Пример #1
        public async Task GameCommand(string Action, [Remainder] string Arguments = "")
            if (RestrictionsDB.IsUserRestricted(Context.User, Databases.UserRestrictions.Restriction.Games) && Action.ToLower() != "leave")
                await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                .WithTitle("You aren't permitted to manage or join games!")
                .WithDescription("You have been blacklisted from using this service. If you think this is a mistake, feel free to personally contact an administrator.")


            string Feedback;

            Player       Player = GamesDB.GetOrCreatePlayer(Context.User.Id);
            GameInstance Game   = null;

            if (Player.Playing > 0)
                Game = GamesDB.Games.Find(Player.Playing);
                if (Game is not null && Game.Type == GameType.Unselected)
                    Game = null;

            switch (Action.ToLower())
            case "new":
            case "create":
                string[] Args = Arguments.Split(" ");
                if (Args.Length < 2)
                    await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                    .WithTitle("Invalid amount of parameters!")
                    .WithDescription("You must at least provide a game type and a title.")

                string GameTypeStr = Args[0].ToLower();
                if (!GameTypeConversion.GameNames.ContainsKey(GameTypeStr))
                    await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                    .WithTitle("Game not found!")
                    .WithDescription($"Game \"{GameTypeStr}\" not found! Currently supported games are: {string.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames<GameType>()[1..])}")
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Manages the modular tasks pertaining to modification of the topic database(s).
        /// Or alternatively runs the topic command as usual if no reasonable alias or syntax can be leveraged.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Command">The entire list of arguments used for the command, stringified.</param>
        /// <param name="TopicType">What type of topic database should be accessed. Either 'topic' or 'wyr'.</param>
        /// <returns>A <c>Task</c> object, which can be awaited until this method completes successfully.</returns>

        public async Task RunTopic(string Command, TopicType TopicType)
            string Name = Regex.Replace(TopicType.ToString(), "([A-Z])([a-z]*)", " $1$2").Substring(1);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Command))
                if (Enum.TryParse(Command.Split(" ")[0].ToLower().Pascalize(), out Enums.ActionType ActionType))
                    if (RestrictionsDB.IsUserRestricted(Context.User, Databases.UserRestrictions.Restriction.TopicManagement) && ActionType != Enums.ActionType.Get)
                        await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                        .WithTitle("You aren't permitted to manage topics!")
                        .WithDescription("You have been blacklisted from using this service. If you think this is a mistake, feel free to personally contact an administrator")


                    string Topic = Command[(Command.Split(" ")[0].Length + 1)..];
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The CreateSuggestion method converts the message to a proposal and suggestion object.
        /// This suggestion object is then sent back to the channel once deleted as a formatted embed for use to vote on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ReceivedMessage">A SocketMessage object, which contains details about the message such as its content and attachments.</param>
        /// <returns>A <c>Task</c> object, which can be awaited until this method completes successfully.</returns>

        public async Task CreateSuggestion(SocketMessage ReceivedMessage)
            if (RestrictionsDB.IsUserRestricted(ReceivedMessage.Author, Restriction.Suggestions))
                await ReceivedMessage.DeleteAsync();

                await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                .WithTitle("You aren't permitted to make suggestions!")
                .WithDescription("You have been blacklisted from using this service. If you think this is a mistake, feel free to personally contact an administrator")
                .SendEmbed(ReceivedMessage.Author, ReceivedMessage.Channel as ITextChannel);


            // Check to see if the embed message length is more than 1750, else will fail the embed from sending due to character limits.
            if (ReceivedMessage.Content.Length > 1750)
                await ReceivedMessage.DeleteAsync();

                await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                .WithTitle("Your suggestion is too big!")
                .WithDescription("Please try to summarise your suggestion a little! " +
                                 "Keep in mind that emoji add a lot of characters to your suggestion - even if it doesn't seem like it - " +
                                 "as Discord handles emoji differently to text, so if you're using a lot of emoji try to cut down on those! <3")
                .SendEmbed(ReceivedMessage.Author, ReceivedMessage.Channel as ITextChannel);


            // Remove content from suggestion from people who do not realise that a command is not needed to run the bot.

            string Content = ReceivedMessage.Content;

            if (ProposalConfiguration.CommandRemovals.Contains(Content.Split(' ')[0].ToLower()))
                Content = Content[(Content.IndexOf(" ") + 1)..];
Пример #4
        public async Task SendModMail([Remainder] string Message)
            if (RestrictionsDB.IsUserRestricted(Context.User, Databases.UserRestrictions.Restriction.Modmail))
                await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                .WithTitle("You aren't permitted to send modmails!")
                .WithDescription("You have been blacklisted from using this service. If you think this is a mistake, feel free to personally contact an administrator")


            if (Message.Length > 1250)
                await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                .WithTitle("Your modmail message is too big!")
                .WithDescription("Please try to summarise your modmail a touch! If you are unable to, try send it in two different messages! " +
                                 $"This character count should be under 1250 characters. This is due to how Discord handles embeds and the added information we need to apply to the embed. " +
                                 $"The current modmail message character count is {Message.Length}.")


            string Tracker = CreateToken();

            Attachment Attachment = Context.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault();

            string ProxyURL = string.Empty;

            if (Attachment != null)
                ProxyURL = await Attachment.ProxyUrl.GetProxiedImage(Tracker, DiscordSocketClient, ProposalService.ProposalConfiguration);

            IUserMessage UsrMessage = await(DiscordSocketClient.GetChannel(ModerationConfiguration.ModMailChannelID) as ITextChannel).SendMessageAsync(
                embed: BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Unknown)
                .WithTitle($"Anonymous Modmail #{ModMailDB.ModMail.Count() + 1}")

            ModMail ModMail = new() {
                Message   = Message,
                UserID    = Context.User.Id,
                MessageID = UsrMessage.Id,
                Tracker   = Tracker



            await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Love)
            .WithTitle("Successfully Sent Modmail")
            .WithDescription($"Haiya! Your message has been sent to the staff team.\n\n" +
                             $"Your modmail token is: `{ModMail.Tracker}`, which is what the moderators use to reply to you. " +
                             $"Only give this out to a moderator if you wish to be identified.\n\n" +
                             $"Thank you~! - {DiscordSocketClient.GetGuild(BotConfiguration.GuildID).Name} Staff Team <3")
Пример #5
        public async Task EventCommand(string Action, [Remainder] string Params)
            CommunityEvent Event;
            string         EventParam;

            IGuildUser User = Context.User as IGuildUser;

            if (Context.Channel is IDMChannel)
                User = DiscordSocketClient.GetGuild(BotConfiguration.GuildID).GetUser(Context.User.Id);

                if (User == null)
                    await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                    .WithTitle("Couldn't find you in the server!")
                    .WithDescription($"Are you sure you are in USF? If this continues to fail, consider running this command in <#{BotConfiguration.BotChannels[0]}> instead.")


            if (!Enum.TryParse(Action.ToLower().Pascalize(), out Enums.ActionType ActionType))
                await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                .WithTitle("Action Parse Error!")
                .WithDescription($"Action \"{Action}\" not found! Please use `ADD`, `GET`, `REMOVE`, or `EDIT`")


            switch (ActionType)
            case Enums.ActionType.Add:
                if (RestrictionsDB.IsUserRestricted(Context.User, Databases.UserRestrictions.Restriction.Events))
                    await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                    .WithTitle("You aren't permitted to create events!")
                    .WithDescription("You have been blacklisted from using this service. If you think this is a mistake, feel free to personally contact an administrator.")


                string ReleaseArg = Params.Split(TimeEventSeparator)[0];
                if (!LanguageHelper.TryParseTime(ReleaseArg.Trim(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, LanguageConfiguration, out DateTimeOffset ReleaseTime, out _))
                    await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                    .WithTitle("Unable to parse time!")
                    .WithDescription($"I was unable to parse the time: `{ReleaseArg}`\n Make sure it follows the correct format! For more info, check out `{BotConfiguration.Prefix}checktime [Your Date]`")


                if (ReleaseArg.Length + 1 >= Params.Length)
                    await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                    .WithTitle("Unable to parse event!")
                    .WithDescription($"I found event parameters: `{Params}`. \nYou must separate time and description with a semicolon ({TimeEventSeparator})!")


                string Description = Params[(ReleaseArg.Length + TimeEventSeparator.Length)..].Trim();