/// <summary>
        /// Refusing a connection.
        /// Returns an UNDEFINED player packet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The client model</param>
        public ReversiClientModel RefuseConnection(ReversiClientModel model)
            //PlayerModel newplayer = DataTransmission.DeserializeData<PlayerModel>(client);

            //Console.WriteLine("... GameServer: Refusing connection for " + newplayer.Name + ". Maximum number of server connections exceeded.");

            //if (client != null)
            //    newplayer.IDType = Players.UNDEFINED;
            //    try
            //    {
            //        DataTransmission.SerializeData<PlayerModel>(newplayer, client);
            //    }
            //    catch
            //    {
            //        throw new SocketException();
            //    }

            //Remove the player from the WaitingList
            //foreach (PlayerModel p in WaitingList)
            //    if (p.Socket == client)
            //    {
            //        WaitingList.Remove(p);
            //        break;
            //    }

            //client.Close();                   // close the socket
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether a connection should be accepted or refused
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model to accept or refuse</param>
        /// <param name="status">The returned status of this connection request</param>
        public ReversiClientModel AcceptOrRefuseConnection(ReversiClientModel model, out ConnectionStatusTypes status)
            string str = model.ConnectionSocket.Client.Handle.ToString();


            if ((model.ConnectionSocket == null))
                status = ConnectionStatusTypes.StatusConnectionError;

            // Send a connection declined message for too many connections
            if (ConnectedClientModelList.Count > ServerSettings.MaxServerConnections)
                model  = RefuseConnection(model);
                status = ConnectionStatusTypes.StatusConnectionRefused;
            // Otherwise accept the connection
                model  = AcceptConnection(model);
                status = ConnectionStatusTypes.StatusConnectionAccepted;

            model.CurrentStatus = status;

        /// <summary>
        /// Refuse a connection and close the socket
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newModel"></param>
        public ReversiClientModel RefuseConnection(ReversiClientModel newModel)
            // And immediately return it without updating the ID
            newModel.CurrentStatus = ConnectionStatusTypes.StatusConnectionRefused;

                DataTransmission.SerializeData <ReversiClientModel>(newModel, newModel.ConnectionSocket);
                throw new SocketException();


            ClientDisconnectedEventArgs args = new ClientDisconnectedEventArgs
                client = newModel, TimeOfDisconnect = DateTime.Now


        /// <summary>
        /// The main thread handle for this reversi server.
        /// </summary>
        public override void HandleServerThread()
            Console.WriteLine("Server " + Id + ":  Starting HandleServerThread");

            while (!ShouldShutdown)
                if (ConnectedClientModelList.Count == 0)
                    //Console.WriteLine("No clients on ReversiServerManager " + Id);

                //// Check for enough clients to place on a server
                //Console.WriteLine("RSM currently has " + ConnectedClientModelList.Count + " clients connected to it...");

                // Get the oldest client
                ReversiClientModel oldestClientModel = (ReversiClientModel)GetOldestClientModelFromConnectedList();
                Console.WriteLine("-- Oldest available client is: " + oldestClientModel.Id);

                // Find an available game server or create a new one
                ReversiGameServerModel availableServer = (ReversiGameServerModel)GetAvailableServer(ServerTypes.ServerGameserver);
                Console.WriteLine("-- Available server is: " + availableServer.Id);

                // Move the client model to a reversi game server....
                Console.WriteLine("-- Adding client " + oldestClientModel.Id + " to game server " + availableServer.Id);

                // And remove it from the connected list
                //Console.WriteLine("-- Client removed from ReversiServerManager list");
Пример #5
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Launching Application");

            Manager = new ReversiServerManagerModel();
            Manager.ListenerSocket = Manager.StartManager();  // Returns the TcoListener for this server

            // Now listen for incoming connections and add them to the connections list as they come in.
            // The server managers HandleServerThread will assign them to appropriate game and/or chat servers.
            while (!Manager.ShouldShutdown)
                // Listen for connections
                TcpClient newTcpClientSocket = Manager.ListenForConnections();

                // Receive the response from the client, and readd the connection socket to the object since it's not serialized.
                ReversiClientModel newTcpClientModel = DataTransmission.DeserializeData <ReversiClientModel>(newTcpClientSocket);
                newTcpClientModel.ConnectionSocket = newTcpClientSocket;

                // Determine what we should do with the connection and send the appropriate response
                newTcpClientModel = Manager.AcceptOrRefuseConnection(newTcpClientModel, out var status);

                // If the connection was accepted then add the model to the connected models list
                if (status == ConnectionStatusTypes.StatusConnectionAccepted)
                    Console.WriteLine("Server manager #" + Manager.Id + " has accepted client " + newTcpClientModel.Id + ".");
                else if (status == ConnectionStatusTypes.StatusConnectionRefused)
                    Console.WriteLine("Server manager #" + Manager.Id + " has refused client" + newTcpClientModel.Id + ".");

                // List our connected clients for testing.

                // Dispose of the temporary client
                newTcpClientModel = null;

            // Shutdown the server manager
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts a connection request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newModel"></param>
        public ReversiClientModel AcceptConnection(ReversiClientModel newModel)
            // And updating the ID and status
            newModel.CurrentStatus         = ConnectionStatusTypes.StatusConnectionAccepted;
            newModel.ClientPlayer.PlayerId = newModel.NextId();   // updates the players ID here.
                DataTransmission.SerializeData <ReversiClientModel>(newModel, newModel.ConnectionSocket);
                newModel.CurrentStatus = ConnectionStatusTypes.StatusConnectionError;

            ClientConnectedEventArgs args = new ClientConnectedEventArgs
                client           = newModel,
                TimeOfConnection = DateTime.Now


        //private static List<TcpClient> GatherPlayerSocketList(List<PlayerModel> p)
        //    List<TcpClient> temp = new List<TcpClient>();

        //    // Once two players have connected, start the game with the two players.
        //    foreach (PlayerModel item in p)
        //    {
        //        TcpClient socket = GetSocketByPlayerID(item.PlayerID);
        //        Console.WriteLine("...... " + item.Name + " is " + item.IDType);
        //        item.Socket = socket;  // save the socket reference for the game
        //        temp.Add(socket);
        //    }

        //    return temp;

        public override void Update()
            var temp = ConnectedClientModelList;

            ReversiClientModel client = (ReversiClientModel)GetOldestClientModelFromConnectedList();


            if (!WaitingList.Contains(client))

            // If insufficient players have joined, add to wait list...
            if (WaitingList.Count < ReversiSettings.ReversiPlayersPerGame)
                // Do nothing here

            // If two players and no running game, start the game
            if ((WaitingList.Count == ReversiSettings.ReversiPlayersPerGame) && RunningGames.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("-- GameServer: Creating 1st game");


                // Create the game thread to handle this matchup and
                // Populate the players
                Thread gameThread = new Thread(InitializeMatchup);

                // Start the game

            // If a game is already running, add the player to the waiting list...
            if (RunningGames.Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("-- GameServer:  A game is already running so add client to waiting list");

            // If someone already in the waiting list, and another player joins, allow option for players to start their own game...
            if (WaitingList.Count == ReversiSettings.ReversiPlayersPerGame)
                Console.WriteLine("-- Sending option to Wait List for additional games to be created...");
                // TODO:  Send choice to waiting list about whether to keep waiting or to start a new game...
                // Continue waiting...
                // Or start a game with waiting list

            string str = string.Empty;

            str += "-------------------------------\n";
            foreach (ReversiClientModel item in WaitingList)
                str += item.ClientPlayer.PlayerId + " -- " + item.ClientPlayer.Name + "\n";
            str += "-------------------------------\n";
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Removes a player from the staging area to the gameroom.
        ///// </summary>
        //private static void RemovePlayersFromStaging()
        //    for (int i = ReversiSettings.ReversiPlayersPerGame - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        //    {
        //        StagingArea.RemoveAt(i);
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// The main thread routine for each game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The game staging area list of client models</param>
        private void InitializeMatchup(object data)
            List <ReversiClientModel> clientModels = (List <ReversiClientModel>)data;

            //// Create the game instance which moves the players to the game room
            ReversiGameModel game = new ReversiGameModel(clientModels);

            RunningGames.Add(game.GameId, game);  // add the game to the dictionary of running games

            Console.WriteLine("... GameServer: Matchup pairing complete. Game " + game.GameId.ToString() + " is ready to start.");

            // Send the game object to each of the clients.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ClientModel> item in game.CurrentPlayersList)
                ReversiClientModel client = (ReversiClientModel)item.Value;

                // Send the game data to each of the players
                Console.WriteLine("Sending initial game matchup to players");
                DataTransmission.SerializeData <ReversiGameModel>(game, client.ConnectionSocket);

                // And remove the players from the Staging area.

            //// The main game loop. Process individual moves here
            List <TcpClient> sockets = game.GetPlayersSocketList();

            while (!game.GameIsOver)
                // If the game is paused ignore the user input
                if (game.GameIsPaused == true)

                if (game.GameOverCheckRequired)
                    if (game.CheckGameOver(game.CurrentPlayer) == true)
                        Console.WriteLine("No available moves for " + game.CurrentPlayer);
                        game.GameIsOver = true;

                    Console.WriteLine("Valid moves available for " + game.CurrentPlayer);
                    game.GameOverCheckRequired = false;

                // If the current turn is valid and complete, switch to the next player
                if (game.TurnComplete)
                    game.TurnComplete          = false;
                    game.GameOverCheckRequired = true;

                    // Update the game model for all players...

                List <ClientModel> disconnectList = new List <ClientModel>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ClientModel> item in game.CurrentPlayersList)
                    ClientModel client = item.Value;
                    Socket      s      = client.ConnectionSocket.Client;

                    // Check for disconnected sockets
                    if (!SocketConnected(s))
                        Console.WriteLine("GameServer: (GameID #" + game.GameId + ")");


                // Remove any disconnected players from the game...
                foreach (ClientModel disconnectClient in disconnectList)
                    ClientDisconnectedEventArgs args = new ClientDisconnectedEventArgs
                        client           = disconnectClient,
                        TimeOfDisconnect = DateTime.Now
                    game.GameIsPaused = true;

                        // Do nothing

                // Now proceed through the current player list, looking for moves sent by the clients
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ClientModel> item in game.CurrentPlayersList)
                    NetworkStream stream;
                        stream = item.Value.ConnectionSocket.GetStream();
                    catch (ObjectDisposedException e)
                        // Catches a disposed socket possibility here in case it hasn't been fully disposed yet.

                    if (stream.DataAvailable)
                        GameMoveModel move = DataTransmission.DeserializeData <GameMoveModel>(item.Value.ConnectionSocket);
                        Console.WriteLine("GameServer: (GameID #" + game.GameId + ")" + move.ByPlayer + " move request received");

                        if (move.ByPlayer == game.CurrentPlayer)
                            game.CurrentMoveIndex = move.MoveIndex;

                            // Check that the move was valid.
                            if (game.PlayTurn())
                                Console.WriteLine("GameServer: (GameID #" + game.GameId + ")" + move.ByPlayer + " submitted a valid move");
                                game.TurnComplete     = true;
                                game.CurrentMoveIndex = move.MoveIndex;
                            Console.WriteLine("GameServer: (GameID #" + game.GameId + ") Move received by opponent.  Ignoring...");

            // At this point the game is over.
            Console.WriteLine("The game is over...");