public RoleAuthViewModel(RoleAuth roleAuth, List <AuthData> allDataRange) { if (roleAuth == null) { return; } this.RoleId = roleAuth.RoleId; this.RoleName = roleAuth.RoleName; this.Compcd = roleAuth.CompCd; this.PageAuth = new List <TreeViewNode>(); #region 功能權限設定 //目前已設定權限 var currentAuth = roleAuth.PageAuth.ToDictionary(x => x.GroupName); //轉成sitemapNode foreach (var item in SiteMenu.FullMenuNode) { var newItemColl = RecursiveChild(item, null, currentAuth); if (newItemColl.Count >= 1) { this.PageAuth.AddRange(newItemColl); } } #endregion this.UpdateUser = roleAuth.UpdateUser; this.UpdateTime = roleAuth.UpdateTime; }
public ActionResult Search(string RoleId, string Compcd) { try { var con = new Conditions <DataBase.TSYSROL>(); con.And(x => x.Comp_Cd == Compcd && x.Role_Id == RoleId); RoleAuth roleAuth = _tsysrolRepo.Get(con); if (roleAuth == null) { throw new NullReferenceException($"no find data"); } return(View("Edit", new RoleAuthViewModel(roleAuth, new List <AuthData>()) { WorkType = AuthNodeType.Read })); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult RefreshTreeView(string RoleID, string Compcd) { JsonResult Result = new JsonResult(); RoleAuth roleAuth = new RoleAuth(); try { var con = new Conditions <DataBase.TSYSROL>(); con.And(x => x.Comp_Cd == Compcd && x.Role_Id == RoleID); roleAuth = _tsysrolRepo.Get(con); if (roleAuth == null) { throw new NullReferenceException($"no find data"); } Result.Data = new MemberSetViewModel(roleAuth); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex.Message); } return(Json(Result)); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { if (RoleAuth.CheckLoggedInUserSession(RoleAuth.UserRoles.Admin)) { //TODO } else { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/Views/Authentication/Login"); } // Be sure to call the base class's OnLoad method! base.OnLoad(e); }
public MemberSetViewModel(RoleAuth role) { this.PageAuth = new List <TreeViewNode>(); //目前已設定權限 var currentAuth = role.PageAuth.ToDictionary(x => x.GroupName); //轉成sitemapNode foreach (var item in SiteMenu.FullMenuNode) { var newItemColl = RecursiveChild(item, null, currentAuth); if (newItemColl.Count >= 1) { this.PageAuth.AddRange(newItemColl); } } }
public void Initializar() { try { if (_db.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Count() > 0) { _db.Database.Migrate(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (_roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(SD.AdminUser).GetAwaiter().GetResult()) { return; } // Creating User Roles _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(SD.AdminUser)).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(SD.SupervisorUser)).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(SD.BnasStoreUser)).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(SD.YaseenStoreUser)).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // Create Admin User _userManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationUser { UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", EmailConfirmed = true, PhoneNumber = "1233456456", FirstName = "Bnas admin" }, "Qwer!234" ).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // assign role to admin user IdentityUser user = _db.ApplicationUser.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Email == "*****@*****.**").GetAwaiter().GetResult(); _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, SD.AdminUser).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // Creating Price Types (Retail price and wholesales price) PricingType RPrices = new PricingType { PriceType = SD.RetailPrice }; PricingType WPrices = new PricingType { PriceType = SD.WholePrice }; _db.PricingType.Add(RPrices); _db.PricingType.Add(WPrices); // Create Authentication Roles for Supervisor RoleAuth Auth = new RoleAuth { RoleName = SD.SupervisorUser, AppTransReq = false, CreateInGoods = false }; _db.RoleAuth.Add(Auth); // Create Wh types (showrooms and store rooms) WhType ShowRoom = new WhType { Type = SD.ShowRoom }; WhType StoreRoom = new WhType { Type = SD.StoreRoom }; _db.WhType.Add(ShowRoom); _db.WhType.Add(StoreRoom); // save all changes _db.SaveChangesAsync(); }
internal protected virtual int AddOrUpdate(int roleId, List <AuthType> list, FileContext db) { int count = 0; if (list != null && roleId > 0) { list = new List <AuthType>(list); db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; var old = db.RoleAuth.Where(q => q.RoleId == roleId).ToList(); List <RoleAuth> del = new List <RoleAuth>(); while (old.Count > 0) { var m = old[0]; old.Remove(m); if (list.Contains(m.Type)) { list.Remove(m.Type); } else { del.Add(m); } } db.AddCommitCallback(() => { this.GetCache <IRoleAuthCache>().Remove(roleId); }); while (list.Count > 0) { var auth = list[0]; list.Remove(auth); RoleAuth m = null; if (del.Count > 0) { m = del[0]; del.Remove(m); } else { m = new RoleAuth() { RoleId = roleId }; } m.Type = auth; if (m.Id == 0) { db.RoleAuth.Add(m); } count += db.SaveChanges(); } del.ForEach(m => { db.Entry(m).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted; count += db.SaveChanges(); }); } return(count); }
/// <summary> /// [server 更新使用者資訊] /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <param name="role"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Update(UserBase User, RoleAuth Role) { #region 找到對應的使用者 var uCon = new Conditions <DataBase.TUSRMST>(); uCon.And(x => x.Comp_Cd == User.CompCd && x.User_Id == User.UserId); //uCon.Include(x => x.TSYSROL); Tusrmst user = _userRepo.Get(uCon); if (user == null) { throw new NullReferenceException($"[ERROR]=>找不到對應的使用者資訊,公司代號:{User.CompCd},使用者ID:{User.UserId}"); } #endregion #region 找到對應權限 var rCon = new Conditions <DataBase.TSYSROL>(); rCon.And(x => x.Comp_Cd == Role.CompCd && x.Role_Id == Role.RoleId); RoleAuth role = _aspRoleRepo.Get(rCon); if (role == null) { throw new NullReferenceException($"[ERROR]=>找不到對應的權限資訊,公司代號:{User.CompCd},權限ID:{User.RoleId}"); } #endregion #region 組合物件 List <AuthItem> pageAuth = CulcPageAuth(role.PageAuth, User.PageAuth); user.RoleId = role.RoleId; user.PageAuth = pageAuth != null?JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pageAuth) : string.Empty; #endregion #region 更新資料 uCon.Allow(x => x.Role_Id, x => x.PageAuth); if (!_userRepo.Update(uCon, user)) { throw new Exception("[ERROR]=>更新使用者資訊失敗"); } #endregion return(true); }
public ActionResult ModifyMemberAuth(MemberSetViewModel model) { Boolean isSuccess = false; try { var compcd = model?.Compcd ?? model.Compcd; var user = new UserBase() { CompCd = compcd, UserId = model.UserID, RoleAuth = new RoleAuth() { RoleName = model.RoleName }, PageAuth = (model?.PageAuth == null ? new List <AuthItem>() : model.PageAuth.Select(x => new AuthItem() { GroupName =, AuthType = x.AuthType }) .ToList()), }; var con = new Conditions <DataBase.TSYSROL>(); con.And(x => x.Comp_Cd == compcd && x.Role_Id == model.RoleName); var roleAuth = _tsysrolRepo.Get(con); if (roleAuth == null) { throw new Exception("[ERROR]=>該腳色未設定權限"); } var role = new RoleAuth() { CompCd = compcd, RoleId = model.RoleName, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now, PageAuth = roleAuth.PageAuth }; isSuccess = _aspUserService.Update(user, role); return(Json(new JsonResult() { Data = new { IsSuccess = true, Message = $"修改帳號資料:{(isSuccess ? "成功" : "失敗")}" } })); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex.Message); return(Json(new JsonResult() { Data = new { IsSuccess = false, Message = $"修改帳號資料失敗,原因:{ex.Message}" } })); } }
public ActionResult ModifyMasterAuth(RoleAuthViewModel model) { Boolean isSuccess = false; try { var con = new Conditions <DataBase.TSYSROL>(); var compcd = model?.Compcd ?? string.Empty; con.And(x => x.Comp_Cd == compcd && x.Role_Id == model.RoleId); RoleAuth roleAuth = _tsysrolRepo.Get(con); if (roleAuth == null) { throw new NullReferenceException($"no find data"); } List <AuthItem> pageAuth = model.PageAuth == null ? new List <AuthItem>() : model.PageAuth.Select(x => new AuthItem() { GroupName =, AuthType = x.AuthType }).ToList(); Tsysrol updaterole = new Tsysrol() { RoleId = model.RoleId, RoleName = model.RoleName, CompCd = model.Compcd, PageAuth = pageAuth != null?JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pageAuth) : string.Empty, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, UpdateUser = User.Identity.Name, }; con.Allow(y => y.Role_Name, y => y.PageAuth, y => y.Update_Date, y => y.Update_User); isSuccess = _uptsysrolRepo.Update(con, updaterole); MvcSiteMapProvider.SiteMaps.ReleaseSiteMap(); return(Json(new JsonResult() { Data = new { IsSuccess = isSuccess, Message = $"修改權限:{(isSuccess ? "成功" : "失敗")}" } })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new JsonResult() { Data = new { IsSuccess = isSuccess, Message = $"修改權限:{(isSuccess ? "成功" : "失敗")}" } })); } }
public static string SaveNews(ContentPlaceHolder _refContentPlaceHolder) { try { if (_refContentPlaceHolder.Controls.Count > 0) { TextBox txt = null; DropDownList ddl = null; NewsMaster _NewsMaster = new NewsMaster(); List <string> lstTags = new List <string>(); Guid _newsID = Guid.NewGuid(); _NewsMaster.NewsId = _newsID; _NewsMaster.IsDel = false; _NewsMaster.Userid = RoleAuth.GetUserID(); _NewsMaster.NewsCreateDate = DateTime.Now; foreach (var item in _refContentPlaceHolder.Controls) { if (item is DropDownList) { ddl = item as DropDownList; if (ddl.ID == "ddl_NewsCategory") { if (ddl.SelectedItem.Value == "-1") { // validate the data and return message throw new Exception("there is no category selected!"); } else { // creating the NewsMaster data _NewsMaster.CategoryId = int.Parse(ddl.SelectedItem.Value.Trim()); } } else if (ddl.ID == "ddl_newsSubCategory") { ddl = item as DropDownList; if (ddl.SelectedItem.Value == "-1") { // validate the data and return message throw new Exception("there is no sub category selected!"); } else { // creating the NewsMaster data _NewsMaster.SubCategoryId = int.Parse(ddl.SelectedItem.Value.Trim()); } } } else if (item is TextBox) { txt = item as TextBox; if (txt.ID == "txtTitle") { if (txt.Text == "") { // validate the data and return message throw new Exception("please enter title!"); } else { // creating the NewsMaster data _NewsMaster.NewsTitle = txt.Text.Trim(); } } else if (txt.ID == "txtNewsDate") { if (txt.Text == "") { // validate the data and return message throw new Exception("please select date!"); } else { // creating the NewsMaster data _NewsMaster.NewsDate = DateTime.Parse(txt.Text.Trim()); } } else if (txt.ID == "txtAuthor") { if (txt.Text == "") { // validate the data and return message throw new Exception("please enter Author Name!"); } else { // creating the NewsMaster data _NewsMaster.NewsAuthor = txt.Text.Trim(); } } else if (txt.ID == "txtContent") { if (txt.Text == "") { // validate the data and return message throw new Exception("please enter news content!"); } else { // creating the NewsMaster data _NewsMaster.NewsContent = txt.Text; } } else if (txt.ID == "txtTags") { if (txt.Text == "") { // validate the data and return message lstTags = null; } else { // creating the NewsMaster data string[] tags = txt.Text.Trim().Split(',').ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < tags.Length; i++) { lstTags.Add(tags[i].Trim()); } } } } } // Save into NewsMaster Table int t = EDM_NewsMaster.SaveNews(_NewsMaster); if (t > 0) { if (lstTags != null && lstTags.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lstTags.Count; i++) { t = BAL_NewsTags.SaveNewsTags(_newsID, lstTags[i].Trim()); } } else if (lstTags == null) { //TODO } return("Success"); } else { return("Faliure"); } } else { throw new Exception("Null Data"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static int SaveNewsTags(Guid newsID, string newsTag) { int t = EDM_NewsTags.SaveNewsTags(newsID, newsTag, RoleAuth.GetUserID()); return(t); }