private static void EnableFileLogging(RoslynInsertionToolOptions options)
        var logConfig = LogManager.Configuration;

        // regular file logging
        var fileTarget = new NLog.Targets.FileTarget("file")
            FileName = options.LogFileLocation, Layout = logConfig.Variables["VerboseLayout"]

        logConfig.AddRule(NLog.LogLevel.Trace, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal, fileTarget);

        // exception logging
        var exceptionFilter = new NLog.Filters.ConditionBasedFilter()
            Condition = "length('${exception}') > 0", Action = NLog.Filters.FilterResult.Ignore
        var exceptionFileTarget = new NLog.Targets.FileTarget("fileAsException")
            FileName = options.LogFileLocation, Layout = logConfig.Variables["ExceptionVerboselayout"]
        var rule = new NLog.Config.LoggingRule("*", NLog.LogLevel.Trace, exceptionFileTarget);


Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the specified secret from the key vault;
    /// </summary>
    private static async Task <string> GetSecret(string secretName, RoslynInsertionToolOptions options)
        var kv     = new KeyVaultClient(new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(GetAccessTokenFunction(options.ClientId, options.ClientSecret)));
        var secret = await kv.GetSecretAsync(Settings.Default.KeyVaultUrl, secretName);

Пример #3
    private static async Task <bool> MainAsync(string[] args, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // ********************** Load Default Settings **************************
        var settings = Settings.Default;
        var options  = new RoslynInsertionToolOptions(
            VisualStudioRepoAzdoUsername: settings.VisualStudioRepoAzdoUserName,
            VisualStudioRepoAzdoUri: settings.VisualStudioRepoAzdoUri,
            VisualStudioRepoProjectName: settings.VisualStudioRepoProjectName,
            ComponentBuildQueueName: settings.BuildQueueName,
            BuildConfig: settings.BuildConfig,
            BuildDropPath: settings.BuildDropPath,
            InsertionBranchName: settings.InsertionBranchName,
            InsertCoreXTPackages: settings.InsertCoreXTPackages,
            UpdateCoreXTLibraries: settings.UpdateCoreXTLibraries,
            InsertDevDivSourceFiles: settings.InsertDevDivSourceFiles,
            InsertWillowPackages: settings.InsertWillowPackages,
            InsertionName: settings.InsertionName,
            RetainInsertedBuild: settings.RetainInsertedBuild,
            QueueValidationBuild: settings.QueueValidationBuild,
            ValidationBuildQueueName: settings.ValidationBuildQueueName,
            RunDDRITsInValidation: settings.RunDDRITsInValidation,
            RunRPSInValidation: settings.RunRPSInValidation,
            LogFileLocation: settings.LogFileLocation,
            CreateDraftPr: settings.CreateDraftPr,
            SkipCoreXTPackages: ParseSkipCoreXTPackages(settings.SkipCoreXTPackages));

        // ************************ Process Arguments ****************************
        bool   showHelp           = false;
        string pullRequestUrlFile = null;

        Console.WriteLine($"Processing args: {Environment.NewLine}{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, args)}");
        var parser = new OptionSet
                "Show help.",
                h => showHelp = h != null
    private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

        // ********************** Load Default Settings **************************
        var settings = Settings.Default;
        var options  = new RoslynInsertionToolOptions()

        // ************************ Process Arguments ****************************
        bool showHelp = false;

        Log.Trace($"Processing args: {Environment.NewLine}{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, args)}");
        var parser = new OptionSet
                "Show help.",
                h => showHelp = h != null
                "Updates the Roslyn toolset used in the VS branch.",
                t => options = options.WithInsertToolset(true)
                "This is the absolute path to the Visual Studio enlistment on the machine that is running rit.exe.",
                enlistmentPath => options = options.WithEnlistmentPath(enlistmentPath)
                "u=|username="******"Username to authenticate with VSTS *and* git. Defaults to \"{options.Username}\".",
                username => options = options.WithUsername(username)
                "p=|password="******"The password used to authenticate both VSTS *and* git. If not specified will attempt to load from Azure KeyVault.",
                password => options = options.WithPassword(password)
                "The Visual Studio branch we are inserting *into*.",
                visualStudioBranchName => options = options.WithVisualStudioBranchName(visualStudioBranchName)
                "The branch we are inserting *from*.",
                branchName => options = options.WithbranchName(branchName)
                $"The name of the build queue producing signed bits you wish to insert. Defaults to \"{options.BuildQueueName}\".",
                buildQueueName => options = options.WithBuildQueueName(buildQueueName)
                $"The url to the default collection of the VSTS server. Defaults to \"{options.VSTSUri}\".",
                vstsUrl => options = options.WithVSTSUrl(vstsUrl)
                $"The project that contains the branch specified in **visualstudiobranchname**. Defaults to \"{options.TFSProjectName}\".",
                tfsProjectName => options = options.WithTFSProjectName(tfsProjectName)
                $"The name of the branch we create when staging our insertion. Will have the current date and insertion branch appended to it. If empty a new branch and pull request are not created (for local testing purposes only). Defaults to \"{options.NewBranchName}\".",
                newBranchName => options = options.WithNewBranchName(newBranchName)
                $"Location where the signed binaries are dropped. Will use this path in combination with **branchname** to find signed binaries, unless the path ends with ```Binaries\\Debug``` or ```Binaries\\Release``` (for local testing purposes only). Defaults to \"{options.BuildDropPath}\".",
                dropPath => options = options.WithBuildDropPath(dropPath)
                "Only the latest build is inserted by default, and `rit.exe` will exit if no discovered passing builds are newer than the currently inserted version. By specifying this setting `rit.exe` will skip this logic and insert the specified build.",
                specificbuild => options = options.WithSpecificBuild(specificbuild)
                $"Server to use to send status emails. Defaults to \"{options.EmailServerName}\".",
                emailServerName => options = options.WithEmailServerName(emailServerName)
                $"E-mail address to send status emails. Defaults to \"{options.MailRecipient}\".",
                mailRecipient => options = options.WithMailRecipient(mailRecipient)
                $"Defaults to \"{options.InsertCoreXTPackages}\".",
                insertCoreXTPackages => options = options.WithInsertCoreXTPackages(bool.Parse(insertCoreXTPackages))
                $"Updates a props file used by CoreXT for generating links to library paths. Defaults to \"{options.UpdateCoreXTLibraries}\".",
                updateCoreXTLibraries => options = options.WithUpdateCoreXTLLibraries(bool.Parse(updateCoreXTLibraries))
                $"Updates the binding redirects for the insertion components. Defaults to \"{options.UpdateAssemblyVersions}\".",
                updateAssemblyVersions => options = options.WithUpdateAssemblyVersions(bool.Parse(updateAssemblyVersions))
                $"Defaults to \"{options.InsertDevDivSourceFiles}\".",
                insertDevDivSourceFiles => options = options.WithInsertDevDivSourceFiles(bool.Parse(insertDevDivSourceFiles))
                $"Defaults to \"{options.InsertWillowPackages}\".",
                insertWillowPackages => options = options.WithInsertWillowPackages(bool.Parse(insertWillowPackages))
                $"The \"friendly\" name of the components being inserted, e.g., Roslyn, Live Unit Testing, Project System. Defaults to \"{options.InsertionName}\".",
                insertionName => options = options.WithInsertionName(insertionName)
                $"Whether or not the inserted build will be marked for retention. Defaults to \"{options.RetainInsertedBuild}\".",
                retainInserted => options = options.WithInsertedBuildRetained(bool.Parse(retainInserted))
                $"Creates a VS validation build of the newly created branch. A comment is added to the PR with a link to the build. RPS and DDRITs are included by default.  Defaults to \"{options.QueueValidationBuild}\".",
                queueValidationBuild => options = options.WithQueueValidationBuild(bool.Parse(queueValidationBuild))
                $"The name of the build queue to use for validation builds. Defaults to \"{options.ValidationBuildQueueName}\".",
                validationBuildQueueName => options = options.WithValidationBuildQueueName(validationBuildQueueName)
                $"Whether or not to run DDRITs as part of a validation build. Defaults to \"{options.RunDDRITsInValidation}\".",
                runDDRITsInValidation => options = options.WithRunDDRITsInValidation(bool.Parse(runDDRITsInValidation))
                $"Whether or not to run RPS tests as part of a validation build.  Defaults to \"{options.RunRPSInValidation}\".",
                runRPSInValidation => options = options.WithRunRPSInValidation(bool.Parse(runRPSInValidation))
                $"Create a dummy insertion PR that will be updated later.",
                createDummyPr => options = options.WithCreateDummyPr(true)
                "Update the specified existing PR with new build information.",
                updateExistingPr => options = options.WithUpdateExistingPr(int.Parse(updateExistingPr))
                "The location of the log file to be written.  Defaults to `rit.log`.",
                logFileLocation => options = options.WithLogFileLocation(logFileLocation)
                "A set of folders relative to **enlistmentpath** that should successfully build after we have inserted. List should be separated by `;`.",
                partitionsToBuild =>
                    var list = options.PartitionsToBuild?.ToList() ?? new List <string>();
                    options = options.WithPartitionsToBuild(list.ToArray());
                "*Can be specified more than once.* A folder relative to **enlistmentpath** that should successfully build after we have inserted.",
                partitionToBuild =>
                    var list = options.PartitionsToBuild?.ToList() ?? new List <string>();
                    options = options.WithPartitionsToBuild(list.ToArray());

        List <string> extraArguments = null;

            extraArguments = parser.Parse(args);
        catch (Exception e)
            Log.Error("Failed to parse arguments.");

        if (extraArguments.Count > 0)
            Log.Error($"Unknown arguments: {string.Join(" ", extraArguments)}");

        if (showHelp)


        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Password))
            Log.Trace($"Attempting to get credentials from KeyVault.");
                var password = await GetSecret(settings.VsoSecretName);

                options = options.WithPassword(password);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Trace($"Failed to get credential");

        if (!options.Valid)

        Log.Trace($"Processing args succeeded");

        await PerformInsertionAsync(options, Log, cancellationToken);
Пример #5
    private static async Task <bool> MainAsync(string[] args, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // ********************** Load Default Settings **************************
        var settings = Settings.Default;
        var options  = new RoslynInsertionToolOptions()

        // ************************ Process Arguments ****************************
        bool   showHelp           = false;
        string pullRequestUrlFile = null;

        Console.WriteLine($"Processing args: {Environment.NewLine}{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, args)}");
        var parser = new OptionSet
                "Show help.",
                h => showHelp = h != null
                "Updates the Roslyn toolset used in the VS branch.",
                t => options = options.WithInsertToolset(true)
                "This is the absolute path to the Visual Studio enlistment on the machine that is running rit.exe.",
                enlistmentPath => options = options.WithEnlistmentPath(enlistmentPath)
                "u=|username="******"Username to authenticate with VSTS *and* git. Defaults to \"{options.Username}\".",
                username => options = options.WithUsername(username)
                "p=|password="******"The password used to authenticate both VSTS *and* git. If not specified will attempt to load from Azure KeyVault.",
                password => options = options.WithPassword(password)
                "The Visual Studio branch we are inserting *into*.",
                visualStudioBranchName => options = options.WithVisualStudioBranchName(visualStudioBranchName)
                "The branch we are inserting *from*.",
                branchName => options = options.WithbranchName(branchName)
                $"The name of the build queue producing signed bits you wish to insert. Defaults to \"{options.BuildQueueName}\".",
                buildQueueName => options = options.WithBuildQueueName(buildQueueName)
                $"The url to the default collection of the VSTS server. Defaults to \"{options.VSTSUri}\".",
                vstsUrl => options = options.WithVSTSUrl(vstsUrl)
                $"The project that contains the branch specified in **visualstudiobranchname**. Defaults to \"{options.TFSProjectName}\".",
                tfsProjectName => options = options.WithTFSProjectName(tfsProjectName)
                $"The name of the branch we create when staging our insertion. Will have the current date and insertion branch appended to it. If empty a new branch and pull request are not created (for local testing purposes only). Defaults to \"{options.NewBranchName}\".",
                newBranchName => options = options.WithNewBranchName(newBranchName)
                $"Location where the signed binaries are dropped. Will use this path in combination with **branchname** to find signed binaries, " +
                $"unless the path ends with `artifacts\\VSSetup\\Debug` or `artifacts\\VSSetup\\Release` in Arcade repositories, or " +
                $"`Binaries\\Debug` or `Binaries\\Release` in legacy repositories (for local testing purposes only). Defaults to \"{options.BuildDropPath}\".",
                dropPath => options = options.WithBuildDropPath(dropPath)
                "Only the latest build is inserted by default, and `rit.exe` will exit if no discovered passing builds are newer than the currently inserted version. By specifying this setting `rit.exe` will skip this logic and insert the specified build.",
                specificbuild => options = options.WithSpecificBuild(specificbuild)
                $"Defaults to \"{options.InsertCoreXTPackages}\".",
                insertCoreXTPackages => options = options.WithInsertCoreXTPackages(bool.Parse(insertCoreXTPackages))
                $"Updates a props file used by CoreXT for generating links to library paths. Defaults to \"{options.UpdateCoreXTLibraries}\".",
                updateCoreXTLibraries => options = options.WithUpdateCoreXTLLibraries(bool.Parse(updateCoreXTLibraries))
                $"Updates the binding redirects for the insertion components. Defaults to \"{options.UpdateAssemblyVersions}\".",
                updateAssemblyVersions => options = options.WithUpdateAssemblyVersions(bool.Parse(updateAssemblyVersions))
                $"Defaults to \"{options.InsertDevDivSourceFiles}\".",
                insertDevDivSourceFiles => options = options.WithInsertDevDivSourceFiles(bool.Parse(insertDevDivSourceFiles))
                $"Defaults to \"{options.InsertWillowPackages}\".",
                insertWillowPackages => options = options.WithInsertWillowPackages(bool.Parse(insertWillowPackages))
                $"The \"friendly\" name of the components being inserted, e.g., Roslyn, Live Unit Testing, Project System. Defaults to \"{options.InsertionName}\".",
                insertionName => options = options.WithInsertionName(insertionName)
                $"Whether or not the inserted build will be marked for retention. Defaults to \"{options.RetainInsertedBuild}\".",
                retainInserted => options = options.WithInsertedBuildRetained(bool.Parse(retainInserted))
                $"Creates a VS validation build of the newly created branch. A comment is added to the PR with a link to the build. RPS and DDRITs are included by default.  Defaults to \"{options.QueueValidationBuild}\".",
                queueValidationBuild => options = options.WithQueueValidationBuild(bool.Parse(queueValidationBuild))
                $"The name of the build queue to use for validation builds. Defaults to \"{options.ValidationBuildQueueName}\".",
                validationBuildQueueName => options = options.WithValidationBuildQueueName(validationBuildQueueName)
                $"Whether or not to run DDRITs as part of a validation build. Defaults to \"{options.RunDDRITsInValidation}\".",
                runDDRITsInValidation => options = options.WithRunDDRITsInValidation(bool.Parse(runDDRITsInValidation))
                $"Whether or not to run RPS tests as part of a validation build.  Defaults to \"{options.RunRPSInValidation}\".",
                runRPSInValidation => options = options.WithRunRPSInValidation(bool.Parse(runRPSInValidation))
                $"Create a dummy insertion PR that will be updated later.",
                createDummyPr => options = options.WithCreateDummyPr(true)
                "Update the specified existing PR with new build information.",
                updateExistingPr => options = options.WithUpdateExistingPr(int.Parse(updateExistingPr))
                "Indicates that the PR specified by \"updateexistingpr\" needs to be overwritten.",
                overwritePr => options = options.WithOverwritePr(true)
                "The location of the log file to be written.  Defaults to `rit.log`.",
                logFileLocation => options = options.WithLogFileLocation(logFileLocation)
                "A set of folders relative to **enlistmentpath** that should successfully build after we have inserted. List should be separated by `;`.",
                partitionsToBuild =>
                    var list = options.PartitionsToBuild?.ToList() ?? new List <string>();
                    options = options.WithPartitionsToBuild(list.ToArray());
                "*Can be specified more than once.* A folder relative to **enlistmentpath** that should successfully build after we have inserted.",
                partitionToBuild =>
                    var list = options.PartitionsToBuild?.ToList() ?? new List <string>();
                    options = options.WithPartitionsToBuild(list.ToArray());
                "The client ID to use for authentication token retreival.",
                clientId => options = options.WithClientId(clientId)
                "The client secret to use for authentication token retreival.",
                clientSecret => options = options.WithClientSecret(clientSecret)
                "Write the pull request URL to the specified file.",
                prf => pullRequestUrlFile = prf
                "Prepend the generated pull request's title with the specified value.",
                titlePrefix => options = options.WithTitlePrefix(titlePrefix)

        List <string> extraArguments = null;

            extraArguments = parser.Parse(args);
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to parse arguments.");

        if (extraArguments.Count > 0)
            Console.WriteLine($"Unknown arguments: {string.Join(" ", extraArguments)}");

        if (showHelp)

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Password))
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ClientId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ClientSecret))
                Console.WriteLine($"Attempting to get credentials from KeyVault.");
                    var password = await GetSecret(settings.VsoSecretName, options);

                    options = options.WithPassword(password);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Failed to get credential");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No password provided and no client secret for KeyVault provided.");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("If you want to develop the tool locally, do the following:");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("1. Go to and generate a token.");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("2. Add the command line arguments `/[email protected] /password=myauthtoken`");

        if (!options.Valid)

        Console.WriteLine($"Processing args succeeded");

        var(success, pullRequestId) = await PerformInsertionAsync(options, cancellationToken);

        if (success && pullRequestId > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pullRequestUrlFile))
            File.WriteAllText(pullRequestUrlFile, $"{pullRequestId}");
