Пример #1
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (destroyed == false)
            ShotSphere shot = other.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent <ShotSphere>();

            // did the rock get hit with a shot
            if (shot)
                // does the shot have the shooter set so we can reward them
                if (shot.shooter)
                    // did a player shoot us, give them some points
                    RocketSphere rocketPlayer = shot.shooter.GetComponent <RocketSphere>();
                    if (rocketPlayer)
                        rocketPlayer.points += points;

                    // did an AI shoot us, give them some points
                    RocketSphereAI rocketAI = shot.shooter.GetComponent <RocketSphereAI>();
                    if (rocketAI)
                        rocketAI.points += points;

            GameObject explosion = Instantiate(explosionPrefab, rock.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;


//            Debug.Log("OntriggerEnter Rocks " + currentRocks + " total " + totalRocks + " destoyed " + destroyedRocks);

            // let all the clients know the current rock counts for music
            // IMPORTANT!!!!, this must be called before the detroy or the rpc will never go out.
            rpcSetRockStats(currentRocks, totalRocks, destroyedRocks);

            destroyed = true;

            if (rockSpherePrefab)
                for (int i = 0; i < pieces; i++)
                    GameObject newRock = Instantiate(rockSpherePrefab, rock.transform.position, rock.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        // Rocket is already destroyed, ignore
        if (!rocket.activeSelf)

        ShotSphere shot = other.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent <ShotSphere>();

        // did a shot hit us
        if (shot)
            if (shot.shooter)
                if (shot.shooter == transform.gameObject)
                    // ignore getting hit with our own shots

                // did we get shot by another player, give them some points
                RocketSphere rocketPlayer = shot.shooter.GetComponent <RocketSphere>();
                if (rocketPlayer)

                // did we get shot by an AI player, give them some points
                RocketSphereAI rocketAI = shot.shooter.GetComponent <RocketSphereAI>();
                if (rocketAI)

        // Spawn an explosion at player position on all clients
        GameObject explosion = Instantiate(explosionPrefab, rocket.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;


        // deactivate the ship on all clients
        RpcMySetActive(false, Quaternion.identity, false);

        // spawn a new ship, do this on the local player client and it will re-enable on all clients
Пример #3
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        ShotSphere shot = other.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent <ShotSphere>();

        // did a shot hit us
        if (shot)
            // make sure the shooter still exists
            if (shot.shooter)
                // ignore our own shots
                if (shot.shooter == transform.gameObject)

                // did a player shoot us, give them some points
                RocketSphere playerShooter = shot.shooter.GetComponent <RocketSphere>();
                if (playerShooter)
                    playerShooter.points += 2;

                // did a AI shoot us, give them some points
                RocketSphereAI rocketShooterAI = shot.shooter.GetComponent <RocketSphereAI>();
                if (rocketShooterAI)
                    rocketShooterAI.points += 2;

        // Spawn an explosion at rocket position on all clients
        GameObject explosion = Instantiate(explosionPrefab, rocket.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;


        // let the AI know we finished
        transform.gameObject.GetComponent <RocketAIAgent>().EpisodeEndBad();

        // destory the ship on all clients
        destroyed = true;
    public override void OnEpisodeBegin()

        // set the team ID to random so AI's don't avoid shooting each other to avoid a team loss,
        // not sure if this can be done in the other function or not so I'll put in both places just to be sure
        GetComponent <BehaviorParameters>().TeamId = (int)Random.Range(0.0f, 100.0f);

        raySensor = transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <RayPerceptionSensorComponent3D>();
        rocket    = transform.gameObject.GetComponent <RocketSphereAI>();
        rb        = transform.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        if (rocket)
            lastPoints = rocket.points;
            lastPoints = 0;
    public override void OnActionReceived(ActionBuffers actionBuffers)
        float reward = 0.0f;


        RocketSphereAI rocket = transform.gameObject.GetComponent <RocketSphereAI>();

        if (rocket)
            // I tried give little rewards for things I wanted the AI to do but ended up
            // removing these as they did not help and could result in an AI doing things just
            // for the little rewards

            rocket.horizontalInput = Mathf.Clamp(actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[0], -1f, 1f);
            // little reward turning
            //SetReward(0.001f * Mathf.Abs(rocket.horizontalInput));

            rocket.verticalInput = Mathf.Clamp(actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[1], 0f, 1f);
            // little reward thrusting
            //SetReward(0.001f * rocket.verticalInput);

            if (actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[2] > 0.0f)
                rocket.fireInput = true;
                rocket.fireInput = false;

            // this is the only reward that matters, and in fact I just want to indicate a hit for 1.0 and
            // NOT scale this reward depending on what was hit.

            if (rocket.points > lastPoints)
                // big reward if we hit something
                reward = 1.0f; // 3.0f * (rocket.points - lastPoints);
                Debug.Log("Reward for points " /* + rocket.points + " last points " + lastPoints + " reward " */ + reward);
                lastPoints = rocket.points;

            // More little rewards that weren't really helpful

             * if (rocket.fireInput)
             * {
             *  // little reward for shooting
             *  reward = 0.01f;
             *  SetReward(reward);
             *  //Debug.Log("Reward for shooting " + reward);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  // little negative reward for not shooting
             *  reward = -0.001f;
             *  SetReward(reward);
             *  //Debug.Log("little negative reward for not shooting " + reward);
             * }

        // I tried to keep the AI from sitting and spinning which was an aretifact of feeding the AI
        // too much info above. This seemed to result in depressed AI that would sit and spin even when I
        // made this negative reward grow exponentially. Negative reward that was consitant seems to be
        // desired by the AI than trying to figure out too much input and not getting enough positive rewards

         *     if (rocket.countRotations != lastCountRotations)
         *     {
         *         // negative reward for excessive rotations
         *         reward = -0.01f * math.abs(rocket.countRotations);
         *         SetReward(reward);
         *         if (reward < -0.1f)
         *         {
         *             //Debug.Log("Negative reward for excessive rotations " + rocket.countRotations + " reward " + reward);
         *         }
         *         lastCountRotations = rocket.countRotations;
         *     }

        // This reward resulted in slower and more controllable rockets but is not adventagous when
        // you need to move faster to get out of the way or find a new rock when there are not many left

         *     if (rb)
         *     {
         *         if (rb.angularVelocity.magnitude < 0.02f)
         *         {
         *             // negative reward for not moving
         *             reward = -0.01f * (0.02f - rb.angularVelocity.magnitude);
         *             SetReward(reward);
         *             //Debug.Log("Negative Reward for not moving " + rb.angularVelocity.magnitude + " reward " + reward);
         *         }
         *         if ((rb.angularVelocity.magnitude >= 0.02f) && (rb.angularVelocity.magnitude <= 0.5f))
         *         {
         *             // reward for moving
         *             reward = 0.01f * (rb.angularVelocity.magnitude - 0.02f);
         *             SetReward(reward);
         *             //Debug.Log("Reward for moving " + rb.angularVelocity.magnitude + " reward " + reward);
         *         }
         *         if (rb.angularVelocity.magnitude > 0.5f)
         *         {
         *             // negative reward for moving too fast
         *             reward = 0.01f * 2.0f * (2.0f * 0.5f - rb.angularVelocity.magnitude);
         *             if (reward > 0.0f)
         *             {
         *                 //Debug.Log("Decreasing reward for moving " + rb.angularVelocity.magnitude + " reward " + reward);
         *             }
         *             else
         *             {
         *                 //Debug.Log("Increasing negative Reward for moving too fast " + rb.angularVelocity.magnitude + " reward " + reward);
         *             }
         *             SetReward(reward);
         *         }
         *     }

        // This set of rewards was actually my first glimpse of something that looked resonable but
        // ultimately removing all this resulted in an even more impressive AI

        if (raySensor)
            if (raySensor.RaySensor != null)
                if (raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput != null)
                    if (raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs != null)
                        if (raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs.Length > 0)
                             * if (raySensor.DetectableTags.Count > 0)
                             * {
                             *  // reward being near something
                             *  reward = 0.001f * raySensor.DetectableTags.Count;
                             *  SetReward(reward);
                             *  //Debug.Log("Reward for being near something " + raySensor.DetectableTags.Count + " reward " + reward);
                             * }
                             * if (raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[8].HasHit)
                             * {
                             *  if (rocket.fireInput)
                             *  {
                             *      // reward pointing the ship right at something and shooting
                             *      reward = 0.2f;
                             *      SetReward(reward);
                             *      //Debug.Log("reward pointing the ship right at something and shooting " + reward);
                             *  }
                             *  else
                             *  {
                             *      // negative reward for pointing the ship right at something and not shooting
                             *      reward = -0.05f;
                             *      SetReward(reward);
                             *      //Debug.Log("negative reward for pointing the ship right at something and not shooting " + reward);
                             *  }
                             * }
                             * else if (raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[6].HasHit || raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[10].HasHit)
                             * {
                             *  if (rocket.fireInput)
                             *  {
                             *      // reward pointing the ship at something and shooting
                             *      reward = 0.1f;
                             *      SetReward(reward);
                             *      //Debug.Log("reward pointing the ship at something and shooting " + reward);
                             *  }
                             *  else
                             *  {
                             *      // negative reward for pointing the ship at something and not shooting
                             *      reward = -0.025f;
                             *      SetReward(reward);
                             *      //Debug.Log("negative reward for pointing the ship at something and not shooting " + reward);
                             *  }
                             * }
                             * if (raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[7].HasHit
                             || raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[9].HasHit
                             || raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[11].HasHit)
                             || if (rocket.verticalInput > 0.2f)
                             || {
                             ||     // reward for thrusting away from something
                             ||     reward = 0.01f;
                             ||     SetReward(reward);
                             ||     //Debug.Log("reward thrusting away from something " + reward);
                             || }
                             || else
                             || {
                             ||     // negative reward for not thrusting away from something
                             ||     reward = -0.01f;
                             ||     SetReward(reward);
                             ||     //Debug.Log("reward thrusting away from something " + reward);
                             || }

                            // this reward was not as good as I had hoped and did not use it much

                             * if (raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[0].HasHit
                             ||  raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[1].HasHit
                             || raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[2].HasHit
                             || raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[3].HasHit
                             || raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[13].HasHit
                             || raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[14].HasHit
                             || raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[15].HasHit
                             || raySensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs[16].HasHit)
                             || if (rocket.horizontalInput > 0.2f)
                             || {
                             ||     // reward turning either away from or towards something on the side
                             ||     reward = 0.01f;
                             ||     SetReward(reward);
                             ||     //Debug.Log("reward turning either away from or towards something " + reward);
                             || }
                             || else
                             || {
                             ||     // negative reward for not turning when something is on the side
                             ||     reward = -0.01f;
                             ||     SetReward(reward);
                             ||     //Debug.Log("negative reward for not turning when something is on the side " + reward);
                             || }