public X509Certificate2[] GetCertificates() { var certList = new List <X509Certificate2>(); var s = ResourcesHook.GetManifestResourceStream(_PathProvider.Path); if (s == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Certificate chain not found in resources - Path:{_PathProvider.Path}."); } var bytes = new byte[s.Length]; s.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); var result = new X509Certificate2Collection(); result.Import(bytes); foreach (var c in result) { if (c.IssuerName.Name != c.SubjectName.Name) //TODO understand this? //Error if cert not required? { certList.Add(c); } } return(certList.ToArray()); }
public X509Certificate2 GetCertificate() { var a = typeof(EmbeddedResourceCertificateProvider).Assembly; //This matches the assembly base namespace and the folder name of the resource files. using var s = ResourcesHook.GetManifestResourceStream(_config.Path); if (s == null) { _logger.WriteResourceFail(); throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find resource."); } _logger.WriteResourceFound(); var bytes = new byte[s.Length]; s.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); return(new X509Certificate2(bytes, _config.Password, X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable)); }
public void ResignManifest() { var lf = new LoggerFactory(); //Add some db rows to Content Func <ContentDbContext> dbp = () => { var y = new DbContextOptionsBuilder(); y.UseSqlServer("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=ReSignerTest1;Integrated Security=True"); return(new ContentDbContext(y.Options)); }; var dbc = dbp(); var db = dbc.Database; db.EnsureDeleted(); db.EnsureCreated(); var d = DateTime.Now; var latestReleaseDate = d.AddDays(1); using var testContentStream = ResourcesHook.GetManifestResourceStream(""); using var m = new MemoryStream(); testContentStream.CopyTo(m); var zipContent = m.ToArray(); var m1 = new ContentEntity { Content = zipContent, PublishingId = "1", ContentTypeName = "Meh", Type = ContentTypes.Manifest, Created = d, Release = d }; dbc.Content.AddRange(new [] { m1, new ContentEntity { Content = new byte[0], PublishingId = "2", ContentTypeName = "Meh", Type = ContentTypes.AppConfig, Created = d, Release = d }, new ContentEntity { Content = new byte[0], PublishingId = "3", ContentTypeName = "Meh", Type = ContentTypes.AppConfigV2, Created = d, Release = d }, new ContentEntity { Content = new byte[0], PublishingId = "4", ContentTypeName = "Meh", Type = ContentTypes.ExposureKeySet, Created = d, Release = d }, new ContentEntity { Content = new byte[0], PublishingId = "5", ContentTypeName = "Meh", Type = ContentTypes.ExposureKeySetV2, Created = d, Release = d }, }); dbc.SaveChanges(); //resign some var signer = new CmsSignerEnhanced( new EmbeddedResourceCertificateProvider(new HardCodedCertificateLocationConfig("TestRSA.p12", "Covid-19!"), lf.CreateLogger <EmbeddedResourceCertificateProvider>()), //Not a secret. //TODO add a better test chain. new EmbeddedResourcesCertificateChainProvider(new HardCodedCertificateLocationConfig("StaatDerNLChain-Expires2020-08-28.p7b", "")), //Not a secret. new StandardUtcDateTimeProvider() ); var resigner = new NlContentResignCommand(dbp, signer, lf.CreateLogger <NlContentResignCommand>()); resigner.Execute(ContentTypes.Manifest, ContentTypes.ManifestV2, ZippedContentEntryNames.Content).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); //check the numbers Assert.Equal(6, dbc.Content.Count()); var m2 = dbc.Content.Single(x => x.PublishingId == "1" && x.Type == ContentTypes.ManifestV2); Assert.Equal(m1.Created, m2.Created); Assert.Equal(m1.Release, m2.Release); var ms1 = new MemoryStream(zipContent); using var zip1 = new ZipArchive(ms1); var ms2 = new MemoryStream(m2.Content); using var zip2 = new ZipArchive(ms2); Assert.True(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(zip1.ReadEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.Content), zip2.ReadEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.Content))); Assert.NotEqual(zip1.GetEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.NLSignature), zip2.GetEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.NLSignature)); }
public void Re_sign_content_that_does_not_already_have_an_equivalent_resigned_entry() { var lf = new LoggerFactory(); //Add some db rows to Content Func <ContentDbContext> dbp = () => { var y = new DbContextOptionsBuilder(); y.UseSqlServer("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=ReSignerTest1;Integrated Security=True"); return(new ContentDbContext(y.Options)); }; var dbc = dbp(); var db = dbc.Database; db.EnsureDeleted(); db.EnsureCreated(); var d = DateTime.Now; var laterDate = d.AddDays(1); var publishingId = "1"; using var testContentStream = ResourcesHook.GetManifestResourceStream(""); using var m = new MemoryStream(); testContentStream.CopyTo(m); var zipContent = m.ToArray(); //Adding identical content items var sourceAppConfigContent1 = new ContentEntity { Content = zipContent, PublishingId = publishingId, ContentTypeName = ".", Type = ContentTypes.AppConfig, Created = d, Release = laterDate }; var sourceAppConfigContent2 = new ContentEntity { Content = zipContent, PublishingId = publishingId, ContentTypeName = ".", Type = ContentTypes.AppConfig, Created = d, Release = laterDate }; var sourceAppConfigContent3 = new ContentEntity { Content = zipContent, PublishingId = publishingId, ContentTypeName = ".", Type = ContentTypes.AppConfig, Created = d, Release = laterDate }; dbc.Content.AddRange( sourceAppConfigContent1, sourceAppConfigContent2, sourceAppConfigContent3 ); dbc.SaveChanges(); Assert.Equal(3, dbc.Content.Count()); //resign some var signer = new CmsSignerEnhanced( new EmbeddedResourceCertificateProvider(new HardCodedCertificateLocationConfig("TestRSA.p12", "Covid-19!"), lf.CreateLogger <EmbeddedResourceCertificateProvider>()), //Not a secret. //TODO add a better test chain. new EmbeddedResourcesCertificateChainProvider(new HardCodedCertificateLocationConfig("StaatDerNLChain-Expires2020-08-28.p7b", "")), //Not a secret. new StandardUtcDateTimeProvider() ); var resigner = new NlContentResignCommand(dbp, signer, lf.CreateLogger <NlContentResignCommand>()); resigner.Execute(ContentTypes.AppConfig, ContentTypes.AppConfigV2, ZippedContentEntryNames.Content).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); //check the numbers Assert.Equal(4, dbc.Content.Count()); var resignedAppConfigContent = dbc.Content.Where(x => x.PublishingId == publishingId && x.Type == ContentTypes.AppConfigV2); var originalContentStream = new MemoryStream(zipContent); using var originalZipArchive = new ZipArchive(originalContentStream); foreach (var i in resignedAppConfigContent) { Assert.Equal(sourceAppConfigContent1.Created, i.Created); Assert.Equal(sourceAppConfigContent1.Release, i.Release); var s = new MemoryStream(i.Content); using var z = new ZipArchive(s); Assert.True(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(originalZipArchive.ReadEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.Content), z.ReadEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.Content))); Assert.NotEqual(originalZipArchive.GetEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.NLSignature), z.GetEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.NLSignature)); } //Repeating should have no effect resigner.Execute(ContentTypes.AppConfig, ContentTypes.AppConfigV2, ZippedContentEntryNames.Content).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Assert.Equal(4, dbc.Content.Count()); }