public static void ApplyToAllScrollRects()
        GameObject[] targets = Selection.gameObjects;

        // Iterate over all selected game objects
        foreach (GameObject target in targets)
            ScrollRect[] rects = target.GetComponentsInChildren <ScrollRect>(true);

            // Iterate over all scroll rects, setting up a script reset on each
            foreach (ScrollRect rect in rects)
                ResetScrollOnEnable script = rect.GetComponent <ResetScrollOnEnable>();

                // If the script does not exist then add it
                if (!script)
                    script = Undo.AddComponent <ResetScrollOnEnable>(rect.gameObject);

                // Record changes to the script
                Undo.RecordObject(script, $"Reset Scroll View On Enable");

        // Mark the scenes as dirty so changes can be saved
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        // Use a button to set the scroll rect from this game object
        if (GUILayout.Button("Set scroll rect"))
            // Set the scroll rect on each target
            foreach (Object obj in targets)
                // Get a scroll rect on this component
                ResetScrollOnEnable script = obj as ResetScrollOnEnable;
                ScrollRect          scroll = script.GetComponent <ScrollRect>();

                // If the scroll rect exists then set it on this script
                if (scroll)
