Пример #1
        public string GetUserStageUnfinishedExamName(int applyId)
            var apply = _dataAccess.Get <PromotionApply>(applyId);
            var stage = _dataAccess.Get <PromotionStage>(apply.CurrentStageId);

            if (stage.ExamId == 0)

            var recordId = _dataAccess.FetchListBySql <int>(string.Format(@"select RecordId
from Ab_PromotionStageLenRecord
where ApplyId = {3}
and PromotionId = {0}
and Stageid = {1}
and UserId = {2}", stage.PromotionId, stage.StageId, apply.UserId, applyId)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (recordId > 0)
                var examuser = new RetechWing.BusinessCommon.Examination.ExaminationCommonMethod().GetExamSendStudentWithByRelationIdAndUserId(recordId, 2, apply.UserId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (examuser != null && examuser.ExamPaperID == stage.ExamId && examuser.IsPass == 1)
            var paper = new RetechWing.BusinessCommon.Examination.ExaminationCommonMethod().GetSingleById <RetechWing.Models.Exam.DBModels.tbExampaperRedundancy>(stage.ExamId);

            if (paper == null)
Пример #2
        public int GetUserStageLearnPercent(int userId, int applyId)
            var apply         = _dataAccess.Get <PromotionApply>(applyId);
            var stage         = _dataAccess.Get <PromotionStage>(apply.CurrentStageId);
            int completeCount = (int)_dataAccess.ExecuteScalar(string.Format(@"select count(0) from Len_LearningRecord
where LearnProcess = 2 and LearnPath = 3 
and SourceId in (select RecordId from Ab_LearningRecord where StageId = {0} and ApplyId = {2})
and UserId = {1}", apply.CurrentStageId, userId, applyId));
            int allCount      = (int)_dataAccess.ExecuteScalar(string.Format(@"select count(0) from Ab_AbilityResource
where Ab_AbilityResource.IsDelete = 0 and Ab_AbilityResource.ResourceType = 0 
and Ab_AbilityResource.AbilityId in (
	select AbilityId from Ab_PostAbility where IsDelete = 0 and PostId = {0}
)", stage.PostId));

            if (stage.ExamId > 0)
                var record = _dataAccess.GetListBySql <AbPromotionStageLenRecord>(string.Format(@"select * from Ab_PromotionStageLenRecord where PromotionId = {0} and ApplyId = {1} and StageId = {2} and UserId = {3}", apply.PromotionId, applyId, apply.CurrentStageId, userId)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (record != null)
                    var examuserlist = new RetechWing.BusinessCommon.Examination.ExaminationCommonMethod().GetExamSendStudentWithByRelationIdAndUserId(record.RecordId, 2, userId);
                    if (examuserlist.Any(p => p.IsPass == 1))
            return(allCount == 0 ? 0 : completeCount * 100 / allCount);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="courseId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <ResCourseToExam> LoadCourseExaminations(int courseId)
            var sqlwhere = "Res_CourseToExam.CourseId=" + courseId;
            var list     = _dataAccess.GetList <ResCourseToExam>(sqlwhere);

            if (list.Count > 0)
                var manager = new RetechWing.BusinessCommon.Examination.ExaminationCommonMethod();// ExampaperDb();
                var exampaperRedundancys = manager.GetAllExampaperRedundancy(list.Select(p => p.ExampaperId));

                var sortlist = manager.GetAllListByTenantId <RetechWing.Models.Exam.DBModels.tbExampaperSort>(false, exampaperRedundancys.First().TenantId);
                foreach (var exam in list)
                    var tmp = exampaperRedundancys.FirstOrDefault(p => p._id == exam.ExampaperId);
                    if (tmp == null)
                    exam.Exampaper             = tmp;
                    exam.ExampaperId           = tmp.ExampaperId;
                    exam.ExampaperRedundancyId = tmp._id;
                    exam.SortName = sortlist.Any(p => p._id == tmp.ExamSortID) ? sortlist.Find(p => p._id == tmp.ExamSortID).Title : "";
Пример #4
        public List <PromotionStage> GetPromotionWayPostList(int promotionId)
            string where = string.Format(" Ab_PromotionStage.IsDelete = 0 and Ab_PromotionStage.PromotionId = {0} ", promotionId);
            var list = _dataAccess.GetList <PromotionStage>(where);

            if (list.Count > 0)
                var _exampaperDB  = new RetechWing.BusinessCommon.Examination.ExaminationCommonMethod();
                var exampaperList = _exampaperDB.GetExampaperRedundancyList(list.Select(p => p.ExamId));
                foreach (var item in list)
                    var tmp = exampaperList.Find(p => p._id == item.ExamId);
                    if (tmp == null)
                    item.PaperName = tmp.ExampaperTitle;
                    item.ExamId    = tmp.ExampaperId;
Пример #5
        public PromotionStage GetPromotionStage(int stageid, int applyId)
            var apply = new PromotionApply {
                ApplyId = 0, PromotionId = 0, UserId = 0

            if (applyId > 0)
                apply = _dataAccess.Get <PromotionApply>(applyId);

            var stage = _dataAccess.Get <PromotionStage>(stageid);
            var sql      = @"SELECT  ar.AbilityId ,
        ai.CategoryId ,
        AbilityName ,
        AbilityLevel ,
       pec.RecordId as  IsElective
FROM    Ab_AbilityResource ar
        LEFT JOIN Ab_AbilityInfo ai ON ai.AbilityId = ar.AbilityId
        LEFT JOIN Ab_PostAbility pa ON pa.AbilityId = ai.AbilityId
        LEFT JOIN Ab_PromotionStage ps ON ps.PostId = pa.PostId
        LEFT JOIN Ab_AbilityCategory ac ON ac.CategoryId = ai.CategoryId
        LEFT JOIN Res_Course co ON ar.ResourceId=co.CourseId
        LEFT JOIN Ab_PostElectiveCourse pec ON pec.PostId=ps.PostId and pec.AbilityId = ai.AbilityId and pec.CourseId = co.CourseId
WHERE  ar.IsDelete=0 AND ar.ResourceType=0 AND pa.IsDelete = 0 and ai.isdelete = 0 AND ps.StageId=" + stage.StageId;
            var datalist = _dataAccess.FetchListBySql <Models.Views.PromotionStageCourse>(sql);
            var learnProcess = _dataAccess.GetListBySql <Models.LenLearningRecord>(
                @"SELECT lr.CourseId,LearnProcess,StartTime,lr.EndTime,alr.AbilityId FROM Len_LearningRecord lr
LEFT JOIN Ab_LearningRecord alr ON alr.RecordId=lr.SourceId
WHERE lr.LearnPath=3 AND alr.ApplyId=@applyId AND alr.StageId=@stageId --AND alr.AbilityId=@abilityId", new { applyId, stageid });

            foreach (var course in datalist)
                var lp =
                    learnProcess.FirstOrDefault(p => p.AbilityId == course.AbilityId && p.CourseId == course.ResourceId);
                if (lp == null)
                    course.LearnProcess = 0;
                course.LearnProcess = lp.LearnProcess;

            var klsql = @"SELECT ar.ResourceId,/*kl.ResourceName,*/ai.AbilityId,ai.AbilityName,ai.AbilityLevel,ai.CategoryId,
                        ac.CategoryName FROM Ab_AbilityResource ar 
                        --LEFT JOIN KL_Resource kl ON kl.ResourceId = ar.ResourceId
                        LEFT JOIN Ab_PostAbility pa ON pa.AbilityId = ar.AbilityId
                        LEFT JOIN Ab_AbilityInfo ai ON ai.AbilityId = ar.AbilityId
                        LEFT JOIN Ab_AbilityCategory ac ON ac.CategoryId = ai.CategoryId
                        WHERE   ar.IsDelete=0 AND ar.ResourceType=1 AND pa.IsDelete = 0 and ai.isdelete = 0  AND pa.PostId=" + stage.PostId;
            var kls   = _dataAccess.FetchListBySql <Models.Views.PromotionStageKL>(klsql);

            if (stage.ExamId > 0)
                var _exampaperDB = new RetechWing.BusinessCommon.Examination.ExaminationCommonMethod();
                var exampaper    = _exampaperDB.GetSingleById <tbExampaperRedundancy>(stage.ExamId);
                stage.PaperName = exampaper == null ? stage.PaperName : exampaper.ExampaperTitle;

                stage.UserExamPass = -1;
                var record = _dataAccess.GetListBySql <AbPromotionStageLenRecord>(string.Format("select * from Ab_PromotionStageLenRecord where PromotionId = {0} and ApplyId = {1} and StageId = {2} and UserId = {3}", apply.PromotionId, applyId, stageid, apply.UserId)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (record != null)
                    var _examtestDB = new RetechWing.BusinessCommon.Examination.ExaminationCommonMethod();
                    var examuser    = _examtestDB.GetExamUser(new int[] { record.RecordId }, new int[] { apply.UserId }, 2).FirstOrDefault(p => p.ExamPaperID == stage.ExamId);
                    if (examuser != null)
                        stage.UserExamPass = examuser.IsPass;
Пример #6
        public void SavePromotionWayPostList(out List <int> deleteIds, int promotionId, List <PromotionStage> list)
            deleteIds = new List <int>();
            var _exampaperDB = new RetechWing.BusinessCommon.Examination.ExaminationCommonMethod();

            string where = string.Format(" Ab_PromotionStage.IsDelete = 0 and Ab_PromotionStage.PromotionId = {0} ", promotionId);
            var postList = _dataAccess.GetList <PromotionStage>(where);

            if (postList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in postList)
                    var tmp = list.Find(p => p.PostId == item.PostId);
                    if (tmp == null)
                        UpdatePostPromotion(item.PostId, 0);
                        item.Description         = tmp.Description;
                        item.Period              = tmp.Period;
                        item.ObligatoryLessScore = tmp.ObligatoryLessScore;
                        item.ElectiveLessScore   = tmp.ElectiveLessScore;
                        item.PassScore           = tmp.PassScore;
                        item.OrderNum            = tmp.OrderNum;

                        if (tmp.ExamId > 0)
                            tbExampaper           exampaper = _exampaperDB.GetSingleById <tbExampaper>(tmp.ExamId);
                            tbExampaperRedundancy model     = new tbExampaperRedundancy
                                ExampaperId        = exampaper._id,
                                Description        = exampaper.Description,
                                Distribution       = exampaper.Distribution,
                                ExamSortID         = exampaper.ExamSortID,
                                TrainDetailId      = exampaper.TrainDetailId,
                                UserID             = exampaper.UserID,
                                CreateTime         = exampaper.CreateTime,
                                ExampaperAvailable = exampaper.ExampaperAvailable,
                                ExampaperOpen      = exampaper.ExampaperOpen,
                                ExampaperScore     = exampaper.ExampaperScore,
                                ExampaperTitle     = exampaper.ExampaperTitle,
                                ExamType           = exampaper.ExamType,
                                LastUpdateTime     = exampaper.LastUpdateTime,
                                QuestionList       = exampaper.QuestionList,
                                QuestionRule       = exampaper.QuestionRule,
                                QuestionTypeOrder  = exampaper.QuestionTypeOrder,
                                Realname           = exampaper.Realname,
                                Status             = exampaper.Status,
                                TenantId           = exampaper.TenantId
                            item.ExamId = _exampaperDB.Insert <tbExampaperRedundancy>(model);
            if (deleteIds.Count > 0)
                _dataAccess.UpdateField("Ab_PromotionStage", "IsDelete", "1", "where StageId in (" + deleteIds.GetString() + ")");
            if (list.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in list)
                    if (item.ExamId > 0)
                        tbExampaper           exampaper = _exampaperDB.GetSingleById <tbExampaper>(item.ExamId);
                        tbExampaperRedundancy model     = new tbExampaperRedundancy
                            ExampaperId        = exampaper._id,
                            Description        = exampaper.Description,
                            Distribution       = exampaper.Distribution,
                            ExamSortID         = exampaper.ExamSortID,
                            TrainDetailId      = exampaper.TrainDetailId,
                            UserID             = exampaper.UserID,
                            CreateTime         = exampaper.CreateTime,
                            ExampaperAvailable = exampaper.ExampaperAvailable,
                            ExampaperOpen      = exampaper.ExampaperOpen,
                            ExampaperScore     = exampaper.ExampaperScore,
                            ExampaperTitle     = exampaper.ExampaperTitle,
                            ExamType           = exampaper.ExamType,
                            LastUpdateTime     = exampaper.LastUpdateTime,
                            QuestionList       = exampaper.QuestionList,
                            QuestionRule       = exampaper.QuestionRule,
                            QuestionTypeOrder  = exampaper.QuestionTypeOrder,
                            Realname           = exampaper.Realname,
                            Status             = exampaper.Status,
                            TenantId           = exampaper.TenantId
                        item.ExamId = _exampaperDB.Insert <tbExampaperRedundancy>(model);
Пример #7
        public void StageStudyed(int userId, int promotionId, int stageId)
            var apply = _dataAccess.GetListBySql <PromotionApply>(string.Format("select * from Ab_PromotionApply where IsDelete = 0 and ApproveStatus = 2 and PromotionStatus = 0 and UserId = {0} and PromotionId = {1}", userId, promotionId)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (apply == null || apply.PromotionStatus == 1 || apply.CurrentStageId != stageId)
            var stageList = _dataAccess.GetList <RetechWing.Models.Ab.PromotionStage>(" IsDelete = 0 and PromotionId = " + promotionId).OrderBy(p => p.OrderNum);
            var stage     = stageList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.StageId == apply.CurrentStageId);

            if (stage.Period > 0 && apply.StageStartTime.HasValue &&
                apply.StageStartTime.Value.AddDays(stage.Period) < DateTime.Now)
            var recordIdList = _dataAccess.FetchListBySql <int>(string.Format("select RecordId from Ab_LearningRecord where StageId = {0} and ApplyId = {1}", stageId, apply.ApplyId));

            //if (recordIdList.Count() == 0)
            //    return;
            if (recordIdList.Count() == 0)
                if (stage.ObligatoryLessScore > 0)
                if (stage.ElectiveLessScore > 0)
                var courseElective   = _dataAccess.FetchListBySql <dynamic>(string.Format(@"select ResourceId as CourseId 
	SELECT COUNT(0) FROM Ab_PostElectiveCourse 
	WHERE PostId = {0} AND AbilityId = Ab_AbilityResource.AbilityId 
	AND COURSEID = Ab_AbilityResource.ResourceId
) AS Elective
from Ab_AbilityResource
where Ab_AbilityResource.IsDelete = 0 and Ab_AbilityResource.ResourceType = 0 
and Ab_AbilityResource.AbilityId in (
	select AbilityId from Ab_PostAbility where IsDelete = 0 and PostId = {0}
)", stage.PostId));
                var courseLearnScore = _dataAccess.GetListBySql <RetechWing.Models.ResCourse>(string.Format(@"select CourseId,LearnScore 
from Res_Course
where Res_Course.CourseId in (
	select CourseId from Len_LearningRecord
	where LearnProcess = 2 and LearnPath = 3 and SourceId in ({0}) and UserID = {1}
)", recordIdList.GetString(), userId));
                if (stage.ObligatoryLessScore > courseLearnScore.Where(p => courseElective.Any(ce => ce.Elective == 0 && ce.CourseId == p.CourseId)).Sum(p => p.LearnScore))
                if (stage.ElectiveLessScore > courseLearnScore.Where(p => courseElective.Any(ce => ce.Elective == 1 && ce.CourseId == p.CourseId)).Sum(p => p.LearnScore))

            var psRecordList = _dataAccess.GetListBySql <RetechWing.Models.Ab.AbPromotionStageLenRecord>(string.Format(@"select * from Ab_PromotionStageLenRecord where ApplyId = {0} and UserId = {1}", apply.ApplyId, userId));
            var psRecord     = psRecordList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.StageId == stageId);

            if (psRecord == null)

            if (stage.ExamId > 0)
                var examuserlist = new RetechWing.BusinessCommon.Examination.ExaminationCommonMethod().GetExamSendStudentWithByRelationIdAndUserId(psRecord.RecordId, 2, userId);
                if (examuserlist.Count == 0)
                if (!examuserlist.Any(p => p.IsPass == 1))

            psRecord.EndTime = DateTime.Now;

            var nextStage = stageList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.OrderNum == stage.OrderNum + 1);

            while (true)
                if (nextStage == null)
                var tmpPsRecord = psRecordList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.StageId == nextStage.StageId);
                if (tmpPsRecord != null && tmpPsRecord.EndTime.HasValue)
                    nextStage = stageList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.OrderNum == nextStage.OrderNum + 1);

            apply.StageStartTime = null;
            if (nextStage == null)
                apply.PromotionStatus      = 1;
                apply.PromotionSucceedTime = DateTime.Now;
                apply.CurrentStageId = nextStage.StageId;