0d / m_mass; } if (data.step.warmStarting) { // Scale impulses to support variable time steps. m_impulse *= data.step.dtRatio; // Warm starting. Vec2 PA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 PB = pool.popVec2(); PA.set(m_uA).mulLocal(-m_impulse); PB.set(m_uB).mulLocal(-m_ratio * m_impulse); vA.x += m_invMassA * PA.x; vA.y += m_invMassA * PA.y; wA += m_invIA * Vec2.cross(m_rA, PA); vB.x += m_invMassB * PB.x; vB.y += m_invMassB * PB.y; wB += m_invIB * Vec2.cross(m_rB, PB); pool.pushVec2(2); } else { m_impulse = 0.0d; } // data.velocities[m_indexA].v.set(vA); data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA; // data.velocities[m_indexB].v.set(vB); data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB; pool.pushVec2(1); pool.pushRot(2); }
// pooling public override void initVelocityConstraints(SolverData data) { m_indexA = m_bodyA.m_islandIndex; m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex; m_localCenterA.set(m_bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter); m_localCenterB.set(m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter); m_invMassA = m_bodyA.m_invMass; m_invMassB = m_bodyB.m_invMass; m_invIA = m_bodyA.m_invI; m_invIB = m_bodyB.m_invI; double mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB; double iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB; Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v; double wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v; double wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w; Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); // Compute the effective masses. Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), rB); d2.set(cB).addLocal(rB).subLocal(cA).subLocal(rA); // Point to line constraint { Rot.mulToOut(qA, m_localYAxisA, m_ay); m_sAy = Vec2.cross(temp.set(d2).addLocal(rA), m_ay); m_sBy = Vec2.cross(rB, m_ay); m_mass = mA + mB + iA * m_sAy * m_sAy + iB * m_sBy * m_sBy; if (m_mass > 0.0d) { m_mass = 1.0d / m_mass; } } // Spring constraint m_springMass = 0.0d; m_bias = 0.0d; m_gamma = 0.0d; if (m_frequencyHz > 0.0d) { Rot.mulToOut(qA, m_localXAxisA, m_ax); m_sAx = Vec2.cross(temp.set(d2).addLocal(rA), m_ax); m_sBx = Vec2.cross(rB, m_ax); double invMass = mA + mB + iA * m_sAx * m_sAx + iB * m_sBx * m_sBx; if (invMass > 0.0d) { m_springMass = 1.0d / invMass; double C =, m_ax); // Frequency double omega = 2.0d * MathUtils.PI * m_frequencyHz; // Damping coefficient double d = 2.0d * m_springMass * m_dampingRatio * omega; // Spring stiffness double k = m_springMass * omega * omega; // magic formulas double h = data.step.dt; m_gamma = h * (d + h * k); if (m_gamma > 0.0d) { m_gamma = 1.0d / m_gamma; } m_bias = C * h * k * m_gamma; m_springMass = invMass + m_gamma; if (m_springMass > 0.0d) { m_springMass = 1.0d / m_springMass; } } } else { m_springImpulse = 0.0d; } // Rotational motor if (m_enableMotor) { m_motorMass = iA + iB; if (m_motorMass > 0.0d) { m_motorMass = 1.0d / m_motorMass; } } else { m_motorMass = 0.0d; m_motorImpulse = 0.0d; } if (data.step.warmStarting) { Vec2 P = pool.popVec2(); // Account for variable time step. m_impulse *= data.step.dtRatio; m_springImpulse *= data.step.dtRatio; m_motorImpulse *= data.step.dtRatio; P.x = m_impulse * m_ay.x + m_springImpulse * m_ax.x; P.y = m_impulse * m_ay.y + m_springImpulse * m_ax.y; double LA = m_impulse * m_sAy + m_springImpulse * m_sAx + m_motorImpulse; double LB = m_impulse * m_sBy + m_springImpulse * m_sBx + m_motorImpulse; vA.x -= m_invMassA * P.x; vA.y -= m_invMassA * P.y; wA -= m_invIA * LA; vB.x += m_invMassB * P.x; vB.y += m_invMassB * P.y; wB += m_invIB * LB; pool.pushVec2(1); } else { m_impulse = 0.0d; m_springImpulse = 0.0d; m_motorImpulse = 0.0d; } pool.pushRot(2); pool.pushVec2(1); // data.velocities[m_indexA].v = vA; data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA; // data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB; data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB; }
public override bool solvePositionConstraints(SolverData data) { Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); Rot.mulToOut(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), rA); Rot.mulToOut(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), rB); d2.set(cB).subLocal(cA).addLocal(rB).subLocal(rA); Vec2 ay = pool.popVec2(); Rot.mulToOut(qA, m_localYAxisA, ay); double sAy = Vec2.cross(temp.set(d2).addLocal(rA), ay); double sBy = Vec2.cross(rB, ay); double C =, ay); double k = m_invMassA + m_invMassB + m_invIA * m_sAy * m_sAy + m_invIB * m_sBy * m_sBy; double impulse; if (k != 0.0d) { impulse = -C / k; } else { impulse = 0.0d; } Vec2 P = pool.popVec2(); P.x = impulse * ay.x; P.y = impulse * ay.y; double LA = impulse * sAy; double LB = impulse * sBy; cA.x -= m_invMassA * P.x; cA.y -= m_invMassA * P.y; aA -= m_invIA * LA; cB.x += m_invMassB * P.x; cB.y += m_invMassB * P.y; aB += m_invIB * LB; pool.pushVec2(3); pool.pushRot(2); // data.positions[m_indexA].c = cA; data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA; // data.positions[m_indexB].c = cB; data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB; return(MathUtils.abs(C) <= Settings.linearSlop); }
public override void initVelocityConstraints(SolverData data) { m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex; m_localCenterB.set(m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter); m_invMassB = m_bodyB.m_invMass; m_invIB = m_bodyB.m_invI; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v; double wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w; Rot qB = pool.popRot(); qB.set(aB); double mass = m_bodyB.getMass(); // Frequency double omega = 2.0d * MathUtils.PI * m_frequencyHz; // Damping coefficient double d = 2.0d * mass * m_dampingRatio * omega; // Spring stiffness double k = mass * (omega * omega); // magic formulas // gamma has units of inverse mass. // beta has units of inverse time. double h = data.step.dt; m_gamma = h * (d + h * k); if (m_gamma != 0.0d) { m_gamma = 1.0d / m_gamma; } m_beta = h * k * m_gamma; Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); // Compute the effective mass matrix. Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), m_rB); // K = [(1/m1 + 1/m2) * eye(2) - skew(r1) * invI1 * skew(r1) - skew(r2) * invI2 * skew(r2)] // = [1/m1+1/m2 0 ] + invI1 * [r1.y*r1.y -r1.x*r1.y] + invI2 * [r1.y*r1.y -r1.x*r1.y] // [ 0 1/m1+1/m2] [-r1.x*r1.y r1.x*r1.x] [-r1.x*r1.y r1.x*r1.x] Mat22 K = pool.popMat22(); K.ex.x = m_invMassB + m_invIB * m_rB.y * m_rB.y + m_gamma; K.ex.y = -m_invIB * m_rB.x * m_rB.y; K.ey.x = K.ex.y; K.ey.y = m_invMassB + m_invIB * m_rB.x * m_rB.x + m_gamma; K.invertToOut(m_mass); m_C.set(cB).addLocal(m_rB).subLocal(m_targetA); m_C.mulLocal(m_beta); // Cheat with some damping wB *= 0.98d; if (data.step.warmStarting) { m_impulse.mulLocal(data.step.dtRatio); vB.x += m_invMassB * m_impulse.x; vB.y += m_invMassB * m_impulse.y; wB += m_invIB * Vec2.cross(m_rB, m_impulse); } else { m_impulse.setZero(); } // data.velocities[m_indexB].v.set(vB); data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB; pool.pushVec2(1); pool.pushMat22(1); pool.pushRot(1); }
public override bool solvePositionConstraints(SolverData data) { Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rB = pool.popVec2(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); double mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB; double iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB; Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), rB); double positionError, angularError; Mat33 K = pool.popMat33(); Vec2 C1 = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 P = pool.popVec2(); K.ex.x = mA + mB + rA.y * rA.y * iA + rB.y * rB.y * iB; K.ey.x = -rA.y * rA.x * iA - rB.y * rB.x * iB; K.ez.x = -rA.y * iA - rB.y * iB; K.ex.y = K.ey.x; K.ey.y = mA + mB + rA.x * rA.x * iA + rB.x * rB.x * iB; K.ez.y = rA.x * iA + rB.x * iB; K.ex.z = K.ez.x; K.ey.z = K.ez.y; K.ez.z = iA + iB; if (m_frequencyHz > 0.0d) { C1.set(cB).addLocal(rB).subLocal(cA).subLocal(rA); positionError = C1.length(); angularError = 0.0d; K.solve22ToOut(C1, P); P.negateLocal(); cA.x -= mA * P.x; cA.y -= mA * P.y; aA -= iA * Vec2.cross(rA, P); cB.x += mB * P.x; cB.y += mB * P.y; aB += iB * Vec2.cross(rB, P); } else { C1.set(cB).addLocal(rB).subLocal(cA).subLocal(rA); double C2 = aB - aA - m_referenceAngle; positionError = C1.length(); angularError = MathUtils.abs(C2); Vec3 C = pool.popVec3(); Vec3 impulse = pool.popVec3(); C.set(C1.x, C1.y, C2); K.solve33ToOut(C, impulse); impulse.negateLocal(); P.set(impulse.x, impulse.y); cA.x -= mA * P.x; cA.y -= mA * P.y; aA -= iA * (Vec2.cross(rA, P) + impulse.z); cB.x += mB * P.x; cB.y += mB * P.y; aB += iB * (Vec2.cross(rB, P) + impulse.z); pool.pushVec3(2); } // data.positions[m_indexA].c.set(cA); data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA; // data.positions[m_indexB].c.set(cB); data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB; pool.pushVec2(5); pool.pushRot(2); pool.pushMat33(1); return(positionError <= Settings.linearSlop && angularError <= Settings.angularSlop); }
public override void initVelocityConstraints(SolverData data) { m_indexA = m_bodyA.m_islandIndex; m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex; m_localCenterA.set(m_bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter); m_localCenterB.set(m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter); m_invMassA = m_bodyA.m_invMass; m_invMassB = m_bodyB.m_invMass; m_invIA = m_bodyA.m_invI; m_invIB = m_bodyB.m_invI; // Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v; double wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w; // Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v; double wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w; Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); // Compute the effective masses. Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), m_rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), m_rB); // J = [-I -r1_skew I r2_skew] // [ 0 -1 0 1] // r_skew = [-ry; rx] // Matlab // K = [ mA+r1y^2*iA+mB+r2y^2*iB, -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x, -r1y*iA-r2y*iB] // [ -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x, mA+r1x^2*iA+mB+r2x^2*iB, r1x*iA+r2x*iB] // [ -r1y*iA-r2y*iB, r1x*iA+r2x*iB, iA+iB] double mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB; double iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB; Mat33 K = pool.popMat33(); K.ex.x = mA + mB + m_rA.y * m_rA.y * iA + m_rB.y * m_rB.y * iB; K.ey.x = -m_rA.y * m_rA.x * iA - m_rB.y * m_rB.x * iB; K.ez.x = -m_rA.y * iA - m_rB.y * iB; K.ex.y = K.ey.x; K.ey.y = mA + mB + m_rA.x * m_rA.x * iA + m_rB.x * m_rB.x * iB; K.ez.y = m_rA.x * iA + m_rB.x * iB; K.ex.z = K.ez.x; K.ey.z = K.ez.y; K.ez.z = iA + iB; if (m_frequencyHz > 0.0d) { K.getInverse22(m_mass); double invM = iA + iB; double m = invM > 0.0d ? 1.0d / invM : 0.0d; double C = aB - aA - m_referenceAngle; // Frequency double omega = 2.0d * MathUtils.PI * m_frequencyHz; // Damping coefficient double d = 2.0d * m * m_dampingRatio * omega; // Spring stiffness double k = m * omega * omega; // magic formulas double h = data.step.dt; m_gamma = h * (d + h * k); m_gamma = m_gamma != 0.0d ? 1.0d / m_gamma : 0.0d; m_bias = C * h * k * m_gamma; invM += m_gamma; m_mass.ez.z = invM != 0.0d ? 1.0d / invM : 0.0d; } else { K.getSymInverse33(m_mass); m_gamma = 0.0d; m_bias = 0.0d; } if (data.step.warmStarting) { Vec2 P = pool.popVec2(); // Scale impulses to support a variable time step. m_impulse.mulLocal(data.step.dtRatio); P.set(m_impulse.x, m_impulse.y); vA.x -= mA * P.x; vA.y -= mA * P.y; wA -= iA * (Vec2.cross(m_rA, P) + m_impulse.z); vB.x += mB * P.x; vB.y += mB * P.y; wB += iB * (Vec2.cross(m_rB, P) + m_impulse.z); pool.pushVec2(1); } else { m_impulse.setZero(); } // data.velocities[m_indexA].v.set(vA); data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA; // data.velocities[m_indexB].v.set(vB); data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB; pool.pushVec2(1); pool.pushRot(2); pool.pushMat33(1); }
public override void initVelocityConstraints(SolverData data) { m_indexA = m_bodyA.m_islandIndex; m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex; m_localCenterA.set(m_bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter); m_localCenterB.set(m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter); m_invMassA = m_bodyA.m_invMass; m_invMassB = m_bodyB.m_invMass; m_invIA = m_bodyA.m_invI; m_invIB = m_bodyB.m_invI; Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v; double wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v; double wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w; Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 d = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rB = pool.popVec2(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); // Compute the effective masses. Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, d.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, d.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), rB); d.set(cB).subLocal(cA).addLocal(rB).subLocal(rA); double mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB; double iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB; // Compute motor Jacobian and effective mass. { Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, m_localXAxisA, m_axis); temp.set(d).addLocal(rA); m_a1 = Vec2.cross(temp, m_axis); m_a2 = Vec2.cross(rB, m_axis); m_motorMass = mA + mB + iA * m_a1 * m_a1 + iB * m_a2 * m_a2; if (m_motorMass > 0.0d) { m_motorMass = 1.0d / m_motorMass; } } // Prismatic constraint. { Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, m_localYAxisA, m_perp); temp.set(d).addLocal(rA); m_s1 = Vec2.cross(temp, m_perp); m_s2 = Vec2.cross(rB, m_perp); double k11 = mA + mB + iA * m_s1 * m_s1 + iB * m_s2 * m_s2; double k12 = iA * m_s1 + iB * m_s2; double k13 = iA * m_s1 * m_a1 + iB * m_s2 * m_a2; double k22 = iA + iB; if (k22 == 0.0d) { // For bodies with fixed rotation. k22 = 1.0d; } double k23 = iA * m_a1 + iB * m_a2; double k33 = mA + mB + iA * m_a1 * m_a1 + iB * m_a2 * m_a2; m_K.ex.set(k11, k12, k13); m_K.ey.set(k12, k22, k23); m_K.ez.set(k13, k23, k33); } // Compute motor and limit terms. if (m_enableLimit) { double jointTranslation =, d); if (MathUtils.abs(m_upperTranslation - m_lowerTranslation) < 2.0d * Settings.linearSlop) { m_limitState = LimitState.EQUAL; } else if (jointTranslation <= m_lowerTranslation) { if (m_limitState != LimitState.AT_LOWER) { m_limitState = LimitState.AT_LOWER; m_impulse.z = 0.0d; } } else if (jointTranslation >= m_upperTranslation) { if (m_limitState != LimitState.AT_UPPER) { m_limitState = LimitState.AT_UPPER; m_impulse.z = 0.0d; } } else { m_limitState = LimitState.INACTIVE; m_impulse.z = 0.0d; } } else { m_limitState = LimitState.INACTIVE; m_impulse.z = 0.0d; } if (m_enableMotor == false) { m_motorImpulse = 0.0d; } if (data.step.warmStarting) { // Account for variable time step. m_impulse.mulLocal(data.step.dtRatio); m_motorImpulse *= data.step.dtRatio; Vec2 P = pool.popVec2(); temp.set(m_axis).mulLocal(m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z); P.set(m_perp).mulLocal(m_impulse.x).addLocal(temp); double LA = m_impulse.x * m_s1 + m_impulse.y + (m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z) * m_a1; double LB = m_impulse.x * m_s2 + m_impulse.y + (m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z) * m_a2; vA.x -= mA * P.x; vA.y -= mA * P.y; wA -= iA * LA; vB.x += mB * P.x; vB.y += mB * P.y; wB += iB * LB; pool.pushVec2(1); } else { m_impulse.setZero(); m_motorImpulse = 0.0d; } // data.velocities[m_indexA].v.set(vA); data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA; // data.velocities[m_indexB].v.set(vB); data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB; pool.pushRot(2); pool.pushVec2(4); }
public override void initVelocityConstraints(SolverData data) { m_indexA = m_bodyA.m_islandIndex; m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex; m_localCenterA.set(m_bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter); m_localCenterB.set(m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter); m_invMassA = m_bodyA.m_invMass; m_invMassB = m_bodyB.m_invMass; m_invIA = m_bodyA.m_invI; m_invIB = m_bodyB.m_invI; Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v; double wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v; double wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w; Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); // Compute the effective masses. Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), m_rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), m_rB); m_u.set(cB).addLocal(m_rB).subLocal(cA).subLocal(m_rA); m_length = m_u.length(); double C = m_length - m_maxLength; if (C > 0.0d) { m_state = LimitState.AT_UPPER; } else { m_state = LimitState.INACTIVE; } if (m_length > Settings.linearSlop) { m_u.mulLocal(1.0d / m_length); } else { m_u.setZero(); m_mass = 0.0d; m_impulse = 0.0d; return; } // Compute effective mass. double crA = Vec2.cross(m_rA, m_u); double crB = Vec2.cross(m_rB, m_u); double invMass = m_invMassA + m_invIA * crA * crA + m_invMassB + m_invIB * crB * crB; m_mass = invMass != 0.0d ? 1.0d / invMass : 0.0d; if (data.step.warmStarting) { // Scale the impulse to support a variable time step. m_impulse *= data.step.dtRatio; double Px = m_impulse * m_u.x; double Py = m_impulse * m_u.y; vA.x -= m_invMassA * Px; vA.y -= m_invMassA * Py; wA -= m_invIA * (m_rA.x * Py - m_rA.y * Px); vB.x += m_invMassB * Px; vB.y += m_invMassB * Py; wB += m_invIB * (m_rB.x * Py - m_rB.y * Px); } else { m_impulse = 0.0d; } pool.pushRot(2); pool.pushVec2(1); // data.velocities[m_indexA].v = vA; data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA; // data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB; data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB; }
public override bool solvePositionConstraints(SolverData data) { Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 rA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rB = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 d = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 axis = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 perp = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 C1 = pool.popVec2(); Vec3 impulse = pool.popVec3(); Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); double mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB; double iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB; // Compute fresh Jacobians Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), rB); d.set(cB).addLocal(rB).subLocal(cA).subLocal(rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, m_localXAxisA, axis); double a1 = Vec2.cross(temp.set(d).addLocal(rA), axis); double a2 = Vec2.cross(rB, axis); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, m_localYAxisA, perp); double s1 = Vec2.cross(temp.set(d).addLocal(rA), perp); double s2 = Vec2.cross(rB, perp); C1.x =, d); C1.y = aB - aA - m_referenceAngle; double linearError = MathUtils.abs(C1.x); double angularError = MathUtils.abs(C1.y); bool active = false; double C2 = 0.0d; if (m_enableLimit) { double translation =, d); if (MathUtils.abs(m_upperTranslation - m_lowerTranslation) < 2.0d * Settings.linearSlop) { // Prevent large angular corrections C2 = MathUtils.clamp(translation, -Settings.maxLinearCorrection, Settings.maxLinearCorrection); linearError = MathUtils.max(linearError, MathUtils.abs(translation)); active = true; } else if (translation <= m_lowerTranslation) { // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop. C2 = MathUtils.clamp(translation - m_lowerTranslation + Settings.linearSlop, -Settings.maxLinearCorrection, 0.0d); linearError = MathUtils.max(linearError, m_lowerTranslation - translation); active = true; } else if (translation >= m_upperTranslation) { // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop. C2 = MathUtils.clamp(translation - m_upperTranslation - Settings.linearSlop, 0.0d, Settings.maxLinearCorrection); linearError = MathUtils.max(linearError, translation - m_upperTranslation); active = true; } } if (active) { double k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2; double k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2; double k13 = iA * s1 * a1 + iB * s2 * a2; double k22 = iA + iB; if (k22 == 0.0d) { // For fixed rotation k22 = 1.0d; } double k23 = iA * a1 + iB * a2; double k33 = mA + mB + iA * a1 * a1 + iB * a2 * a2; Mat33 K = pool.popMat33(); K.ex.set(k11, k12, k13); K.ey.set(k12, k22, k23); K.ez.set(k13, k23, k33); Vec3 C = pool.popVec3(); C.x = C1.x; C.y = C1.y; C.z = C2; K.solve33ToOut(C.negateLocal(), impulse); pool.pushVec3(1); pool.pushMat33(1); } else { double k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2; double k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2; double k22 = iA + iB; if (k22 == 0.0d) { k22 = 1.0d; } Mat22 K = pool.popMat22(); K.ex.set(k11, k12); K.ey.set(k12, k22); // temp is impulse1 K.solveToOut(C1.negateLocal(), temp); C1.negateLocal(); impulse.x = temp.x; impulse.y = temp.y; impulse.z = 0.0d; pool.pushMat22(1); } double Px = impulse.x * perp.x + impulse.z * axis.x; double Py = impulse.x * perp.y + impulse.z * axis.y; double LA = impulse.x * s1 + impulse.y + impulse.z * a1; double LB = impulse.x * s2 + impulse.y + impulse.z * a2; cA.x -= mA * Px; cA.y -= mA * Py; aA -= iA * LA; cB.x += mB * Px; cB.y += mB * Py; aB += iB * LB; // data.positions[m_indexA].c.set(cA); data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA; // data.positions[m_indexB].c.set(cB); data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB; pool.pushVec2(7); pool.pushVec3(1); pool.pushRot(2); return(linearError <= Settings.linearSlop && angularError <= Settings.angularSlop); }
public override void initVelocityConstraints(SolverData data) { m_indexA = m_bodyA.m_islandIndex; m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex; m_localCenterA.set(m_bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter); m_localCenterB.set(m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter); m_invMassA = m_bodyA.m_invMass; m_invMassB = m_bodyB.m_invMass; m_invIA = m_bodyA.m_invI; m_invIB = m_bodyB.m_invI; Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v; double wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v; double wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w; Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); // use m_u as temporary variable Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, m_u.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), m_rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, m_u.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), m_rB); m_u.set(cB).addLocal(m_rB).subLocal(cA).subLocal(m_rA); pool.pushRot(2); // Handle singularity. double length = m_u.length(); if (length > Settings.linearSlop) { m_u.x *= 1.0d / length; m_u.y *= 1.0d / length; } else { m_u.set(0.0d, 0.0d); } double crAu = Vec2.cross(m_rA, m_u); double crBu = Vec2.cross(m_rB, m_u); double invMass = m_invMassA + m_invIA * crAu * crAu + m_invMassB + m_invIB * crBu * crBu; // Compute the effective mass matrix. m_mass = invMass != 0.0d ? 1.0d / invMass : 0.0d; if (m_frequencyHz > 0.0d) { double C = length - m_length; // Frequency double omega = 2.0d * MathUtils.PI * m_frequencyHz; // Damping coefficient double d = 2.0d * m_mass * m_dampingRatio * omega; // Spring stiffness double k = m_mass * omega * omega; // magic formulas double h = data.step.dt; m_gamma = h * (d + h * k); m_gamma = m_gamma != 0.0d ? 1.0d / m_gamma : 0.0d; m_bias = C * h * k * m_gamma; invMass += m_gamma; m_mass = invMass != 0.0d ? 1.0d / invMass : 0.0d; } else { m_gamma = 0.0d; m_bias = 0.0d; } if (data.step.warmStarting) { // Scale the impulse to support a variable time step. m_impulse *= data.step.dtRatio; Vec2 P = pool.popVec2(); P.set(m_u).mulLocal(m_impulse); vA.x -= m_invMassA * P.x; vA.y -= m_invMassA * P.y; wA -= m_invIA * Vec2.cross(m_rA, P); vB.x += m_invMassB * P.x; vB.y += m_invMassB * P.y; wB += m_invIB * Vec2.cross(m_rB, P); pool.pushVec2(1); } else { m_impulse = 0.0d; } // data.velocities[m_indexA].v.set(vA); data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA; // data.velocities[m_indexB].v.set(vB); data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB; }
public override bool solvePositionConstraints(SolverData data) { Rot qA = pool.popRot(); Rot qB = pool.popRot(); Vec2 rA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rB = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 uA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 uB = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 PA = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 PB = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_localCenterA), rA); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_localCenterB), rB); uA.set(cA).addLocal(rA).subLocal(m_groundAnchorA); uB.set(cB).addLocal(rB).subLocal(m_groundAnchorB); double lengthA = uA.length(); double lengthB = uB.length(); if (lengthA > 10.0d * Settings.linearSlop) { uA.mulLocal(1.0d / lengthA); } else { uA.setZero(); } if (lengthB > 10.0d * Settings.linearSlop) { uB.mulLocal(1.0d / lengthB); } else { uB.setZero(); } // Compute effective mass. double ruA = Vec2.cross(rA, uA); double ruB = Vec2.cross(rB, uB); double mA = m_invMassA + m_invIA * ruA * ruA; double mB = m_invMassB + m_invIB * ruB * ruB; double mass = mA + m_ratio * m_ratio * mB; if (mass > 0.0d) { mass = 1.0d / mass; } double C = m_constant - lengthA - m_ratio * lengthB; double linearError = MathUtils.abs(C); double impulse = -mass * C; PA.set(uA).mulLocal(-impulse); PB.set(uB).mulLocal(-m_ratio * impulse); cA.x += m_invMassA * PA.x; cA.y += m_invMassA * PA.y; aA += m_invIA * Vec2.cross(rA, PA); cB.x += m_invMassB * PB.x; cB.y += m_invMassB * PB.y; aB += m_invIB * Vec2.cross(rB, PB); // data.positions[m_indexA].c.set(cA); data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA; // data.positions[m_indexB].c.set(cB); data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB; pool.pushRot(2); pool.pushVec2(7); return(linearError < Settings.linearSlop); }
public override void initVelocityConstraints(SolverData data) { m_indexA = m_bodyA.m_islandIndex; m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex; m_indexC = m_bodyC.m_islandIndex; m_indexD = m_bodyD.m_islandIndex; m_lcA.set(m_bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter); m_lcB.set(m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter); m_lcC.set(m_bodyC.m_sweep.localCenter); m_lcD.set(m_bodyD.m_sweep.localCenter); m_mA = m_bodyA.m_invMass; m_mB = m_bodyB.m_invMass; m_mC = m_bodyC.m_invMass; m_mD = m_bodyD.m_invMass; m_iA = m_bodyA.m_invI; m_iB = m_bodyB.m_invI; m_iC = m_bodyC.m_invI; m_iD = m_bodyD.m_invI; // Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c; double aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a; Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v; double wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w; // Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c; double aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a; Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v; double wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w; // Vec2 cC = data.positions[m_indexC].c; double aC = data.positions[m_indexC].a; Vec2 vC = data.velocities[m_indexC].v; double wC = data.velocities[m_indexC].w; // Vec2 cD = data.positions[m_indexD].c; double aD = data.positions[m_indexD].a; Vec2 vD = data.velocities[m_indexD].v; double wD = data.velocities[m_indexD].w; Rot qA = pool.popRot(), qB = pool.popRot(), qC = pool.popRot(), qD = pool.popRot(); qA.set(aA); qB.set(aB); qC.set(aC); qD.set(aD); m_mass = 0.0d; Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2(); if (m_typeA == JointType.REVOLUTE) { m_JvAC.setZero(); m_JwA = 1.0d; m_JwC = 1.0d; m_mass += m_iA + m_iC; } else { Vec2 rC = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rA = pool.popVec2(); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qC, m_localAxisC, m_JvAC); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qC, temp.set(m_localAnchorC).subLocal(m_lcC), rC); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_lcA), rA); m_JwC = Vec2.cross(rC, m_JvAC); m_JwA = Vec2.cross(rA, m_JvAC); m_mass += m_mC + m_mA + m_iC * m_JwC * m_JwC + m_iA * m_JwA * m_JwA; pool.pushVec2(2); } if (m_typeB == JointType.REVOLUTE) { m_JvBD.setZero(); m_JwB = m_ratio; m_JwD = m_ratio; m_mass += m_ratio * m_ratio * (m_iB + m_iD); } else { Vec2 u = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rD = pool.popVec2(); Vec2 rB = pool.popVec2(); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qD, m_localAxisD, u); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qD, temp.set(m_localAnchorD).subLocal(m_lcD), rD); Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_lcB), rB); m_JvBD.set(u).mulLocal(m_ratio); m_JwD = m_ratio * Vec2.cross(rD, u); m_JwB = m_ratio * Vec2.cross(rB, u); m_mass += m_ratio * m_ratio * (m_mD + m_mB) + m_iD * m_JwD * m_JwD + m_iB * m_JwB * m_JwB; pool.pushVec2(3); } // Compute effective mass. m_mass = m_mass > 0.0d ? 1.0d / m_mass : 0.0d; if (data.step.warmStarting) { vA.x += (m_mA * m_impulse) * m_JvAC.x; vA.y += (m_mA * m_impulse) * m_JvAC.y; wA += m_iA * m_impulse * m_JwA; vB.x += (m_mB * m_impulse) * m_JvBD.x; vB.y += (m_mB * m_impulse) * m_JvBD.y; wB += m_iB * m_impulse * m_JwB; vC.x -= (m_mC * m_impulse) * m_JvAC.x; vC.y -= (m_mC * m_impulse) * m_JvAC.y; wC -= m_iC * m_impulse * m_JwC; vD.x -= (m_mD * m_impulse) * m_JvBD.x; vD.y -= (m_mD * m_impulse) * m_JvBD.y; wD -= m_iD * m_impulse * m_JwD; } else { m_impulse = 0.0d; } pool.pushVec2(1); pool.pushRot(4); // data.velocities[m_indexA].v = vA; data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA; // data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB; data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB; // data.velocities[m_indexC].v = vC; data.velocities[m_indexC].w = wC; // data.velocities[m_indexD].v = vD; data.velocities[m_indexD].w = wD; }