Пример #1
        public void ReverseGeoCode_RadialSearch_ReturnsMaxCountResults()
            // Read a file with data with points in and around London in a 20Km radius
            var data       = GeoFileReader.ReadExtendedGeoNames(@"testdata\test_GB.txt").ToArray();
            var rg         = new ReverseGeoCode <ExtendedGeoName>(data);
            var center     = rg.CreateFromLatLong(51.5286416, 0); //Exactly at 0 longitude so we test left/right of prime meridian
            var maxresults = 10;

            Assert.AreEqual(47, data.Length);   //File should contain 47 records total

            var expected_ids = new[] { 2643741, 2646003, 2643743, 6690870, 2651621, 2655775, 2636503, 2634677, 2656194, 2653266 };

            Assert.AreEqual(maxresults, expected_ids.Length);

            // Search from the/a center in London for all points in a 10Km radius, allowing only maxresults results
            var searchresults = rg.RadialSearch(center, 100000.0, maxresults).ToArray();

            // Number of results should match length of expected_id array
            Assert.AreEqual(expected_ids.Length, searchresults.Length);
            // Check if each result is in the expected results array
            foreach (var r in searchresults)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reverse Geo Syncing for a folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaFilesInDirectory">list of files to lookup</param>
        /// <param name="overwriteLocationNames">true = overwrite the location names, that have a gps location</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <FileIndexItem> LoopFolderLookup(List <FileIndexItem> metaFilesInDirectory,
                                                     bool overwriteLocationNames)

            metaFilesInDirectory = RemoveNoUpdateItems(metaFilesInDirectory, overwriteLocationNames);

            var subPath = metaFilesInDirectory.FirstOrDefault()?.ParentDirectory;

            new GeoCacheStatusService(_cache).StatusUpdate(subPath, metaFilesInDirectory.Count, StatusType.Total);

            foreach (var metaFileItem in metaFilesInDirectory.Select(
                         (value, index) => new { value, index }))
                // Create a point from a lat/long pair from which we want to conduct our search(es) (center)
                var place = _reverseGeoCode.CreateFromLatLong(
                    metaFileItem.value.Latitude, metaFileItem.value.Longitude);

                // Find nearest
                var nearestPlace = _reverseGeoCode.NearestNeighbourSearch(place, 1).FirstOrDefault();

                // Distance to avoid non logic locations
                var distanceTo = GeoDistanceTo.GetDistance(

                new GeoCacheStatusService(_cache).StatusUpdate(metaFileItem.value.ParentDirectory,
                                                               metaFileItem.index, StatusType.Current);

                if (distanceTo > 35)
                // if less than 35 kilometers from that place add it to the object

                metaFileItem.value.LocationCity = nearestPlace.NameASCII;

                // Catch is used for example the region VA (Vatican City)
                    metaFileItem.value.LocationCountry = new RegionInfo(nearestPlace.CountryCode).NativeName;
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                metaFileItem.value.LocationState = GetAdmin1Name(nearestPlace.CountryCode, nearestPlace.Admincodes);

            // Ready signal
            new GeoCacheStatusService(_cache).StatusUpdate(subPath,
                                                           metaFilesInDirectory.Count, StatusType.Current);

Пример #3
        public void ReverseGeoCode_RadialSearch_ReturnsCorrectResults()
            // Read a file with data with points in and around London in a 20Km radius
            var data = GeoFileReader.ReadExtendedGeoNames(@"testdata\test_GB.txt").ToArray();
            var rg = new ReverseGeoCode<ExtendedGeoName>(data);
            var center = rg.CreateFromLatLong(51.5286416, 0);   //Exactly at 0 longitude so we test left/right of prime meridian

            Assert.AreEqual(47, data.Length);   //File should contain 47 records total

            var expected_ids = new[] { 2640729, 2639577, 2642465, 2637627, 2633709, 2643339, 2634677, 2636503, 2652053, 2654710, 2643743, 2646003, 2643741, 2653941, 6690870, 2655775, 2651621, 2650497, 2656194, 2653266, 2648657, 2637433, 2652618, 2646057 };

            // Search from the/a center in London for all points in a 10Km radius
            var searchresults = rg.RadialSearch(center, 100000.0).ToArray();
            // Number of results should match length of expected_id array
            Assert.AreEqual(expected_ids.Length, searchresults.Length);
            // Check if each result is in the expected results array
            foreach (var r in searchresults)
Пример #4
        public void ReverseGeoCode_NearestNeighbourSearch_ReturnsCorrectResults()
            // Read a file with data with points in and around London in a 20Km radius
            var data   = GeoFileReader.ReadExtendedGeoNames(@"testdata\test_GB.txt").ToArray();
            var rg     = new ReverseGeoCode <ExtendedGeoName>(data);
            var center = rg.CreateFromLatLong(51.5286416, 0); //Exactly at 0 longitude so we test left/right of prime meridian

            Assert.AreEqual(47, data.Length);                 //File should contain 47 records total

            var expected_ids = new[] { 2640729, 2639577, 2642465, 2637627, 2633709, 2643339, 2634677, 2636503, 2652053, 2654710, 2643743, 2646003, 2643741, 2653941, 6690870, 2655775, 2651621, 2650497, 2656194, 2653266, 2648657, 2637433, 2652618, 2646057 };

            // Search from the/a center in London for the first X points (where X == expected_ids.length)
            var searchresults = rg.NearestNeighbourSearch(center, expected_ids.Length).ToArray();

            // Number of results should match length of expected_id array
            Assert.AreEqual(expected_ids.Length, searchresults.Length);
            // Check if each result is in the expected results array
            foreach (var r in searchresults)
Пример #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MRArguments argument = UsageChecker.checkAndBuildArgument(args);

            var r = new ReverseGeoCode <ExtendedGeoName>(GeoFileReader.ReadExtendedGeoNames(@argument.cityDbFileInfo.FullName));

            Parallel.ForEach(argument.targetDirs, (dir) => {
                if (dir.Name.Contains("@"))
                    Console.WriteLine("skipping {0}.already renamed. maybe.. it`s name contains @ character", dir.Name);
                FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles();
                if (files != null && files.Length > 0)
                    Dictionary <String, int> cCodeCounter = new Dictionary <String, int>();
                    Dictionary <String, int> cityCounter  = new Dictionary <String, int>();

                    foreach (FileInfo file in files)
                        try {
                            IEnumerable <MetadataExtractor.Directory> directories = ImageMetadataReader.ReadMetadata(file.FullName);
                            GpsDirectory gpsDirectory = directories.OfType <GpsDirectory>().First();
                            if (gpsDirectory != null && gpsDirectory.GetGeoLocation() != null)
                                double lat             = gpsDirectory.GetGeoLocation().Latitude;
                                double lon             = gpsDirectory.GetGeoLocation().Longitude;
                                ExtendedGeoName result = r.NearestNeighbourSearch(r.CreateFromLatLong(lat, lon), 1).First();

                                String city = result.Name;
                                if (cityCounter.TryGetValue(city, out int tvalue))
                                    cityCounter[city] = tvalue + 1;
                                    cityCounter.Add(city, 1);
                                String ccode = result.CountryCode;
                                if (cCodeCounter.TryGetValue(ccode, out int cvalue))
                                    cCodeCounter[ccode] = cvalue + 1;
                                    cCodeCounter.Add(ccode, 1);
                        } catch (Exception) { }

                    if (cCodeCounter.Count > 0)
                        int total           = 0;
                        String countryName  = "";
                        int maxCountryCount = 0;
                        foreach (String key in cCodeCounter.Keys)
                            int tempCCount = cCodeCounter[key];
                            total         += tempCCount;
                            if (tempCCount > maxCountryCount)
                                countryName = key;
                        String cityName = "";
                        List <Tuple <String, int> > cities = new List <Tuple <String, int> >();
                        foreach (String key in cityCounter.Keys)
                            cities.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(key, cityCounter[key]));

                        Tuple <String, int>[] citiesArray = cities.OrderBy(tup => tup.Item2).ToArray();

                        String destination = dir.Name + " @" + countryName;

                        if (citiesArray != null && citiesArray.Length > 0)
                            destination += (", " + citiesArray[0].Item1);
                            cityName     = citiesArray[0].Item1;
                            if (citiesArray.Length > 1)
                                Console.WriteLine("second candidate citi name : {0}, count:{1}", citiesArray[1].Item1, citiesArray[1].Item2);
                                int c1val = citiesArray[0].Item2;
                                int c2val = citiesArray[1].Item2;
                                if (c2val / (float)c1val > 0.4)
                                    destination += ("," + citiesArray[1].Item1 + "... ");
                        bool moved = false;
                        try {
                            System.IO.Directory.Move(dir.FullName, dir.Parent.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + destination);
                            moved = true;
                        } catch (Exception) { }

                        Console.WriteLine("{0} has {2}/{1} gps data and almost file located [{3}@{4}]. then renaming it to {5} : {6}", dir.Name, files.Length, total, cityName, countryName, destination, moved ? "success" : "failed");
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}`s {1} file has no gps data", dir.Name, files.Length);