Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the statistics calculation for consistency over a number of trial runs using the same shape.
        /// </summary>
        protected void TestRoiStatsCalculationConsistency()
            const int samples  = 100;
            const int gridSize = 4;

            foreach (ImageKey imageKey in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ImageKey)))
                WriteLine("Testing on Image {0}", imageKey.ToString());
                using (IPresentationImage image = GetImage(imageKey))
                    IImageSopProvider        provider = (IImageSopProvider)image;
                    IOverlayGraphicsProvider overlayGraphicsProvider = (IOverlayGraphicsProvider)image;
                    int rows = provider.Frame.Rows;
                    int cols = provider.Frame.Columns;

                    for (int r = rows / gridSize / 2; r < rows; r += rows / gridSize)
                        for (int c = cols / gridSize / 2; c < cols; c += cols / gridSize)
                            if (this.VerboseOutput)
                                WriteLine("Checking {0} core samples for consistent results at location {1}", samples, new PointF(c, r));

                            T      shapeData = CreateCoreSampleShape(new PointF(c, r), rows, cols);
                            double expectedArea = 0, expectedMean = 0, expectedSigma = 0;
                            for (int n = 0; n < samples; n++)
                                Roi           userRoi = CreateRoiFromGraphic(overlayGraphicsProvider, shapeData);
                                RoiStatistics stats   = RoiStatistics.Calculate(userRoi);
                                if (n == 0)
                                    if (userRoi is IRoiAreaProvider)
                                        expectedArea = ((IRoiAreaProvider)userRoi).Area;
                                    expectedMean  = stats.Mean;
                                    expectedSigma = stats.StandardDeviation;

                                    if (this.VerboseOutput)
                                        WriteLine("First sample reported A={0:f0}  \u03BC={1:f3}  \u03C3={2:f3}", expectedArea, expectedMean, expectedSigma);


                                // very strict tolerance. performing the calculation the first time should yield the same result as the next hundred times.
                                if (userRoi is IRoiAreaProvider)
                                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedArea, ((IRoiAreaProvider)userRoi).Area, double.Epsilon, "Area calculation consistency fail.");
                                Assert.AreEqual(expectedMean, stats.Mean, double.Epsilon, "Mean calculation consistency fail.");
                                Assert.AreEqual(expectedSigma, stats.StandardDeviation, double.Epsilon, "Stdev calculation consistency fail.");
Пример #2
    public bool isTeamOnEchec(team team)
        team otherTeam = (team == team.WHITE) ? team.BLACK : team.WHITE;
        Roi  king      = _kings[(int)team];

        foreach (Piece ennemy in _teamPieces[(int)otherTeam])
            if (ennemy.alive == true)
                int dX = (int)king.x - (int)ennemy.x;
                int dZ = (int)king.z - (int)ennemy.z;
                if (ennemy.team == team.WHITE)
                    dZ *= -1;
                if (ennemy.canMoveOf(dX, dZ, false))
                    king.GetComponent <Highlight>().on(new Color32(191, 10, 10, 255));
                    ennemy.GetComponent <Highlight>().on(new Color32(184, 87, 0, 255));
Пример #3
        private void ChangeColorBrightnessRoi(Point mousePoint)
            int indexNearestRect = 0;


            foreach (var roi in rois)
                if (!roi.Rect.Contains(mousePoint))

                // マウスポイントと中心位置が一番近いROIを検索する
                double distance        = CalculateDistanceSquared(roi.Center, mousePoint);
                double distanceNearest = CalculateDistanceSquared(this.nearestRect.Center, mousePoint);

                if (distance <= distanceNearest)
                    this.nearestRect = roi;
                    indexNearestRect = rois.IndexOf(roi);

            bool hasNearestRoiRect = rois.Any(x => x.Rect.Contains(mousePoint));

            if (hasNearestRoiRect)
                var path = CreatePath(this.nearestRect.Rect, CreateColorBrush());
                DisplayService.Replace(indexNearestRect, path);
                this.rois[indexNearestRect] = this.nearestRect;
        /// <summary>
        /// Bitmap to roi converter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Roi dataset.
        /// </returns>
        public Roi BitmapToRoi(Bitmap bitmap, string name)
            var color    = default(Color);
            var roiColor = 0;

            var roidataset = new Roi(
                new List <RoiPixel>());

            for (int xcoordinate = 0; xcoordinate < bitmap.Width; xcoordinate++)
                for (int ycoordinate = 0; ycoordinate < bitmap.Height; ycoordinate++)
                    color = bitmap.GetPixel(xcoordinate, ycoordinate);
                    if (color.B == roiColor)
                        roidataset.RoiPixels.Add(new RoiPixel(xcoordinate, ycoordinate));

Пример #5
        private Roi FindTopRoi(Node map)
            // Must be called node locked

            if (map == null)

            Roi roi = map as Roi;

            if (roi != null)

            Group grp = map as Group;

            if (grp != null)
                foreach (Node child in grp)
                    Roi sub = FindTopRoi(child);

                    if (sub != null)

Пример #6
 public static void ThrowIfNotSingleAnnulus(Roi roi)
     if (roi.Count != 1 || roi[0].Type != ContourType.Annulus)
         throw new VisionException(ErrorCode.RoiNotAnnulus);
Пример #7
        private static void IVA_Mask_From_ROI(VisionImage image, Roi roi, bool invertMask, bool extractRegion)
            using (VisionImage imageMask = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                PixelValue fillValue = new PixelValue(255);

                // Transforms the region of interest into a mask image.
                Algorithms.RoiToMask(imageMask, roi, fillValue, image);

                if (invertMask)
                    // Inverts the mask image.
                    Algorithms.Xor(imageMask, fillValue, imageMask);

                // Masks the input image using the mask image we just created.
                Algorithms.Mask(image, image, imageMask);

                if (extractRegion)
                    // Extracts the bounding box.
                    Algorithms.Extract(image, image, roi.GetBoundingRectangle());
Пример #8
        public Roi FindTopRoi(Node map)
            if (map == null)

            Roi roi = map as Roi;

            if (roi != null)

            Group grp = map as Group;

            if (grp != null)
                foreach (Node child in grp)
                    Roi sub = FindTopRoi(child);

                    if (sub != null)

Пример #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Analyzes the given ROI.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="roi">The ROI being analyzed.</param>
		/// <param name="mode">The analysis mode.</param>
		/// <returns>A string containing the analysis results, which can be appended to the analysis
		/// callout of the associated <see cref="RoiGraphic"/>, if one exists.</returns>
		public IRoiAnalyzerResult Analyze(Roi roi, RoiAnalysisMode mode)
			if (!SupportsRoi(roi))
				return null;

			IRoiLengthProvider lengthProvider = (IRoiLengthProvider) roi;

			Units oldUnits = lengthProvider.Units;
			lengthProvider.Units = lengthProvider.IsCalibrated ? _units : Units.Pixels;

			IRoiAnalyzerResult result;

			if (!lengthProvider.IsCalibrated || _units == Units.Pixels)
				result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Length", SR.FormatLengthPixels, lengthProvider.Length,
				                                          String.Format(SR.FormatLengthPixels, lengthProvider.Length));
			else if (_units == Units.Millimeters)
				result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Length", SR.FormatLengthMm, lengthProvider.Length,
				                                          String.Format(SR.FormatLengthMm, lengthProvider.Length));
				result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Length", SR.FormatLengthCm, lengthProvider.Length,
				                                          String.Format(SR.FormatLengthCm, lengthProvider.Length));

			lengthProvider.Units = oldUnits;

			return result;
Пример #10
        private void btnFindTemp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CPKTools    tools = new CPKTools();
            VisionImage align = this.image_Edit.Image;

            VisionImage image = Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image;
            Roi         roi   = Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Roi;
            short       Score = 600;
            double      MinR  = -10;
            double      MaxR  = 10;
            short       rtn   = 0;

            Variable.CamReturn camReturn = new Variable.CamReturn();

            // 初步匹配
            rtn = Form_Main.Instance.CamDetect_SearchGeometric(image, align, roi, Score, 1, MinR, MaxR, 100, 100, 0, 25, ref camReturn, 0, 0);
            if (rtn != 0)

            // 记录ROI 的坐标
            if (roi.Count > 0)
                RectangleContour rect = (RectangleContour)roi[0].Shape;
                // save rect
                string strRoi = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", rect.Top, rect.Left, rect.Width, rect.Height);
                this.cpkIni.IniWriteValue("vision", "TemplateRoi", strRoi);
Пример #11
        public static void LearnPattern(ImageViewer SourceImage, float fUpper = 0, float fLower = 0)
            using (VisionImage plane = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                // Extract the green color plane and copy it to the main image.
                if (SourceImage.Image.Type == ImageType.Rgb32)
                    Algorithms.ExtractColorPlanes(SourceImage.Image, NationalInstruments.Vision.ColorMode.Rgb, null, plane, null);
                    Algorithms.Copy(plane, SourceImage.Image);
//          Algorithms.LearnPattern2(SourceImage.Image);
            OvalContour vaRect2 = new OvalContour(0, 0, 0, 0);
            Roi         roi     = new Roi();

            // Histogram Grayscale
            using (VisionImage imageMask = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                RotationAngleRange ra        = new RotationAngleRange(fLower, fUpper);
                PixelValue         fillValue = new PixelValue(255);
                Algorithms.RoiToMask(imageMask, roi, fillValue, SourceImage.Image);
                Algorithms.LearnPattern2(SourceImage.Image, imageMask, MatchingAlgorithm.MatchGrayValuePyramid, ra);
Пример #12
 private static void ThrowIfNotSingleRectangleOrNone(Roi roi)
     if (roi.Count > 1 || (roi.Count > 0 && roi[0].Type != ContourType.Rectangle))
         throw new VisionException(ErrorCode.RoiNotRect);
        // Function Name: IVA_Classification_Extract_Particles
        // Description  : Extracts the region of interests of the bounding rectangles of
        //                all particles.
        // Parameters   : image         - Input image
        //                imageMask     - Image mask
        //                rois          - Array of ROIs
        // Return Value : success
        public static Collection <Roi> IVA_Classification_Extract_Particles(VisionImage image, VisionImage imageMask)
            Collection <MeasurementType> measurements = new Collection <MeasurementType>();


            // Compute the region of interests around each particle.
            ParticleMeasurementsReport particleReport = Algorithms.ParticleMeasurements(imageMask, measurements, Connectivity.Connectivity8, ParticleMeasurementsCalibrationMode.Pixel);

            Collection <Roi> rois = new Collection <Roi>();

            for (int i = 0; i < particleReport.PixelMeasurements.GetLength(0); i++)
                double top = particleReport.PixelMeasurements[i, 1] + imageMask.MaskOffset.Y - 5;
                top = (top < 0 ? 0 : top);

                double left = particleReport.PixelMeasurements[i, 0] + imageMask.MaskOffset.X - 5;
                left = (left < 0 ? 0 : left);

                double bottom = particleReport.PixelMeasurements[i, 3] + imageMask.MaskOffset.Y + 5;
                bottom = (bottom > (image.Height - 1) ? (image.Height - 1) : bottom);

                double right = particleReport.PixelMeasurements[i, 2] + imageMask.MaskOffset.X + 5;
                right = (right > (image.Width - 1) ? (image.Width - 1) : right);

                Roi particleROI = new Roi();
                particleROI.Add(new RectangleContour(left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1));
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 找到一个圆
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">图片</param>
        /// <param name="rect">ROI</param>
        /// <param name="minr">最小圆半径</param>
        /// <param name="maxr">最大圆半径</param>
        /// <param name="center">圆心</param>
        /// <param name="radius">半径</param>
        /// <param name="gain">预处理参数</param>
        /// <param name="offset">预处理参数</param>
        /// <param name="cycle">预处理参数</param>
        /// <returns>找到/没找到</returns>
        public static bool FindCircle(VisionImage image, RectangleContour rect, short minr, short maxr, ref PointContour center, ref double radius, double gain, double offset, int cycle)
            if (image == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < cycle; i++)
                image = Form_Main.Instance.GainOffset(image, gain, offset);

            Roi   roi = rect.ConvertToRoi();
            short rtn = 0;

                rtn = Form_Main.Instance.CamDetect_Circle(image, roi, minr, maxr, ref center, ref radius);

                if (rtn != 0)

Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建NCC模板
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img">图像</param>
        /// <param name="Roi">ROI</param>
        /// <param name="ModeID">NCC模板</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CreatNCCTemplate(VisionImage img, Roi Roi, out HTuple ModeID)
            img.Type = ImageType.U8;
            ModeID   = null;
            HObject Himage = null, HRoi = null;
            HObject imgreduced = null;

                HOperatorSet.GenImage1(out Himage, "byte", img.Width, img.Height, img.StartPtr);
                HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out HRoi, ((RectangleContour)Roi[0].Shape).Top, ((RectangleContour)Roi[0].Shape).Left, ((RectangleContour)Roi[0].Shape).Top + ((RectangleContour)Roi[0].Shape).Height, ((RectangleContour)Roi[0].Shape).Left + ((RectangleContour)Roi[0].Shape).Width);
                HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(Himage, HRoi, out imgreduced);
                HOperatorSet.CreateNccModel(imgreduced, "auto", 0, 0, "auto", "use_polarity", out ModeID);
            catch (Exception)
Пример #16
        internal void HighlightWordCandidate(IEnumerable <CandidateData> wordsCandidates)
            // Clear prev candidate ROI
            var remove = m_imageViewerVM.ImageViewerViewModel.RecognitionRois.Where(x => x.LinkedObject == "WordCandidate").ToList();

            foreach (var item in remove)


            // Add new candidate ROI
            foreach (var wordCandidate in wordsCandidates.SelectMany(x => x.Words))
                var originalWordRec = wordCandidate.OriginRectangle;
                var recFieldRoi     = new Roi()
                    Rect = new System.Windows.Rect(
                    LinkedObject = "WordCandidate"

Пример #17
 public static void ThrowIfNotSingleLine(Roi roi)
     if (roi.Count != 1 || roi[0].Type != ContourType.Line)
         throw new VisionException(ErrorCode.RoiNotLine);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the given ROI.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roi">The ROI being analyzed.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The analysis mode.</param>
        /// <returns>A string containing the analysis results, which can be appended to the analysis
        /// callout of the associated <see cref="RoiGraphic"/>, if one exists.</returns>
        public IRoiAnalyzerResult Analyze(Roi roi, RoiAnalysisMode mode)
            if (!SupportsRoi(roi))

            IRoiLengthProvider lengthProvider = (IRoiLengthProvider)roi;

            Units oldUnits = lengthProvider.Units;

            lengthProvider.Units = lengthProvider.IsCalibrated ? _units : Units.Pixels;

            IRoiAnalyzerResult result;

            if (!lengthProvider.IsCalibrated || _units == Units.Pixels)
                result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Length", SR.FormatLengthPixels, lengthProvider.Length,
                                                          String.Format(SR.FormatLengthPixels, lengthProvider.Length));
            else if (_units == Units.Millimeters)
                result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Length", SR.FormatLengthMm, lengthProvider.Length,
                                                          String.Format(SR.FormatLengthMm, lengthProvider.Length));
                result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Length", SR.FormatLengthCm, lengthProvider.Length,
                                                          String.Format(SR.FormatLengthCm, lengthProvider.Length));

            lengthProvider.Units = oldUnits;

Пример #19
        public Roi CreateRoi(Point point)
            var lefttopX = Math.Max(Math.Min(point.X + 50, canvas.ActualWidth) - 100, 0);
            var lefttopY = Math.Max(Math.Min(point.Y + 50, canvas.ActualHeight) - 100, 0);
            var roi      = new Roi(lefttopX, lefttopY, 100, 100);

Пример #20
        public IActionResult Calculate(Roi roi)
            roi.RoiValue =
                (roi.GainFromInvestment - roi.CostOfInvestment)
                / roi.CostOfInvestment;

            return(View("Index", roi));
Пример #21
 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Use FindLcdSegments to get the appropriate Roi.
     lcdRoi = Algorithms.FindLcdSegments(GetNextImage(), new RectangleContour(27, 55, 243, 92));
     // Enable the timer.
     timer1.Enabled = true;
     timer1_Tick(timer1, EventArgs.Empty);
Пример #22
        public static PaletteType ProcessImage(VisionImage image)
            // Initialize the IVA_Data structure to pass results and coordinate systems.
            IVA_Data ivaData = new IVA_Data(3, 0);

            // Extract Color Plane
            using (VisionImage plane = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                // Extract the green color plane and copy it to the main image.
                Algorithms.ExtractColorPlanes(image, ColorMode.Rgb, null, plane, null);
                Algorithms.Copy(plane, image);

            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi = new Roi();
            // Creates a new RectangleContour using the given values.
            RectangleContour vaRect = new RectangleContour(20, 20, 2552, 1904);

            // Geometric Matching
            string       vaTemplateFile = $"{ @"./VisionModel/Polygon_20.5M/Mode.png"}";
            CurveOptions vaCurveOptions = new CurveOptions();

            vaCurveOptions.ColumnStepSize     = 15;
            vaCurveOptions.ExtractionMode     = ExtractionMode.NormalImage;
            vaCurveOptions.FilterSize         = EdgeFilterSize.Normal;
            vaCurveOptions.MaximumEndPointGap = 10;
            vaCurveOptions.MinimumLength      = 20;
            vaCurveOptions.RowStepSize        = 15;
            vaCurveOptions.Threshold          = 145;

            MatchGeometricPatternEdgeBasedOptions matchGPMOptions = new MatchGeometricPatternEdgeBasedOptions();

            matchGPMOptions.Advanced.ContrastMode  = ContrastMode.Original;
            matchGPMOptions.Advanced.MatchStrategy = GeometricMatchingSearchStrategy.Balanced;
            matchGPMOptions.MinimumMatchScore      = 800;
            matchGPMOptions.Mode = GeometricMatchModes.RotationInvariant;
            matchGPMOptions.NumberOfMatchesRequested = 1;
            double[] vaRangesMin = { -20, 0, 50, 0 };
            double[] vaRangesMax = { 20, 0, 200, 50 };
            matchGPMOptions.OcclusionRange = new Range(vaRangesMin[3], vaRangesMax[3]);
            matchGPMOptions.RotationAngleRanges.Add(new Range(vaRangesMin[0], vaRangesMax[0]));
            matchGPMOptions.RotationAngleRanges.Add(new Range(vaRangesMin[1], vaRangesMax[1]));
            matchGPMOptions.ScaleRange       = new Range(vaRangesMin[2], vaRangesMax[2]);
            matchGPMOptions.SubpixelAccuracy = true;

            gpm2Results = IVA_MatchGeometricPattern2(image, vaTemplateFile, vaCurveOptions, matchGPMOptions, ivaData, 2, roi);


            // Dispose the IVA_Data structure.

            // Return the palette type of the final image.
Пример #23
        private void MoveRoi(Point mousePoint, MouseButtonState leftButton)
            if (CurrentButtonState == ButtonState.Select && this.hasSelectedRoi)
                if (leftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                    if (!_inDraw && _inDrag)
                        Roi roi = CreateRoi(mousePoint);

                        this.rois[selectedRoiIndex] = roi;

                    // resize ROI
                    //else if (_inDraw && !_inDrag)
                    //    this.ResizeSelectedRoi(clickedPoint);
                    //    // Not implemented
                    //anchorPoint = clickedPoint;
                    // change mouse point when mouse is on the selected ROI
                    //if (indexNearestRect == selectedRoiIndex)
                    //    MouseHitType = SetHitType(clickedPoint);
                    //    SetMouseCursor();
                    //    if (MouseHitType == HitType.Body)
                    //    {
                    //        _inDrag = true;
                    //        _inDraw = false;
                    //    }
                    //    else if (MouseHitType != HitType.None)
                    //    {
                    //        _inDrag = false;
                    //        _inDraw = true;
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        _inDrag = false;
                    //        _inDraw = false;
                    //    }
                    //    MouseHitType = HitType.None;
                    //    Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Arrow;
Пример #24
 private static void ThrowIfNotAllPoints(Roi roi)
     foreach (Contour c in roi)
         if (c.Type != ContourType.Point)
             throw new VisionException(ErrorCode.RoiNotPoints);
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the given ROI.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roi">The ROI being analyzed.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The analysis mode.</param>
        /// <returns>A string containing the analysis results, which can be appended to the analysis
        /// callout of the associated <see cref="RoiGraphic"/>, if one exists.</returns>
        //public string Analyze(Roi roi, RoiAnalysisMode mode)
        //    if (!SupportsRoi(roi))
        //        return null;

        //    // performance enhancement to restrict excessive computation of polygon area.
        //    if (mode == RoiAnalysisMode.Responsive)
        //    {
        //        if (_units == Units.Pixels)
        //            return String.Format(SR.FormatAreaPixels, SR.StringNoValue);
        //        else if (_units == Units.Millimeters)
        //            return String.Format(SR.FormatAreaSquareMm, SR.StringNoValue);
        //        else
        //            return String.Format(SR.FormatAreaSquareCm, SR.StringNoValue);
        //    }

        //    IRoiAreaProvider areaProvider = (IRoiAreaProvider) roi;

        //    string text;

        //    Units oldUnits = areaProvider.Units;
        //    areaProvider.Units = areaProvider.IsCalibrated ? _units : Units.Pixels;

        //    if (!areaProvider.IsCalibrated || _units == Units.Pixels)
        //        text = String.Format(SR.FormatAreaPixels, areaProvider.Area);
        //    else if (_units == Units.Millimeters)
        //        text = String.Format(SR.FormatAreaSquareMm, areaProvider.Area);
        //    else
        //        text = String.Format(SR.FormatAreaSquareCm, areaProvider.Area);

        //    areaProvider.Units = oldUnits;

        //    return text;

        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the given ROI.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roi">The ROI being analyzed.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The analysis mode.</param>
        /// <returns>A string containing the analysis results, which can be appended to the analysis
        /// callout of the associated <see cref="RoiGraphic"/>, if one exists.</returns>
        public IRoiAnalyzerResult Analyze(Roi roi, RoiAnalysisMode mode)
            if (!SupportsRoi(roi))

            // performance enhancement to restrict excessive computation of polygon area.
            if (mode == RoiAnalysisMode.Responsive)
                if (_units == Units.Pixels)
                    return(new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("Area", String.Format(SR.LabelUnitsPixels, SR.StringNoValue)));
                if (_units == Units.Millimeters)
                    return(new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("Area", String.Format(SR.LabelUnitsMm2, SR.StringNoValue)));
                    (new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("Area", String.Format(SR.LabelUnitsCm2, SR.StringNoValue)));

            IRoiAreaProvider areaProvider = (IRoiAreaProvider)roi;

            IRoiAnalyzerResult result;

            Units oldUnits = areaProvider.Units;

            areaProvider.Units = areaProvider.IsCalibrated ? _units : Units.Pixels;

            if (!areaProvider.IsCalibrated || _units == Units.Pixels)
                result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Area", SR.LabelUnitsPixels, areaProvider.Area,
                                                          String.Format(SR.FormatAreaPixels, areaProvider.Area));

            else if (_units == Units.Millimeters)
                result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Area", SR.LabelUnitsMm2, areaProvider.Area,
                                                          String.Format(SR.FormatAreaSquareMm, areaProvider.Area));

                result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Area", SR.LabelUnitsCm2, areaProvider.Area,
                                                          String.Format(SR.FormatAreaSquareCm, areaProvider.Area));

            areaProvider.Units = oldUnits;

Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// This method converts the Roi to a collection of points.
        /// Requires that the Roi is not null and not disposed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roi">The Roi to convert</param>
        /// <returns>The points in the Roi</returns>
        public static Collection <PointContour> ConvertRoiToPoints(Roi roi)
            Collection <PointContour> points = new Collection <PointContour>();

            foreach (Contour c in roi)
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes list of doubles into a png file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roidataset">The prototyp.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The path.</param>
        public void RoiWriterTool(Roi roidataset, string path)
            var roiConverter = new RoiConverter();

            using (var bitmap = roiConverter.RoiToBitmap(roidataset))
                var writepath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(path, roidataset.Name));

                bitmap.Save(writepath + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);
Пример #28
 /// <summary>
 /// This method converts the Roi to a RectangleContour or RectangleContour.None.
 /// Requires that the Roi is not disposed (checks if it's a rectangle or not)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="roi">The Roi to convert</param>
 /// <returns>The RectangleContour in the Roi</returns>
 public static RectangleContour ConvertRoiToRectangle(Roi roi)
     if (roi != null)
         if (roi.Count > 0)
Пример #29
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the next image.
            VisionImage image = GetNextImage();

            // Look for rotational shift in the image.
            PointContour imageCenter = new PointContour(image.Width / 2.0, image.Height / 2.0);
            double       angle       = Algorithms.DetectRotation(images[0], image, imageCenter, imageCenter, (int)(.475 * image.Width));

            // Transform the regions of interest.
            CoordinateTransform transform = new CoordinateTransform(new CoordinateSystem(imageCenter), new CoordinateSystem(imageCenter, angle));
            // Copy to a new Roi so we don't lose the information.
            Roi transformedRoi = new Roi(testLines);

            Algorithms.TransformRoi(transformedRoi, transform);

            // Find the actual number of edges along each line in the image.
            bool allTargetsPassed = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < transformedRoi.Count; ++i)
                Collection <PointContour> linePoints = Algorithms.GetPointsOnLine((LineContour)transformedRoi[i].Shape);
                Collection <PointContour> edges      = Algorithms.SimpleEdge(image, linePoints, simpleEdgeOptions);

                // Display the results.
                GetActualTextBox(i).Text = edges.Count.ToString();
                foreach (PointContour pt in edges)
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddOval(new OvalContour(pt.X - 2, pt.Y - 2, 5, 5), Rgb32Value.YellowColor, DrawingMode.PaintValue);

                if (Int32.Parse(GetExpectedTextBox(i).Text) == edges.Count)
                    // Part passes.
                    GetPassFailLed(i).Value = true;
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddLine((LineContour)transformedRoi[i].Shape, Rgb32Value.GreenColor);
                    // Part fails.
                    GetPassFailLed(i).Value = false;
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddLine((LineContour)transformedRoi[i].Shape, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                allTargetsPassed = allTargetsPassed && GetPassFailLed(i).Value;
            globalPassFailLed.Value = allTargetsPassed;
            // Overlay the outside circle of the part.
            OvalContour outsideOval = new OvalContour(image.Width * .025, image.Height * .025, image.Width * .95, image.Height * .95);

            image.Overlays.Default.AddOval(outsideOval, allTargetsPassed ? Rgb32Value.GreenColor : Rgb32Value.RedColor);

Пример #30
        public bool ComputeHistogram()
            Roi roi = GetRoi();

            if (roi != null)

            this.Enabled = false;
Пример #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the given ROI.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roi">The ROI being analyzed.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The analysis mode.</param>
        /// <returns>A string containing the analysis results, which can be appended to the analysis
        /// callout of the associated <see cref="RoiGraphic"/>, if one exists.</returns>
        //public string Analyze(Roi roi, RoiAnalysisMode mode)
        //    if (!SupportsRoi(roi))
        //        return null;

        //    IRoiStatisticsProvider statisticsProvider = (IRoiStatisticsProvider) roi;

        //    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        //    bool isGrayscale = roi.PixelData is GrayscalePixelData;

        //    var meanValue = SR.StringNotApplicable;
        //    var stdDevValue = SR.StringNotApplicable;

        //    if (isGrayscale && roi.ContainsPixelData)
        //    {
        //        if (mode == RoiAnalysisMode.Responsive)
        //        {
        //            meanValue = stdDevValue = SR.StringNoValue;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            double mean = statisticsProvider.Mean;
        //            double stdDev = statisticsProvider.StandardDeviation;

        //            var units = roi.ModalityLutUnits.Label;
        //            var displayFormat = @"{0:" + (roi.SubnormalModalityLut ? @"G3" : @"F1") + "}" + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(units) ? ' ' + units : string.Empty);

        //            meanValue = string.Format(displayFormat, mean);
        //            stdDevValue = string.Format(displayFormat, stdDev);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    sb.AppendFormat(SR.FormatMean, meanValue);
        //    sb.AppendLine();
        //    sb.AppendFormat(SR.FormatStdDev, stdDevValue);
        //    return sb.ToString();

        public IRoiAnalyzerResult Analyze(Roi roi, RoiAnalysisMode mode)
            if (!SupportsRoi(roi))

            IRoiStatisticsProvider statisticsProvider = (IRoiStatisticsProvider)roi;

            MultiValueRoiAnalyzerResult result = new MultiValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Statistics")
                ShowHeader = false

            bool isGrayscale = roi.PixelData is GrayscalePixelData;

            var meanValue   = SR.StringNotApplicable;
            var stdDevValue = SR.StringNotApplicable;

            if (isGrayscale && roi.ContainsPixelData)
                if (mode == RoiAnalysisMode.Responsive)
                    meanValue = stdDevValue = SR.StringNoValue;
                    result.Add(new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("Mean", String.Format(SR.FormatMean, meanValue)));
                    result.Add(new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("StdDev", String.Format(SR.FormatStdDev, stdDevValue)));
                    double mean   = statisticsProvider.Mean;
                    double stdDev = statisticsProvider.StandardDeviation;

                    var units         = roi.ModalityLutUnits.Label;
                    var displayFormat = @"{0:" + (roi.SubnormalModalityLut ? @"G3" : @"F1") + "}" + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(units) ? ' ' + units : string.Empty);

                    meanValue   = string.Format(displayFormat, mean);
                    stdDevValue = string.Format(displayFormat, stdDev);

                    result.Add(new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Mean", units, mean,
                                                                String.Format(SR.FormatMean, meanValue)));
                    result.Add(new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("StdDev", units, stdDevValue,
                                                                String.Format(SR.FormatStdDev, stdDevValue)));
                result.Add(new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("Mean", String.Format(SR.FormatMean, meanValue)));
                result.Add(new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("StdDev", String.Format(SR.FormatStdDev, stdDevValue)));

Пример #32
		/// <summary>
		/// Analyzes the given ROI.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="roi">The ROI being analyzed.</param>
		/// <param name="mode">The analysis mode.</param>
		/// <returns>A string containing the analysis results, which can be appended to the analysis
		/// callout of the associated <see cref="RoiGraphic"/>, if one exists.</returns>
		public IRoiAnalyzerResult Analyze(Roi roi, RoiAnalysisMode mode)
			if (!SupportsRoi(roi))
				return null;

			IRoiStatisticsProvider statisticsProvider = (IRoiStatisticsProvider) roi;

			MultiValueRoiAnalyzerResult result = new MultiValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Statistics") {ShowHeader = false};

			bool isGrayscale = roi.PixelData is GrayscalePixelData;

			var meanValue = SR.StringNotApplicable;
			var stdDevValue = SR.StringNotApplicable;

			if (isGrayscale && roi.ContainsPixelData)
				if (mode == RoiAnalysisMode.Responsive)
					meanValue = stdDevValue = SR.StringNoValue;
					result.Add(new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("Mean", String.Format(SR.FormatMean, meanValue)));
					result.Add(new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("StdDev", String.Format(SR.FormatStdDev, stdDevValue)));
					double mean = statisticsProvider.Mean;
					double stdDev = statisticsProvider.StandardDeviation;

					var units = roi.ModalityLutUnits.Label;
					var displayFormat = @"{0:" + (roi.SubnormalModalityLut ? @"G3" : @"F1") + "}" + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(units) ? ' ' + units : string.Empty);

					meanValue = string.Format(displayFormat, mean);
					stdDevValue = string.Format(displayFormat, stdDev);

					result.Add(new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Mean", units, mean,
					                                            String.Format(SR.FormatMean, meanValue)));
					result.Add(new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("StdDev", units, stdDevValue,
					                                            String.Format(SR.FormatStdDev, stdDevValue)));
				result.Add(new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("Mean", String.Format(SR.FormatMean, meanValue)));
				result.Add(new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("StdDev", String.Format(SR.FormatStdDev, stdDevValue)));

			return result;
Пример #33
		/// <summary>
		/// Analyzes the given ROI.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="roi">The ROI being analyzed.</param>
		/// <param name="mode">The analysis mode.</param>
		/// <returns>A string containing the analysis results, which can be appended to the analysis
		/// callout of the associated <see cref="RoiGraphic"/>, if one exists.</returns>
		public IRoiAnalyzerResult Analyze(Roi roi, RoiAnalysisMode mode)
			if (!SupportsRoi(roi))
				return null;

			// performance enhancement to restrict excessive computation of polygon area.
			if (mode == RoiAnalysisMode.Responsive)
				if (_units == Units.Pixels)
					return new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("Area", String.Format(SR.LabelUnitsPixels, SR.StringNoValue));
				if (_units == Units.Millimeters)
					return new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("Area", String.Format(SR.LabelUnitsMm2, SR.StringNoValue));
					new RoiAnalyzerResultNoValue("Area", String.Format(SR.LabelUnitsCm2, SR.StringNoValue));

			IRoiAreaProvider areaProvider = (IRoiAreaProvider) roi;

			IRoiAnalyzerResult result;

			Units oldUnits = areaProvider.Units;
			areaProvider.Units = areaProvider.IsCalibrated ? _units : Units.Pixels;

			if (!areaProvider.IsCalibrated || _units == Units.Pixels)
				result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Area", SR.LabelUnitsPixels, areaProvider.Area,
				                                          String.Format(SR.FormatAreaPixels, areaProvider.Area));

			else if (_units == Units.Millimeters)
				result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Area", SR.LabelUnitsMm2, areaProvider.Area,
				                                          String.Format(SR.FormatAreaSquareMm, areaProvider.Area));

				result = new SingleValueRoiAnalyzerResult("Area", SR.LabelUnitsCm2, areaProvider.Area,
				                                          String.Format(SR.FormatAreaSquareCm, areaProvider.Area));

			areaProvider.Units = oldUnits;

			return result;
Пример #34
		public bool SupportsRoi(Roi roi)
			return roi is ProtractorRoi;
Пример #35
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks if this analyzer class can analyze the given ROI.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="roi">The ROI to analyze.</param>
		/// <returns>True if this class can analyze the given ROI; False otherwise.</returns>
		public bool SupportsRoi(Roi roi)
			return roi is IRoiAreaProvider;
Пример #36
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks if this analyzer class can analyze the given ROI.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="roi">The ROI to analyze.</param>
		/// <returns>True if this class can analyze the given ROI; False otherwise.</returns>
		public bool SupportsRoi(Roi roi)
			return roi is IRoiLengthProvider;
Пример #37
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks if this analyzer class can analyze the given ROI.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Implementations should return a result based on the type of ROI, not on the particular current state of the ROI.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="roi">The ROI to analyze.</param>
		/// <returns>True if this class can analyze the given ROI; False otherwise.</returns>
		public bool SupportsRoi(Roi roi)
			return roi is IRoiStatisticsProvider;
Пример #38
		//TODO (cr Feb 2010): All the analysis should really be done in the ProtractorRoi.
		public IRoiAnalyzerResult Analyze(Roi roi, RoiAnalysisMode mode)
			return Analyze((ProtractorRoi) roi, mode);
Пример #39
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks if this analyzer class can analyze the given ROI.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Implementations should return a result based on the type of ROI, not on the particular current state of the ROI.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="roi">The ROI to analyze.</param>
		/// <returns>True if this class can analyze the given ROI; False otherwise.</returns>
		public bool SupportsRoi(Roi roi)
			return roi is IRoiStatisticsProvider && roi.PixelData != null;