static void LoadFile() { OpenDialog openFileDialog = new OpenDialog("Select File", "Select a *.cdb file to open"); openFileDialog.Height = Dim.Percent(70f); openFileDialog.Width = Dim.Percent(70f); openFileDialog.AllowedFileTypes = new string[] { ".cdb" }; openFileDialog.AllowsMultipleSelection = false; openFileDialog.CanChooseDirectories = false; openFileDialog.CanChooseFiles = true; Application.Run(openFileDialog); List <string> files = new List <string>(openFileDialog.FilePaths); if (files.Count < 1) { PrintStatus("No file was selected to open.", StatusLevel.Error); return; } RookDB loadedDB = new RookDB(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(files[0]), files[0]); if (loadedDB.IsValid()) { currDB = loadedDB; currTableView.Source = new EditorListRenderer(currDB.tables.First().Value); columnHeaders.UpdateColumns(currDB.tables.First().Value.columns.ToArray()); UpdateWindowName(); UpdateTableDisplay(); PrintStatus("Loaded database: " + loadedDB.filename, StatusLevel.Default); } else { PrintStatus("Could not load database, file was invalid.", StatusLevel.Error); } }
static void CreateNew() { string dbName = "temp.cdb"; Dialog getNameDialog = new Dialog("Enter new database name", 60, 10); TextField nameField = new TextField("") { X = 1, Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1 }; Button confirmBtn = new Button("Confirm") { Clicked = () => { if (nameField.Text.Length > 5 && nameField.Text.EndsWith(".cdb")) { dbName = dbName = nameField.Text.ToString(); Application.RequestStop(); } } }; getNameDialog.AddButton(confirmBtn); getNameDialog.Add(nameField); Application.Run(getNameDialog); currDB = new RookDB(dbName); PrintStatus("Created new database, unsaved.", StatusLevel.Warning); UpdateWindowName(); }
public void Render(ListView container, ConsoleDriver driver, bool selected, int item, int col, int line, int width) { List <DBRecord> records = new List <DBRecord>(currTable.records.Values); int hOffset = EditorProgram.columnHeaders.hOffset; if (hOffset > currTable.columns.Count) { hOffset = currTable.columns.Count - 1; } if (hOffset < 0) { hOffset = 0; } string dispStr = records[item].identifier.PadRight(ColumnHeaderControl.COLUMN_WIDTH); for (int i = hOffset; i < currTable.columns.Count; i++) { if (dispStr.Length + ColumnHeaderControl.COLUMN_WIDTH >= width) { break; } dispStr += StringHelper.LimitLength( RookDB.PrettyPrintFieldValue(records[item], i), ColumnHeaderControl.COLUMN_WIDTH, " .. ").PadRight(ColumnHeaderControl.COLUMN_WIDTH); } driver.AddStr(dispStr); }
static void SaveFile() { if (currDB == null) { PrintStatus("Couldn't save database, nothing loaded in memory.", StatusLevel.Error); return; } RookDB.WriteFile(currDB, currDB.filename, true); PrintStatus("Database saved successfully.", StatusLevel.Default); }
static void SaveFileAs() { SaveDialog saveDialog = new SaveDialog("Select save location", "Select location and filename to save database as."); saveDialog.IsExtensionHidden = false; saveDialog.AllowedFileTypes = new string[] { "*.cdb" }; Application.Run(saveDialog); if (saveDialog.FileName == null) { PrintStatus("Save As was cancelled by user.", StatusLevel.Warning); return; } string selPath = saveDialog.FilePath.ToString(); if (!selPath.EndsWith(".cdb")) { selPath += ".cdb"; } if (System.IO.File.Exists(selPath)) { bool overwriteConfirmed = false; Dialog overwriteDialog = new Dialog("Confirm Overwrite", 20, 25); Label overwriteLabel = new Label("You are about to overwrite an existing file.\nContinue?"); Button okBtn = new Button("Overwrite", true) { Clicked = () => { overwriteConfirmed = true; Application.RequestStop(); } }; Button cancelBtn = new Button("Cancel") { Clicked = () => { Application.RequestStop(); } }; overwriteDialog.AddButton(okBtn); overwriteDialog.AddButton(cancelBtn); overwriteDialog.Add(overwriteLabel); Application.Run(overwriteDialog); if (!overwriteConfirmed) { return; } } RookDB.WriteFile(currDB, selPath, true); PrintStatus("Saved under alt file name: " + StringHelper.LimitLengthInverse(selPath, 50), StatusLevel.Default); }
// public static void RunEditor(string initialFile = null) { Application.Init(); mainWin = new Window("RookDB Terminal Editor - empty") { X = 0, Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill(1), }; Application.Top.Add(mainWin); currTableView = new ListView(new EditorListRenderer(null)) { Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill(1), }; mainWin.Add(currTableView); columnHeaders = new ColumnHeaderControl() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1, }; mainWin.Add(columnHeaders); tablesLine = new Label("Example Text") { X = 1, Y = Pos.AnchorEnd(1), Width = Dim.Fill(2), Height = 1, }; mainWin.Add(tablesLine); statusLine = new Label("") { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(Application.Top) - 1, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1, TextColor = new Terminal.Gui.Attribute(Color.BrightYellow, Color.Black), Text = "Loading..." }; Application.Top.Add(new HotInputHook()); //input hook for scrolling column headers without them being focused Application.Top.Add(statusLine); MenuBar mainMenu = new MenuBar(new MenuBarItem[] { new MenuBarItem("_File", new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("_New", "", CreateNew), new MenuItem("_Load", "", LoadFile), new MenuItem("_Save", "", SaveFile), new MenuItem("S_ave As", "", SaveFileAs), new MenuItem("_Quit", "", Quit), }), new MenuBarItem("_Add/Delete", new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("Add Table", "", AddTable), new MenuItem("Delete Table", "", DeleteTable), new MenuItem("Add Column", "", AddColumn), new MenuItem("Delete Column", "", DeleteColumn), new MenuItem("Add Record", "", AddRecord), new MenuItem("Delete Record", "", DeleteRecord), }), new MenuBarItem("_Edit", new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("Rename Table", "", RenameTable), new MenuItem("Edit Column", "", EditColumn), new MenuItem("Change Column Order", "", ChangeColumnOrder) }), new MenuBarItem("_Options", new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("_Settings", "", null), new MenuItem("_Help", "", ShowHelp), new MenuItem("_About", "", ShowAbout), }), }); Application.Top.Add(mainMenu); if (initialFile != null && System.IO.File.Exists(initialFile)) { currDB = new RookDB(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(initialFile), initialFile); if (!currDB.IsValid()) { currDB = null; } } PrintStatus("Editor loaded", StatusLevel.Default); Application.Run(); }