Пример #1
        public ActionResult PrepareExistingClientOverflowVoucher(RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm)
            int    nowServing = NowServing();
            Client client     = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, null);

            Clients.StoreRequestedServicesAndSupportingDocuments(client.Id, rsvm);
            PrepareClientNotes(client, rsvm);

            DateTime today      = Extras.DateTimeToday();
            DateTime expiryDate = Clients.CalculateExpiry(today);

            Clients.UpdateOverflowExpiry(nowServing, expiryDate);
            ViewBag.ClientName  = Clients.ClientBeingServed(client);
            ViewBag.BirthName   = client.BirthName;
            ViewBag.DOB         = client.DOB.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.Age         = client.Age;
            ViewBag.Agency      = Agencies.GetAgencyName(Convert.ToInt32(rsvm.AgencyId)); // rsvm.AgencyId will be the Id of an Agency as a string
            ViewBag.IssueDate   = today.ToString("ddd MMM d, yyyy");
            ViewBag.Expiry      = expiryDate.ToString("ddd MMM d, yyyy");
            ViewBag.VoucherDate = today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); // for _OverflowSignatureBlock.cshtml
            List <VisitViewModel> visits = Visits.GetVisits(nowServing);

            rsvm.XBC = client.XBC == true ? "XBC" : string.Empty;
            rsvm.XID = client.XID == true ? "XID" : string.Empty;

            //  VoucherBackButtonHelper("Set", rsvm);
            var objTuple = new Tuple <List <VisitViewModel>, RequestedServicesViewModel>(visits, rsvm);

            return(View("PrintExistingClientOverflowVoucher", objTuple));
Пример #2
        public ActionResult PrepareInterviewerExistingClient()
            int nowServing = NowServing();
            RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel();
            Client client = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, rsvm);

            PrepareClientNotes(client, rsvm);

            DateTime today = Extras.DateTimeToday();

            ViewBag.TicketDate    = today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.ServiceTicket = client.ServiceTicket;
            ViewBag.ClientName    = Clients.ClientBeingServed(client);
            ViewBag.BirthName     = client.BirthName;
            ViewBag.DOB           = client.DOB.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.Age           = client.Age;
            ViewBag.Agency        = GetClientAgencyName(client);
            List <VisitViewModel> visits = Visits.GetVisits(nowServing);

            rsvm.XBC = client.XBC == true ? "XBC" : string.Empty;
            rsvm.XID = client.XID == true ? "XID" : string.Empty;

            // ServiceTicketBackButtonHelper("Set", rsvm);
            var objTuple = new Tuple <List <VisitViewModel>, RequestedServicesViewModel>(visits, rsvm);

            return(View("PrintExistingClient", objTuple));
Пример #3
        public ActionResult OverflowVoucher()
            int nowServing = NowServing();

            if (nowServing == 0)
                ViewBag.Warning = "Please first select a client from the Clients Table.";

            RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel();
            Client client = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, rsvm);

            rsvm.Agencies = Agencies.GetAgenciesSelectList(client.AgencyId);
            rsvm.MBVDS    = MBVDS.GetMBVDSelectList();

            if (client == null)
                ViewBag.Warning = "Could not find selected client.";

            if (CheckManager.HasHistory(client.Id))
                // client.EXP = false;

            // client.EXP = true;
Пример #4
        private bool RequestingBothTIDandTDL(RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm)
            bool tid = rsvm.NewTID || rsvm.ReplacementTID;
            bool tdl = rsvm.NewTDL || rsvm.ReplacementTDL;

            return(tid && tdl);
Пример #5
        public ActionResult StoreExistingClientServiceRequest(RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm)
            // Called when
            //    ~/Views/CaseManager/ExistingClientServiceRequest.cshtml
            // posts to server. rsvm will contain both requested services
            // and supporting documents.
            int    nowServing          = NowServing();
            Client client              = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, null); // pass null so the supporting documents won't be erased
            string serviceRequestError = ServiceRequestError(rsvm);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceRequestError))
                ViewBag.ClientName = Clients.ClientBeingServed(client);
                ViewBag.DOB        = client.DOB.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                ViewBag.Age        = client.Age;
                ModelState.AddModelError("ServiceRequestError", serviceRequestError);
                rsvm.Agencies = Agencies.GetAgenciesSelectList(client.AgencyId);
                rsvm.MBVDS    = MBVDS.GetMBVDSelectList();
                return(View("ExistingClientServiceRequest", rsvm));

            Clients.StoreRequestedServicesAndSupportingDocuments(client.Id, rsvm);
            PrepareClientNotes(client, rsvm);
            return(RedirectToAction("ManageDashboard", "Interviewer"));
Пример #6
        public ActionResult ExistingClient()
            int nowServing = NowServing();
            RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel();
            Client client = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, rsvm);

            rsvm.Agencies = Agencies.GetAgenciesSelectList(client.AgencyId);
            rsvm.MBVDS    = MBVDS.GetMBVDSelectList();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(client.AgencyName))
                rsvm.OtherAgency     = true;
                rsvm.OtherAgencyName = client.AgencyName;

            //   rsvm.Agency = Agencies.GetAgencyName(client.AgencyId);

            ViewBag.ClientName = Clients.ClientBeingServed(client);
            ViewBag.DOB        = client.DOB.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.Age        = client.Age;
            ViewBag.Agency     = GetClientAgencyName(client); // needed only for Interviewer role

            // ServiceTicketBackButtonHelper("Get", rsvm);

            return(View("ExistingClient", rsvm));
Пример #7
 public RequestedServicesPage(Data.Model.Schedule item)
     BindingContext = model = new RequestedServicesViewModel()
         scheduleModel = item
Пример #8
        public ActionResult ClearClientHistory()
            RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel {
                Agencies = Agencies.GetAgenciesSelectList(0)


            return(View("ExistingClient", rsvm));
Пример #9
         * public ActionResult PrehistoricChecks()
         * {
         *  RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel();
         *  int nowServing = NowServing();
         *  Client client = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, rsvm);
         *  rsvm.Agencies = Agencies.GetAgenciesSelectList(client.AgencyId);
         *  rsvm.MBVDS = MBVDS.GetMBVDSelectList();
         *  ViewBag.ClientName = Clients.ClientBeingServed(client);
         *  ViewBag.DOB = client.DOB.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
         *  ViewBag.Age = client.Age;
         *  // Treat a client with ancient history like a client with existing history
         *  // that is not yet visible, i.e. must be added to any actual existing history.
         *  return View("ExistingClient", rsvm);
         * }

        public ActionResult GetClientHistory()
            RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel {
                Agencies = Agencies.GetAgenciesSelectList(0)

            string nowServing = SessionHelper.Get("NowServing");


            return(View("ExistingClient", rsvm));
Пример #10
        public ActionResult PrepareExpressClient(RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm)
            int nowServing = NowServing();

            Clients.StoreRequestedServicesAndSupportingDocuments(nowServing, rsvm);

            // This is the POST method of
            //   ~/Views/FrontDesk/ExpressClient.cshtml
            // If the NowServing client comes from the front desk, then the client will
            // have no supporting documents and the supporting documents section of the service
            // ticket will simply be a worksheet for the interviewer to fill in. If the NowServing
            // client comes from the Dashboard, then the client will have supporting documents.
            // So in either case, passing rsvm instead of null as the second argument of
            // GetClient is correct.
            Client client = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, rsvm);

            PrepareClientNotes(client, rsvm);

            DateTime today = Extras.DateTimeToday();

            ViewBag.TicketDate    = today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.ServiceTicket = client.ServiceTicket;
            ViewBag.ClientName    = Clients.ClientBeingServed(client);
            ViewBag.BirthName     = client.BirthName;
            ViewBag.DOB           = client.DOB.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.Age           = client.Age;

            if (rsvm.OtherAgency && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(client.AgencyName))
                ViewBag.Agency = client.AgencyName;
                ViewBag.Agency = Agencies.GetAgencyName(Convert.ToInt32(rsvm.AgencyId));  // rsvm.Agency will be the Id of an Agency as a string

            // ServiceTicketBackButtonHelper("Set", rsvm);

            // May have added a pocket check. In that case, this express client becomes
            // an existing client.
            if (CheckManager.HasHistory(nowServing))
                List <VisitViewModel> visits = Visits.GetVisits(nowServing);

                var objTuple = new Tuple <List <VisitViewModel>, RequestedServicesViewModel>(visits, rsvm);
                return(View("PrintExistingClient", objTuple));


            return(View("PrintExpressClient", rsvm));
Пример #11
 protected void PrepareClientNotes(Client client, RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm)
     if (!rsvm.TrackingOnly)
         PrepareBCNotes(client, rsvm);
         PrepareMBVDNotes(client, rsvm);
         PrepareTIDNotes(client, rsvm);
         PrepareTDLNotes(client, rsvm);
         rsvm.Notes = client.Notes;
Пример #12
        protected static void PrepareTDLNotes(Client client, RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm)
            StringBuilder notes = new StringBuilder();

            if (client.XID)
                notes.Append(" XID ");

            if (rsvm.PreApprovedNewTDL || rsvm.PreApprovedReplacementTDL)
                notes.Append(" pre-approved ");

            rsvm.TDLNotes = notes.ToString();
Пример #13
        public ActionResult PrepareServiceTicket()
            int nowServing = NowServing();

            if (nowServing == 0)
                ViewBag.Warning = "Please first select a client from the Clients Table.";

            RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel();
            Client client = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, rsvm);

            if (client.HH != 0)
                ViewBag.Warning = "Cannot prepare a Service Ticket for a dependent of another client.";

            PrepareClientNotes(client, rsvm);

            DateTime today = Extras.DateTimeToday();

            ViewBag.VoucherDate = today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.Expiry      = client.Expiry.ToString("ddd MMM d, yyyy");

            ViewBag.ClientName = Clients.ClientBeingServed(client, false);
            ViewBag.BirthName  = client.BirthName;

            // ViewBag.CurrentAddress = Clients.ClientAddress(client);
            ViewBag.Phone = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(client.Phone) ? client.Phone : "N/A");
            ViewBag.Email = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(client.Email) ? client.Email : "N/A");

            ViewBag.DOB = client.DOB.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            // ViewBag.BirthPlace = Clients.GetBirthplace(client);
            ViewBag.Age    = client.Age;
            ViewBag.Agency = Agencies.GetAgencyName(client.AgencyId);  // rsvm.Agency will be the Id of an Agency as a string

            List <ClientViewModel> dependents = Clients.GetDependents(nowServing);

            var objTuple = new Tuple <List <ClientViewModel>, RequestedServicesViewModel>(dependents, rsvm);

            //  VoucherBackButtonHelper("Set", rsvm);
            // return View("PrintVoucher", objTuple);
            return(View("PrintServiceTicket", objTuple));
Пример #14
        public ActionResult ExistingClientOverflowVoucher()
            RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel();
            int    nowServing = NowServing();
            Client client     = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, rsvm);

            rsvm.Agencies = Agencies.GetAgenciesSelectList(client.AgencyId);
            rsvm.MBVDS    = MBVDS.GetMBVDSelectList();

            ViewBag.ClientName = Clients.ClientBeingServed(client);
            ViewBag.DOB        = client.DOB.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.Age        = client.Age;

            //  VoucherBackButtonHelper("Get", rsvm);

Пример #15
        protected static void PrepareMBVDNotes(Client client, RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm)
            StringBuilder notes = new StringBuilder();

            if (client.XBC)
                notes.Append(" XBC ");

            //  notes.Append(string.Format(" {0}", rsvm.State));

            notes.Append(string.Format(" {0}", MBVDS.GetMBVDName(Convert.ToInt32(rsvm.State))));

            if (rsvm.PreApprovedMBVD)
                notes.Append(", pre-approved ");

            rsvm.MBVDNotes = notes.ToString();
Пример #16
        public ActionResult ExpressClientServiceTicket()
            int nowServing = NowServing();
            RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel();
            Client client = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, rsvm);

            PrepareClientNotes(client, rsvm);

            DateTime today = Extras.DateTimeToday();

            ViewBag.TicketDate    = today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.ServiceTicket = client.ServiceTicket;
            ViewBag.ClientName    = Clients.ClientBeingServed(client);
            ViewBag.BirthName     = client.BirthName;
            ViewBag.DOB           = client.DOB.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.Age           = client.Age;
            ViewBag.Agency        = GetClientAgencyName(client);

            // ServiceTicketBackButtonHelper("Set", rsvm);
            return(View("PrintExpressClient", rsvm));
Пример #17
        protected string ServiceRequestError(RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm)
            string error = string.Empty;

            if (RequestingBothTIDandTDL(rsvm))
                error = "By Texas State Law no resident may possess both an ID and a DL.";
            else if (RequestingBothBCandMBVD(rsvm))
                error = "Cannot request both in-state and out-of-state birth certificates.";

             * else if (rsvm.MBVD)
             * {
             *  error = "Sorry, Operation ID cannot currently process a request for an out-of-state birth certificate.";
             * }
Пример #18
        protected static void PrepareBCNotes(Client client, RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm)
            StringBuilder notes = new StringBuilder();

            if (client.XBC)
                notes.Append(" XBC ");

            if (rsvm.PreApprovedBC)
                notes.Append(" pre-approved ");

            if (rsvm.HCC)
                notes.Append(" (Harris County Clerk) ");

            rsvm.BCNotes = notes.ToString();
Пример #19
        public ActionResult ExistingClientServiceRequest()
            int nowServing = NowServing();
            RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel();
            Client client = Clients.GetClient(nowServing, rsvm);

            rsvm.Agencies = Agencies.GetAgenciesSelectList(client.AgencyId);
            rsvm.MBVDS    = MBVDS.GetMBVDSelectList();

            ViewBag.Agency = GetClientAgencyName(client);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(client.AgencyName))
                rsvm.OtherAgency     = true;
                rsvm.OtherAgencyName = client.AgencyName;

            ViewBag.ClientName = Clients.ClientBeingServed(client);
            ViewBag.DOB        = client.DOB.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            ViewBag.Age        = client.Age;

            return(View("ExistingClientServiceRequest", rsvm));
Пример #20
        public ActionResult PreApprovalForm()
            RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm = new RequestedServicesViewModel();

            return(View("PreApprovalForm", rsvm));
Пример #21
 private bool RequestingBothBCandMBVD(RequestedServicesViewModel rsvm)
     return(rsvm.BC & rsvm.MBVD);