public async Task <IEnumerable <Model.Request> > SelectRelatedRequests(long id) { var mapper = new RequestMapper(); var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@ID", id); return((await SqlMapper.QueryAsync(_unitOfWork.Connection, "SelectRelatedRequest", new[] { typeof(Model.Request), typeof(RequestLineItem), typeof(Premise) }, obj => { return mapper.Map(obj[0] as Model.Request, obj[1] as RequestLineItem, obj[2] as Premise); }, param, splitOn: "ID,LineItemID,PremiseID", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: _unitOfWork.Transaction)).Distinct()); }
public async Task <Model.Request> GetRequestByIDBasic(long id) { var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@ID", id); var mapper = new RequestMapper(); return((await SqlMapper.QueryAsync <Model.Request>(_unitOfWork.Connection, "GetRequestByIDBasic", new[] { typeof(Model.Request), typeof(RequestLineItem), typeof(Characteristic) }, obj => { return mapper.Map(obj[0] as Model.Request, lineItem: obj[1] as RequestLineItem, lineItemChar: obj[2] as Characteristic); }, param, splitOn: "ID,LineItemID,LineItemCharID", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: _unitOfWork.Transaction)).FirstOrDefault()); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <Model.Request> > GetRecentRequest(Guid ID, long?rowFrom = 0, long?rowCount = 10) { var mapper = new RequestMapper(); var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@ID", ID); param.Add("@RowFrom", rowFrom); param.Add("@RowCount", rowCount); return((await SqlMapper.QueryAsync(_unitOfWork.Connection, "GetCustomerRecentRequest", new[] { typeof(Model.Request), typeof(RequestLineItem) }, obj => { return mapper.Map(obj[0] as Model.Request, obj[1] as RequestLineItem); }, param, splitOn: "ID,LineItemID", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: _unitOfWork.Transaction)).Distinct()); }
public async Task <Model.Request> GetRequestByID(long id) { var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@ID", id); var mapper = new RequestMapper(); return((await SqlMapper.QueryAsync(_unitOfWork.Connection, "GetRequestByID", new[] { typeof(Model.Request), typeof(Code), typeof(Code), typeof(HalalTeam), typeof(Premise), typeof(Characteristic), typeof(RFA), typeof(Log), typeof(Attachment), typeof(RequestLineItem), typeof(Review), typeof(ReviewLineItem), typeof(Characteristic) }, obj => { return mapper.Map(obj[0] as Model.Request, obj[1] as Code, obj[2] as Code, obj[3] as HalalTeam, obj[4] as Premise, obj[5] as Characteristic, obj[6] as RFA, obj[7] as Log, obj[8] as Attachment, obj[9] as RequestLineItem, obj[10] as Review, obj[11] as ReviewLineItem, obj[12] as Characteristic); }, param, splitOn: "ID,CCID,GCID,HalalTeamID,PremiseID,CharID,RFAID,LogID,AttID,LineItemID,ReviewID," + "ReviewLineItemID,LiCharID", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: _unitOfWork.Transaction)).FirstOrDefault()); }
static void Execute(ISystem system, string path) { IEnumerable <IEnumerable <string> > allInputs = ReadInputs(path); foreach (var inputs in allInputs) { foreach (string input in inputs) { system.Form.Insert(input); } var request = RequestMapper.Map(system.Form); var result = ServeRequest(request); system.Display.Print(result); Console.WriteLine("=============================================================="); } }
/// <summary> /// Get all request records /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable <Request> GetAllRequests() { using (var command = new SqlCommand("sp_GetAllRequests", _connection)) { command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; var requestList = new List <Request>(); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var request = RequestMapper.Map(reader); requestList.Add(request); } } return(requestList); } }
public async Task <Model.Request> GetRequestByRefID(string refID) { var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@RefID", refID); var mapper = new RequestMapper(); return((await SqlMapper.QueryAsync(_unitOfWork.Connection, "GetRequestByRefID", new[] { typeof(Model.Request), typeof(HalalTeam), typeof(Premise), typeof(Characteristic), typeof(RFA), typeof(Log), typeof(Attachment), typeof(RequestLineItem), typeof(Review), typeof(ReviewLineItem), typeof(Characteristic) }, obj => { Model.Request re = obj[0] as Model.Request; HalalTeam ha = obj[1] as HalalTeam; Premise pr = obj[2] as Premise; Characteristic ch = obj[3] as Characteristic; RFA r = obj[4] as RFA; Log l = obj[5] as Log; Attachment att = obj[6] as Attachment; RequestLineItem rli = obj[7] as RequestLineItem; Review rev = obj[8] as Review; ReviewLineItem revli = obj[9] as ReviewLineItem; Characteristic licha = obj[10] as Characteristic; return mapper.Map(re, null, null, ha, pr, ch, r, l, att, rli, rev, revli, licha); }, param, splitOn: "ID,HalalTeamID,PremiseID,CharID,RFAID,LogID,AttID,LineItemID,ReviewID," + "ReviewLineItemID,LiCharID", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: _unitOfWork.Transaction)).FirstOrDefault()); }
public Request GetRequestById(int id) { using (var command = new SqlCommand("sp_GetRequestById", _connection)) { command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RequestId", id); var request = new Request(); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { request = RequestMapper.Map(reader); } } return(request); } }
public IEnumerable <Request> GetAllRequestsByStatus(int status) { using (var command = new SqlCommand("sp_GetAllRequestsByState", _connection)) { command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@State", status); var requestList = new List <Request>(); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var request = RequestMapper.Map(reader); requestList.Add(request); } } return(requestList); } }
public async Task <Model.Request> ValidateRequest (Scheme?Scheme, SubScheme?SubScheme, Premise premise) { var dp = DataConverter.ToPremiseData(premise); var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@Scheme", (int)Scheme); if (SubScheme != null) { param.Add("@SubScheme", (int)SubScheme); } else { param.Add("@SubScheme", SubScheme); } param.Add("@Premise", dp.AsTableValuedParameter("dbo.PremiseType")); var mapper = new RequestMapper(); return((await SqlMapper.QueryAsync <Model.Request>(_unitOfWork.Connection, "ValidateRequest", new[] { typeof(Model.Request), typeof(Model.RequestLineItem), typeof(Model.Premise) }, obj => { return mapper.Map(obj[0] as Model.Request, obj[1] as RequestLineItem, obj[2] as Premise); }, param, splitOn: "ID,LineItemID,PremiseID", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: _unitOfWork.Transaction)).FirstOrDefault()); }
/// <summary> /// Deploys a new android in the field. /// </summary> /// <param name="teamId">The unique identifier of the registered team that is sending this request.</param> /// <param name="androidId">The unique identifier of the deployed android this reuest is meant for.</param> /// <param name="request">The actual request.</param> /// <returns>The android the request is for.</returns> public async Task <AndroidDto> SendRequest(Guid teamId, Guid androidId, AndroidRequestDto request) { Team teamToCheck = await _dbContext.Teams.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == teamId); if (teamToCheck == null) { throw new HtfValidationException("The specified team is unknown!"); } if (!Crypt.EnhancedVerify(request.Password, teamToCheck.Password)) { throw new HtfValidationException("The specified password is not correct!"); } Android androidToRequest = await _dbContext.Androids.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == androidId); if (androidToRequest == null) { throw new HtfValidationException("The specified android is unknown!"); } if (androidToRequest.Compromised) { throw new HtfValidationException("The specified android is compromised!"); } if (androidToRequest.AutoPilot == AutoPilot.Level1) { throw new HtfValidationException("The specified level-1 android does not support manual requests!"); } SensoryDataRequest requestToCreate = _requestMapper.Map(request); requestToCreate.AndroidId = androidId; requestToCreate.TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow; await _dbContext.SensoryDataRequests.AddAsync(requestToCreate); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(_androidMapper.Map(androidToRequest)); }
private async Task WhenMapped() { _mappedRequest = await _requestMapper.Map(_inputRequest, _downstreamReRoute); }
private async Task WhenMapped() { _mappedRequest = await _requestMapper.Map(_inputRequest); }
public async Task <Model.Request> GetParentRequest (Scheme?Scheme, SubScheme?SubScheme, Premise premise, RequestStatus[] statuses, RequestType[] requestTypes) { var statusTable = new DataTable(); statusTable.Columns.Add("Val", typeof(int)); if (statuses?.Any() ?? false) { foreach (var status in statuses) { statusTable.Rows.Add(status); } } var typeTable = new DataTable(); typeTable.Columns.Add("Val", typeof(int)); if (requestTypes?.Any() ?? false) { foreach (var rtype in requestTypes) { typeTable.Rows.Add(rtype); } } var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@Scheme", (int)Scheme); if (SubScheme != null) { param.Add("@SubScheme", (int)SubScheme); } else { param.Add("@SubScheme", SubScheme); } param.Add("@BlockNo", premise.BlockNo); param.Add("@UnitNo", premise.UnitNo); param.Add("@FloorNo", premise.FloorNo); param.Add("@BuildingName", premise.BuildingName); param.Add("@Address1", premise.Address1); param.Add("@Postal", premise.Postal); param.Add("@Status", statusTable.AsTableValuedParameter("dbo.SmallIntType")); param.Add("@ReqTypes", typeTable.AsTableValuedParameter("dbo.SmallIntType")); var mapper = new RequestMapper(); return((await SqlMapper.QueryAsync <Model.Request>(_unitOfWork.Connection, "GetParentRequest", new[] { typeof(Model.Request), typeof(Model.RequestLineItem), typeof(Model.Premise) }, obj => { return mapper.Map(obj[0] as Model.Request, obj[1] as RequestLineItem, obj[2] as Premise); }, param, splitOn: "ID,LineItemID,PremiseID", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: _unitOfWork.Transaction)).FirstOrDefault()); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <Model.Request> > Select( RequestOptions options) { var statusTable = new DataTable(); statusTable.Columns.Add("Val", typeof(int)); if (options.Status?.Any() ?? false) { foreach (var status in options.Status) { statusTable.Rows.Add(status); } } var typeTable = new DataTable(); typeTable.Columns.Add("Val", typeof(int)); if (options.Type?.Any() ?? false) { foreach (var type in options.Type) { typeTable.Rows.Add(type); } } var assignedToTable = new DataTable(); assignedToTable.Columns.Add("Val", typeof(Guid)); if (options.AssignedTo?.Any() ?? false) { foreach (var assignedTo in options.AssignedTo) { assignedToTable.Rows.Add(assignedTo); } } var statusMinorTable = new DataTable(); statusMinorTable.Columns.Add("Val", typeof(int)); if (options.StatusMinor?.Any() ?? false) { foreach (var status in options.StatusMinor) { statusMinorTable.Rows.Add(status); } } var mapper = new RequestMapper(); var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@ID", options.ID); param.Add("@CustomerID", options.CustomerID); param.Add("@CustomerCode", StringUtils.NullIfEmptyOrNull(options.CustomerCode)); param.Add("@CustomerName", StringUtils.NullIfEmptyOrNull(options.Customer)); param.Add("@RFAStatus", options.RFAStatus); param.Add("@EscalateStatus", options.EscalateStatus); param.Add("@From", options.From); param.Add("@To", options.To); param.Add("@Premise", StringUtils.NullIfEmptyOrNull(options.Premise)); param.Add("@PremiseID", options.PremiseID); param.Add("@Type", typeTable.AsTableValuedParameter("dbo.SmallIntType")); param.Add("@Status", statusTable.AsTableValuedParameter("dbo.SmallIntType")); param.Add("@AssignedTo", assignedToTable.AsTableValuedParameter("dbo.UniqueIdentifierType")); param.Add("@StatusMinor", statusMinorTable.AsTableValuedParameter("dbo.SmallIntType")); return((await SqlMapper.QueryAsync(_unitOfWork.Connection, "SelectRequest", new[] { typeof(Model.Request), typeof(Code), typeof(RequestLineItem), typeof(Premise), typeof(RFA) }, obj => { return mapper.Map(obj[0] as Model.Request, obj[1] as Code, obj[2] as RequestLineItem, obj[3] as Premise, obj[4] as RFA); }, param, splitOn: "ID,CCID,LineItemID,PremiseID,RFAID", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: _unitOfWork.Transaction)).Distinct()); }
private void WhenMapped() { _mappedRequest = _requestMapper.Map(_inputRequest); }
private void WhenMapped() { _mappedRequest = _requestMapper.Map(_inputRequest).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }