public async Task Bet([Summary("Amount of points to bet")] int bettingPoints, [Summary("Side of coin picked.")] string coinSide) { var user = ((SocketGuildUser)Context.Message.Author); var userId = user.Id; bool win = false; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle("Coin Toss"); UserInfo userInfo = ObjectUtils.GetUserInformation(user.Id); if (userInfo != null) { var currentPoints = userInfo.points; if (bettingPoints > currentPoints) { await ReplyAsync($"{user} has {currentPoints} points! You cannot bet {bettingPoints}!"); } else if (bettingPoints < 50) { await ReplyAsync($"Minimum bet is 50 points"); } else if (!(Util.StringEquals("heads", coinSide) || Util.StringEquals("tails", coinSide))) { await ReplyAsync($"Coin sides are ***heads*** or ***tails***."); } else { Random rand = new Random(); var num = rand.Next(0, 2); string result = null; if (num == 0) { result = "heads"; embed.WithThumbnailUrl(""); } else { result = "tails"; embed.WithThumbnailUrl(""); } if (Util.StringEquals(result, coinSide)) { win = true; DatabaseUtils.DecrementDocument(userId, "loseCoinflipStreak", userInfo.loseCoinflipStreak); DatabaseUtils.IncrementDocument(userId, "winCoinflipStreak", 1); DatabaseUtils.IncrementDocument(userId, "points", bettingPoints); embed.WithColor(Color.Green); embed.AddField("Result", "Winner", true); embed.AddField("Coin side", result, true); embed.AddField("Winning streak", userInfo.winCoinflipStreak + 1, true); embed.AddField("Total points", currentPoints + bettingPoints, true); } else { DatabaseUtils.DecrementDocument(userId, "winCoinflipStreak", userInfo.winCoinflipStreak); DatabaseUtils.IncrementDocument(userId, "loseCoinflipStreak", 1); DatabaseUtils.DecrementDocument(userId, "points", bettingPoints); embed.WithColor(Color.Red); embed.AddField("Result", "Loser", true); embed.AddField("Coin side", result, true); embed.AddField("Losing streak", userInfo.loseCoinflipStreak + 1, true); embed.AddField("Total points", currentPoints - bettingPoints, true); } await ReplyAsync("", embed : embed.Build()); await RoleUtils.CoinflipRoles(user, bettingPoints, win, Context.Message.Channel.Id); } } }