Пример #1
        private void InitializeApplication(Application application)
            var securableApplication = new SecurableApplication();

            // adding the system securable object type.
            SecurableObjectType systemObjectType = new SecurableObjectType()
                    Id = 0,
                    Application = securableApplication,
                    Name = "system",
                    Description = "System Securable Object Type"

            // adding the systemObjectType as a securable object type.

            securableApplication.SecurableObjectType = systemObjectType;

            // adding the application as a securable object.
            GatekeeperFactory.SecurableObjectSvc.Add(securableApplication as ISecurableObject);

            // defining the system administrator role.
            Role systemAdministerRole = new Role()
                Application = securableApplication,
                Name = "system_admin",
                Description = "Administers the System",
                SecurableObjectType = systemObjectType

            // adding the system administrator and the system user roles.
            IRoleSvc roleSvc = GatekeeperFactory.RoleSvc;
            roleSvc.Add(systemAdministerRole);//adding the systemAdministerRole as a role.

            // defining the Administer_System right.
            Right administerSystemRight = new Right()
                Application = securableApplication,
                Name = "administer_system",
                Description = "Administers the System",
                SecurableObjectType = systemObjectType

            // defining the View_System right.
            Right viewSystemRight = new Right()
                Application = securableApplication,
                Name = "view_system",
                Description = "Views the System",
                SecurableObjectType = systemObjectType

            // adding the Administer_System and the View_System rights.
            IRightSvc rightSvc = GatekeeperFactory.RightSvc;
            rightSvc.Add(administerSystemRight);//adding the administerSystemRight as a right.
            rightSvc.Add(viewSystemRight);//adding the viewSystemRight as a right.

            // adding the role-right assignment (System Admin - Administer_System)
            RoleRightAssignment admin_administer = new RoleRightAssignment()
                Application = securableApplication,
                Role = systemAdministerRole,
                Right = administerSystemRight,
                SecurableObjectType = systemObjectType

            // adding the role-right assignment (System Admin - View_System)
            RoleRightAssignment admin_view = new RoleRightAssignment()
                Application = securableApplication,
                Role = systemAdministerRole,
                Right = viewSystemRight,
                SecurableObjectType = systemObjectType

            IRoleRightAssignmentSvc rraSvc = GatekeeperFactory.RoleRightAssignmentSvc;

            var adminUser = GatekeeperFactory.UserSvc.GetByLoginName("admin");
            IApplicationUserSvc appUserSvc = GatekeeperFactory.ApplicationUserSvc;
            appUserSvc.Save(new ApplicationUser(){Application = securableApplication, User = adminUser, Role = systemAdministerRole});
Пример #2
        void ImportRightAssignment(Application application, Role role, XmlNode node)
            var rightName = node.Attributes["name"].Value;
            var right = GatekeeperFactory.RightSvc.Get(application, rightName);

            var item = new RoleRightAssignment()
                Role = role,
                Right = right,
                Application = application,
                SecurableObjectType = role.SecurableObjectType

            Console.WriteLine("Adding Role Right Assignment '{0} - {1}'.", role.Name, rightName);

                Console.WriteLine("Completed adding Role Right Assignment '{0} - {1}'.", role.Name, rightName);
            catch(Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error occurred while adding Role Right Assignment '{0} - {1}'.", role.Name, rightName);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes the specified role right assignment from the system.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="roleRightAssignment">The role right assignment.</param>
 public void Delete(RoleRightAssignment roleRightAssignment)
Пример #4
 void PopulateDetails(RoleRightAssignment assignment)
     assignment.Role = this.roleSvc.Get(assignment.Role.Id);
     assignment.Right = this.rightSvc.Get(assignment.Right.Id);
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the specified rra,inserts the Role-Right-Assignment object into the system.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rra">The rra.</param>
 public void Add(RoleRightAssignment rra)