Пример #1
 public static void OnGetLoginBonusRes(GetLoginBonusRes ret)
     if (ret.errcode == 0)
         if (ret != null)
             RewardStruct reward = new RewardStruct(ret);
             EquipConfig  config = EquipConfig.GetEquipByID(ret.id);
             if (config.IsMoney())
                 PlayerManager.player_data.money += ret.num;
             List <RewardStruct> list = new List <RewardStruct>();
             if (LoginBonusPanel.Instance != null)
         string  ErrTips = ErrCodeConfig.GetTipsById(ret.errcode);
         PopItem item    = UIManager.AddItem <PopItem>("PopItem", UIManager.PopPanelRoot);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrTips))
Пример #2
 IEnumerator ShowReward(RewardStruct reward)
     rewardImage.sprite = ResManager.GetResource <Sprite>(EquipConfig.GetEquipResNameByID(reward.rewardid));
     rewardnum.text     = reward.rewardnum.ToString();
     rewardImage.transform.DOScale(Vector3.one, 0.378f).SetDelay(0.195f).SetEase(Ease.OutBack).OnComplete(delegate()
         if (RewardQueue.Count > 0)
             rewardImage.transform.DOScale(Vector3.zero, 0.3f).SetDelay(2.0f).OnComplete(delegate { StartCoroutine(ShowRewardAnima()); });
             IsCanClose = true;
     yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate state rewards and store in stateRewards
        /// Transition rewards are prepared and stored in sysDDs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sysDDs"></param>
        private void ComputeRewards(SystemDDs sysDDs)
            int numRewardStructs = modules.rewardStructs.Count;

            //Initialize reward of State and the resulted SystemDDs sysDDs
            for (int j = 0; j < numRewardStructs; j++)


                for (int i = 0; i < synchs.Count; i++)

            // for each reward structure...
            for (int j = 0; j < numRewardStructs; j++)
                // get reward struct
                RewardStruct rs = modules.rewardStructs[j];

                // work through list of items in reward struct
                foreach (var rewardItem in rs.items)
                    // translate states predicate and reward expression
                    CUDDNode guard   = EncodeExpression(rewardItem.guard);
                    CUDDNode rewards = EncodeExpression(rewardItem.reward);

                    CUDDNode rewardDD;
                    string   synch = rewardItem.synch;
                    if (synch == null)
                        // first case: item corresponds to state rewards

                        // restrict rewards to relevant states
                        rewardDD = CUDD.Function.Times(guard, rewards);

                        // check for negative rewards
                        if (CUDD.FindMin(rewardDD) < 0)
                            throw new Exception("Reward structure item with guard " + rewardItem.guard + " contains negative rewards");
                        // add to state rewards
                        stateRewards[j] = CUDD.Function.Plus(stateRewards[j], rewardDD);
                        // second case: item corresponds to transition rewards

                        //find the corresponding component to update the reward
                        ComponentDDs compDDs;

                        // work out which (if any) action this is for
                        if (synch == string.Empty)
                            compDDs = sysDDs.ind;
                        else if (synchs.Contains(synch))
                            int k = synchs.IndexOf(synch);
                            compDDs = sysDDs.synchs[k];
                            throw new Exception("Invalid action name \"" + synch + "\" in reward structure item");

                        // identify corresponding transitions
                        // (for dtmcs/ctmcs, keep actual values - need to weight rewards; for mdps just store 0/1)
                        rewardDD = (modules.modelType == ModelType.MDP)? (CUDD.Convert.GreaterThan(compDDs.trans, 0)): compDDs.trans;

                        // restrict to relevant states
                        rewardDD = CUDD.Function.Times(rewardDD, guard);
                        // multiply by reward values
                        rewardDD = CUDD.Function.Times(rewardDD, rewards);

                        // check for negative rewards
                        if (CUDD.FindMin(rewardDD) < 0)
                            throw new Exception("Reward structure item with guard " + rewardItem.guard + " contains negative rewards");
                        // add result to rewards
                        compDDs.rewards[j] = CUDD.Function.Plus(compDDs.rewards[j], rewardDD);