public static void GetResourceSet_NonStringsIgnoreCase(string key, object expectedValue, bool requiresBinaryFormatter) { _ = requiresBinaryFormatter; var manager = new ResourceManager("System.Resources.Tests.Resources.TestResx.netstandard17", typeof(ResourceManagerTests).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); var culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); ResourceSet set = manager.GetResourceSet(culture, true, true); Assert.Equal(expectedValue, set.GetObject(key.ToLower(), true)); Assert.Equal(expectedValue, set.GetObject(key.ToLower(), true)); }
public void GetObject() { var rs = new ResourceSet(new SimpleResourceReader()); Assert.Null(rs.GetObject("DoesNotExist")); Assert.Null(rs.GetObject("1")); Assert.Equal(5, rs.GetObject("Int32")); Assert.Equal(5, rs.GetObject("int32", true)); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; foreach (string arg in args) { string basename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(arg); string basedir = Path.GetDirectoryName(arg); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("[*] ------ Processing " + basename + " ------"); ResourceManager rm = ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager(basename, basedir, null); ResourceSet rs = rm.GetResourceSet(culture, true, true); if (rs != null) { IDictionaryEnumerator dict = rs.GetEnumerator(); while (dict.MoveNext()) { string key = (string)dict.Key; if (dict.Value is byte[]) { Console.WriteLine("[i] Extracting resource '{0}' as bytes", key); storeContent(basedir, basename, key, "bin", (byte [])rs.GetObject(key)); } else if (dict.Value is System.Drawing.Bitmap) { Console.WriteLine("[i] Extracting resource '{0}' as image data", key); System.Drawing.Bitmap img = (Bitmap)rs.GetObject(key); ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter(); storeContent(basedir, basename, key, "img", (byte [])converter.ConvertTo(img, typeof(byte []))); } else { Console.WriteLine("[!] Unhandled resource type for '{0}': {1}", key, dict.Value); } } } } }
public static void File_GetResourceSet_NonStrings(string key, object expectedValue, bool requiresBinaryFormatter = false) { var manager = ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager("TestResx.netstandard17", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), null); var culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); ResourceSet set = manager.GetResourceSet(culture, true, true); if (requiresBinaryFormatter && !PlatformDetection.IsFullFramework) { Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => set.GetObject(key)); } else { Assert.Equal(expectedValue, set.GetObject(key)); } }
public object GetResource(string name, bool ignoreCase, bool isString, bool asSafe, bool cloneValue) { ResXResourceSet resx = resxResourceSet; ResourceSet compiled = compiledResourceSet; if (resx == null || compiled == null) { Throw.ObjectDisposedException(); } object result = resx.GetResourceInternal(name, ignoreCase, isString, asSafe, cloneValue); if (result != null) { return(result); } // if the null result is because it is explicitly stored, hiding the compiled value if (resx.ContainsResource(name, ignoreCase)) { return(null); } return(isString ? compiled.GetString(name, ignoreCase) : compiled.GetObject(name, ignoreCase)); }
public void Resources_HasEquivalents() { IEnumerable <CultureInfo> languages = new[] { new CultureInfo("en-GB"), new CultureInfo("lt-LT") }; IEnumerable <Type> types = Assembly .Load("MvcTemplate.Resources") .GetTypes() .Where(type => type.Namespace.StartsWith("MvcTemplate.Resources.")); foreach (Type type in types) { IEnumerable <String> keys = new String[0]; ResourceManager manager = new ResourceManager(type); foreach (ResourceSet set in languages.Select(language => manager.GetResourceSet(language, true, true))) { keys = keys.Union(set.Cast <DictionaryEntry>().Select(resource => resource.Key.ToString())); keys = keys.Distinct(); } foreach (CultureInfo language in languages) { ResourceSet set = manager.GetResourceSet(language, true, true); foreach (String key in keys) { Assert.True((set.GetObject(key) ?? "").ToString() != "", $"{type.FullName}, does not have translation for '{key}' in {language.EnglishName} language."); } } } }
static Stream GetResourceStreamCore(Assembly assembly, string path, bool pathIsFull) { if (pathIsFull) { ResourceSet resources = GetResources(assembly); if (resources == null) { return(null); } return(resources.GetObject(path, false) as Stream); } else { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = GetResourcesEnumerator(assembly); if (enumerator == null) { return(null); } while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { string resourceName = (string)enumerator.Key; if (resourceName == path || resourceName.EndsWith("/" + path, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return(enumerator.Value as Stream); } } return(null); } }
protected void Load3dCube() { // This is coming from our resources //StreamResourceInfo stri =Application.GetResourceStream (new Uri ( // @"Autodesk.ADN.Toolkit.Wpf.Viewer;3dCube\", // UriKind.Relative //)) ; //LoadModel (stri.Stream) ; Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(); string resourceName = assembly.GetName().Name + ".g"; ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager(resourceName, assembly); using (ResourceSet set = rm.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, true, true)) { UnmanagedMemoryStream s = (UnmanagedMemoryStream)set.GetObject(@"3dCube/", true); StreamResourceInfo stri = new StreamResourceInfo(s, ""); using (ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(stri.Stream)) { ZipArchiveEntry mesh = zip.GetEntry("mesh.obj"); ZipArchiveEntry mtl = zip.GetEntry("mesh.mtl"); ZipArchiveEntry texture = zip.GetEntry("tex_0.jpg"); using (new CursorSwitcher(null)) { var objLoaderFactory = new ObjLoaderFactory(); var objLoader = objLoaderFactory.Create(new ObjMaterialStreamProvider(mtl)); var result = objLoader.Load(mesh.Open()); _3dCubeMesh = ObjTriangleMeshAdapater.BuildVisualModel(result, texture); _3dCubeMeshMatGroup = (_3dCubeMesh.Content as GeometryModel3D).Material; // Reset the model & transform(s) this.cubeModel.Children.Clear(); this.cubeModel.Children.Add(_3dCubeMesh); } } } }
public LocalizationExtenderProvider(ISite serviceProvider, IComponent baseComponent) { this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider; this.baseComponent = baseComponent; if (serviceProvider != null) { IExtenderProviderService service = (IExtenderProviderService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IExtenderProviderService)); if (service != null) { service.AddExtenderProvider(this); } } this.language = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; ResourceManager manager = new ResourceManager(baseComponent.GetType()); if (manager != null) { ResourceSet set = manager.GetResourceSet(this.language, true, false); if (set != null) { object obj2 = set.GetObject("$this.Localizable"); if (obj2 is bool) { this.defaultLocalizable = (bool)obj2; this.localizable = this.defaultLocalizable; } } } }
public void DrawExpressions(PXCMFaceData.Face face) { Debug.Assert(face != null); if (m_bitmap == null || !Expressions.Checked) { return; } PXCMFaceData.ExpressionsData expressionsOutput = face.QueryExpressions(); if (expressionsOutput == null) { return; } lock (m_bitmapLock) { using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(m_bitmap)) using (var brush = new SolidBrush(m_faceTextOrganizer.Colour)) { const int imageSizeWidth = 18; const int imageSizeHeight = 18; int positionX = m_faceTextOrganizer.ExpressionsLocation.X; int positionXText = positionX + imageSizeWidth; int positionY = m_faceTextOrganizer.ExpressionsLocation.Y; int positionYText = positionY + imageSizeHeight / 4; foreach (var expressionEntry in m_expressionDictionary) { PXCMFaceData.ExpressionsData.FaceExpression expression = expressionEntry.Key; PXCMFaceData.ExpressionsData.FaceExpressionResult result; bool status = expressionsOutput.QueryExpression(expression, out result); if (!status) { continue; } Bitmap cachedExpressionBitmap; bool hasCachedExpressionBitmap = m_cachedExpressions.TryGetValue(expression, out cachedExpressionBitmap); if (!hasCachedExpressionBitmap) { cachedExpressionBitmap = (Bitmap)m_resources.GetObject(expressionEntry.Value); m_cachedExpressions.Add(expression, cachedExpressionBitmap); } using (var font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, m_faceTextOrganizer.FontSize, FontStyle.Bold)) { Debug.Assert(cachedExpressionBitmap != null, "cachedExpressionBitmap != null"); graphics.DrawImage(cachedExpressionBitmap, new Rectangle(positionX, positionY, imageSizeWidth, imageSizeHeight)); var expressionText = String.Format("= {0}", result.intensity); graphics.DrawString(expressionText, font, brush, positionXText, positionYText); positionY += imageSizeHeight; positionYText += imageSizeHeight; } } } } }
public void Resources_HasEquivalents() { IEnumerable <CultureInfo> languages = XDocument .Load("../../../../src/MvcTemplate.Web/Languages.config") .Descendants("language") .Select(language => new CultureInfo(language.Attribute("culture").Value)); IEnumerable <Type> types = Assembly .Load("MvcTemplate.Resources") .GetTypes() .Where(type => type.Namespace.StartsWith("MvcTemplate.Resources.")); foreach (Type type in types) { IEnumerable <String> keys = new String[0]; ResourceManager manager = new ResourceManager(type); foreach (ResourceSet set in languages.Select(language => manager.GetResourceSet(language, true, true))) { keys = keys.Union(set.Cast <DictionaryEntry>().Select(resource => resource.Key.ToString())); } foreach (CultureInfo language in languages) { ResourceSet set = manager.GetResourceSet(language, true, true); foreach (String key in keys) { Assert.True((set.GetObject(key) ?? "").ToString() != "", $"{type.FullName}, does not have translation for '{key}' in {language.EnglishName} language."); } } } }
public static void GetResourceSet_Images(string key, object expectedValue) { var manager = new ResourceManager("System.Resources.Tests.Resources.TestResx.netstandard17", typeof(ResourceManagerTests).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); var culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); ResourceSet set = manager.GetResourceSet(culture, true, true); Assert.Equal(GetImageData(expectedValue), GetImageData(set.GetObject(key))); }
public static void GetResourceSet_Strings(string key, string expectedValue) { var manager = new ResourceManager("System.Resources.Tests.Resources.TestResx", typeof(ResourceManagerTests).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); var culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); ResourceSet set = manager.GetResourceSet(culture, true, true); Assert.Equal(expectedValue, set.GetString(key)); Assert.Equal(expectedValue, set.GetObject(key)); Assert.Equal(expectedValue, set.GetString(key)); }
public static void Main(String[] args) { String assemblyFilename = "testserialization.dll"; String assemblyName = "testserialization"; AssemblyName aName = new AssemblyName(); aName.Name = assemblyName; String fqNamespace = "Newmoon.CompiledModules."+assemblyName; AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(aName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save, "."); assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(fqNamespace + "." + assemblyName, assemblyFilename, false); IResourceWriter rw = assemblyBuilder.DefineResource("literals", "Literal Scheme Data", "testserialization.resource"); StringReader sr = new StringReader("(hello #(world 1 2) 3 4 \"five\" #t)"); object o = Newmoon.Reader.Read(sr); o = new Pair(o, o); rw.AddResource("literal data", o); assemblyBuilder.Save(assemblyFilename); System.Console.WriteLine(o); FileStream fs = new FileStream("testserialization.output", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); bf.Serialize(fs, o); fs.Close(); fs = new FileStream("testserialization.output", FileMode.Open); bf = new BinaryFormatter(); object p = bf.Deserialize(fs); System.Console.WriteLine(p); System.Console.WriteLine(p is Pair); System.Console.WriteLine(p == o); System.Console.WriteLine(((Pair) p).Car == ((Pair) p).Cdr); Assembly na = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyFilename); Stream rrs = na.GetManifestResourceStream("literals"); ResourceSet rr = new ResourceSet(rrs); System.Console.WriteLine("p2 "+rr.GetObject("literal data")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Имя ресурсного файла (файлов) string [] resNames = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames(); resource = resNames[0]; // Загружаем string baseName = resource.Substring(0, resource.LastIndexOf('.')); ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(baseName, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); // Hashtable ресурсов ResourceSet resourceSet = resourceManager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, true, true); // Доступ к ресурсам // Строка Console.WriteLine(resourceSet.GetString("Str1")); // Тип System.Int32 Console.WriteLine(resourceSet.GetObject("Int1").GetType()); Console.WriteLine((Int32)resourceSet.GetObject("Int1")); Console.ReadLine(); }
// 将资源中的驱动文件写入到指定目录 private static void WriteDrverFile(string resname, string dir) { Assembly ass = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager(resourceMgrName, ass); ResourceSet set = rm.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, true, true); byte[] buf = (byte[])set.GetObject(resname); Stream w = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(dir, resname)); w.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length); w.Flush(); w.Close(); }
object GetResource(CallExpression callExpression) { IResourceReader reader = componentCreator.GetResourceReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (reader != null) { using (ResourceSet resources = new ResourceSet(reader)) { List <object> args = deserializer.GetArguments(callExpression); return(resources.GetObject(args[0] as String)); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Loads a dictionary of string to string with the given name from the given resource manager. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The <see cref="ResourceSet"/> to load from.</param> /// <param name="name">The resource name.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="IDictionary{TKey,TValue}"/> or null if there is no such resource.</returns> private static IDictionary <string, string> LoadDictionary(ResourceSet source, string name) { Preconditions.CheckNotNull(source, "source"); var bytes = source.GetObject(name) as byte[]; if (bytes != null) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes)) { var reader = new LegacyDateTimeZoneReader(stream, null); return(reader.ReadDictionary()); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the localized value for the specified key /// </summary> /// <param name="key">The key.</param> /// <returns></returns> public object GetValue(string key) { try { if (_resourceSet != null) { return(_resourceSet.GetObject(key)); } return(null); } catch { return(null); } }
/// <summary>Loads the installer setting from the resource.</summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The type.</typeparam> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="ignoreCase">Indicates whether the case of the specified name should be ignored.</param> /// <returns> /// <see cref="object" /> /// </returns> internal static T LoadInstallerSetting <T>(string name, bool ignoreCase = false) { ResourceManager _settingsResourceManager = new ResourceManager("CometSettings", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); ResourceSet _settingsResourceSet = _settingsResourceManager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, true, true); object _settingValue = _settingsResourceSet.GetObject(name, ignoreCase); T _settingType = (T)Convert.ChangeType(_settingValue, typeof(T)); StringBuilder _loadedSetting = new StringBuilder(); _loadedSetting.AppendLine("Name: " + name); _loadedSetting.AppendLine("Value: " + _settingValue); _loadedSetting.AppendLine("Type: " + typeof(T)); Console.WriteLine(_loadedSetting.ToString()); return((T)_settingValue); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public DateTimeZone CreateZone(string id, string canonicalId) { object obj = source.GetObject(NormalizeAsResourceName(canonicalId)); // We should never be asked for time zones which don't exist. Preconditions.CheckArgument(obj != null, "canonicalId", "ID is not one of the recognized time zone identifiers within this resource"); if (!(obj is byte[])) { throw new InvalidNodaDataException("Resource key for time zone for ID " + canonicalId + " is not a byte array"); } byte[] bytes = (byte[])obj; using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes)) { var reader = new LegacyDateTimeZoneReader(stream, null); return(reader.ReadTimeZone(id)); } }
private byte[] GetEmbeddedImage(string name) { ResourceSet images = Properties.Resources.ResourceManager .GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, true, true); if (images != null) { var obj = images.GetObject(name); if (obj is byte[] data) { Assert.NotNull(data); Assert.True(data.Length > 0); return(data); } } return(null); }
static void SetIcon(string path) { try { var assembly = typeof(ProjectApplication).Assembly; var n = assembly.GetName().Name + ".g"; var rm = new ResourceManager(n, assembly); using (ResourceSet rs = rm.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, true, true)) { var stream = (UnmanagedMemoryStream)rs.GetObject(path, true); trayIcon.Icon = new WDraw.Icon(stream); } } catch { } }
public static StreamResourceInfo GetResourceStream(Uri uriResource) { if (uriResource == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("uriResource"); } if (uriResource.OriginalString == null) { throw new ArgumentException("uriResource.OriginalString is null."); } if (uriResource.IsAbsoluteUri) { if (uriResource.Scheme == "pack") { throw new NotSupportedException("pack: resources not yet supported."); } else { throw new ArgumentException("uriResource is not relative and doesn't use the pack: scheme."); } } PackUri pack = new PackUri(uriResource); string assemblyName = pack.Assembly; Assembly assembly = (assemblyName != null) ? Assembly.Load(assemblyName) : Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); string resourceName = assembly.GetName().Name + ".g"; ResourceManager manager = new ResourceManager(resourceName, assembly); using (ResourceSet resourceSet = manager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, true, true)) { Stream s = (Stream)resourceSet.GetObject(pack.GetAbsolutePath(), true); if (s == null) { throw new IOException( "The requested resource could not be found: " + uriResource.OriginalString); } return(new StreamResourceInfo(s, null)); } }
/// <summary> /// Retourne une resource en fonction de sa clé /// </summary> /// <param name="key">clé de la resource</param> /// <param name="resourceProviderKey">la clé du fournisseur, inutile pour ce fournisseur</param> /// <param name="defaultValue">valeur par défaut si la resource n'est pas trouvée</param> /// <returns>la valeur de la resource dans la culture courante</returns> public object GetValue(string key, string resourceProviderKey = null, object defaultValue = null) { try { // Effectue la recherche en ignorant la casse de la clé return(_resourceSet.GetObject(key, true)); } catch { if (defaultValue != null) { return(defaultValue); } else { throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Resource key '{key}' not found"); } } }
public override ImageSource GetIcon() { // 获取当前程序集 Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType()); // 获取程序集中资源名称 string resourceName = assembly.GetName().Name + ".g"; // 资源管理器 ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager(resourceName, assembly); BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(); using (ResourceSet set = rm.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, true, true)) { UnmanagedMemoryStream s; s = (UnmanagedMemoryStream)set.GetObject("Image/keyboard_white.png", true); // img在XAML声明的空间 return(BitmapFrame.Create(s, BitmapCreateOptions.None, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad)); } }
private List <Image> differentImages() { ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(typeof(Properties.Resources)); ResourceSet resourceSet = resourceManager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, true, true); List <string> imageResourceKeys = new List <string>(); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in resourceSet) { string resourceKey = entry.Key.ToString(); if (!resourceKey.Equals("closed") && !resourceKey.Equals("empty")) { imageResourceKeys.Add(resourceKey); } } List <int> randomies = new List <int>(); Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < differentImageCount; i++) { int num; while (randomies.Contains(num = r.Next(0, imageResourceKeys.Count))) { ; } randomies.Add(num); } List <Image> images = new List <Image>(); foreach (int c in randomies) { Image toAdd = resourceSet.GetObject(imageResourceKeys[c]) as Image; if (toAdd != null) { toAdd.Tag = imageResourceKeys[c]; } images.Add(toAdd); } return(images); }
public MainWindow() { resources = new ResourceSet(typeof(Resources).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("MarsRover.Properties.Resources.resources")); controller = new RoverController(worldSize); InitializeComponent(); timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 16); timer.Tick += Update; timer.Start(); CreateImageFields(controller.GetWorld()); Rover.Instance.image.Source = BitmapUtil.BitmapToImageSource(resources.GetObject("Curiousity2") as Bitmap); Rover.Instance.image.Width = 50; Rover.Instance.image.Height = 50; WorldMap.Children.Add(Rover.Instance.image); Canvas.SetTop(Rover.Instance.image, Rover.Instance.x * gridSize); Canvas.SetLeft(Rover.Instance.image, Rover.Instance.y * gridSize); Rover.Instance.image = Rover.Instance.image; KeyDown += Keyboard; }
public override Stream OpenRead() { return(_source.GetObject(_name, true) as Stream); }
public static T Get <T>(string name) { return((T)resourceSet.GetObject(name)); }