Пример #1
        static void AssertParse(string text, RfcComplianceMode mode)
            var            buffer  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);
            var            options = ParserOptions.Default.Clone();
            MailboxAddress mailbox;

            options.AddressParserComplianceMode = mode;

            try {
                Assert.IsTrue(MailboxAddress.TryParse(options, text, out mailbox), "MailboxAddress.TryParse(ParserOptions, string) should succeed.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.TryParse(ParserOptions, string) should not throw an exception: {0}", ex);

            try {
                Assert.IsTrue(MailboxAddress.TryParse(options, buffer, out mailbox), "MailboxAddress.TryParse(ParserOptions, byte[]) should succeed.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.TryParse(ParserOptions, byte[]) should not throw an exception: {0}", ex);

            try {
                Assert.IsTrue(MailboxAddress.TryParse(options, buffer, 0, out mailbox), "MailboxAddress.TryParse(ParserOptions, byte[], int) should succeed.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.TryParse(ParserOptions, byte[], int) should not throw an exception: {0}", ex);

            try {
                Assert.IsTrue(MailboxAddress.TryParse(options, buffer, 0, buffer.Length, out mailbox), "MailboxAddress.TryParse(ParserOptions, byte[], int, int) should succeed.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.TryParse(ParserOptions, byte[], int, int) should not throw an exception: {0}", ex);

            try {
                mailbox = MailboxAddress.Parse(options, text);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(ParserOptions, string) should not throw an exception: {0}", ex);

            try {
                mailbox = MailboxAddress.Parse(options, buffer);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(ParserOptions, string) should not throw an exception: {0}", ex);

            try {
                mailbox = MailboxAddress.Parse(options, buffer, 0);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(ParserOptions, string) should not throw an exception: {0}", ex);

            try {
                mailbox = MailboxAddress.Parse(options, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(ParserOptions, string) should not throw an exception: {0}", ex);
        static void AssertParseFailure(string text, bool result, int tokenIndex, int errorIndex, RfcComplianceMode mode = RfcComplianceMode.Loose)
            var            buffer  = text.Length > 0 ? Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text) : new byte[1];
            var            options = ParserOptions.Default.Clone();
            MailboxAddress mailbox;

            options.AddressParserComplianceMode = mode;

            Assert.AreEqual(result, MailboxAddress.TryParse(options, text, out mailbox), "MailboxAddress.TryParse(string)");
            Assert.AreEqual(result, MailboxAddress.TryParse(options, buffer, out mailbox), "MailboxAddress.TryParse(byte[])");
            Assert.AreEqual(result, MailboxAddress.TryParse(options, buffer, 0, out mailbox), "MailboxAddress.TryParse(byte[], int)");
            Assert.AreEqual(result, MailboxAddress.TryParse(options, buffer, 0, buffer.Length, out mailbox), "MailboxAddress.TryParse(byte[], int, int)");

            try {
                MailboxAddress.Parse(options, text);
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(string) should fail.");
            } catch (ParseException ex) {
                Assert.AreEqual(tokenIndex, ex.TokenIndex, "ParseException did not have the correct token index.");
                Assert.AreEqual(errorIndex, ex.ErrorIndex, "ParseException did not have the error index.");
            } catch {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(string) should throw ParseException.");

            try {
                MailboxAddress.Parse(options, buffer);
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(byte[]) should fail.");
            } catch (ParseException ex) {
                Assert.AreEqual(tokenIndex, ex.TokenIndex, "ParseException did not have the correct token index.");
                Assert.AreEqual(errorIndex, ex.ErrorIndex, "ParseException did not have the error index.");
            } catch {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(new byte[]) should throw ParseException.");

            try {
                MailboxAddress.Parse(options, buffer, 0);
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(byte[], int) should fail.");
            } catch (ParseException ex) {
                Assert.AreEqual(tokenIndex, ex.TokenIndex, "ParseException did not have the correct token index.");
                Assert.AreEqual(errorIndex, ex.ErrorIndex, "ParseException did not have the error index.");
            } catch {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(new byte[], int) should throw ParseException.");

            try {
                MailboxAddress.Parse(options, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(byte[], int, int) should fail.");
            } catch (ParseException ex) {
                Assert.AreEqual(tokenIndex, ex.TokenIndex, "ParseException did not have the correct token index.");
                Assert.AreEqual(errorIndex, ex.ErrorIndex, "ParseException did not have the error index.");
            } catch {
                Assert.Fail("MailboxAddress.Parse(new byte[], int, int) should throw ParseException.");
Пример #3
		// Note: this .ctor is used only by the MimeParser
		internal MimeMessage (ParserOptions options, IEnumerable<Header> headers)
			addresses = new Dictionary<string, InternetAddressList> (MimeUtils.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
			Headers = new HeaderList (options);

			compliance = RfcComplianceMode.Loose;

			// initialize our address lists
			foreach (var name in StandardAddressHeaders) {
				var list = new InternetAddressList ();
				list.Changed += InternetAddressListChanged;
				addresses.Add (name, list);

			references = new MessageIdList ();
			references.Changed += ReferencesChanged;
			inreplyto = null;

			Headers.Changed += HeadersChanged;

			// add all of our message headers...
			foreach (var header in headers) {
				if (header.Field.StartsWith ("Content-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

				Headers.Add (header);
Пример #4
		internal MimeMessage (ParserOptions options)
			addresses = new Dictionary<string, InternetAddressList> (MimeUtils.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
			Headers = new HeaderList (options);

			compliance = RfcComplianceMode.Strict;

			// initialize our address lists
			foreach (var name in StandardAddressHeaders) {
				var list = new InternetAddressList ();
				list.Changed += InternetAddressListChanged;
				addresses.Add (name, list);

			references = new MessageIdList ();
			references.Changed += ReferencesChanged;
			inreplyto = null;

			Headers.Changed += HeadersChanged;