Пример #1
        public static RecordInfo UpdateShipmentRecord(Object RestAPIObject, string RestAPIType, string PrivateKey, string Token, string SecureURL, long Id)
            RestAPIActions restAPIClientWM = GetRestAPIClient(PrivateKey, Token, SecureURL);

            restAPIClientWM.Type = RestAPIType;
            restAPIClientWM.ID   = Id;
            RecordInfo addInfo = restAPIClientWM.UpdateShipMentRecord(RestAPIObject);

Пример #2
        private static List <T> GetRestAPIJSON <T>(string strRestAPIClientID, string restAPIClientType, string PrivateKey, string Token, string SecureURL, string RecordsGetLimit, long RecordsOffset, string StartDate = "", int LastInvoiceNum = 0)
            RestAPIActions restAPIClientWM = GetRestAPIClient(PrivateKey, Token, SecureURL);

            string   restAPIClientStream = string.Empty;
            List <T> reclist             = new List <T>();

            restAPIClientWM.Type = restAPIClientType;

            int parsedValue;

            if (strRestAPIClientID.Length != 0 && int.TryParse(strRestAPIClientID, out parsedValue))
                restAPIClientWM.ID = Convert.ToInt32(strRestAPIClientID);

            int parsedRecordsGetLimitValue;

            if (RecordsGetLimit.Length != 0 && int.TryParse(RecordsGetLimit, out parsedRecordsGetLimitValue))
                restAPIClientWM.RecordsGetLimit = Convert.ToInt32(RecordsGetLimit);
            restAPIClientWM.RecordsOffset = RecordsOffset;

            // commected by Sam as date based search is not working
            //if (StartDate != string.Empty)
            //    restAPIClientWM.datestart = StartDate;

            if (LastInvoiceNum != 0)
                restAPIClientWM.invoicenumberstart = LastInvoiceNum;

            RecordInfo recInf = restAPIClientWM.GetRecords <T>();

            if (recInf.Status == ActionStatus.Succeeded)
                    reclist             = (List <T>)recInf.ResultSet;
                    restAPIClientStream = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reclist);
                catch (Exception ex)

Пример #3
        public static string AddRecord(Object RestAPIObject, string RestAPIType, string PrivateKey, string Token, string SecureURL)
            RestAPIActions restAPIClientWM = GetRestAPIClient(PrivateKey, Token, SecureURL);

            restAPIClientWM.Type = RestAPIType;

            RecordInfo addInfo = restAPIClientWM.AddRecord(RestAPIObject);

            string sIDPrefix = RestAPIType.Substring(0, RestAPIType.Length - 1);

            if (addInfo.Status == ActionStatus.Succeeded)
                return(sIDPrefix + " added. " + sIDPrefix + "ID: " + addInfo.ResultSet);

                return(sIDPrefix + " add failed.  Error Code: " + addInfo.CodeNumber + ", Description: " + addInfo.Description);
Пример #4
        private static string GetRestAPIJSON(string strRestAPIClientID, string restAPIClientType, string PrivateKey, string Token, string SecureURL, string RecordsGetLimit)
            RestAPIActions restAPIClientWM = GetRestAPIClient(PrivateKey, Token, SecureURL);

            string restAPIClientStream = string.Empty;

            restAPIClientWM.Type = restAPIClientType;

            int parsedValue;

            if (strRestAPIClientID.Length != 0 && int.TryParse(strRestAPIClientID, out parsedValue))
                restAPIClientWM.ID = Convert.ToInt32(strRestAPIClientID);

            int parsedRecordsGetLimitValue;

            if (RecordsGetLimit.Length != 0 && int.TryParse(RecordsGetLimit, out parsedRecordsGetLimitValue))
                restAPIClientWM.RecordsGetLimit = Convert.ToInt32(RecordsGetLimit);

            RecordInfo recInf = restAPIClientWM.GetRecords();

            if (recInf.Status == ActionStatus.Succeeded)
                    List <Object> reclist = (List <Object>)recInf.ResultSet;
                    restAPIClientStream = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reclist);
                catch (Exception ex)

Пример #5
        public static RestAPIActions GetRestAPIClient(string strPrivateKey, string strToken, string strSecureURL)
            RestAPIActions restAPIClientWM = new RestAPIActions();

            string sHost        = string.Empty;
            string sVersion     = string.Empty;
            string sContentType = string.Empty;

            //Provide the parameters for the HTTP Client
            sHost        = "http://apirest.3dcart.com/3dCartWebAPI/v";
            sVersion     = "1";
            sContentType = "application/json";

            restAPIClientWM.HttpHost       = sHost;
            restAPIClientWM.ServiceVersion = sVersion;
            restAPIClientWM.PrivateKey     = strPrivateKey;
            restAPIClientWM.Token          = strToken;
            restAPIClientWM.SecureURL      = strSecureURL;
            restAPIClientWM.ContentType    = sContentType;

Пример #6
        public static string DeleteRecord(string RestAPIType, string RestAPIDeleteID, string PrivateKey, string Token, string SecureURL)
            RestAPIActions restAPIClientWM = GetRestAPIClient(PrivateKey, Token, SecureURL);

            restAPIClientWM.Type = RestAPIType;
            restAPIClientWM.ID   = Convert.ToInt32(RestAPIDeleteID);

            RecordInfo deleteInfo = restAPIClientWM.DeleteRecord();

            string sIDPrefix = RestAPIType.Substring(0, RestAPIType.Length - 1);

            if (deleteInfo.Status == ActionStatus.Succeeded)
                return(sIDPrefix + " deleted. " + sIDPrefix + "ID: " + deleteInfo.ResultSet);

                return(sIDPrefix + " delete failed.  Error Code: " + deleteInfo.CodeNumber + ", Description: " + deleteInfo.Description);