/// <summary> /// Gets the coins from the users dead body /// </summary> public int GetCoins(GameClient TargetClient, RoleplayBot Bot = null) { if (TargetClient != null && TargetClient.GetHabbo() != null) { if (TargetClient.GetHabbo().VIPRank > 1) { return(0); } if (TargetClient.GetHabbo().Credits < 3) { return(0); } } if (Bot != null) { int MinMoney = Convert.ToInt32(RoleplayData.GetData("bots", "minmoney")); int MaxMoney = Convert.ToInt32(RoleplayData.GetData("bots", "maxmoney")); if (MaxMoney == 0) { return(0); } CryptoRandom Random = new CryptoRandom(); return(Random.Next(MinMoney, (MaxMoney + 1))); } return(TargetClient.GetHabbo().Credits / 3); }
public HabboUserBadgesComposer(Habbo Habbo, RoleplayBot Bot = null) : base(ServerPacketHeader.HabboUserBadgesMessageComposer) { if (Bot != null) { base.WriteInteger(Bot.Id + 1000000); base.WriteInteger(1); base.WriteInteger(1); base.WriteString("BOT"); } else { base.WriteInteger(Habbo.Id); base.WriteInteger(Habbo.GetBadgeComponent().EquippedCount); foreach (Badge Badge in Habbo.GetBadgeComponent().GetBadges().ToList()) { if (Badge.Slot <= 0) { continue; } base.WriteInteger(Badge.Slot); base.WriteString(Badge.Code); } } }
public PickupDeliveryTimer(string Type, RoleplayBot CachedBot, int Time, bool Forever, object[] Params) : base(Type, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params) { TimeCount = 0; TimeCount2 = 0; this.PickedCrate = false; }
public DeliveryWaitTimer(string Type, RoleplayBot CachedBot, int Time, bool Forever, object[] Params) : base(Type, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params) { TimeCount = 0; TimeCount2 = 0; this.DeliveryArrived = false; }
public void WriteBotData(RoleplayBot Bot) { int FakeBotId = Bot.Id + 1000000; base.WriteInteger(FakeBotId); base.WriteInteger(3); base.WriteInteger(1); base.WriteInteger(1); base.WriteInteger(FakeBotId); base.WriteString("Casado(a) com: Ninguém"); base.WriteString(Bot.Figure); base.WriteInteger(2); base.WriteInteger(1); base.WriteInteger(FakeBotId); base.WriteString("Level: " + Bot.Level + "/" + RoleplayManager.LevelCap); base.WriteString(Bot.Figure); base.WriteInteger(3); base.WriteInteger(1); base.WriteInteger(FakeBotId); base.WriteString("Força: " + Bot.Strength + "/" + (Bot.Strength > 20 ? Bot.Strength : 20)); base.WriteString(Bot.Figure); }
/// <summary> /// Ontick for Roleplay Bots /// </summary> public override void Execute() { try { #region Available Bot Timer Manager foreach (RoomUser RoleplayBot in RoleplayBotManager.DeployedRoleplayBots.Values) { if (RoleplayBot == null) { continue; } if (RoleplayBot.GetBotRoleplay() == null) { continue; } if (!RoleplayBot.GetBotRoleplay().Deployed) { continue; } RoleplayBot.GetBotRoleplayAI().RandomSpeechTick(); RoleplayBot.GetBotRoleplayAI().OnTimerTick(); } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }
public static bool EjectRoomsDeployedBots(Room Room) { try { foreach (RoomUser RoleplayBot in RoleplayBotManager.DeployedRoleplayBots.Values) { if (RoleplayBot == null) { continue; } if (RoleplayBot.GetRoom() == null) { continue; } if (RoleplayBot.GetRoom() == Room) { RoleplayBotManager.EjectDeployedBot(RoleplayBot, RoleplayBot.GetRoom()); } return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { RoleplayBotManager.OnError(ex.Message); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public BotCooldown(string Type, RoleplayBot CachedBot, int Time, int Amount) { this.Type = Type; this.Bot = CachedBot; this.Time = Time; this.Amount = Amount; this.CooldownTimer = new Timer(Finished, null, Time, Time); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public BotRoleplayTimer(string Type, RoleplayBot CachedBot, int Time, bool Forever, object[] Params) { this.Type = Type; this.Time = Time; this.Forever = Forever; this.CachedBot = CachedBot; this.Params = Params; this.Timer = new Timer(Finished, null, Time, Time); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new timer based on the type /// </summary> /// <param name="TypeOfTimer"></param> private BotRoleplayTimer GetTimerFromType(string TypeOfTimer, RoleplayBot CachedBot, int Time, bool Forever, object[] Params) { switch (TypeOfTimer) { // Default Bots case "startwork": case "trabalhar": return(new StartWorkTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); case "stopwork": case "ptrabalhar": return(new StopWorkTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); // Hospital Bots case "discharge": case "reviver": return(new DischargeTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); // Serving Bots case "serving": case "serve": case "servir": return(new ServingTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); // Gun Store Bots case "deliverywait": return(new DeliveryWaitTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); case "pickupdelivery": return(new PickupDeliveryTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); // Delivery Bots case "startdelivery": return(new StartDeliveryTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); case "stopdelivery": return(new StopDeliveryTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); // Thug Bots case "attack": case "atacar": return(new AttackTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); case "botdeath": return(new BotDeathTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); // Jury Bots case "jury": case "juiz": return(new JuryTimer(TypeOfTimer, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params)); default: return(null); } }
public override void OnDeath(GameClient Client) { bool IsBoss = (GetBotRoleplay().Motto.ToLower().Contains("boss")) ? true : false; if (IsBoss) { RoleplayManager.Shout(Client, "*Dá um soco em " + GetBotRoleplay().Name + ", matando-o e ganhando a Guerra de Máfias " + Client.GetRoleplay().Team.Name + "! [+5 Pontos de Eventos]*", 1); Client.GetHabbo().EventPoints += 5; Client.GetHabbo().UpdateEventPointsBalance(); RoleplayTeam DefeatedTeam = Client.GetRoleplay().Game.GetTeams().Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CaptureRoom == Client.GetRoomUser().RoomId); Client.GetRoleplay().Game.NotifyPlayers("O mestre do time" + DefeatedTeam.Name + " foi derrotado por " + Client.GetHabbo().Username + "! A vitória pertence ao Time " + Client.GetRoleplay().Team.Name + "!"); foreach (RoomUser RoleplayBot in GetRoom().GetRoomUserManager().GetBotList()) { if (RoleplayBot == null) { continue; } if (!RoleplayBot.IsRoleplayBot) { continue; } if (RoleplayBot.GetBotRoleplay() == null) { continue; } if (RoleplayBot.GetBotRoleplay().Invisible || (RoleplayBot.GetBotRoleplay().Dead)) { continue; } RoleplayBot.GetBotRoleplay().StopAllHandlers(); } new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep(5000); Client.GetRoleplay().Game.RemoveTeamMembers(DefeatedTeam); }).Start(); } else { RoleplayManager.Shout(Client, "*Dá um soco em " + GetBotRoleplay().Name + ", matando-o*"); Client.GetHabbo().EventPoints += 10; Client.GetHabbo().UpdateEventPointsBalance(); } GetRoom().SendMessage(new UserRemoveComposer(GetRoomUser().VirtualId)); GetBotRoleplay().Invisible = true; GetBotRoleplay().Dead = true; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the damage /// </summary> private int GetDamage(GameClient Client, GameClient TargetClient, RoleplayBot Bot = null) { CryptoRandom Randomizer = new CryptoRandom(); if (Client.GetRoleplay().Game != null && Client.GetRoleplay().Game.GetGameMode() == GameMode.ColourWars) { return(Randomizer.Next(5, 13)); } int Strength = Client.GetRoleplay().Strength; int MinDamage = (Strength - 6) <= 0 ? 5 : (Strength - 6); int MaxDamage = Strength + 6; // Lucky shot? if (Randomizer.Next(0, 100) < 12) { MinDamage = Strength + 12; MaxDamage = MinDamage + 3; } int Damage = Randomizer.Next(MinDamage, MaxDamage); if (Client.GetRoleplay().Class.ToLower() == "fighter") { Damage += Randomizer.Next(2, 4); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().GangId > 1000 && Bot == null) { if (GroupManager.HasGangCommand(Client, "fighter")) { if (RoleplayManager.GenerateRoom(Client.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId, false).TurfEnabled || GroupManager.HasJobCommand(TargetClient, "guide")) { Damage += Randomizer.Next(1, 3); } } } if (Client.GetRoleplay().HighOffWeed) { Damage += Randomizer.Next(1, 3); } return(Damage); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a timer /// </summary> public BotRoleplayTimer CreateTimer(string Type, RoleplayBot CachedBot, int Time, bool Forever, params object[] Params) { if (ActiveTimers.ContainsKey(Type)) { return(null); } BotRoleplayTimer Timer = GetTimerFromType(Type, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params); if (Timer == null) { return(null); } ActiveTimers.TryAdd(Type, Timer); return(Timer); }
public GetRelationshipsComposer(Habbo Habbo, RoleplayBot Bot = null) : base(ServerPacketHeader.GetRelationshipsMessageComposer) { if (Bot != null) { WriteBotData(Bot); return; } if (Habbo == null) { WriteNullData(); return; } else { WriteHabboData(Habbo); return; } }
public static RoleplayBot GetCachedBotByAI(RoleplayBotAIType BotAI) { RoleplayBot CachedBot = null; foreach (RoleplayBot CachedBots in RoleplayBotManager.CachedRoleplayBots.Values) { if (CachedBots == null) { continue; } if (CachedBots.AIType != BotAI) { continue; } CachedBot = CachedBots; } return(CachedBot); }
public static RoleplayBot GetCachedBotById(int BotsID) { RoleplayBot CachedBot = null; foreach (RoleplayBot CachedBots in RoleplayBotManager.CachedRoleplayBots.Values) { if (CachedBots == null) { continue; } if (CachedBots.Id != BotsID) { continue; } CachedBot = CachedBots; } return(CachedBot); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs our manager /// </summary> public BotTimerManager(RoleplayBot CachedBot) { this.CachedBot = CachedBot; ActiveTimers = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, BotRoleplayTimer>(); if (this.CachedBot == null) { return; } if (this.CachedBot.DRoomUser == null) { return; } if (this.CachedBot.RoamBot) { this.CachedBot.MoveRandomly(); } }
/// <summary> /// calculates the amount of exp to give to the client /// </summary> public int GetEXP(GameClient Client, GameClient TargetClient, RoleplayBot Bot = null) { int TargetLevel = TargetClient == null ? Bot.Level : TargetClient.GetRoleplay().Level; CryptoRandom Random = new CryptoRandom(); int LevelDifference = Math.Abs(Client.GetRoleplay().Level - TargetLevel); int Amount; int Bonus; if (LevelDifference > 8) { Amount = 0; Bonus = 0; } else { if (TargetLevel > Client.GetRoleplay().Level) { Bonus = (10 * (LevelDifference + 1)) + LevelDifference * 2 + 5; } else if (TargetLevel == Client.GetRoleplay().Level) { Bonus = (10 * 2) + 3 + 5; } else if (TargetLevel < Client.GetRoleplay().Level) { Bonus = 10 + 5; } else { Bonus = 2 * LevelDifference + 5; } Amount = Random.Next(20, 20 + (LevelDifference + 9)); } return(Amount + Bonus + 18); }
public static RoomUser DeployBotByAI(RoleplayBotAIType BotAI, string SpawnType = "default", int RoomID = 0) { lock (SyncLock) { try { RoleplayBot Bot = RoleplayBotManager.GetCachedBotByAI(BotAI); if (Bot == null) { return(null); } return(RoleplayBotManager.DeployBotByID(Bot.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { RoleplayBotManager.OnError(ex.Message); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if a client can complete this action /// </summary> public bool CanCombat(GameClient Client, GameClient TargetClient, RoleplayBot Bot = null) { #region Variables RoomUser RoomUser = Client.GetRoomUser(); RoomUser TargetRoomUser = TargetClient.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(TargetClient.GetHabbo().Username); #endregion #region Cooldown Conditions if (Client.GetRoleplay().TryGetCooldown("reload", false)) { return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().TryGetCooldown("gun", false)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Main Conditions Weapon Weapon = Client.GetRoleplay().EquippedWeapon; Room Room = null; if (Weapon == null) { return(false); } if (Client.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId > 0) { Room = Client.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom; } if (Room != null) { if (Room.SafeZoneEnabled) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode atirar nessa sala!", 1); return(false); } if (!RoleplayManager.PurgeStarted) { if (!Room.ShootEnabled && Client.GetRoleplay().Game == null) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode atirar nessa sala!", 1); return(false); } } } if (TargetRoomUser == null) { Client.SendWhisper("Esta pessoa não está na mesma sala que você!", 1); return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().Game == null) { if (RoleplayManager.LevelDifference) { if (!Room.TurfEnabled) { int LevelDifference = Math.Abs(Client.GetRoleplay().Level - TargetClient.GetRoleplay().Level); if (LevelDifference > 8) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode gravar esse usuário, pois sua diferença de nível é maior do que 8!", 1); return(false); } } } } else { if (Client.GetRoleplay().Game.GetGameMode() != Games.GameMode.SoloQueueGuns) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode atirar dentro de Eventos " + Client.GetRoleplay().Game.GetName() + "!", 1); return(false); } if (!Client.GetRoleplay().Game.HasGameStarted()) { Client.SendWhisper("O evento ainda não começou!!", 1); return(false); } if (TargetClient.GetRoleplay().Game != Client.GetRoleplay().Game) { Client.SendWhisper("Seu alvo não faz parte desse evento!", 1); return(false); } } if (Weapon == null) { Client.SendWhisper("Você atualmente não tem nenhuma arma equipada!", 1); return(false); } #endregion #region User Conditions if (RoomUser == null) { return(false); } if (RoomUser.Frozen) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode fazer isso enquanto você está atordoado!", 1); return(false); } if (RoomUser.IsAsleep) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode fazer em uma pessoa AUS", 1); return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().IsDead) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode completar esta ação enquanto está morto!", 1); return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().IsWorking) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode completar esta ação enquanto trabalha!", 1); return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().StaffOnDuty || Client.GetRoleplay().AmbassadorOnDuty) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode atirar em alguém enquanto está de plantão!", 1); return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().Cuffed) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode atirar em um cidadão enquanto você está algemado!", 1); return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().DrivingCar) { Client.SendWhisper("Por favor, pare de dirigir o seu veículo para disparar sua arma!", 1); return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().IsJailed) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode completar esta ação enquanto você está na prisão!", 1); return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().IsNoob) { if (Client.GetRoleplay().IsNoob) { if (!Client.GetRoleplay().NoobWarned) { Client.SendWhisper("[OBSERVE] Se fizer isso mais vezes você perderá sua proteção de Deus e poderá ser atacado. (Avisos: 1/2)", 1); Client.GetRoleplay().NoobWarned = true; return(false); } else if (!Client.GetRoleplay().NoobWarned2) { Client.SendWhisper("[OBSERVE] Se fizer isso mais vezes você perderá sua proteção de Deus e poderá ser atacado. (Avisos: 2/2)", 1); Client.GetRoleplay().NoobWarned2 = true; return(false); } else { Client.SendWhisper("Você perdeu sua proteção de deus, você está sozinho agora.", 1); if (Client.GetRoleplay().TimerManager != null && Client.GetRoleplay().TimerManager.ActiveTimers != null) { if (Client.GetRoleplay().TimerManager.ActiveTimers.ContainsKey("noob")) { Client.GetRoleplay().TimerManager.ActiveTimers["noob"].EndTimer(); } } Client.GetRoleplay().IsNoob = false; Client.GetRoleplay().NoobTimeLeft = 0; return(true); } } } if (Client.GetRoleplay().Bullets <= 0 && Client.GetRoleplay().Game == null) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode completar esta ação, você está sem balas!", 1); return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().CurEnergy <= 0 && Client.GetRoleplay().Game == null) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode completar esta ação, você está sem energia!", 1); return(false); } #endregion #region Target Conditions if (TargetClient == Client) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode se atirar!", 1); return(false); } if (TargetClient.GetRoleplay().IsDead) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode atirar em alguém que está morto!", 1); return(false); } if (TargetClient.GetRoleplay().IsJailed) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode atirar em alguém que está na prisão!", 1); return(false); } if (TargetClient.GetRoleplay().StaffOnDuty) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode atirar em um funcionário que esteja de plantão!", 1); return(false); } if (TargetClient.GetRoleplay().AmbassadorOnDuty) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode atirar em um embaixador que está de plantão!", 1); return(false); } if (TargetClient.GetRoomUser().IsAsleep) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode atirar em alguém que está ausente!", 1); return(false); } if (TargetClient.GetRoleplay().Level < 2) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode completar esta ação porque o usuário é Nível 1!", 1); return(false); } if (Client.GetRoleplay().Level < 2) { Client.SendWhisper("Você não pode completar esta ação, pois você ainda é Nível 1!!", 1); return(false); } #endregion return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Executes this type of combat on a Bot /// </summary> public void ExecuteBot(GameClient Client, RoleplayBot Bot = null) { }
public ProfileInformationComposer(Habbo Data, GameClient Session, List <Group> Groups, int friendCount, RoleplayBot Bot = null) : base(ServerPacketHeader.ProfileInformationMessageComposer) { if (Bot != null) { BotProfile(Session, Groups, friendCount, Bot); } else { DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(Data.AccountCreated).ToLocalTime(); base.WriteInteger(Data.Id); base.WriteString(Data.Username); base.WriteString(Data.Look); base.WriteString(Data.Motto); base.WriteString(origin.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); base.WriteInteger((Data.GetStats() == null) ? 0 : Data.GetStats().AchievementPoints); base.WriteInteger(friendCount); // Friend Count base.WriteBoolean(Data.Id != Session.GetHabbo().Id&& Session.GetHabbo().GetMessenger().FriendshipExists(Data.Id)); // Is friend base.WriteBoolean(Data.Id != Session.GetHabbo().Id&& !Session.GetHabbo().GetMessenger().FriendshipExists(Data.Id) && Session.GetHabbo().GetMessenger().RequestExists(Data.Id)); // Sent friend request base.WriteBoolean((PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(Data.Id)) != null); base.WriteInteger(Groups.Where(x => x != null).ToList().Count); foreach (Group Group in Groups) { if (Group == null) { continue; } base.WriteInteger(Group.Id); base.WriteString(Group.Name); base.WriteString(Group.Badge); base.WriteString(PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetGroupManager().GetGroupColour(Group.Colour1, true)); base.WriteString(PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetGroupManager().GetGroupColour(Group.Colour2, false)); base.WriteBoolean((Data.Id == 0 && Group.Id == 1) ? true : ((Group.Id < 1000 && Data.Id > 0) ? true : false)); // todo favs base.WriteInteger(0); //what the f**k base.WriteBoolean(Group != null ? Group.ForumEnabled : true); //HabboTalk } base.WriteInteger(Convert.ToInt32(PlusEnvironment.GetUnixTimestamp() - Data.LastOnline)); // Last online base.WriteBoolean(true); // Show the profile } }
public ServingTimer(string Type, RoleplayBot CachedBot, int Time, bool Forever, object[] Params) : base(Type, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params) { TimeCount = 0; }
public void BotProfile(GameClient Session, List <Group> Groups, int friendCount, RoleplayBot Bot) { int FakeBotId = Bot.Id + 1000000; var Habbo = PlusEnvironment.GetHabboById(1); DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(Habbo.AccountCreated).ToLocalTime(); base.WriteInteger(FakeBotId); base.WriteString(Bot.Name); base.WriteString(Bot.Figure); base.WriteString("Civil - [+R$]"); base.WriteString(origin.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); base.WriteInteger(0); // Achievement base.WriteInteger(friendCount); // Friend Count base.WriteBoolean(Session.GetRoleplay().FriendsWithBot(Bot.Id)); // Is friend base.WriteBoolean(false); // Sent friend request base.WriteBoolean(true); base.WriteInteger(Groups.Count); foreach (Group Group in Groups) { base.WriteInteger(Group.Id); base.WriteString(Group.Name); base.WriteString(Group.Badge); base.WriteString(PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetGroupManager().GetGroupColour(Group.Colour1, true)); base.WriteString(PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetGroupManager().GetGroupColour(Group.Colour2, false)); if (Group.Id == Bot.Corporation) { base.WriteBoolean(true); } else { base.WriteBoolean(false); } base.WriteInteger(0); base.WriteBoolean(Group != null ? Group.ForumEnabled : true); } base.WriteInteger(0); base.WriteBoolean(true); }
/// <summary> /// Waits for delivery bot to arrive with package /// </summary> public override void Execute() { try { if (base.CachedBot == null || base.CachedBot.DRoomUser == null || base.CachedBot.DRoom == null || !RoleplayManager.CalledDelivery || RoleplayManager.DeliveryWeapon == null) { base.EndTimer(); return; } TimeCount++; if (TimeCount < 1000) { return; } if (!this.DeliveryArrived) { RoleplayBot Bot = RoleplayBotManager.GetCachedBotByAI(RoleplayBotAIType.DELIVERY); if (Bot == null) { base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.Chat("O bot de entrega está ocupado agora, desculpe por isso!", true); base.EndTimer(); return; } else { if (!this.DeliveryArrived) { Item Item = null; Bot.GetStopWorkItem(base.CachedBot.DRoom, out Item); if (Item == null) { base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.Chat("O bot de entrega está ocupado agora, desculpe por isso! ", true); base.EndTimer(); return; } RoleplayBotManager.DeployBotByAI(RoleplayBotAIType.DELIVERY, "workitem", base.CachedBot.DRoom.Id); this.DeliveryArrived = true; } } } if (base.CachedBot.DRoom.GetRoomItemHandler().GetFloor.Where(x => x.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == InteractionType.DELIVERY_BOX).ToList().Count <= 0) { return; } TimeCount2++; if (TimeCount2 < 200) { return; } RoleplayManager.CalledDelivery = false; HandleDelivery(); base.EndTimer(); } catch { base.EndTimer(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the coins from the users dead body /// </summary> public int GetCoins(GameClient TargetClient, RoleplayBot Bot = null) { return(0); }
public DefaultBotCooldown(string Type, RoleplayBot CachedBot, int Time, int Amount) : base(Type, CachedBot, Time, Amount) { TimeLeft = Amount * 1000; }
public BotJailTimer(string Type, RoleplayBot CachedBot, int Time, bool Forever, object[] Params) : base(Type, CachedBot, Time, Forever, Params) { TimeLeft = 1000 * 60; TimeCount = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the rewards from the dead body /// </summary> /// <param name="Client"></param> /// <param name="TargetClient"></param> /// <param name="Bot"></param> public void GetRewards(GameClient Client, GameClient TargetClient, RoleplayBot Bot = null) { }
/// <summary> /// Loads bot friendships /// </summary> internal void LoadBotFriendships() { BotFriendShips = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, RoleplayBot>(); DataTable BotFriends = null; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `bot_id` FROM `rp_bots_friendships` WHERE `user_id` = '" + Client.GetHabbo().Id + "'"); BotFriends = dbClient.getTable(); if (BotFriends == null) { return; } foreach (DataRow BotUser in BotFriends.Rows) { int BotId = Convert.ToInt32(BotUser["bot_id"]); RoleplayBot Botfriend = RoleplayBotManager.GetCachedBotById(BotId); if (Botfriend == null) { return; } MessengerBuddy newfriend = new MessengerBuddy(Botfriend.Id + RoleplayBotManager.BotFriendMultiplyer, Botfriend.Name, Botfriend.Figure, Botfriend.Motto, 0, false, true, true); int addid = Botfriend.Id + RoleplayBotManager.BotFriendMultiplyer; if (Client.GetHabbo() == null) { return; } if (Client.GetHabbo().GetMessenger() == null) { return; } if (Client.GetHabbo().GetMessenger()._friends == null) { return; } if (!Client.GetHabbo().GetMessenger()._friends.ContainsKey(addid)) { Client.GetHabbo().GetMessenger()._friends.Add(addid, newfriend); } if (!BotFriendShips.ContainsKey(Botfriend.Id)) { BotFriendShips.TryAdd(Botfriend.Id, Botfriend); } Client.SendMessage(Client.GetHabbo().GetMessenger().SerializeUpdate(newfriend)); } } }