Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Get the collision force between two bodies
    /// Remember, bullets go another way
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="selfRb"></param>
    /// <param name="otherRb"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static float GetCollisionForce(Rigidbody selfRb, Rigidbody otherRb)
        // Ponemos esto para evitar errores
        // Pero esto no dbería ocurrir
        if (selfRb == null)

        RigidbodyExtraInfo selfRbExtraInfo = selfRb.GetComponent <RigidbodyExtraInfo>();

        // El otherRb puede ser nulo
        float otherImpactForce = 0;

        if (otherRb != null)
            RigidbodyExtraInfo otherRbExtraInfo = otherRb.GetComponent <RigidbodyExtraInfo>();

            //otherImpactForce = otherRb.velocity.magnitude * otherRb.mass;
            otherImpactForce = GeneralFunctions.GetBodyKineticEnergy(otherRb, otherRbExtraInfo);

        // El propio no puede serlo
        //float selfImpactForce = selfRb.velocity.magnitude * selfRb.mass;
        float selfImpactForce = GeneralFunctions.GetBodyKineticEnergy(selfRb, selfRbExtraInfo);

        float impactForce = otherImpactForce + selfImpactForce;

Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Gives the kinetic energy of a rigidbody
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rb"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static float GetBodyKineticEnergy(Rigidbody rb, RigidbodyExtraInfo rbExtraInfo)
        if (rbExtraInfo == null)
            Debug.Log("Asking kinetic energy of not prepared object: " + rb.name);
        float bodySpeedVariation = Math.Abs((rb.velocity - rbExtraInfo.PreviousVelocity).magnitude);
        float bodyMass           = rb.mass;

        float bodyKE = bodyMass * Mathf.Pow(bodySpeedVariation, 2) / 2;

        Debug.Log("Impact of " + rb.name + ", speed variation of " + bodySpeedVariation + ", impacting with a force of " + bodyKE + " Joules");
