Пример #1
        /* public void generateBarcode(string numberOrder)
         * {
         *    Barcode barcodeAPI = new Barcode();
         *    // Define basic settings of the image
         *    int imageWidth = 290;
         *    int imageHeight = 120;
         *    Color foreColor = Color.Black;
         *    Color backColor = Color.Transparent;
         *    // Generate the barcode with your settings
         *    Image barcodeImage = barcodeAPI.Encode(TYPE.ISBN, numberOrder, foreColor, backColor, imageWidth, imageHeight);
         *    // Store image in some path with the desired format
         *   // barcodeImage.Save(@"C:\Users\sdkca\Desktop\isbn_example.png", ImageFormat.Png);
         * }

        public void printReturnOrder(dynamic returnorder)
            string id           = returnorder["id"];
            string salesorderNo = "";

            if (returnorder["salesorder_no"] != null)
                salesorderNo = returnorder["salesorder_no"];
            string barcode = "";

            if (returnorder["returnorder_no"] != null)
                barcode = '*' + returnorder["returnorder_no"] + '*';

            string returnorderNo = "";

            if (returnorder["returnorder_no"] != null)
                returnorderNo = returnorder["returnorder_no"];
            string orderTime = "";

            if (returnorder["order_datetime"] != null)
                orderTime = returnorder["order_datetime"];

            /*  float netAmount = returnorder["net_amount"];
             * float amount = returnorder["amount"];
             * float discount = returnorder["discount"];*/
            float  rePayAmount = returnorder["repay_amount"];
            string contactName = "";

            if (returnorder["contact_name"] != null)
                contactName = returnorder["contact_name"];
            string contactPhone = "";

            if (returnorder["contact_phone"] != null)
                contactPhone = returnorder["contact_phone"];
            string cashier = returnorder["created_by_name"];
            List <ReturnOrderItem> items = new List <ReturnOrderItem>();

            foreach (var element in returnorder["items"])
                ReturnOrderItem item = new ReturnOrderItem();
                item.id         = element["id"];
                item.item_id    = element["item_id"];
                item.item_name  = element["item_name"];
                item.list_price = element["list_price"];
                item.quantity   = element["quantity"];
                item.net_amount = element["net_amount"];
                // item.amount = element["amount"];
                //item.discount = element["discount"];


            var cr = new ReportDocument();

            cr.Load(templateDir + "\\ReturnOrderTemplate.rpt");

            cr.SetParameterValue("order_time", orderTime);
            cr.SetParameterValue("saleorder_no", salesorderNo);
            cr.SetParameterValue("return_order_no", returnorderNo);
            cr.SetParameterValue("cashier", cashier);
            cr.SetParameterValue("repay_amount", rePayAmount);
            cr.SetParameterValue("contact_name", contactName);
            cr.SetParameterValue("contact_phone", contactPhone);
            cr.SetParameterValue("barcode", barcode);
            cr.SetParameterValue("workstation_name", "LalaMart Văn Phú");
            cr.SetParameterValue("address", "09LK13 KĐT mới Văn Phú, Phường Phú La, Hà Đông");
            cr.SetParameterValue("hotline", "1900112233");

            System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings printSetings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();
            System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings    pageSetings  = new System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings();
            //  Console.WriteLine("====================Printer_Name: " + salesorder["printer"]["name"]);
            printSetings.PrinterName = "SLK-TS100";
            cr.PrintToPrinter(printSetings, pageSetings, false);
Пример #2
        public void ReceiveShipment(int orderid, List <TransactionItemPOCO> received, List <RejectedItemPOCO> rejected)
            List <string> errors = new List <string>();

            using (var context = new RaceContext())
                var closed = (from x in context.Orders
                              where x.OrderID == orderid
                              select x.Closed).FirstOrDefault();

                if (closed)
                    errors.Add("You cannot receive a closed order");
                else if (received.Any(x => x.ItemQuantity < 0))
                    errors.Add("You cannot have a negative received amount");
                    int newrecieveorderid = context.ReceiveOrders.Select(x => x.ReceiveOrderID).Max();

                    var recieveorderlist = new List <ReceiveOrderItem>();
                    var returnorderlist  = new List <ReturnOrderItem>();

                    foreach (var item in received)
                        int newrecieveorderitemid = context.ReceiveOrderItems.Select(x => x.ReceiveOrderItemID).Max();

                        int orderDetailID = (from x in context.Products
                                             from y in x.OrderDetails
                                             where x.ItemName == item.ItemName && y.OrderID == orderid
                                             select y.OrderDetailID).FirstOrDefault();

                        recieveorderlist.Add(new ReceiveOrderItem()
                            ReceiveOrderItemID = newrecieveorderitemid,
                            ReceiveOrderID     = newrecieveorderid,
                            OrderDetailID      = orderDetailID,
                            ItemQuantity       = item.ItemQuantity,
                            OrderDetail        = (from x in context.OrderDetails
                                                  where x.OrderDetailID == orderDetailID
                                                  select x).FirstOrDefault(),
                            ReceiveOrder = (from x in context.ReceiveOrders
                                            where x.ReceiveOrderID == newrecieveorderid
                                            select x).FirstOrDefault()

                    if (rejected.Count() > 0)
                        foreach (var item in rejected)
                            int newreturnorderitemid = context.ReturnOrderItems.Select(x => x.ReturnOrderItemID).Max();

                            int orderDetailID = (from x in context.Products
                                                 from y in x.OrderDetails
                                                 where x.ItemName == item.ItemName && y.OrderID == orderid
                                                 select y.OrderDetailID).FirstOrDefault();

                            returnorderlist.Add(new ReturnOrderItem()
                                ReturnOrderItemID = newreturnorderitemid,
                                ReceiveOrderID    = newrecieveorderid,
                                OrderDetailID     = orderDetailID,
                                UnOrderedItem     = null,
                                ItemQuantity      = item.ItemQuantity,
                                Comment           = item.Reason,
                                VendorProductID   = null,
                                OrderDetail       = (from x in context.OrderDetails
                                                     where x.OrderDetailID == orderDetailID
                                                     select x).FirstOrDefault(),
                                ReceiveOrder = (from x in context.ReceiveOrders
                                                where x.ReceiveOrderID == newrecieveorderid
                                                select x).FirstOrDefault()

                    ReceiveOrder receiveOrder = new ReceiveOrder
                        ReceiveOrderID = newrecieveorderid,
                        OrderID        = orderid,
                        ReceiveDate    = DateTime.Now,
                        EmployeeID     = 56,
                        Employee       = (from x in context.Employees
                                          where x.EmployeeID == 56
                                          select x).FirstOrDefault(),
                        Order = (from x in context.Orders
                                 where x.OrderID == orderid
                                 select x).FirstOrDefault(),
                        ReceiveOrderItems = recieveorderlist,
                        ReturnOrderItems  = returnorderlist

                    foreach (var item in recieveorderlist.ToList())
                        ReceiveOrderItem receiveOrderItem = new ReceiveOrderItem
                            ReceiveOrderItemID = item.ReceiveOrderItemID,
                            ReceiveOrderID     = item.ReceiveOrderID,
                            OrderDetailID      = item.OrderDetailID,
                            ItemQuantity       = item.ItemQuantity,
                            OrderDetail        = item.OrderDetail,
                            ReceiveOrder       = item.ReceiveOrder

                        var query = (from x in context.OrderDetails
                                     join prod in context.Products on x.ProductID equals prod.ProductID
                                     where x.OrderDetailID == receiveOrderItem.OrderDetailID
                                     select prod).FirstOrDefault();

                        query.QuantityOnHand  = query.QuantityOnHand + receiveOrderItem.ItemQuantity;
                        query.QuantityOnOrder = query.QuantityOnOrder - receiveOrderItem.ItemQuantity;

                    if (returnorderlist.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var item in returnorderlist.ToList())
                            ReturnOrderItem returnOrderItem = new ReturnOrderItem()
                                ReturnOrderItemID = item.ReturnOrderItemID,
                                ReceiveOrderID    = item.ReceiveOrderID,
                                OrderDetailID     = item.OrderDetailID,
                                UnOrderedItem     = item.UnOrderedItem,
                                ItemQuantity      = item.ItemQuantity,
                                Comment           = item.Comment,
                                VendorProductID   = item.VendorProductID,
                                OrderDetail       = item.OrderDetail,
                                ReceiveOrder      = item.ReceiveOrder

                            var query = (from x in context.OrderDetails
                                         join prod in context.Products on x.ProductID equals prod.ProductID
                                         where x.OrderDetailID == returnOrderItem.OrderDetailID
                                         select prod).FirstOrDefault();

                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleException("Receive Shipment", errors);