Пример #1
        public void Test_CacheableRequest_TtlZeroCacheDirective()
            var target     = new MyService();
            var request    = new CacheableRequest();
            var response   = new object();
            var directive  = new ResponseCachingDirective(true, TimeSpan.Zero, ResponseCachingSite.Server);
            var invocation = new TestInvocation
                Target   = target,
                Method   = target.GetType().GetMethod("MyServiceOperation"),
                Request  = request,
                Response = response

            var advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(directive);


            Assert.AreEqual(invocation.ReturnValue, response);

            // check that response was not cached
            var cache      = new TestCacheClient();
            var cacheEntry = cache.Get(request.GetCacheKey(), new CacheGetOptions(""));

Пример #2
        public void TestCacheConfigurationDocument()
            var cache = new TestCacheClient();


            var documentKey = new ConfigurationDocumentKey("Test", new Version(1, 0), null, "");
            var cacheKey    = ((IDefinesCacheKey)documentKey).GetCacheKey();

            var    service    = new TestConfigurationService();
            object request    = new GetConfigurationDocumentRequest(documentKey);
            object response   = new GetConfigurationDocumentResponse(documentKey, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, "Test");
            var    invocation = new TestInvocation
                Target     = service,
                Method     = typeof(IApplicationConfigurationReadService).GetMethod("GetConfigurationDocument", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public),
                TargetType = typeof(IApplicationConfigurationReadService),
                Request    = request,
                Response   = response

            var directive = new ResponseCachingDirective(true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), ResponseCachingSite.Server);
            var advice    = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(directive);


            var cacheEntry = cache.Get(cacheKey, new CacheGetOptions(""));

            Assert.AreEqual(response, cacheEntry);

            request  = new SetConfigurationDocumentRequest(documentKey, "Test");
            response = new SetConfigurationDocumentResponse();

            invocation = new TestInvocation
                Target     = service,
                Method     = typeof(IConfigurationService).GetMethod("SetConfigurationDocument", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public),
                TargetType = typeof(IConfigurationService),
                Request    = request,
                Response   = response

            advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(null);

            cacheEntry = cache.Get(cacheKey, new CacheGetOptions(""));
Пример #3
        public void TestCacheListSettingsGroups()
            var cache = new TestCacheClient();


            var    service    = new TestConfigurationService();
            object request    = new ListSettingsGroupsRequest();
            object response   = new ListSettingsGroupsResponse(new List <SettingsGroupDescriptor>());
            var    invocation = new TestInvocation
                Target     = service,
                Method     = typeof(IApplicationConfigurationReadService).GetMethod("ListSettingsGroups", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public),
                TargetType = typeof(IApplicationConfigurationReadService),
                Request    = request,
                Response   = response

            var directive = new ResponseCachingDirective(true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), ResponseCachingSite.Server);
            var advice    = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(directive);


            var cacheEntry = cache.Get("ListSettingsGroups", new CacheGetOptions(""));


            request = new ImportSettingsGroupRequest(
                new SettingsGroupDescriptor("Test", new Version(1, 0), "Test", "Test", true),
                new List <SettingsPropertyDescriptor>(new[] { new SettingsPropertyDescriptor("Test", "Test", "Test", SettingScope.User, "Test") }));
            response = new ImportSettingsGroupResponse();

            invocation = new TestInvocation
                Target     = service,
                Method     = typeof(IConfigurationService).GetMethod("ImportSettingsGroup", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public),
                TargetType = typeof(IConfigurationService),
                Request    = request,
                Response   = response

            advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(null);

            cacheEntry = cache.Get("ListSettingsGroups", new CacheGetOptions(""));
Пример #4
        public void Test_CacheableRequest_TypicalCacheDirective()
            var target     = new MyService();
            var request    = new CacheableRequest();
            var response   = new object();
            var directive  = new ResponseCachingDirective(true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), ResponseCachingSite.Server);
            var invocation = new TestInvocation
                Target   = target,
                Method   = target.GetType().GetMethod("MyServiceOperation"),
                Request  = request,
                Response = response

            var advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(directive);


            // check invocation proceeded and return value set
            Assert.AreEqual(invocation.ReturnValue, response);

            // check that response was cached
            var cache      = new TestCacheClient();
            var cacheEntry = cache.Get(request.GetCacheKey(), new CacheGetOptions(""));

            Assert.AreEqual(response, cacheEntry);

            // check that it was cached in the correct region
            var region = cache.GetRegion(request.GetCacheKey());

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(MyService).FullName + ".MyServiceOperation", region);

            // second invocation
            var invocation2 = new TestInvocation
                Target   = target,
                Method   = target.GetType().GetMethod("MyServiceOperation"),
                Request  = request,
                Response = response

            // check 2nd invocation did not proceed, but return value is still set correctly from cache
            Assert.AreEqual(invocation.ReturnValue, response);
Пример #5
        public void Test_NonCacheableRequest_TypicalCacheDirective()
            var target     = new MyService();
            var request    = new NonCacheableRequest();
            var response   = new object();
            var directive  = new ResponseCachingDirective(true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), ResponseCachingSite.Server);
            var invocation = new TestInvocation
                Target   = target,
                Method   = target.GetType().GetMethod("MyServiceOperation"),
                Request  = request,
                Response = response

            // a non-null cache directive on a non-cacheable request type should throw
            var advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(directive);

		/// <summary>
		/// Implemented by the subclass to cache the response, based on the specified caching directive.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void CacheResponse(IInvocation invocation, ICacheClient cacheClient, string cacheKey, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
			// if site is server (e.g. callee), put it in our cache
			if (directive.CacheSite == ResponseCachingSite.Server)
				PutResponseInCache(invocation, cacheClient, cacheKey, region, directive);

			// if site is client (e.g. caller), send directive to client
			if (directive.CacheSite == ResponseCachingSite.Client)
				// check if we have an op context (eg we are running as a WCF service)
				// if not, then this is not applicable
				if (OperationContext.Current == null)

				// send cache directive to client via headers
				WriteCachingDirectiveHeaders(directive, OperationContext.Current);
		public void Test_CacheableRequest_TtlZeroCacheDirective()
			var target = new MyService();
			var request = new CacheableRequest();
			var response = new object();
			var directive = new ResponseCachingDirective(true, TimeSpan.Zero, ResponseCachingSite.Server);
			var invocation = new TestInvocation
				Target = target,
				Method = target.GetType().GetMethod("MyServiceOperation"),
				Request = request,
				Response = response

			var advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(directive);

			Assert.AreEqual(invocation.ReturnValue, response);

			// check that response was not cached
			var cache = new TestCacheClient();
			var cacheEntry = cache.Get(request.GetCacheKey(), new CacheGetOptions(""));
		public void Test_CacheableRequest_TypicalCacheDirective()
			var target = new MyService();
			var request = new CacheableRequest();
			var response = new object();
			var directive = new ResponseCachingDirective(true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), ResponseCachingSite.Server);
			var invocation = new TestInvocation
				Target = target,
				Method = target.GetType().GetMethod("MyServiceOperation"),
				Request = request,
				Response = response

			var advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(directive);

			// check invocation proceeded and return value set
			Assert.AreEqual(invocation.ReturnValue, response);

			// check that response was cached
			var cache = new TestCacheClient();
			var cacheEntry = cache.Get(request.GetCacheKey(), new CacheGetOptions(""));
			Assert.AreEqual(response, cacheEntry);

			// check that it was cached in the correct region
			var region = cache.GetRegion(request.GetCacheKey());
			Assert.AreEqual(typeof(MyService).FullName + ".MyServiceOperation", region);

			// second invocation
			var invocation2 = new TestInvocation
				Target = target,
				Method = target.GetType().GetMethod("MyServiceOperation"),
				Request = request,
				Response = response

			// check 2nd invocation did not proceed, but return value is still set correctly from cache
			Assert.AreEqual(invocation.ReturnValue, response);
		public void TestCacheListSettingsGroups()
			var cache = new TestCacheClient();

			var service = new TestConfigurationService();
			object request = new ListSettingsGroupsRequest();
			object response = new ListSettingsGroupsResponse(new List<SettingsGroupDescriptor>());
			var invocation = new TestInvocation
				Target = service,
				Method = typeof(IApplicationConfigurationReadService).GetMethod("ListSettingsGroups", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public),
				TargetType = typeof(IApplicationConfigurationReadService),
				Request = request,
				Response = response

			var directive = new ResponseCachingDirective(true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), ResponseCachingSite.Server);
			var advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(directive);

			var cacheEntry = cache.Get("ListSettingsGroups", new CacheGetOptions(""));

			request = new ImportSettingsGroupRequest(
				new SettingsGroupDescriptor("Test", new Version(1,0), "Test", "Test", true), 
				new List<SettingsPropertyDescriptor>(new[]{new SettingsPropertyDescriptor("Test", "Test", "Test", SettingScope.User, "Test") }));
			response = new ImportSettingsGroupResponse();

			invocation = new TestInvocation
				Target = service,
				Method = typeof(IConfigurationService).GetMethod("ImportSettingsGroup", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public),
				TargetType = typeof(IConfigurationService),
				Request = request,
				Response = response

			advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(null);

			cacheEntry = cache.Get("ListSettingsGroups", new CacheGetOptions(""));
		public void Test_NonCacheableRequest_TypicalCacheDirective()
			var target = new MyService();
			var request = new NonCacheableRequest();
			var response = new object();
			var directive = new ResponseCachingDirective(true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), ResponseCachingSite.Server);
			var invocation = new TestInvocation
				Target = target,
				Method = target.GetType().GetMethod("MyServiceOperation"),
				Request = request,
				Response = response

			// a non-null cache directive on a non-cacheable request type should throw
			var advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(directive);
			protected override void CacheResponse(IInvocation invocation, object request, ICacheClient cacheClient, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
				PutResponseInCache(invocation, request, cacheClient, region, directive);
		public void TestCacheConfigurationDocument()
			var cache = new TestCacheClient();

			var documentKey = new ConfigurationDocumentKey("Test", new Version(1, 0), null, "");
			var cacheKey = ((IDefinesCacheKey) documentKey).GetCacheKey();

			var service = new TestConfigurationService();
			object request = new GetConfigurationDocumentRequest(documentKey);
			object response = new GetConfigurationDocumentResponse(documentKey, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, "Test");
			var invocation = new TestInvocation
				Target = service,
				Method = typeof(IApplicationConfigurationReadService).GetMethod("GetConfigurationDocument", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public),
				TargetType = typeof(IApplicationConfigurationReadService),
				Request = request,
				Response = response

			var directive = new ResponseCachingDirective(true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), ResponseCachingSite.Server);
			var advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(directive);

			var cacheEntry = cache.Get(cacheKey, new CacheGetOptions(""));
			Assert.AreEqual(response, cacheEntry);

			request = new SetConfigurationDocumentRequest(documentKey, "Test");
			response = new SetConfigurationDocumentResponse();

			invocation = new TestInvocation
				Target = service,
				Method = typeof(IConfigurationService).GetMethod("SetConfigurationDocument", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public),
				TargetType = typeof(IConfigurationService),
				Request = request,
				Response = response

			advice = new ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(null);

			cacheEntry = cache.Get(cacheKey, new CacheGetOptions(""));
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes the cache directive to the operation context.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="directive"></param>
		/// <param name="operationContext"></param>
		protected internal static void WriteCachingDirectiveHeaders(ResponseCachingDirective directive, OperationContext operationContext)
			// add caching directive to WCF message headers so that we send it to the client
			var header = MessageHeader.CreateHeader(HeaderName, HeaderNamespace, directive);
			public ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(ResponseCachingDirective directive)
				_directive = directive;
		/// <summary>
		/// Implemented by the subclass to cache the response, based on the specified caching directive.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="invocation"></param>
		/// <param name="cacheClient"></param>
		/// <param name="cacheKey"></param>
		/// <param name="region"></param>
		/// <param name="directive"></param>
		protected abstract void CacheResponse(IInvocation invocation, ICacheClient cacheClient, string cacheKey, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive);
		/// <summary>
		/// Puts the invocation response in the specified cache.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="invocation"></param>
		/// <param name="cacheClient"></param>
		/// <param name="cacheKey"></param>
		/// <param name="region"></param>
		/// <param name="directive"></param>
		protected static void PutResponseInCache(IInvocation invocation, ICacheClient cacheClient, string cacheKey, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
			// bail if the directive does not tell us to cache anything
			if (directive == null || !directive.EnableCaching || directive.TimeToLive == TimeSpan.Zero)

			// if we don't have a cache key, this is an error
			if (cacheKey == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(
					string.Format("{0} is cacheable but the request class does not implement IDefinesCacheKey.", invocation.GetType().FullName));

			// put response in cache
			cacheClient.Put(cacheKey, invocation.ReturnValue, new CachePutOptions(region, directive.TimeToLive, false));
		/// <summary>
		/// Implemented by the subclass to cache the response, based on the specified caching directive.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void CacheResponse(IInvocation invocation, ICacheClient cacheClient, string cacheKey, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
			// put the response in the local cache
			PutResponseInCache(invocation, cacheClient, cacheKey, region, directive);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Implemented by the subclass to cache the response, based on the specified caching directive.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CacheResponse(IInvocation invocation, ICacheClient cacheClient, string cacheKey, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
            // if site is server (e.g. callee), put it in our cache
            if (directive.CacheSite == ResponseCachingSite.Server)
                PutResponseInCache(invocation, cacheClient, cacheKey, region, directive);

            // if site is client (e.g. caller), send directive to client
            if (directive.CacheSite == ResponseCachingSite.Client)
                // check if we have an op context (eg we are running as a WCF service)
                // if not, then this is not applicable
                if (OperationContext.Current == null)

                // send cache directive to client via headers
                WriteCachingDirectiveHeaders(directive, OperationContext.Current);
    	/// <summary>
    	/// Puts the invocation response in the specified cache.
    	/// </summary>
    	/// <param name="invocation"></param>
    	/// <param name="cacheClient"></param>
    	/// <param name="request"> </param>
    	/// <param name="region"></param>
    	/// <param name="directive"></param>
    	protected static void PutResponseInCache(IInvocation invocation, object request, ICacheClient cacheClient, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
			// bail if the directive does not tell us to cache anything
			if (directive == null || !directive.EnableCaching || directive.TimeToLive == TimeSpan.Zero)

			var strategy = ResponseDataCachingStrategy.Get(invocation.Method);
			var data = strategy.GetCacheDataToPut(request, invocation.ReturnValue);
			if (data == null || data.Length == 0)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(
					string.Format("{0} is cacheable but the caching strategy didn't return any data to put in the cache.", invocation.GetType().FullName));

    		foreach (var item in data)
				cacheClient.Put(item.CacheKey, item.Data, new CachePutOptions(region, directive.TimeToLive, false));
Пример #20
 public ConcreteResponseCachingAdvice(ResponseCachingDirective directive)
     _directive = directive;
Пример #21
 protected override void CacheResponse(IInvocation invocation, object request, ICacheClient cacheClient, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
     PutResponseInCache(invocation, request, cacheClient, region, directive);