Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Добавление структурных ребер.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">Список узлов структурных ребер.</param>
        protected virtual List <Rib> SetRibs(List <Vertex> points)
            var structRibs = new List <Rib>();
            var n          = points.Count;

            for (int i0 = 0; i0 < n; i0++)
                var i1 = i0 + 1;

                if (i1 == n)
                    i1 = 0;

                var rib = new Rib(points[i0], points[i1], null, null);

                // Добавление граничных условий.
                if (dfdn.HasValue)
                    rib.dfdn = dfdn.Value;


Пример #2
        public bool Equals(Rib x)
            bool result =
                (x.BottomVertex == this.BottomVertex && x.TopVertex == this.TopVertex) ||
                (x.BottomVertex == this.TopVertex && x.TopVertex == this.BottomVertex);

Пример #3
 public double GetTime(Rib rib)
     double res;
     if (!times.TryGetValue(rib, out res)) {
         throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("the rib {0} is not found",rib.Sprite.Id));
     return res;
Пример #4
 private void CreateT_D()
     T_D = new Triangle();
     BD  = new Rib(B, D, T_D, null);
     CD  = new Rib(C, D, T_D, null);
     T_D.SetRibs(BC, BD, CD);
     BC.Update(null, T_D);
Пример #5
 public int GetHashCode(Rib x)
         int hash = 29;
         hash = hash * 31 + x.BottomVertex.GetHashCode();
         hash = hash * 23 + x.TopVertex.GetHashCode();
Пример #6
        internal void RotationskörperErstellen()
            // Hauptkoerper in Bearbeitung definieren
            hsp_catiaPart.Part.InWorkObject = hsp_catiaPart.Part.MainBody;

            //Rotationskörper erzeugen
            ShapeFactory catShapeFactorySenkkopf = (ShapeFactory)hsp_catiaPart.Part.ShapeFactory;

            Rib senkKopf = catShapeFactorySenkkopf.AddNewRib(hsp_catiaProfil_Senkkopf, hsp_catiaProfil_Schaft);
Пример #7
        }                  // Ищет индекс вершины в коллекции по её индексу

        private bool IsExist(Rib newrib)
            for (int i = 0; i < Ribs.Count; i++)
                if (Ribs[i].top_from == newrib.top_from && Ribs[i].top_to == newrib.top_to && Ribs[i].X1 == newrib.X1 && Ribs[i].X2 == newrib.X2 && Ribs[i].Y1 == newrib.Y1 && Ribs[i].Y2 == newrib.Y2 && Ribs[i].lenght == newrib.lenght || Ribs[i].top_from == newrib.top_to && Ribs[i].top_to == newrib.top_from && Ribs[i].X1 == newrib.X2 && Ribs[i].X2 == newrib.X1 && Ribs[i].Y1 == newrib.Y2 && Ribs[i].Y2 == newrib.Y1 && Ribs[i].lenght == newrib.lenght)
        }                  // Проверка на существование уже такого ребра
Пример #8
        public void GetSeparatingRib()
            #region Arrange
            var A = new Point(0, 0);
            var B = new Point(1, 2);
            var C = new Point(2, 0);
            var D = new Point(3, 1);
            var E = new Point(0, 1);
            var F = new Point(1, -1);

            var ABC = new Triangle();
            var BCD = new Triangle();
            var ABE = new Triangle();
            var ACF = new Triangle();

            var AB = new Rib(A, B, ABC, ABE);
            var BC = new Rib(B, C, ABC, BCD);
            var AC = new Rib(A, C, ABC, ACF);

            var BD = new Rib(B, D, BCD, null);
            var CD = new Rib(C, D, BCD, null);

            var AE = new Rib(A, E, ABE, null);
            var BE = new Rib(B, E, ABE, null);

            var AF = new Rib(A, F, ACF, null);
            var CF = new Rib(C, F, ACF, null);

            ABC.SetRibs(AB, BC, AC);
            BCD.SetRibs(BC, BD, CD);
            ABE.SetRibs(AB, AE, BE);
            ACF.SetRibs(AC, AF, CF);
            // Update triangles.
            Triangle.Update(ABC, BCD, ABE, ACF);
            var bc     = Triangulation.GetSeparatingRib(ABC, D);
            var ab     = Triangulation.GetSeparatingRib(ABC, E);
            var ac     = Triangulation.GetSeparatingRib(ABC, F);
            var inv_bc = Triangulation.GetSeparatingRib(BCD, A);
            var inv_ab = Triangulation.GetSeparatingRib(ABE, C);
            var inv_ac = Triangulation.GetSeparatingRib(ACF, B);
            // Assert.
            Assert.AreSame(BC, bc);
            Assert.AreSame(BC, inv_bc);
            Assert.AreSame(AB, ab);
            Assert.AreSame(AB, inv_ab);
            Assert.AreSame(AC, ac);
            Assert.AreSame(AC, inv_ac);
Пример #9
        public List <List <T> > Classify()
            var    sourceTree = BuildTree();
            double oldQuality;
            double newQuality = double.MinValue;
            var    trees      = new Dictionary <Tree <T>, Rib <T> > {
                { sourceTree, null }
            Dictionary <Tree <T>, Rib <T> > previousStepTrees;

                previousStepTrees = trees;
                oldQuality        = newQuality;
                Rib <T>  maxRib       = null;
                Tree <T> maxRibTree   = null;
                double   maxRibLength = 0d;
                foreach (var tree in trees)
                    var rib = tree.Key.GetMaxRib();
                    if (rib != null && rib.Distance > maxRibLength)
                        maxRib       = rib;
                        maxRibTree   = tree.Key;
                        maxRibLength = rib.Distance;
                if (maxRib == null)
                var t = new Dictionary <Tree <T>, Rib <T> > ();
                foreach (var tree in trees)
                    if (tree.Key == maxRibTree)
                        var splittedTrees = tree.Key.Split(maxRib.FirstNode, maxRib.SecondNode);
                        t.Add(splittedTrees.Item1, null);
                        t.Add(splittedTrees.Item2, maxRib);
                    t.Add(tree.Key, tree.Value);
                trees      = t;
                newQuality = new QualityFuncCalculator <T>(trees).Calculate();
            } while (oldQuality < newQuality);
            return(previousStepTrees.Select(tree => tree.Key.GetNodes().Select(node => node.Data).ToList()).ToList());
Пример #10
 public RibRect(Rib r)
     var radius = r.Sprite.Radius;
     min = r.StartPos;
     max = r.EndPos;
     if (max.X < min.X) {
         var t = max.X;
         max.X = min.X;
         min.X = t;
     if (max.Y < min.Y) {
         var t = max.Y;
         max.Y = min.Y;
         min.Y = t;
     min.X -= radius;
     min.Y -= radius;
     max.X += radius;
     max.Y += radius;
        public void ChangeRib(int from, int to, int value)
            int buffer;

            if (from > to)
                buffer = from;
                from   = to;
                to     = buffer;

            Rib rib = this.ribMapping[new Tuple <int, int>(from, to)];

            int subCount = Math.Min(this.count[from], this.count[to]);

            result += (value - rib.Value) * subCount * (this.n - subCount);

            rib.Value = value;
Пример #12
        }           // Сохранить в памяти первую верину в ребре

        public bool AddSecondTopOfRib(int name)
            if (name_firsttopinrib != name)
                int secondindex = IndexOfTop(name);
                Rib newrib      = new Rib(name_firsttopinrib, name, X_firstpointrib, Y_firstpointrib, Tops[secondindex].X + 12, Tops[secondindex].Y + 12);
                if (!IsExist(newrib))
                Tops[firsttop_index].chosen = false;
                Tops[firsttop_index].chosen = false;
        }          // Добавить ребро в память, на основе первой вершины в памяти и второй вершины (вторая вершина - аргумент)
        public ImportantValue(int n, IEnumerable <Tuple <int, int, int> > ribs)
            this.n          = n;
            this.to         = new List <Rib> [this.n];
            this.ribMapping = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, Rib>();
            this.count      = new int[this.n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                this.to[i] = new List <Rib>();

            int ribCount = 0;

            foreach (var rib in ribs)
                int from = Math.Min(rib.Item1, rib.Item2) - 1;
                int to   = Math.Max(rib.Item1, rib.Item2) - 1;

                Rib ribObject = new Rib()
                    From  = from,
                    To    = to,
                    Value = rib.Item3

                this.ribMapping[new Tuple <int, int>(from, to)] = ribObject;


            this.result = 0;
Пример #14
    public void GenerateRibs()
        // GIVEN
        float length   = data.length;
        float halfBeam = data.beamRatio * length / 2f;
        float draft    = length * data.fullDraftRatio;

        // Bow attributes
        float bowAngle       = data.bow.topAngle * 0.5f * Mathf.PI;
        float bowLength      = data.midship.location * length; // The length of the bow
        float bowBeam        = data.bow.widthRatio * halfBeam;
        float bowSin         = Mathf.Sin(bowAngle);            // The sin of the first angle to be sampled for the bow
        float bowSheerHeight = data.bow.sheerRatio * draft;
        float bowSheerAngle  = data.bow.sheerAngle * 0.5f * Mathf.PI;
        float bowSheerSin    = Mathf.Sin(bowSheerAngle);;

        // Stern attributes
        float sternAngle       = data.stern.topAngle * 0.5f * Mathf.PI;
        float sternLength      = length - bowLength; // The length of the stern
        float sternBeam        = data.stern.widthRatio * halfBeam;
        float sternSin         = Mathf.Sin(sternAngle);
        float sternSheerHeight = draft * data.stern.sheerRatio;
        float sternSheerAngle  = data.stern.sheerAngle * 0.5f * Mathf.PI;
        float sternSheerSin    = Mathf.Sin(sternSheerAngle);;

        // CALCULATED
        // bow attributes
        float bowSampleProfile      = 1f - Mathf.Cos(bowAngle);
        float bowSampleMult         = 1 - bowBeam / halfBeam;
        float bowSheerSampleProfile = 1f - Mathf.Cos(bowSheerAngle);

        float midSampleProfile        = 1 - Mathf.Cos(sternAngle);
        float midSampleMult           = 1 - sternBeam / halfBeam;
        float sternSheerSampleProfile = 1f - Mathf.Cos(sternSheerAngle);

        CircleInterpolator bowDeck  = new CircleInterpolator(bowAngle, 0f);
        CircleInterpolator bowSheer = new CircleInterpolator(bowSheerAngle, 0f);
        CircleInterpolator bowWales = new CircleInterpolator(1f, 0f);

        CircleInterpolator sternDeck  = new CircleInterpolator(sternAngle, 0f);
        CircleInterpolator sternSheer = new CircleInterpolator(sternSheerAngle, 0);

        ribs = new List <Rib>();
        // incremental variables
        float deckX, deckY, deckZ = 0f;

        // Bow
        while (deckZ < bowLength)
            float keyProp = deckZ / bowLength;
            deckY = draft + bowSheerHeight * (1f - bowSheer.GetX(keyProp));
            deckX = bowBeam + (halfBeam - bowBeam) * bowDeck.GetX(keyProp);
            Rib rib = new Rib();

            rib.deck = new Vector3(deckX, deckY, deckZ);
            float waleProp = bowWales.GetX(keyProp);
            float waleX    = deckX * (data.midship.waleWidthRatio * waleProp + data.bow.waleWidthRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            float waleY    = deckY * (data.midship.waleDraftRatio * waleProp + data.bow.waleDraftRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            rib.wale = new Vector3(waleX, waleY, deckZ);
            float bilgeX = deckX * (data.midship.bilgeWidthRatio * waleProp + data.bow.bilgeWidthRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            float bilgeY = deckY * (data.midship.bilgeDraftRatio * waleProp + data.bow.bilgeDraftRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            rib.bilge = new Vector3(bilgeX, bilgeY, deckZ);
            float bottomX = deckX * (data.midship.bottomWidthRatio * waleProp + data.bow.bottomWidthRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            float bottomY = deckY * (data.midship.bottomDraftRatio * waleProp + data.bow.bottomDraftRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            rib.bottom = new Vector3(bottomX, bottomY, deckZ);
        while (deckZ <= length)
            float keyProp = (1f - (deckZ - bowLength) / sternLength);
            deckY = draft + sternSheerHeight * (1f - sternSheer.GetX(keyProp));
            deckX = sternBeam + (halfBeam - sternBeam) * sternDeck.GetX(keyProp);
            Rib rib = new Rib();
            rib.deck = new Vector3(deckX, deckY, deckZ);
            float waleProp = bowWales.GetX(keyProp);
            float waleX    = deckX * (data.midship.waleWidthRatio * waleProp + data.stern.waleWidthRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            float waleY    = deckY * (data.midship.waleDraftRatio * waleProp + data.stern.waleDraftRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            rib.wale = new Vector3(waleX, waleY, deckZ);
            float bilgeX = deckX * (data.midship.bilgeWidthRatio * waleProp + data.stern.bilgeWidthRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            float bilgeY = deckY * (data.midship.bilgeDraftRatio * waleProp + data.stern.bilgeDraftRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            rib.bilge = new Vector3(bilgeX, bilgeY, deckZ);
            float bottomX = deckX * (data.midship.bottomWidthRatio * waleProp + data.stern.bottomWidthRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            float bottomY = deckY * (data.midship.bottomDraftRatio * waleProp + data.stern.bottomDraftRatio * (1f - waleProp));
            rib.bottom = new Vector3(bottomX, bottomY, deckZ);
Пример #15
 public void Remove(Rib rib)
     if (times.ContainsKey(rib)) {
Пример #16
 public void Move(double dt)
     x += (float)(vx * dt);
     y += (float)(vy * dt);
     alpha += (float)(omega * dt);
     if (vx < 0) {
         if (x < radius) {
             x = radius * 2 - x;
             vx = -vx;
     } else if (x >= U.WX - radius) {
         x = (U.WX - radius) * 2 - x;
         vx = -vx;
     if (vy < 0) {
         if (y < radius) {
             y = radius * 2 - y;
             vy = -vy;
     } else if (y >= U.WY - radius) {
         y = (U.WY - radius) * 2 - y;
         vy = -vy;
 public void MakeMove(double starttime, double endtime, List<Rib> ribs)
     Rib r = new Rib(this, endtime, starttime);
Пример #17
 public Collision(Rib rib)
     self = rib;
     rect = new RibRect(rib);
     times = new Dictionary<Rib, double>();
Пример #18
 public void Update(Rib rib)
     Position = rib.EndPos;
     Speed = rib.Speed;
     alpha += omega * rib.DeltaTime;
Пример #19
        public void Ribの出力_リブ外形を構築()
            WingSection partWing = new WingSection(null);

            Plank plank = new Plank(partWing);

            plank.PlankThin.Value      = 2;
            plank.PlankUpperPos.Value  = 0.4;
            plank.PlankDownerPos.Value = 0.2;

            Stringer stringer1 = new Stringer(partWing);

            stringer1.AirfoilSide.Value    = AirfoilSide.Upper;
            stringer1.StringerPos.Value    = 0.4;
            stringer1.StringerHeight.Value = 4;
            stringer1.StringerWidth.Value  = 2;

            Stringer stringer2 = new Stringer(partWing);

            stringer2.AirfoilSide.Value    = AirfoilSide.Upper;
            stringer2.StringerPos.Value    = 0.2;
            stringer2.StringerHeight.Value = 4;
            stringer2.StringerWidth.Value  = 2;

            Stringer stringer3 = new Stringer(partWing);

            stringer3.AirfoilSide.Value    = AirfoilSide.Downer;
            stringer3.StringerPos.Value    = 0.2;
            stringer3.StringerHeight.Value = 4;
            stringer3.StringerWidth.Value  = 2;

            Rib rib = new Rib(partWing);

            rib.Chord.Value = 1000;
            rib.RibCap.Value.RibCapThin.Value = 1;
            rib.Airfoil.Coordinate.Points     = new List <Pos>()
                { new Pos(1.00000, 0.00060) },
                { new Pos(0.99344, 0.00216) },
                { new Pos(0.98165, 0.00494) },
                { new Pos(0.96782, 0.00820) },
                { new Pos(0.95254, 0.01174) },
                { new Pos(0.93656, 0.01540) },
                { new Pos(0.92034, 0.01904) },
                { new Pos(0.90394, 0.02264) },
                { new Pos(0.88745, 0.02620) },
                { new Pos(0.87096, 0.02969) },
                { new Pos(0.85444, 0.03311) },
                { new Pos(0.83791, 0.03647) },
                { new Pos(0.82138, 0.03975) },
                { new Pos(0.80484, 0.04296) },
                { new Pos(0.78829, 0.04609) },
                { new Pos(0.77175, 0.04914) },
                { new Pos(0.75520, 0.05211) },
                { new Pos(0.73864, 0.05500) },
                { new Pos(0.72207, 0.05782) },
                { new Pos(0.70549, 0.06054) },
                { new Pos(0.68890, 0.06319) },
                { new Pos(0.67234, 0.06575) },
                { new Pos(0.65579, 0.06822) },
                { new Pos(0.63925, 0.07058) },
                { new Pos(0.62277, 0.07284) },
                { new Pos(0.60630, 0.07497) },
                { new Pos(0.58980, 0.07700) },
                { new Pos(0.57336, 0.07890) },
                { new Pos(0.55689, 0.08068) },
                { new Pos(0.54041, 0.08233) },
                { new Pos(0.52391, 0.08386) },
                { new Pos(0.50740, 0.08528) },
                { new Pos(0.49093, 0.08658) },
                { new Pos(0.47448, 0.08773) },
                { new Pos(0.45804, 0.08876) },
                { new Pos(0.44164, 0.08964) },
                { new Pos(0.42531, 0.09037) },
                { new Pos(0.40900, 0.09093) },
                { new Pos(0.39270, 0.09133) },
                { new Pos(0.37637, 0.09156) },
                { new Pos(0.36001, 0.09163) },
                { new Pos(0.34360, 0.09155) },
                { new Pos(0.32714, 0.09133) },
                { new Pos(0.31066, 0.09097) },
                { new Pos(0.29417, 0.09050) },
                { new Pos(0.27783, 0.08991) },
                { new Pos(0.26173, 0.08917) },
                { new Pos(0.24588, 0.08824) },
                { new Pos(0.23032, 0.08707) },
                { new Pos(0.21499, 0.08564) },
                { new Pos(0.19990, 0.08391) },
                { new Pos(0.18499, 0.08184) },
                { new Pos(0.17016, 0.07943) },
                { new Pos(0.15538, 0.07667) },
                { new Pos(0.14076, 0.07361) },
                { new Pos(0.12636, 0.07023) },
                { new Pos(0.11227, 0.06655) },
                { new Pos(0.09860, 0.06257) },
                { new Pos(0.08537, 0.05829) },
                { new Pos(0.07278, 0.05382) },
                { new Pos(0.06126, 0.04929) },
                { new Pos(0.05105, 0.04478) },
                { new Pos(0.04218, 0.04032) },
                { new Pos(0.03460, 0.03598) },
                { new Pos(0.02824, 0.03180) },
                { new Pos(0.02293, 0.02781) },
                { new Pos(0.01848, 0.02403) },
                { new Pos(0.01473, 0.02054) },
                { new Pos(0.01155, 0.01741) },
                { new Pos(0.00885, 0.01465) },
                { new Pos(0.00660, 0.01217) },
                { new Pos(0.00472, 0.00989) },
                { new Pos(0.00318, 0.00774) },
                { new Pos(0.00194, 0.00569) },
                { new Pos(0.00100, 0.00372) },
                { new Pos(0.00035, 0.00181) },
                { new Pos(-0.00000, -0.00003) },
                { new Pos(-0.00004, -0.00185) },
                { new Pos(0.00022, -0.00368) },
                { new Pos(0.00082, -0.00552) },
                { new Pos(0.00173, -0.00735) },
                { new Pos(0.00293, -0.00918) },
                { new Pos(0.00443, -0.01100) },
                { new Pos(0.00623, -0.01280) },
                { new Pos(0.00837, -0.01457) },
                { new Pos(0.01086, -0.01630) },
                { new Pos(0.01379, -0.01790) },
                { new Pos(0.01726, -0.01936) },
                { new Pos(0.02137, -0.02066) },
                { new Pos(0.02632, -0.02186) },
                { new Pos(0.03239, -0.02309) },
                { new Pos(0.03973, -0.02447) },
                { new Pos(0.04842, -0.02584) },
                { new Pos(0.05871, -0.02701) },
                { new Pos(0.07083, -0.02794) },
                { new Pos(0.08476, -0.02870) },
                { new Pos(0.09979, -0.02937) },
                { new Pos(0.11534, -0.02985) },
                { new Pos(0.13129, -0.03015) },
                { new Pos(0.14744, -0.03027) },
                { new Pos(0.16378, -0.03023) },
                { new Pos(0.18028, -0.03005) },
                { new Pos(0.19687, -0.02974) },
                { new Pos(0.21359, -0.02932) },
                { new Pos(0.23047, -0.02883) },
                { new Pos(0.24741, -0.02827) },
                { new Pos(0.26443, -0.02766) },
                { new Pos(0.28157, -0.02701) },
                { new Pos(0.29876, -0.02636) },
                { new Pos(0.31597, -0.02571) },
                { new Pos(0.33319, -0.02507) },
                { new Pos(0.35042, -0.02444) },
                { new Pos(0.36766, -0.02381) },
                { new Pos(0.38492, -0.02318) },
                { new Pos(0.40218, -0.02255) },
                { new Pos(0.41944, -0.02192) },
                { new Pos(0.43669, -0.02129) },
                { new Pos(0.45393, -0.02066) },
                { new Pos(0.47116, -0.02003) },
                { new Pos(0.48838, -0.01939) },
                { new Pos(0.50557, -0.01876) },
                { new Pos(0.52274, -0.01813) },
                { new Pos(0.53990, -0.01749) },
                { new Pos(0.55706, -0.01687) },
                { new Pos(0.57423, -0.01623) },
                { new Pos(0.59142, -0.01560) },
                { new Pos(0.60864, -0.01498) },
                { new Pos(0.62583, -0.01434) },
                { new Pos(0.64299, -0.01371) },
                { new Pos(0.66015, -0.01308) },
                { new Pos(0.67729, -0.01245) },
                { new Pos(0.69444, -0.01182) },
                { new Pos(0.71158, -0.01119) },
                { new Pos(0.72873, -0.01056) },
                { new Pos(0.74587, -0.00993) },
                { new Pos(0.76302, -0.00930) },
                { new Pos(0.78018, -0.00867) },
                { new Pos(0.79735, -0.00804) },
                { new Pos(0.81454, -0.00741) },
                { new Pos(0.83176, -0.00678) },
                { new Pos(0.84894, -0.00615) },
                { new Pos(0.86610, -0.00552) },
                { new Pos(0.88324, -0.00489) },
                { new Pos(0.90035, -0.00426) },
                { new Pos(0.91741, -0.00364) },
                { new Pos(0.93432, -0.00301) },
                { new Pos(0.95093, -0.00240) },
                { new Pos(0.96680, -0.00182) },
                { new Pos(0.98113, -0.00129) },
                { new Pos(0.99325, -0.00085) },
                { new Pos(1.00000, -0.00060) }

            partWing.TrainingEdge.Value.TrainlingEdgeLength.Value = 25;

            string       actual = DXF.Content(rib);
            StreamReader sr     = new StreamReader("Resource/DXF/Rib.dxf");
            string       expect = sr.ReadToEnd();

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expect);
Пример #20
 private List<Rib> applyCollision(Collision first, Rib rib, double dt)
     double time = first.GetTime(rib);
     Collision second = rib.Collision;
     Rib self = first.SelfRib;
     // remove ribs from both collisions
     if (self.Sprite.image == rib.Sprite.image) {
         // the collision occurs b/w the same type of objects
         // remove all ribs corresponding to this sprite
         ribs.RemoveAll(r => r.Sprite == rib.Sprite);
         ribs.RemoveAll(r => r.Sprite == self.Sprite);
         // scan through all other ribs in the collections and remove
         // move sprites
         // create a new rib
         Sprite sprite = new Sprite(self.Sprite.image, self.Sprite, rib.Sprite);
         List<Rib> moreribs = new List<Rib>();
         sprite.MakeMove(time, dt, moreribs);
         return moreribs;
     } else {
         return null;
Пример #21
 private static bool matchRibNull(Rib rib)
     return rib == null || rib.Sprite == null;
Пример #22
 private static int compareRibRectsByX(RibRect a, RibRect b) {
     return a.min.X.CompareTo(b.min.X);
 private static int compareRibsByEndTime(Rib a, Rib b)
     return a.EndTime.CompareTo(b.EndTime);
Пример #23
 public void Flip()
     #region Arrange
     // Nodes.
     var A = new Point(0, 5);
     var B = new Point(5, 0);
     var C = new Point(0, 0);
     var D = new Point(5, 5);
     var L = new Point(-3, 2);
     var T = new Point(3, 7);
     var R = new Point(7, 2);
     var Q = new Point(3, -2);
     // Triangles.
     var LT = new Triangle();
     var TT = new Triangle();
     var RT = new Triangle();
     var QT = new Triangle();
     var T1 = new Triangle();
     var T2 = new Triangle();
     // Ribs.
     // Left triangle.
     var LA = new Rib(L, A, LT, null);
     var LC = new Rib(L, C, LT, null);
     var AC = new Rib(A, C, LT, T1);
     // Top triangle.
     var TA = new Rib(T, A, TT, null);
     var TD = new Rib(T, D, TT, null);
     var AD = new Rib(A, D, TT, T2);
     // Right triangle.
     var RD = new Rib(R, D, RT, null);
     var RB = new Rib(R, B, RT, null);
     var BD = new Rib(B, D, RT, T2);
     // Bottom triangle.
     var QC = new Rib(Q, C, QT, null);
     var QB = new Rib(Q, B, QT, null);
     var BC = new Rib(B, C, QT, T1);
     // Diagonal.
     var AB = new Rib(A, B, T1, T2);
     // Set ribs for triangles.
     LT.SetRibs(LA, LC, AC);
     TT.SetRibs(TA, TD, AD);
     RT.SetRibs(RD, RB, BD);
     QT.SetRibs(QC, QB, BC);
     T1.SetRibs(AC, BC, AB);
     T2.SetRibs(AD, BD, AB);
     // Update triangles.
     Triangle.Update(LT, TT, RT, QT, T1, T2);
     #region Act
     Triangulation.Flip(T1, T2);
     #region Assert
     // Left.
     // Top.
     // Right.
     // Bottom.
     // T1 & T2.
Пример #24
        public RibViewModel(Rib rib)
            model       = rib;
            rib.Airfoil = new Airfoil();
            Chord       = rib.Chord.ToReactiveProperty();
            Lrho        = rib.Chord.CombineLatest(rib.Airfoil.AirfoilPerformance.CL, (x, y) => x * y).ToReactiveProperty();

            Airfoil  = ReactiveProperty.FromObject(rib, x => x.Airfoil);
            Airfoils = Project.Airfoil.ToReadOnlyReactiveCollection();

            ExportDXF.Subscribe(async _ =>
                // TODO
                // 本来ここは入らない
                WingSection partWing = model.Parent.Value as WingSection;

                Plank plank                = new Plank(partWing);
                plank.PlankThin.Value      = 2;
                plank.PlankUpperPos.Value  = 0.4;
                plank.PlankDownerPos.Value = 0.2;

                Stringer stringer1             = new Stringer(partWing);
                stringer1.AirfoilSide.Value    = AirfoilSide.Upper;
                stringer1.StringerPos.Value    = 0.4;
                stringer1.StringerHeight.Value = 4;
                stringer1.StringerWidth.Value  = 2;

                Stringer stringer2             = new Stringer(partWing);
                stringer2.AirfoilSide.Value    = AirfoilSide.Upper;
                stringer2.StringerPos.Value    = 0.2;
                stringer2.StringerHeight.Value = 4;
                stringer2.StringerWidth.Value  = 2;

                Stringer stringer3             = new Stringer(partWing);
                stringer3.AirfoilSide.Value    = AirfoilSide.Downer;
                stringer3.StringerPos.Value    = 0.2;
                stringer3.StringerHeight.Value = 4;
                stringer3.StringerWidth.Value  = 2;

                partWing.Plank.Value = plank;
                partWing.TrainingEdge.Value.TrainlingEdgeLength.Value = 25;


                string content = DXF.Content(model);
                var savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
                savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("DXF図面交換ファイル", new List <string>()
                StorageFile file = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
                if (file != null)
                    await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, content);