Пример #1
        void DisplayResult(bool result, string description)
            if (result == true)
                //ResultLabel.Text = "Got it, Thanks!";
                ResultLabel.Text = description;

                // kick off a timer to allow the user to see the result
                System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
                timer.AutoReset = false;
                timer.Interval  = 500;
                timer.Elapsed  += (object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) =>
                        Parent.SetupComplete( );

                timer.Start( );
                ResultLabel.Text = description;
            ResultLabel.SizeToFit( );

            View.SetNeedsLayout( );
Пример #2
        public override void ViewDidLayoutSubviews()

            Logo.Layer.Position = new CGPoint((View.Bounds.Width - Logo.Bounds.Width) / 2, 25);

            // Title
            RockUrlTitle.Layer.Position = new CGPoint((View.Bounds.Width - RockUrlField.Bounds.Width) / 2, View.Bounds.Height * .25f);

            // because there's no placeholder, we can't SizeToFit the URL Field, so we'll measure the font and then size it.
            RockUrlField.Bounds = new CGRect(0, 0, View.Bounds.Width * .75f, 0);
            CGSize size = RockUrlField.SizeThatFits(new CGSize(RockUrlField.Bounds.Width, RockUrlField.Bounds.Height));

            RockUrlField.Bounds = new CGRect(RockUrlField.Bounds.X, RockUrlField.Bounds.Y, RockUrlField.Bounds.Width, (float)System.Math.Ceiling(size.Height));

            // center the rock URL field and title
            RockUrlField.Layer.Position = new CGPoint((View.Bounds.Width - RockUrlField.Bounds.Width) / 2,
                                                      RockUrlTitle.Frame.Bottom + 5);

            // Title
            RockAuthKeyTitle.Layer.Position = new CGPoint((View.Bounds.Width - RockUrlField.Bounds.Width) / 2, RockUrlField.Frame.Bottom + 20);

            // because there's no placeholder, we can't SizeToFit the URL Field, so we'll measure the font and then size it.
            RockAuthKeyField.Bounds = new CGRect(0, 0, View.Bounds.Width * .75f, 0);
            size = RockAuthKeyField.SizeThatFits(new CGSize(RockAuthKeyField.Bounds.Width, RockAuthKeyField.Bounds.Height));
            RockAuthKeyField.Bounds = new CGRect(RockAuthKeyField.Bounds.X, RockAuthKeyField.Bounds.Y, RockAuthKeyField.Bounds.Width, (float)System.Math.Ceiling(size.Height));

            RockAuthKeyField.Layer.Position = new CGPoint((View.Bounds.Width - RockAuthKeyField.Bounds.Width) / 2,
                                                          RockAuthKeyTitle.Frame.Bottom + 5);

            // Description
            RockUrlDesc.Layer.Position = new CGPoint(RockUrlField.Frame.Left, RockAuthKeyField.Frame.Bottom + 5);

            // set the blocker
            BlockerView.SetBounds(View.Bounds.ToRectF( ));

            // set the submit bounds and position
            Submit.SizeToFit( );
            Submit.Bounds         = new CGRect(0, 0, RockUrlField.Bounds.Width * .35f, Submit.Bounds.Height * 1.25f);
            Submit.Layer.Position = new CGPoint(RockUrlField.Frame.Left + ((RockUrlField.Bounds.Width - Submit.Bounds.Width) / 2),
                                                RockUrlDesc.Frame.Bottom + 60);

            // let the label stretch the entire width
            ResultLabel.Bounds = new CGRect(0, 0, View.Bounds.Width, 0);
            ResultLabel.SizeToFit( );
            ResultLabel.Frame = new CGRect(0, Submit.Frame.Bottom + 30, View.Bounds.Width, ResultLabel.Bounds.Height);
Пример #3
        public void SetBounds(RectangleF containerBounds)
            View.Bounds = containerBounds;

            // setup the background layers

            /*StatusBackground.Frame = new RectangleF( View.Frame.X,
             *  View.Frame.Top + Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx( 10 ),
             *  View.Frame.Width,
             *  Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx( 44 ) );*/

            /*ResultBackground.Frame = new RectangleF( View.Frame.X,
             *  View.Frame.Height / 3,
             *  View.Frame.Width,
             *  Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx( 150 ) );*/

            // and the labels
            StatusLabel.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, View.Frame.Width - Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(40), 0);
            StatusLabel.SizeToFit( );
            StatusLabel.Frame = new RectangleF((View.Frame.Width - StatusLabel.Frame.Width) / 2,
                                               View.Frame.Top + Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(10),

            ResultSymbol.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, View.Frame.Width - Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(40), 0);
            ResultSymbol.SizeToFit( );

            float circleWidth = ResultSymbol.Frame.Width * 1.25f;

            ResultCircle.Frame = new RectangleF((View.Frame.Width - circleWidth) / 2, Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(140), circleWidth, circleWidth);

            ResultSymbol.Frame = new RectangleF(ResultCircle.Frame.X + (ResultCircle.Frame.Width - ResultSymbol.Frame.Width) / 2,
                                                ResultCircle.Frame.Y + (ResultCircle.Frame.Height - ResultSymbol.Frame.Height) / 2,

            ResultLabel.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, View.Frame.Width - Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(40), 0);
            ResultLabel.SizeToFit( );
            ResultLabel.Frame = new RectangleF((View.Frame.Width - ResultLabel.Frame.Width) / 2, ResultCircle.Frame.Bottom + Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(5), ResultLabel.Frame.Width, ResultLabel.Frame.Height);

            // lastly the button
            float doneWidth = Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(122);

            DoneButton.Frame = new RectangleF((View.Frame.Width - doneWidth) / 2, ResultLabel.Frame.Bottom + Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(10), doneWidth, DoneButton.Frame.Height);