Пример #1
        // Handle hashes for everything but the managers / service owners isCertified and the
        // risk rating. The isCertified stuff gets reset everytime a new cycle happens and
        // risk rating is calculated from threat and likelihood ratings so we can ignore those
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hashUserId       = UserId == null ? 0 : UserId.GetHashCode();
            int hashUserFullName = UserFullName == null ? 0 : UserFullName.GetHashCode();

            int hashRoleId           = RoleId == null ? 0 : RoleId.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleName         = RoleName == null ? 0 : RoleName.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleDescription  = RoleDescription == null ? 0 : RoleDescription.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_RoleId = RoleOwner_RoleId == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_RoleId.GetHashCode();

            int hashLastCertifiedBy   = LastCertifiedBy == null ? 0 : LastCertifiedBy.GetHashCode();
            int hashLastCertifiedDate = LastCertifiedDate == null ? 0 : LastCertifiedDate.GetHashCode();

            // Calculate the hash code for the object.
            return(hashUserId ^
                   hashUserFullName ^

                   hashRoleId ^
                   hashRoleName ^
                   hashRoleDescription ^
                   hashRoleOwner_RoleId ^

                   hashLastCertifiedBy ^
Пример #2
        // The following methods support the delta reports
        public bool Equals([AllowNull] UserRoleAllDTO other)
            // Check whether the compared object is null.
            if (other is null)

            // Check whether the compared object references the same data.
            if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))

            // Check whether the objects’ properties are equal.
            return(UserId.Equals(other.UserId) &&
                   UserFullName.Equals(other.UserFullName) &&

                   RoleId.Equals(other.RoleId) &&
                   RoleName.Equals(other.RoleName) &&
                   RoleDescription.Equals(other.RoleDescription) &&
                   RoleOwner_RoleId.Equals(other.RoleOwner_RoleId) &&

                   LastCertifiedBy.Equals(other.LastCertifiedBy) &&
        // The following methods support the delta reports

        // Handle equals for everything but the managers / service owners isCertified and the
        // risk rating. The isCertified stuff gets reset everytime a new cycle happens and
        // risk rating is calculated from threat and likelihood ratings so we can ignore those
        public bool Equals([AllowNull] RoleServicePrivAllDTO other)
            // Check whether the compared object is null.
            if (other is null)

            // Check whether the compared object references the same data.
            if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))

            // Check whether the objects’ properties are equal.
            // Role stuff
            return(RolePrivId.Equals(other.RolePrivId) &&
                   RoleId.Equals(other.RoleId) &&
                   RoleName.Equals(other.RoleName) &&
                   RoleDescription.Equals(other.RoleDescription) &&
                   RoleOwner_RoleId.Equals(other.RoleOwner_RoleId) &&

                   // Manager stuff
                   RoleOwner_PrivId.Equals(other.RoleOwner_PrivId) &&
                   RoleOwner_PermissionGroup.Equals(other.RoleOwner_PermissionGroup) &&
                   RoleOwner_ServicePrivSummary.Equals(other.RoleOwner_ServicePrivSummary) &&
                   RoleOwner_CredentialStorageMethod.Equals(other.RoleOwner_CredentialStorageMethod) &&
                   RoleOwner_ServiceId.Equals(other.RoleOwner_ServiceId) &&
                   RoleOwner_ServiceName.Equals(other.RoleOwner_ServiceName) &&
                   RoleOwner_ServiceDescription.Equals(other.RoleOwner_ServiceDescription) &&

                   RoleOwner_RoleAccessJustification.Equals(other.RoleOwner_RoleAccessJustification) &&
                   RoleOwner_RemovalImpact.Equals(other.RoleOwner_RemovalImpact) &&
                   RoleOwner_IsRevoked.Equals(other.RoleOwner_IsRevoked) &&
                   RoleOwner_DateCertified.Equals(other.RoleOwner_DateCertified));/* &&
                                                                                   * // Service Owner Stuff
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_PrivId.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_PrivId) &&
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_PermissionGroup.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_PermissionGroup) &&
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_ServicePrivSummary.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_ServicePrivSummary) &&
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_CredentialStorageMethod.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_CredentialStorageMethod) &&
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_ServiceId.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_ServiceId) &&
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_ServiceName.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_ServiceName) &&
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_ServiceDescription.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_ServiceDescription) &&
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_RoleAccessJustification.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_RoleAccessJustification) &&
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_RemovalImpact.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_RemovalImpact) &&
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_IsRevoked.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_IsRevoked) &&
                                                                                   * ServiceOwner_DateCertified.Equals(other.ServiceOwner_DateCertified) &&
                                                                                   * // Risk stuff
                                                                                   * RiskImpact.Equals(other.RiskImpact) &&
                                                                                   * RiskLikelihood.Equals(other.RiskLikelihood) &&
                                                                                   * RiskNotes.Equals(other.RiskNotes) &&
                                                                                   * RiskAssessmentDate.Equals(other.RiskAssessmentDate);*/
        // Handle hashes for everything but the managers / service owners isCertified and the
        // risk rating. The isCertified stuff gets reset everytime a new cycle happens and
        // risk rating is calculated from threat and likelihood ratings so we can ignore those
        public override int GetHashCode()
            // Role stuff
            int hashRolePrivId = RolePrivId == null ? 0 : RolePrivId.GetHashCode();

            int hashRoleId           = RoleId == null ? 0 : RoleId.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleName         = RoleName == null ? 0 : RoleName.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleDescription  = RoleDescription == null ? 0 : RoleDescription.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_RoleId = RoleOwner_RoleId == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_RoleId.GetHashCode();

            // Manager stuff
            int hashRoleOwner_PrivId                  = RoleOwner_PrivId == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_PrivId.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_PermissionGroup         = RoleOwner_PermissionGroup == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_PermissionGroup.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_ServicePrivSummary      = RoleOwner_ServicePrivSummary == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_ServicePrivSummary.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_CredentialStorageMethod = RoleOwner_CredentialStorageMethod == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_CredentialStorageMethod.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_ServiceId               = RoleOwner_ServiceId == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_ServiceId.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_ServiceName             = RoleOwner_ServiceName == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_ServiceName.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_ServiceDescription      = RoleOwner_ServiceDescription == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_ServiceDescription.GetHashCode();

            int hashRoleOwner_RoleAccessJustification = RoleOwner_RoleAccessJustification == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_RoleAccessJustification.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_RemovalImpact           = RoleOwner_RemovalImpact == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_RemovalImpact.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_IsRevoked     = RoleOwner_IsRevoked == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_IsRevoked.GetHashCode();
            int hashRoleOwner_DateCertified = RoleOwner_DateCertified == null ? 0 : RoleOwner_DateCertified.GetHashCode();

            // Service Owner Stuff
            int hashServiceOwner_PrivId                  = ServiceOwner_PrivId == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_PrivId.GetHashCode();
            int hashServiceOwner_PermissionGroup         = ServiceOwner_PermissionGroup == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_PermissionGroup.GetHashCode();
            int hashServiceOwner_ServicePrivSummary      = ServiceOwner_ServicePrivSummary == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_ServicePrivSummary.GetHashCode();
            int hashServiceOwner_CredentialStorageMethod = ServiceOwner_CredentialStorageMethod == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_CredentialStorageMethod.GetHashCode();
            int hashServiceOwner_ServiceId               = ServiceOwner_ServiceId == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_ServiceId.GetHashCode();
            int hashServiceOwner_ServiceName             = ServiceOwner_ServiceName == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_ServiceName.GetHashCode();
            int hashServiceOwner_ServiceDescription      = ServiceOwner_ServiceDescription == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_ServiceDescription.GetHashCode();

            int hashServiceOwner_RoleAccessJustification = ServiceOwner_RoleAccessJustification == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_RoleAccessJustification.GetHashCode();
            int hashServiceOwner_RemovalImpact           = ServiceOwner_RemovalImpact == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_RemovalImpact.GetHashCode();
            int hashServiceOwner_IsRevoked     = ServiceOwner_IsRevoked == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_IsRevoked.GetHashCode();
            int hashServiceOwner_DateCertified = ServiceOwner_DateCertified == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_DateCertified.GetHashCode();

            // Risk Stuff
            int hashRiskImpact         = RiskImpact == null ? 0 : RiskImpact.GetHashCode();
            int hashRiskLikelihood     = RiskLikelihood == null ? 0 : RiskLikelihood.GetHashCode();
            int hashRiskNotes          = RiskNotes == null ? 0 : RiskNotes.GetHashCode();
            int hashRiskAssessmentDate = RiskAssessmentDate == null ? 0 : ServiceOwner_DateCertified.GetHashCode();

            // Calculate the hash code for the object.
            return // Role stuff
                   (hashRolePrivId ^
                    hashRoleId ^
                    hashRoleName ^
                    hashRoleDescription ^
                    hashRoleOwner_RoleId ^

                    // Manager stuff
                    hashRoleOwner_PrivId ^
                    hashRoleOwner_PermissionGroup ^
                    hashRoleOwner_ServicePrivSummary ^
                    hashRoleOwner_CredentialStorageMethod ^
                    hashRoleOwner_ServiceId ^
                    hashRoleOwner_ServiceName ^
                    hashRoleOwner_ServiceDescription ^

                    hashRoleOwner_RoleAccessJustification ^
                    hashRoleOwner_RemovalImpact ^
                    hashRoleOwner_IsRevoked ^
                    hashRoleOwner_DateCertified ^

                    // Service Owner Stuff
                    hashServiceOwner_PrivId ^
                    hashServiceOwner_PermissionGroup ^
                    hashServiceOwner_ServicePrivSummary ^
                    hashServiceOwner_CredentialStorageMethod ^
                    hashServiceOwner_ServiceId ^
                    hashServiceOwner_ServiceName ^
                    hashServiceOwner_ServiceDescription ^

                    hashServiceOwner_RoleAccessJustification ^
                    hashServiceOwner_RemovalImpact ^
                    hashServiceOwner_IsRevoked ^
                    hashServiceOwner_DateCertified ^

                    // Risk Stuff
                    hashRiskImpact ^
                    hashRiskLikelihood ^
                    hashRiskNotes ^