//end protected void imgBtnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //Assigning values to properties objRoleMaster.RoleId = ""; objRoleMaster.RoleName = txtRoleName.Text.Trim(); objRoleMaster.RoleDescription = txtRoleDesc.Text.Trim(); objRoleMaster.EmpCode = Membership.GetUser().UserName.ToString(); objRoleMaster.UserType = ddlUserType.SelectedValue; objRoleMaster.ActiveFlag = rdoStatus.SelectedValue.ToString(); //Calling SaveData to save Action details and pass type "INSERT_Action" it return "" if record //is not already exist otherwise exists string strMsg = objRoleMaster.SaveData("INSERT_ROLE"); if (strMsg == "Exists") { lblMessage.Text = CommonClass.getErrorWarrning(enuErrorWarrning.DulplicateRecord, enuMessageType.UserMessage, false, ""); } else { lblMessage.Text = CommonClass.getErrorWarrning(enuErrorWarrning.AddRecord, enuMessageType.UserMessage, false, ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Writing Error message to File using CommonClass WriteErrorErrFile method taking arguments as URL of page // trace, error message CommonClass.WriteErrorErrFile(Request.RawUrl.ToString(), ex.StackTrace.ToString() + "-->" + ex.Message.ToString()); } objCommonClass.BindDataGrid(gvComm, "uspRoleMaster", true, sqlParamSrh, lblRowCount); ClearControls(); }