public void Click() { Transform transform = canvas.transform; foreach (Transform child in transform) { child.gameObject.SetActive(false); } instructionTextObject.SetActive(true); resultTextObject.SetActive(true); player.GetComponent <Player1> ().top1 = false; player.GetComponent <Player1> ().top2 = false; player.GetComponent <Player1> ().right2 = false; Top1.SetActive(true); Top1.GetComponent <M1Top1> ().collide = false; Top2.SetActive(true); Top2.GetComponent <M1Top2> ().collide = false; Right2.SetActive(true); Right2.GetComponent <M1Right2> ().collide = false; instructionText.text = "Please use direction keys to orient the yellow" + "square on the top view and make it access the orange one.\n" + "Falling leads to game over."; resultText.text = ""; player.SetActive(true); player.transform.position = new Vector3(1.0f, 2.04f, 0.5f); isoCamera.SetActive(false); model.GetComponent <Model1> ().InitializeLog(); }
public void rotates_waypoint_right(int angle, int expectedNorth, int expectedEast) { var command = new Right2(angle); var result = command.Move(StartingPositions); result.Ship.North.Should().Be(0); result.Ship.East.Should().Be(0); result.Waypoint.North.Should().Be(expectedNorth); result.Waypoint.East.Should().Be(expectedEast); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the AutoHandler. /// </summary> protected override void Init() { // Instantiates AutoHandler. AutoHandler = new Handler(); //Sets the CAN Talons to rely off of the encoders for movement. AutoFunctions.ConfigureTalon(Right1, ConfigureType.Position, new EncoderParameters { AllowedError = 0, Device = CANTalon.FeedbackDevice.CtreMagEncoderRelative, NominalVoltage = 0.0f, PeakVoltage = 12.0f, PIDFValues = new PIDF { kP = 0.151, kI = 0, kD = 0, kF = 0 }, ReverseSensor = false }); AutoFunctions.ConfigureTalon(Left1, ConfigureType.Position, new EncoderParameters { AllowedError = 0, Device = CANTalon.FeedbackDevice.CtreMagEncoderRelative, NominalVoltage = 0.0f, PeakVoltage = 12.0f, //3.4f PIDFValues = new PIDF { kP = 0.151, kI = 0, kD = 0, kF = 0 }, ReverseSensor = true }); Right1.SetEncoderPostition(0); // Reset the encoder position to 0. Right1.ReverseOutput(true); // Reverse the direction of the motor. Right2.MotorControlMode = WPILib.Interfaces.ControlMode.Follower; Right2.Set(Right1.DeviceId); // Configure the second right talon to be a follower of the other right talon. Left1.SetEncoderPostition(0); // Reset the eoncoder position to 0. Left1.ReverseOutput(false); // Reverse the direction of the motor. Left1.ReverseSensor(true); Left2.MotorControlMode = WPILib.Interfaces.ControlMode.Follower; Left2.Set(Left1.DeviceId); // Configure the second left talon to be a follower of the other left talon. NavX.Reset(); // Reset the NavX's yaw value to zero. }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Carl == null) { Carl = Instruction.GetComponent <RandomInstruction>(); } if (SHealth <= 0) { Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); GameOverScreen.SetActive(true); GameOverMusic.SetActive(true); if (UFB == true) { SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 1200; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } else if (BabyMode == true) { SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 200; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } else { SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 1000; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } } if (EHealth <= 0) { if (BabyMode == true) { if (AreYouMrDark == true) { Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); Dvic1.SetActive(true); VictoryMusic.SetActive(true); SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 200; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } else if (AreYouMrDark == false) { Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); Lvic1.SetActive(true); VictoryMusic.SetActive(true); SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 200; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } } else if (Easy == true) { if (AreYouMrDark == true) { Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); Dvic2.SetActive(true); VictoryMusic.SetActive(true); SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 1000; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } else if (AreYouMrDark == false) { Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); Lvic2.SetActive(true); VictoryMusic.SetActive(true); SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 1000; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } } else if (Medium == true) { if (AreYouMrDark == true) { Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); Dvic3.SetActive(true); VictoryMusic.SetActive(true); SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 1000; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } else if (AreYouMrDark == false) { Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); Lvic3.SetActive(true); VictoryMusic.SetActive(true); SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 1000; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } } else if (Excruciatinglyhard == true) { if (AreYouMrDark == true) { Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); Dvic4.SetActive(true); VictoryMusic.SetActive(true); SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 1000; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } else if (AreYouMrDark == false) { Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); Lvic4.SetActive(true); VictoryMusic.SetActive(true); SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 1000; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } } else if (UFB == true) { if (AreYouMrDark == true) { Debug.Log("made it here dark"); Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); UltEndingDark.SetActive(true); UltEndingMusic.SetActive(true); SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 1200; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } else if (AreYouMrDark == false) { Debug.Log("made it here light"); Gameplay.SetActive(false); MrPersonGameObject.SetActive(false); MrPersonMusic.SetActive(false); UltEndingLight.SetActive(true); UltEndingMusic.SetActive(true); SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); EHealth = 1200; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) //Attack { PressedButton = true; MrPerson.SetActive(false); LeftButtonPress.SetActive(false); RightButtonPress.SetActive(false); Left1.SetActive(false); Left2.SetActive(true); Left3.SetActive(false); Right1.SetActive(false); Right2.SetActive(false); Right3.SetActive(false); if (Carl.InstructionBoolArray[3] == true) { EHealth -= Damage; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } else { if (Shields == true) { Shields = false; ShieldStatus.text = "OFF"; } else { SHealth -= Damage; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) //Move Left { PressedButton = true; MrPerson.SetActive(false); LeftButtonPress.SetActive(true); RightButtonPress.SetActive(false); Left1.SetActive(false); Left2.SetActive(false); Left3.SetActive(false); Right1.SetActive(false); Right2.SetActive(false); Right3.SetActive(false); if (Carl.InstructionBoolArray[0] == false) { if (Shields == true) { Shields = false; ShieldStatus.text = "OFF"; } else { SHealth -= MinorDamage; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) //Shields { PressedButton = true; MrPerson.SetActive(false); LeftButtonPress.SetActive(false); RightButtonPress.SetActive(false); Left1.SetActive(false); Left2.SetActive(false); Left3.SetActive(false); Right1.SetActive(false); Right2.SetActive(true); Right3.SetActive(false); if (Carl.InstructionBoolArray[6] == true) { Shields = true; ShieldStatus.text = "ON"; } else { if (Shields == true) { Shields = false; } else { SHealth -= MinorDamage; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) //MoveRight { PressedButton = true; MrPerson.SetActive(false); LeftButtonPress.SetActive(false); RightButtonPress.SetActive(true); Left1.SetActive(false); Left2.SetActive(false); Left3.SetActive(false); Right1.SetActive(false); Right2.SetActive(false); Right3.SetActive(false); if (Carl.InstructionBoolArray[1] == false) { if (Shields == true) { Shields = false; ShieldStatus.text = "OFF"; } else { SHealth -= MinorDamage; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } else { ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) //Restore Health { PressedButton = true; MrPerson.SetActive(false); LeftButtonPress.SetActive(false); RightButtonPress.SetActive(false); Left1.SetActive(false); Left2.SetActive(false); Left3.SetActive(true); Right1.SetActive(false); Right2.SetActive(false); Right3.SetActive(false); if (Carl.InstructionBoolArray[4] == true) { if (SHealth + 8 < 1000) { SHealth += 8; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } else { SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } else { if (Shields == true) { Shields = false; ShieldStatus.text = "OFF"; } else { SHealth -= MinorDamage; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q)) //Recharge Oxygen { PressedButton = true; MrPerson.SetActive(false); LeftButtonPress.SetActive(false); RightButtonPress.SetActive(false); Left1.SetActive(false); Left2.SetActive(false); Left3.SetActive(false); Right1.SetActive(true); Right2.SetActive(false); Right3.SetActive(false); if (Carl.InstructionBoolArray[5] == true) { if (SHealth + 4 < 1000) { SHealth += 4; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } else { SHealth = 1000; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } else { if (Shields == true) { Shields = false; ShieldStatus.text = "OFF"; } else { SHealth -= MinorDamage; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) //Hyperspace Jump { PressedButton = true; MrPerson.SetActive(false); LeftButtonPress.SetActive(false); RightButtonPress.SetActive(false); Left1.SetActive(false); Left2.SetActive(false); Left3.SetActive(false); Right1.SetActive(false); Right2.SetActive(false); Right3.SetActive(true); if (Carl.InstructionBoolArray[7] == false) { if (Shields == true) { Shields = false; ShieldStatus.text = "OFF"; } else { SHealth -= MinorDamage; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) //Big Red Button { PressedButton = true; MrPerson.SetActive(false); LeftButtonPress.SetActive(false); RightButtonPress.SetActive(false); Left1.SetActive(true); Left2.SetActive(false); Left3.SetActive(false); Right1.SetActive(false); Right2.SetActive(false); Right3.SetActive(false); if (Carl.InstructionBoolArray[2] == true) { EHealth -= Damage * 2; EnemyHealth.text = EHealth.ToString(); } else { if (Shields == true) { Shields = false; ShieldStatus.text = "OFF"; } else { SHealth -= Damage * 2; ShipHealth.text = SHealth.ToString(); } } } }