public void createHall(int x, int y, int count, int prev) { GameObject pieceType = corridorObject; int[] nextHall = chooseNextHall(x, y, 0); int tileRotation = 0; GameObject newRoomObject; if (placedPrison == false) { BaseRoom prisonRoom = new BaseRoom(roomControllerScript.roomsTypes[5]); prisonRoom.Rotate(0); newRoomObject = roomControllerScript.AddRoomToList(prisonRoom, x - 2, y - 3, 0); placedPrison = true; } //rotation code if (Mathf.Abs(nextHall[2] - previousHall[2]) == 1 || Mathf.Abs(nextHall[2] - previousHall[2]) == 3) { // corner pieceType = cornerObject; tileRotation = nextHall[2]; switch (previousHall[2]) { // from below case 0: switch (nextHall[2]) { // to the right case 1: tileRotation = 1; //print("zero one"); break; // to the left case 3: tileRotation = 0; break; } break; // from the left case 1: switch (nextHall[2]) { // to above case 0: tileRotation = 3; break; // to below case 2: tileRotation = 0; break; } break; // from the top case 2: switch (nextHall[2]) { // to the right case 1: tileRotation = 2; break; // to the left case 3: tileRotation = 3; break; } break; // from the right case 3: switch (nextHall[2]) { // to above case 0: tileRotation = 2; break; // to below case 2: tileRotation = 1; break; } break; } } else { tileRotation = nextHall[2]; // straight pieceType = corridorObject; } if (nextHall[2] == -1) { Debug.Log("rebooting"); SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex); return; } bool firstDoorBool = false; bool secondDoorBool = false; int endRotation = 0;// 4-previousHall[2]+nextHall[2]==0?2:0; // if its the last piece, cap it off with an end piece if (count == hallwaySegments - 1) { switch (previousHall[2]) { // from below case 0: switch (nextHall[2]) { case 0: endRotation = 1; break; // to the right case 1: endRotation = 2; //print("zero one"); break; // to the left case 3: endRotation = 0; break; } break; // from the left case 1: switch (nextHall[2]) { // to above case 0: endRotation = 3; break; case 1: endRotation = 2; break; // to below case 2: endRotation = 0; break; } break; // from the top case 2: switch (nextHall[2]) { // to the right case 1: endRotation = 2; break; // to the left case 3: endRotation = 3; break; } break; // from the right case 3: switch (nextHall[2]) { // to above case 0: endRotation = 2; break; // to below case 2: endRotation = 3; break; } break; } gridMap[x, y] = new CorridorSection(pieceType, x, y, 0, endRotation); Instantiate(endObject, gridMap[x, y].position, gridMap[x, y].rotation); return; } else { if (roomControllerScript.roomCount < roomControllerScript.maxRooms) { // try and create rooms int[] tryRoom = getWallFace(previousHall[2], nextHall[2]); // room code BaseRoom roomToTry = new BaseRoom(roomControllerScript.roomsTypes[Random.Range(0, 5)]); //for testing specific rooms //BaseRoom roomToTry = new BaseRoom(roomControllerScript.roomsTypes[4]); for (int v = 0; v < 2; v++) { int newX = x; int newY = y; int wallDoorLocation = 0; switch (tryRoom[v]) { case 0: newY += 1; wallDoorLocation = 0; break; case 1: newX += 1; wallDoorLocation = 1; break; case 2: newY -= roomToTry.length; wallDoorLocation = 2; break; case 3: newX -= roomToTry.width; wallDoorLocation = 3; break; } int canFit = roomControllerScript.CanRoomFit(newX, newY, roomToTry, 0); if (canFit != -1) { newRoomObject = roomControllerScript.AddRoomToList(roomToTry, newX, newY, canFit); if ( == "corridorTypeOne") { switch (tryRoom[v]) { case 0: firstDoorBool = true; break; case 1: firstDoorBool = true; break; case 2: secondDoorBool = true; break; case 3: secondDoorBool = true; break; } } else { int doorPlacement = tryRoom[v] + tileRotation; if (doorPlacement > 3) { doorPlacement -= 4; } switch (doorPlacement) { case 0: firstDoorBool = true; break; case 1: secondDoorBool = true; break; } } if (newRoomObject.GetComponent <WallPlacer>() != null) { newRoomObject.GetComponent <WallPlacer>().RemoveWall(wallDoorLocation); } break; } } } gridMap[x, y] = new CorridorSection(pieceType, x, y, 0, tileRotation); GameObject newHallPiece = Instantiate(gridMap[x, y].gridSectionType, gridMap[x, y].position, gridMap[x, y].rotation); newHallPiece.GetComponent <DoorPlacer>().AddDoor(firstDoorBool, secondDoorBool); } previousHall = nextHall; currentHall = nextHall; if (count < hallwaySegments - 1) { createHall(nextHall[0], nextHall[1], count += 1, nextHall[2]); } else { //Debug.Log("finished creating " + count + " halls"); } }