Пример #1
        //  Internal Methods
        // None

        //  Internal Events
        // None

        //  Protected Constructors
        // None

        //  Protected Methods

        #region Protected Methods

        // <summary>
        // This method creates a part containing the name of the resource and
        // the resource manager that should contain it.  If the resource manager
        // does not contain the requested part then when GetStream() is called on
        // the part it will return null.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="uri"></param>
        // <returns></returns>

        protected override PackagePart GetPartCore(Uri uri)
            string partName;
            bool   isContentFile;

            // AppDomain.AssemblyLoad event handler for standalone apps. This is added specifically for designer (Sparkle) scenario.
            // We use the assembly name to fetch the cached resource manager. With this mechanism we will still get resource from the
            // old version dll when a newer one is loaded. So whenever the AssemblyLoad event is fired, we will need to update the cache
            // with the newly loaded assembly. This is currently only for designer so not needed for browser hosted apps.
            // Attach the event handler before the first time we get the ResourceManagerWrapper.
            if (!assemblyLoadhandlerAttached)
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += new AssemblyLoadEventHandler(OnAssemblyLoadEventHandler);
                assemblyLoadhandlerAttached           = true;

            ResourceManagerWrapper rmWrapper = GetResourceManagerWrapper(uri, out partName, out isContentFile);

            // If the part name was specified as Content at compile time then we will try to load
            // the file directly.  Otherwise we assume the user is looking for a resource.
            if (isContentFile)
                return(new ContentFilePart(this, uri));
                // Uri mapps to a resource stream.

                // Make sure the resource id is exactly same as the one we used to create Resource
                // at compile time.
                partName = ResourceIDHelper.GetResourceIDFromRelativePath(partName);

                return(new ResourcePart(this, uri, partName, rmWrapper));
        protected override PackagePart GetPartCore(Uri uri)
            if (!ResourceContainer.assemblyLoadhandlerAttached && !BrowserInteropHelper.IsBrowserHosted)
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad         += this.OnAssemblyLoadEventHandler;
                ResourceContainer.assemblyLoadhandlerAttached = true;
            string resourceIDFromRelativePath;
            bool   flag;
            ResourceManagerWrapper resourceManagerWrapper = this.GetResourceManagerWrapper(uri, out resourceIDFromRelativePath, out flag);

            if (flag)
                return(new ContentFilePart(this, uri));
            resourceIDFromRelativePath = ResourceIDHelper.GetResourceIDFromRelativePath(resourceIDFromRelativePath);
            return(new ResourcePart(this, uri, resourceIDFromRelativePath, resourceManagerWrapper));
Пример #3
        // This is 200-300 ms slower than Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream() but works with localization.
        private UnmanagedMemoryStream GetResourceStream()
            // Try to get the stream with the string the developer supplied, in the app.g.cs case
            // this will always work.
            UnmanagedMemoryStream stream = _resourceManager.GetStream(_resourceName, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);

            if (stream != null)

            // IF that fails then the resource name had special characters in it which would not
            // be encoded literally into the resource stream.  Unfortunately we need to rely on the
            // slow URI class to get the correct name.  We try to avoid doing this in the common case
            // since URI has quite a bit of code associated with it.
            string resourceName = ResourceIDHelper.GetResourceIDFromRelativePath(_resourceName);

            return(_resourceManager.GetStream(resourceName, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture));
Пример #4
        internal static string GetResourceIdForResourceFile(
            string filePath,
            string linkAlias,
            string logicalName,
            string outputPath,
            string sourceDir,
            bool requestExtensionChange)
            string relPath = String.Empty;

            // Please note the subtle distinction between <Link /> and <LogicalName />.
            // <Link /> is treated as a fully resolvable path and is put through the same
            // transformations as the original file path. <LogicalName /> on the other hand
            // is treated as an alias for the given resource and is used as is. Whether <Link />
            // was meant to be treated thus is debatable. Nevertheless in .Net 4.5 it would
            // amount to a breaking change to have to change the behavior of <Link /> and
            // hence the choice to support <LogicalName /> with the desired semantics. All
            // said in most of the regular scenarios using <Link /> or <Logical /> will result in
            // the same resourceId being picked.

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(logicalName))
                // Use the LogicalName when there is one
                logicalName = ReplaceXAMLWithBAML(filePath, logicalName, requestExtensionChange);
                relPath     = logicalName;
                // Always use the Link tag if it's specified.
                // This is the way the resource appears in the project.
                linkAlias = ReplaceXAMLWithBAML(filePath, linkAlias, requestExtensionChange);
                filePath  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkAlias) ? linkAlias : filePath;
                string fullFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(filePath);

                // If the resFile, or it's perceived path, is relative to the StagingDir
                // (OutputPath here) take the relative path as resource id.
                // If the resFile is not relative to StagingDir, but relative
                // to the project directory, take this relative path as resource id.
                // Otherwise, just take the file name as resource id.

                relPath = TaskHelper.GetRootRelativePath(outputPath, fullFilePath);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relPath))
                    relPath = TaskHelper.GetRootRelativePath(sourceDir, fullFilePath);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relPath))
                    relPath = Path.GetFileName(fullFilePath);

            // Modify resource ID to correspond to canonicalized Uri format
            // i.e. - all lower case, use "/" as separator
            // ' ' is converted to escaped version %20

            string resourceId = ResourceIDHelper.GetResourceIDFromRelativePath(relPath);
